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17 Cards in this Set

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Measure to combat hyperventilation include...

Breathing into cupped hands or a paper bag.

The risk of narcotic analgesics is that they...

Cross the placenta and can cause fetal respiratory depression. Narcan may need to be used on the infant.

Panting relaxes the abdominal wall and distracts the patient therefore it would not be helpful to offer the pt....

Fluids or attempt conversation during contractions. Walking also intensifies contractions.

After an epidural block is administered, how often is the pts BP checked?

Every 5 minutes

Pudendal block

This does not block pain from contractions and is given just before birth. It is a localized injection given for an episiotomy.

When considering gate control theory, stimulating large diameter nerve fibers temporarily interferes with conduction of pain impulses. What is a good technique for achieving this?


When a mother had anxiety it can reduce...

Blood flow to the uterus

When caring for a woman with right occipital posterior position of baby, the mother may experience...

Back pain

What is a “late sign” to assess for when a pt receives an epidural?

Respires depression

An infant born with forceps should be assessed for

Facial assemetry

When should a pt be placed in trendelenburg?

When there is evidence of compression of a prolapsed cord. The position displaces the fetus upward to stop the compression.

A woman who has PROM should be monitored for infection by...

Checking for a temp. that is 37.8 degrees Celsius or greater.

What is a drug often used as therapy to stop labor and what can it cause a pt to feel?

Magnesium sulfate, it may cause the pt. to feel flushed.

Sudden pain between the scapulae during a strenuous labor is an indicator of...

Uterine rupture


These improve lung maturity of a fetus that is preterm.

A woman with hypotonic labor dysfunction is expected and often encouraged to...

Frequently change positions

A sign that a pt needs an aniotomy is...

An increase in the FHR above 160 beats per minute frequently precedes a woman’s temp. elevation.