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20 Cards in this Set

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Dissolve the impure compound in a minimum volume of hot solvent


hot - an appropriate solvent will dissolve both the compound and impurities when hot, and which the compound itself does not dissolve well when cold

min vol - obtain a saturated solution, enables crystallisation on cooling

Hot filter solution through fluted filter paper quickly


Removes any insoluble impurities

Heat - prevents crystals reforming during filtration

Cool the filtered solution by inserting beaker in ice


Crystals will reform but soluble impurities will remain in solution form because they are present in small quantities so solution is not saturated

Ice - increases the yield of crystals by allowing cooling to a lower temp

Suction filtrate with a Buchner flask


Separate out the crystals

Buchner flask speeds up filtration

Wash the crystals with distilled water


To remove soluble impurities

Dry the crystals between absorbent paper


Dry the crystals

What are the reasons for loss of yield in purifying organic solid?

Crystals lost when filtering or washing

Some product stays in solution after recrystallisation

• Other side reactions occur

What can cause the percentage yield to be greater than 100% in purifying organic solid?

If the crystals are not dried properly, their mass will be larger than expected

Why are ethanoic anhydrides used in the preparation of aspirin instead of acyl chlorides?

• cheaper

• less corrosive

• less vulnerable to hydrolysis

• less dangerous to use

What is the process of purifying an organic solid called?


How do you get the recrystallisation solution hot?

Water bath

How do we test for the degree of purity of an organic solid?

Determine the melting point (or range)

If the sample is very pure, what will you observe when you go to determine the melting point of the organic solid?

The melting point will be a sharp one, at the same value as quoted in data books

If impurities are present, what will you observe when you go to determine the melting point of an organic solid?

The melting point will be lowered

The sample will melt over a range of several °C

What could cause an error when measuring the melting point of an organic solid to determine the degree of purity?

If the temperature on the thermometer is not the same as the temperature in the actual sample tube

Describe the general method to purify an organic liquid?

• put the distillate of impure product into a separating funnel

• Add NaCl - helps the layers separate

Discard the aqueous lower layer

Run the organic layer into a clean dry round bottom flask

Add CaCl2 drying agent - to dry the organic liquid - when dry the organic liquid should appear clear

• Carefully decant the liquid into the distillation flask

Distil to collect pure product

The drying agent used in purifying an organic liquid should be:

Insoluble in the organic liquid

Not react with the organic liquid

Describe how to determine the purity of an organic liquid?

Measuring a boiling point - distillation set up

If the liquid is pure it will have the boiling point referred to in data books

If impure the boiling point tends to be higher than the pure liquid

When determining the boiling point of a organic liquid, why is it important to note the pressure?

Changing pressure can change the boiling point of a liquid

One might measuring the boiling point of an organic liquid be the most accurate method of identifying a substance?

Several substances may have the same boiling point