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26 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Natural and quasi experiments

IV is naturally occurring

Natural : IV is an event/experience

Quasi: IV is a participant characteristic

Types of extraneous variables

Situational : time of day, weather, lighting etc

Participant: age gender intelligence

Demand characteristics

Pps alter their behaviour due to figuring out what the research is about

Investigator effects

Unintentional influence of researchers behaviour

How can demand characteristics or investigator effects be controlled?

Double blind trial

Random sampling

Hat picking

- representative

- difficult to achieve

Opportunity dampling

Approaching and inviting those who are available

- more convenient

- unlikely to be representative

Volunteer sampling

Advertising the study and providing contact details

- more convenient

- unlikely to be representative

Systematic sampling

Devising a sampling frame and nominating every “nth” person

- likely to be representative

- possible to be unrepresentative

Stratified sampling

Identifying a strata and calculating proportions then randomly selecting this number

- representative

- difficult

Naturalistic observation

Takes place in a natural environment

Controlled observation

Takes place in an artificial environment

Overt observation

Pps know they’re being watched

Covert observation

Pps are unaware they are being watched

Non participant observation

Researcher remains separate

Participant observation

Researcher becomes part of the group

Event sampling

Decide on a relevant behaviour

Record every time this behaviour is shown

Count the frequency

Time sampling

Observer decides on a time interval

Records which behaviour occurs at each interval


Written questions


Can be open or closed

Can be given in person posted or emailed

Questionnaires avdvantages

Less time consuming

More honest answers

Questionnaires disadvantageous

Response bias

Less detailed

Interviews advantages

More detailed compared to questionnaires

Allows opportunity to clarify qs

Interview disadvantages

Investigator effect

Time consuming

Case studies

Info gathered mainly qualitative but some can be quantitative

Most tend to be longitudinal

Some are retrospective

Case studies advantages

Can research sensitive areas

Useful starting point for further research

Case studies disadvantages

Highly subjective
