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16 Cards in this Set

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what is the equation for cellular respiration

glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy

why is cellular respiration important?

cellular respiration is important as it provides energy for every single cell in your body to what it is programmed to do. without this process, we would not function at all.

what 3 body systems are involved?

respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems

the respiratory system provides oxygen while the digestive system provides glucose. glucose and oxygen are converted to energy (ATP), carbon dioxide and water. then the circulatory system flows the waste and carbon dioxide out of the body where this waste can be released.

function of digestive system

to break down food into small molecules and absorb the nutrients for the body to help us repair, grow and gain energy

function of respiratory system

to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide

function of circulatory system

transports blood, oxygen, nutrients and hromones to cells throughout your body

function of excretory system

expels waste from the body

nutrients needed by the digestive system

1. lipids

2. vitamins

3. water

4. proteins

5. fats

6. and carbohydrates

wastes excreted by the excretory system and organs involved

1. kidneys: excretes urea

2. liver: excretes bile

3. skin: excretes sweat

4. lungs: excretes carbon dioxide

main vessels of the circulatory system

1. artery: to pump blood away from the heart (oxygen rich blood)

2. capillary: brings nutrients and oxygen to tissues and removes waste products

3. veins: to transfer blood back into the heart (oxygen poor blood)

importance of homeostasis

homeostasis is important as as it allows our bodies to maintain stability and function properly. they keep many things in the body stable such as body temperature, pH levels, poisons, carbon dioxide, glucose, water and ions. if these things are not kept stable, many diseases can form such as hypercarbia (too much co2 in the body)

different between positive and negative feedbacks

the main difference between the two feedbacks is that they react to change differently. positive feedback amplifies change whereas negative feedback reduces change.

function of gallbladder

stores and concentrates the bile that is produced by the liver before sending it to the small intestine

function of liver

filters blood, produces bile for the digestion of fats and metabolises other molecules such as alcohol

function of pancreas

produces insulin and other enzymes to break down and digest foods

what hormones does the pancreas produce

insulin and glucagon