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213 Cards in this Set

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Anucleate Cell

Bacteria lacking a nucleoid but have similar shape to wild type


Cellular suicide through signaling pathways


Biochemical control mechanism preventing cell from progressing to next stage of replication unless specific requirements are met


Proteins that bind and help activate CDKs. Concentration varies throughout cell cycle, periodic availability regulates cycle progression

Cyclin-Dependent Kinase

Kinase family that are inactive unless bound to cyclin. Most participate in cell cycle regulation

Doubling Time

Period of time that it takes for bacterial cell to reproduce

C + D ~ 60 min

E. coli can be 18-180 min


Anucleate bacterial cell produced by division that generates a cytoplasm without a nucleus

Multiforked Chromosome

Bacterial chromosome that has more than one set of replication forks, because a second initiation has occurred before the first cycle of replication has been completed


The structure in a prokaryotic cell that contains the genome, DNA is bound to proteins, not enclosed by a membrane


A gene, when altered, may cause cancer. Typically dominant mutation.


Unit of replication

One in prokaryote, multiple in eukaryote

Restriction Point

The point during G1 at which a cell becomes committed to division. (In yeast this point is known as START).


Restricted part of eukaryotic cell cycle where DNA synthesis occurs

Septal Ring

Complex of several proteins coded by fts genes of E. coli that forms at cell midpoint. Gives rise to septum at cell division. First protein to be incorporated is ftsZ, where original Z-ring name comes from.


Peptidoglycan structure that forms in center of dividing bacterium, provides site at which daughter bacteria separate. Same term used for wall between plant cells at end of mitosis.

Signal Transduction Pathway

Process by which a stimulus or cellular state is sensed by and transmitted to pathways within cell

Site-Specific Recombination

Recombination that occurs between 2 specific sequences


Enzyme that changes the number of times the 2 strands in a closed DNA molecule cross each other. Cuts DNA, passes DNA through the break, and reseals the DNA

Tumor Suppresor

Proteins that usually act by blocking cell proliferation or promoting cell death. Cancer may result when tumor suppressor gene is inactivated or functions improperly

Recessive loss of function mutations



Attaches chromosome to envelope



Condenses the chromosome

Protein complex



Involved in septum formation

Temperature sensitive

Early cell cycle - everywhere in cytoplasm

Just before division - at midpoint

Hyperactivity causes increased septum formation, minicells, potentially anucleate cells

No activity or hypoactivity causes filamentous bacteria without septums

Associates with 2 proteins independently:

zipA - embedded in membrane on cytosolic side, allows ftsZ to bind to membrane

ftsA - cytosolic protein



Xer site-specific recombination. Breaks up Holliday junction, which is at dif site (28 bp). ftsK responsible for site-specific recombination. Cannot occur without it. Located in septum.

Rod Shape Factors



PBP2 (Penicillin binding protein)



DNA damage pathway

Kinase activated by x-ray

Activates pathway

Acts on Chk1/2 and p53


DNA damage pathway

Kinase activated by UV

Activates pathway

Acts on Chk1/2 and p53

Chk1 and Chk2

DNA damage pathway

Activated by ATR or ATM

Inhibit cell growth

Act on/inhibit CDC25


DNA damage pathway

Inhibits CDK/Cyclin complex

Activated by p53

Acts on cyclins and CDKs


DNA damage pathway

Major tumor suppressor

Activated by ATR or ATM

Acts on p21 and MDM2


DNA damage pathway

Growth factor

Cell cycle stimulation

Activates p19 transcription

Activated by cell cycle progression

Acts on MYC


DNA damage pathway

Inhibits p53 via negative feedback loop

Targets it to ubiquitin-dependent proteosomal degredation pathway

Inhibited by DNA damage

Acted on by p53

Acts on p53


DNA damage pathway

Phosphatase that removes inhibitory phosphate groups to activate CDK

Acted on/inhibited by Chk1/2

Act on phosphate groups


DNA damage pathway

Promotes cell cycle progression

Binds and inhibits MDM2's inhibition of p53

Activated by GF's transcription promotion

Acts on MDM2


DNA damage pathway

DNA repair pathway

Activated by DNA damage

Acts on repair factors

DNA Damage Pathway

Damage activates ATR/ATM

ATM/ATR act on Chk1/2 and p53

Chk1/2 inhibit CDC25

CDC25 acts on phosphate groups

p53 acts on p21, MDM2, GADD45, itself

p21 acts on CDK/cyclin complexes (CKI)

