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32 Cards in this Set

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He was an explorer commissioned by Spaniards to search for a new route to the fabled spice island.

Ferdinand Magellan

Humabon converted to catholicism and was baptized as?


It is a christian cross planted by Portuguese and Spanish explorers as ordered by Magellan.

Magellan's cross

Magellan arrive in Cebu Philippines on?

April 14, 1521

He is the first Filipino Hero, a chieftain from Mactam Cebu.


He is known as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted the Spanish colonization


Give the names of Lapulapu

Cilapulapu, Si Lapulapu, Salip Pulaka, Cali Pulaco, and Lapulapu Dimantag

Who's the grandfather and grandmother of Lapulapu?

Sri Mohammed and Malindang

Mother and father of Lapulapu?

Datu Manggal and Matang Matana

Month of Daghangkahoy


What's the reason for Lapulapu-Magellan's soured relationship?

Kissing the hand of Humabon, as instructed by Magellan

At what time did the battle of Mactan happen?

April 27, 1521

In the battle of Mactan, Magellan was immobilized by the poisonous arrow and was later struck by bamboo on his chest by whom?

Sampong Baha, a boholano

How many members of Spanish forces were able to return to spain?


Magellan led a force of __ spanish soldiers and __ native warriors from Cebu.

49 Spanish soldiers

6000 Native warriors

How many survivors were given refuge by Humabon and were later on sold as slaves to the Chinese merchant?


He was not a handsome, gym-fit warrior, and was 70 years old at the time he defeated Magellan.


Give the characteristics of a hero.

Human flaws

Learns and grows

Take risks

Overcome obstacle

Makes sacrifices

what are the 3G's?




King's representative and highest-ranking official


Special judicial court that investigates the performance of a givernor-general who was about to be replaced.


He is a council of Indies in Spain who was sent to observe conditions in the colony.

Visita (Vistador General)

It served as an advisory body of the Governor-general and had the power to check and report on his abuses.

Royal Audencia

Local government unit that facilitate the country's administration

Provincial Government

This government was divided into several towns or pueblos

Municipal Government

It is the distribution of lands in Cebu to loyal Spanish subjects who helped conquer the Philippines. It is not a land grant, but rather a favor from the king.

Encomienda System

They have the rights to collect tributes or taxes from the inhabitants.


When was tributo started?

July 26, 1523

It is decreed that Indians who had been pacified should contribute a "moderate amount" called?


It is imposed as a sign of the Filipinos' loyalty to the king of spain.


This trade was a government monopoly.

Galleon trade

Galleon trade is also known as?

Manila-Acapulco trade