MDM2 inhibits p53

GADD45 activates repair

p53 suppresses cell cycle

EGF Signal Transduction Pathway

EGF binds EGFR

EGFR dimerizes

Cytoplasmic tyrosine domains cross-phosphorylated

Tyr-P docks Grb2

Grb2 brings SOS via complex

SOS activates RAS-GDP, replaces GDP with GTP

RAS-GTP docks inactive RAF

RAF brought to membrane on CSK platform with inactive KSR

KSR activation forms unfolded heterodimer, activates RAF

RAF initiates ser/thr kinase phosphorylation cascade

Cascade activates MYC, JUN, FOS

M, J, F transcribe necessary genes for G1/S initiation

Cyclin/CDK Complex Formation

CAKs promote

CKIs inhibit

Entry to S-Phase

Cyclin D/CDK complex phosphorylates Rb

Phosphorylated Rb releases bound E2F

E2F activates target gene transcription

Cyclin E activated in G1, amplifies Rb phosphorylation

Right before S-phase, cyclin A synthesized


Tumor suppressor

Integrates p53 and cell size signals

Normally bound to E2F

Phosphorylation required to progress

Acted on by Cyclin D/CDK complex



High levels in G0 cells

Size control

EGFR activation causes p27 reduction


CKIs for Cyclin D


Gap 1

Tightly controlled part of interphase prior to S

Length determined by how long it takes to synthesize sufficient cyclin levels to overcome CKI levels

θ Structure

Replication bubble in circular DNA


Origin of E. coli

245 bp

Contains eleven GATC/CTAG repeats that aremethylated on adenine on both strands

Must be fully methylated to replicate

Hemimethylated DNA

Parental strand of replicated DNA methylated by Dam methylase

Cannot initiate replication

13 min delay (from SeqA) before remethylation

Large Protein Complex

Sequentially assembled complex on membrane required for initiation at oriC


Licensing factor necessary for replication

Inactivated/destroyed after 1 round of replication

Levels low immediately after replication


Active form of DnaA

Binds to short repeated sequences, forms oligomeric complex that melts DNA

Minimal Origin

Distance between outside members of 13-mer and 9-mer repeats


Monomers are loading factors

Bind DnaB hexamer

DnaB/C complex binds origin of replication



Forms replication fork (with gyrase and SSB) and causes forward movement

Initiates each Okazaki frag

DnaB/C complex binds origin of replication



Bound to helicase

Interacts w/ DnaB


Formation of large protein complex sequentially

Formation of large protein complex sequentially

Eukaryotic Replicon

40-100 kb

Individually activated at characteristic times in S-Phase

Replicons near one another activated at same time


Origin of replication in yeast

Short A-T sequences w/ essential 11bp sequence (A domain)

Binds ORC (6 protein complex)

Xenopus Egg Experiment

Nucleus injected into Xenopus egg replicates only once

Demonstrates importance of licensing factors, because egg cannot replicate without another factor synthesized

Permeabilizing membrane allows more replication, factor enters nucleus post-mitosis


Unstable licensing factor protein

Synthesized only in G1

Binds to ORC

Allows MCM to bind


Protein complex

Binds to ORC

Eukaryotic helicase

Mutation in MCM2, 3, 5 prevent replication initiation

Some MCM proteins in nucleus throughout cell cycle, others enter only post-mitosis


Licensing factor

Mutations in ubiquination system

Result in over-replicated DNA

Emphasize licensing factor degradation

Prereplication Complex

Protein/DNA complex at origin in yeast

Required for DNA replication






Complex after Replication Initiation

cdc6, cdt1, MCM proteins displaced

cdc6 degraded, must be resynthesized before next replication round

Postreplication Complex

Protein/DNA complex in yeast

ORC complex bound to origin


Multiprotein structure that assembles at replication fork to undertake DNA synthesis

Contains DNA polymerase + other enzymes

Condition Lethal

Mutation lethal under one set of conditions, but not under a second set

Ex: Temperature

DNA Polymerase I (Pro)

Gene = polA

Major repair enzyme w/ 3' to 5' and 5' to 3' exonucs

Single polypep (103kD), can be cleaved into 2 via subtilisin in lab

Larger frag = Klenow, contains 3' to 5' exonuc activity

Smaller frag = 5' to 3' exonuc activity, excises small groups ~10 bases at a time, provides DNA pol I with ability to start replication at nick in DNA

Removes primer and replaces w/ DNA

DNA Polymerase II (Pro)

Gene = polB

Replication restart

DNA Polymerase III (Pro)

Gene = polC


DNA Polymerase IV (Pro)

Gene = dinB

Translesion replication

DNA Polymerase V (Pro)

Gene = umuD' ₂C

Translesion replication


Error correction mechanism for DNA synthesis after bases added to chain

Fidelity of replication improved x100


Ability of enzyme to perform multiple catalytic cycles w/ single template, instead of dissociating after each cycle

(Clamp loading/unloading with leading/lagging strands)


Required to separate DNA strands, needs energy from ATP hydrolysis

Single-Stranded Binding Proteins

Maintain the separated strands


Req. to initiate DNA synthesis

Needs 3' -OH end

Can be:

-RNA Primer

-Nick in DNA

-Priming protein (some viruses)

DNA Polymerase Holoenzyme

Consists of subcomplexes

-Catalytic core

-Dimerization subunit

-Processivity component (placed by clamp loader)

One catalytic core associated w/ each template strand

ε subunit (3' to 5' proofreading exonuc) and θ subunit (stimulates exonuc) associate w/ catalytic core


Leading strand core processive b/c clamp keeps it on DNA

Lagging strand core dissociates at end of each Okazaki frag and reassembles for next frag

Replication fork goes in one direction b/c of lagging strand looping

DNA Ligase

Seals nicks between adjacent nucleotides via enzyme-AMP intermediate

Makes bond connecting 3' end of one Okazaki frag to 5' beginning of next frag

Helicase (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = DnaB

Euk = MCM Complex

Loading Helicase/Primase (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = DnaC

Euk = cdc6

Single-Strand Maintenance (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = SSB

Euk = RPA

Priming (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = DnaG

Euk = Pol α / Primase

Sliding Clamp (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = β

Euk = PCNA

Clamp Loading/ATPase (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = γδ complex

Euk = RFC

Catalysis (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = Pol III core

Euk = Pol δ (L∆gging) and Pol ε (Lεading)

Holoenzyme Dimerization (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = tau

Euk = ?

RNA Removal (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = Pol I

Euk = FEN1

Ligation (Pro vs Euk)

Pro = Ligase

Euk = Ligase 1

Eukaryote Initiation and Elongation

One DNA pol α and both complexes of δ or ε

Pol α/Primase complex initiates synthesis of both strands

ε elongates leading, δ elongates lagging

Termination of Replication

2 E. coli rep forks usually meet ½way around circle

ter sites halt rep fork if it goes too far

Site-Specific Recombination

Between 2 specific sequences, don't have to be homologous

Typically have limited common sequences

Somatic Recombination

Occurs in non-germ cells, usually in immune system

Homologous Recombination Uses

Generating diversity in meiosis

Chromosome Segregation

DNA damage and stalled rep fork repair in mitosis

DNA Polymerase α

High fidelity replicase

Nuclear replication

350 kD tetramer

DNA Polymerase δ

High fidelity replicase

Lagging strand

250 kD tetramer

DNA Polymerase ε

High fidelity replicase

Leading strand

350 kD tetramer

DNA Polymerase γ

High fidelity replicase

Mitochondrial replication

200 kD dimer

DNA Polymerase β

High fidelity repair

Base excision repair

39 kD monomer

DNA Polymerase Zeta

Low fidelity repair

Base damage bypass


DNA Polymerase η

Low fidelity repair

Thymine dimer bypass


DNA Polymerase ι

Low fidelity repair

Required in meiosis


DNA Polymerase κ

Low fidelity repair

Deletion and base substitution



Chromosomes condense, become visible

Attach to nuc. envelope

Each chromosome replicated, has 2 sister chromatids


Chromosomes begin pairing in limited regions

Initiation - DNA break induced


Synaptonemal complex extends along entire length of paired chromosome

Single strands exchange


Chromosomes separate, held together by chiasmata

Region of exchanged strands is extended


Chromosomes condense, detach from nuc. envelope, chiasmata remain

All 4 chromatids become visible

DNA cleaved and religated to generate intact products


Structure w/ all 4 chromatids (2 per homolog) at start of meiosis

Synaptonemal Complex

Protein structure that forms between synapsed homologous chromosomes, important for recombination to occur

Brings chromosomes into juxtaposition

Joint Molecule

Pair of DNA duplexes connected together through reciprocal exchange of genetic material

Forms Holliday junction

Double-Stranded Break Repair

1) Make DS break in recipient DNA duplex

2) 5' end resection, exonuc. action generates 3' SS ends that invade donor duplex

3) SS from donor duplex displaces counterpart in recipient, creates D-loop (SS invasion)

4) Exchange generates heteroduplex DNA stretch and 2 Holliday junctions w/ one strand from each parent

5) Recombinant formation depends on if strands involved (in exchange or nonexchange strands) are nicked + ligated during resolution

6) If joints are resolved in opposite ways, genetic crossover produced

Type I Topoisomerase

Makes SS breaks

Forms covalent bond to one of the broken ends

-moves one strand around other, then transfers bound end to other broken end

-Bonds conserved

-No energy input

Type II Topoisomerase

Makes DS breaks

Forms covalent bonds to broken ends, then passes duplex DNA region through DS break

-ATP required to reseal break


Enzyme that introduces (-) supercoils into DNA

Reverse Gyrase

Enzyme that introduces (+) supercoils into DNA

Lateral Element

Structure in synaptonemal complex

Forms when pair of sister chromatids condenses onto an axial element

Central Element

Structure in synaptonemal complex

Located in middle, along which lateral elements of homologous chromosomes align


Proteins that form lateral elements

Zip Proteins

Form transverse central elements

Lytic State

λ phage DNA exists as independent, circular molecule in infected bacterium

Lysogenic State

λ phage DNA is integral part of bacterial chromosome

(Part integrated = prophage)

λ Phage Integration

Via recombination between (attachment) attP site on phage and attB site on bacterial chromosome'

Needs Int and IHF

Core Sequence 'O'

Segment of DNA common to att sites on both λ phage and bacterial genomes

Location of recombination event

Flanking seq. specific to bacteria or phage

(B and B' vs P and P')

λ Phage Excision

Phage excised by recombination between sites at end of linear prophage

Needs Xis, Int, IHF


λ phage integrase

λ phage protein used in integration


Integration Host Factor

Bacterial protein used in integration


λ phage protein required in excision


Proteins that catalyze recombination by similar mech to topoisomerase

EXCEPT integrase seals nicked strands from different duplexes

Conserves energy using catalytic Tyr in enzyme to break phosphodiester bond and link to broken 3' end

No removal/addition of seq.


Yeast mating type locus

Mating type cassette

(Allele at MAT = active cassette)

Can be MATa or MATα

HO Allele

Dominant HO switch mating type frequently

Recessive ho mutation at freq of ~10⁻⁶


Silent cassette in yeast


Silent cassette in yeast

Yeast Mating Type Switch

Occurs if MATa is replaced by HMRα or MATα is replaced by HMRa

Silent cassettes replace active of opposite genotype, have same seqs as corresponding active cassettes

(except absence of extreme flanking seqs in HMRa)

Initiated by DSB made at MAT locus by HO endonuc

Gene Conversion

Mating type switching mechanism in yeast

Special homologous recombination event

Copies info from HMLα or HMRa to active MAT locus

Repair Systems

Correct DNA errors and chemical modifications of bases

-Mismatch pairing

-Base conversion

Thymine Dimers

Damage to adjacent thymines caused by UV irradiation

Blocks replication and transcription

Corrected by excision


Removal of base from DNA

Blocks replication and transcription

Corrected by insertion

DNA Base Methylation

Causes distortion of double helix and mispairing at replication

Usually pairing to thymine

Corrected by dealkylation

Mismatch Repair

Corrects recently inserted bases that do not properly pair

Preferentially corrects seq of daughter strand

New DNA strand synthesized by DNA pol III after excision

Pro = based on methylation state

Euk = unclear

Excision Repair

Correction with direct excision of one DNA strand

Replaced by resynthesis using complementary strand as template


Direct repair

Uses a blue λ light dependent enzyme to split cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers formed by UV

Nonmutagenic, acts only on pyrimidine dimers

NOT in mammals

Recombination Repair

Repair by filling gap in one strand of duplex DNA by using homologous single strand from another duplex

AKA postreplication repair

Coded for by rec genes in E. coli

Preferred mech for DSBs, ensuring no loss of critical genetic info

Uvr System

Makes incisions ~12 bases apart flanking damaged DNA

Excises DNA between them (DNA pol I, 5'-3')

Resynthesis of new DNA (DNA pol I, can be II and III also)

UvrAB recognizes damage

UvrBC nicks DNA

UvrD unwinds marked region


Repair factor

Recognizes stalled RNA polymerase

Directs Uvr complex to damaged template strand

Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Human disease caused by mutations in any one of several nucleotide excision repair genes

Extreme sensitivity to UV, increased skin cancer risk

Global Genome Repair

Recognizes damage anywhere in genome

Uses XPC as damage recognition mechanism

XPE complex detects lesion

XPA binds damaged DNA, recruits helicases XPB and XPD

Converges with other pathway

DNA excised by 5' XPF and 3' XPG endonucleases and repaired by common proteins

Transcriptional-Coupled Repair

Repair of transcriptionally active genes

Uses RNA pol II as damage recognition mechanism

Stalling of RNA pol recruits CSA/B


Cockayne Syndrome proteins used in transcriptional-coupled repair

Recruited by RNA polymerase


XP variant

Codes for DNA pol η (thymine dimer bypass), allows cell division to proceed with unrepaired damage

Base Excision Repair

Direct removal of damaged base

Requires glycosylases to recognize uracil and alkylated bases

Triggers removal and replacement of polynucleotide stretch

Nature of base removal reaction determines which excision repair pathway activated

DNA pol δ/ε = long stretch

DNA pol β = short stretch

Glycosylases, Photolyase, Methyl Transferases

Glycosylases excise bases leaving phosphate backbone intact

Photolyases cut out pentose sugar itself

Methyl Transferases pop out base, repair, pop back in

Long-Patch Pathway

Triggered by base removal by glycosylase

APE1 cleaves polynucleotide chain on 5' side

Recruits replication complex incl. DNA pol δ/ε

-Performs short synthesis rxn extending for 2-10 nucleotides

-displaced material removed by endonuc. FEN1

-Ligase 1 seals chain

Short-Patch Pathway

Glycosylase and lyase initially remove base

APE1 recruits DNA pol β to replace single nucleotide

Nick sealed by ligase XRCC1/ligase 3


Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1

Error-Prone Repair and Translesion Synthesis

Unrepaired DNA causes pol III to stall during replication

DNA pol IV or V can synthesize complement to damaged strand (prokaryotes)

DNA pol zeta or η can also synthesize complement strand to bypass lesion (eukaryotes)

Repair DNA pols often have errors in seq

Translesion pols introduce only a short DNA stretch, then replicative pols take over


Mutation or mutated gene that increases basal level of mutation

Often code for proteins involved in repairing damaged DNA

mut Genes

Code for mismatched base pair repair system

mutH, mutS, mutL, mutY

ID'd by mutagenesis screen

GATC Sequences

Targets for Dam methylase post-replication

Strand lacking methylation at hemimethylated GATC/CTAG usually replaced

Mismatch repair removes errors in newly synthesized strand

dam2 Mutants

Increased rate of spontaneous mutation

Lack of methylation on parental strand makes it difficult to distinguish between daughter and parent, correction of errors decreases


Binds to hemimethylated DNA to prevent replication immediately after one cycle



Recognizes mismatch and binds to it

Part of mutSL complex



Binds to mutS



Binds to mutSL after mutSL recognition of GATC seq

Cleaves unmethylated strand

RecJ and Exonuclease VII

5' to 3' excision of cleaved strand in mismatch repair after cleavage by mutH

Exonuclease I

3' to 5' excision of cleaved strand in mismatch repair after cleavage by mutH

Eukaryotic mutSL Systems

Repair of mismatches and insertion/deletion loops

Do not use DNA methylation to select daughter strand, mechanism not fully understood

mutSL homologs interact directly with replication machinery, appear to prefer repair of lagging/nicked strands

May utilize gaps between replication bubbles and Okazaki frags to distinguish

Retrieval System

E. coli use normal strand of DNA to replace gap left in newly synthesized strand, opposite site of unrepaired damage

Use single strand of another duplex (single-strand exchange)

Same events must be repeated after every replication cycle unless damage is removed by excision repair system

Stalled Replication Fork

Occurs when damaged site or nick in DNA reached

Fork can reverse by pairing between the 2 newly synthesized strands

DNA pol II required for replication restart, later replaced by DNA pol III


Proteins for DSB recombination repair

Rec = prokaryotes

Rad = eukaryotes

RecBCD is enzyme in E.coli

Has helicase and single stranded nuclease activities

RecA binds to ssDNA to form nucleoprotein filament used in strand invasion

Rad identified by radiation sensitive phenotypes

Rad52 group of genes required for recomb repair in eukaryotes

Rad 51 = RecA

Rad52, 55, 54 required to form stable Rad51 filament, assist in homology search and strand invasion

Nonhomologous End Joining (NHEJ)

Repairs DSBs

Used in VDJ recombination for Ig genes

Uses Artemis, DNA ligase IV (+XRCC4), and unknown DNA polymerase

Not as effective in maintaining sequence integrity as homologous recomb, mutations to these components can render euk cells sensitive to radiation


Nuclease involved in DSB repair with NHEJ

Activated by DNA dependent protein kinase

Activated form has endo and exonuc activity



Senses DNA damage by binding to broken ends

Narrow bridge between subunits completely encircles DNA

DNA Repair Deficiency

Causes chromosomal instability and disease

Revealed by chromosomal aberrations associated w/ increased mutation rate

Leads to increased susceptibility to cancer

Ataxia Telangiectasia

DNA repair deficiency disease

Failure of cell cycle checkpoint pathway

Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome

DNA repair deficiency disease

Caused by mutation of repair enzyme


Repair factor encoding Nibrin repair enzyme

Phosphorylated by ATM in response to irradiation

Localizes to site of DNA damage

Deficiency of NSB1/ATM leads to


-Ionizing radiation sensitivity

-Cancer predisposition

Chromatin Damage

Must be modified and remodeled before or during repair

Original chromatin state must be restored after repair completion

H2AX phosphorylation (γ-H2AX) is conserved DSB-dependent modification

Recruits chromatin modifying activities and facilitates assembly of repair factors at damage sites

Different patterns of histone mods can differentiate stages of repair or pathways

asf1 and CAF1

Remodelers and chaperones required in chromatin repair

Reset chromatin structure after repair complete

Galactose-Inducible HO DSB

Histone modification varieties correspond to which kind of repair occurs

Mec1/Tel1 phosphorylate H2AX

H4 phosphorylated

H4 and H3 acetylated

H4 deacetylated

γ-H2AX dephosphorylated


Correspond to ATR/ATM respectively

Phosphorylate H2AX

% of Mammalian Genome Composed of Transposons



Involved in silencing of transposon activity in germ line cells

Transposable Element/Transposon

A DNA sequence able to insert itself or a copy of itself at a new location in the genome, without having any sequence relationship w/ target locus


A transposon that mobilizes via RNA intermediate

DNA transcribed into RNA, and then reverse transcribed to DNA, which is inserted at new site in genome

Does not have infective form

Normally refers to retroelements w/ retrovirus-like LTRs and resemble retroviruses

Insertion Sequence

Transposon coding for enzymes needed for transposition

Flanked by short inverted terminal repeats

Target site where transposon is inserted is duplicated during insertion process, forms 2 repeats in direct orientation at ends of transposon (direct repeats) (5 to 9 bp long)


Enzyme activity involved in insertion of transposon at new site

Composite Transposons/Elements

Have central region flanked by IS element at each end

Either one or both of IS elements of composite transposon can undertake transposition

Can also transpose as a unit

Tn Transposons

Type of composite transposons

Central region has drug resistance marker(s) in addition to transposase

Flanked by "arms" consisting of IS elements

Arms can be in same or inverted orientation

Mechanisms of Transposition

Staggered nicks made in target DNA, transposon joined to protruding ends, gaps filled

Starts by forming strand-transfer complex, where transposon is connected to target site through one strand at each end

Replicative transposition occurs if complex replicated, nonreplicative if complex repaired

Generates crossover, which is converted into cointegrate via replication

Transposition Mode Determination

Determined by order of events and nature of connections between transposon and target


-Donor remains unaltered, recipient gains copy of transposon


-Donor has break at site of transposon, recipient gains copy of transposon

Transposon Resolution

Catalyzed by enzyme resolvase

Uses site-specific recomb between 2 copies of transposon that has been duplicated

Nonreplicative Transposition

Results when crossover structure is released by nicking

If crossover structure is nicked on unbroken pair of donor strands and target strands on either side of transposon are ligated


Transposase functioning as dimer

Nonreplicative transposition used

First pair of transposon strands are joined to target before second pair are cut


Transposase functioning as dimer

Nonreplicative transposition used

All four strands cut before joining to target

Transposon Excision

Homologous recomb between multiple transposon copies causes rearrangement of host DNA

Homologous recomb between repeats of transposon may lead to precise or imprecise excision

Reciprocal recomb between direct repeats excises material between them

Reciprocal recomb between inverted repeats inverts region between them

Each product of recomb has one copy of direct repeat

Hybrid Dysgenesis

Caused by transposition of P elements

Inability of certain strains of fruit fly to interbreed b/c hybrids sterile, but may be phenotypically normal

Asymmetrical, induced by:

P-male x M-female

NOT M-Male x P-Female

Activation of transposition causes P element insertion at sites rendering sterility

Determined by interactions between P elements in genome and 66kD repressor in cytotype

P Elements

Transposons carried in P strains of fruit fly, not in M strains

Has 4 exons

First 3 spliced together in somatic expression

All 4 spliced together in germline expression

P elements actiated in germline of P-Male x M-Female b/c tissue-specific splicing removes 1 intron, which generates coding seq for transposase

P Element Repressor

Inherited maternally in cytoplasm

Presence explains why M-Male x P-Female remains fertile

May consist of piRNAs derived from P element transcripts that target destruction of other P element transcripts


Virus that uses RNA as genetic material

Has 2 copies of genome (2 SS RNAs)

Generates provirus via reverse transcription of genome, additional retroviral genomes can be generated via provirus transcription

Has 3 genes:





Integrated DS DNA sequence from virus

Reverse Transcriptase

Enzyme using SS RNA as template to synthesize complementary DNA strand


Enzyme responsible for site specific recomb that inserts one molecule of DNA into another


Viral gene ~2000bp

Translated from full length transcript of genome

Codes for MA, CA, NC (matrix, capsid, nucleocapsid)


Viral gene ~2900 bp

Translated from full length transcript of genome

Translation requires readthrough or frameshift by ribosome

Codes for PR, RT, IN (protease, reverse transcriptase, integrase)


Viral gene ~1800 bp

Translated from separate mRNA generated by splicing

Codes for SU and TM (surface protein, transmembrane)


Genes in retrovirus expressed as polyproteins which are processed by proteases to give multiple individual protein products

HIV Transport Mechanism

Budding from plasma membrane of infected cell

R Sequence (Retroviral)

Short repeated sequence at each end of viral RNA, giving R-U5 and U3-R sequences

Plus-Strand Virus

Virus with a SS nucleic acid genome whose sequence directly codes for protein products

Minus-Strand DNA

SS DNA sequence complementary to the viral RNA genome of a plus-strand virus

Plus-Strand DNA

Strand of the duplex sequence representing a retrovirus that has the same sequence as that of the RNA

Retroviral RNA Conversion

RT starts synthesis when tRNA primer binds to site 100-200 bases from 5' end

When enzyme reaches end, 5' terminal bases of RNA degraded, exposing 3' end of DNA product

Exposed 3' end of DNA product base pairs w/ 3' terminus of another RNA genome

Synthesis continues, generating project w/ repetition of 5' and 3' regions, giving each end structure of U3-R-U5

Retroviral RNA Integration

Integrase only viral protein needed

After synthesis, each LTR loses 2 bp and is inserted between 4-6 bp repeats of target DNA

Organization of proviral DNA in a chromosome is same as a transposon, w/ provirus flanked by short direct repeats of a sequence at a target site

Linear DNA inserted directly into host chromosome by integrase