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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the time of the High Middle Ages also called?


What is Christendom

Refers to a cultural and political atmosphere that came into existence during this period in Europe when nearly everyone was Catholic and Catholicism influenced aspect of people's lives

When did Pope Innocent III reign?


Who marked the high point of papal power

Pope Innocent III

What did Pope Innocent III do in 1215? Why?

He called the 4th Lateran Council In Rome

To discuss and regulate every aspect of Christian life

What aspects of Christian life did 4th Lateran council discuss and regulate?

Catholics must receive Holy Communion at least once a year


What is transubstantiation

The term to describe the changing of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ that takes place at Mass by the power of they Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest

Why did many secular and spiritual leaders fear that any threat to faith could be a great to society?

Because the laws of faith and the laws of society were so closely related

Who set up an official court to investigate suspected heretics in 1231? What was it called?

Pope Gregory IX

The Inquisition

What did the Inquisition do?

Could impose fines

Imprison people

Condemn unrepentful heretics to death

What happened to some heretics in 1252?

Who launched the Spanish Inquisition? When?

King Ferdinand and queen Isabella


What was the Spanish Inquisition vicious towards? Why?

Very viscous against Jews and Muslims who had converted

Suspected that they were secretly practicing their former faith

Why did the number of poor began to increase in the cities? Why couldn't they be taken care of and what happened as a result?

More peasants began migrating from the farms

There was no social structure to care for them

And there was an increase in

social problems

What began to help reform the Church?

New form of religious life

Who were the men who lived this new life called?


What does the word friar come from? What does it mean?

From the Latin word frater

Meaning "brother"

How are Friars different from monks ?

Monks took themselves out of the world

Friars are mendicant orders that work in the world directly with the poor and travel preaching the gospel

What does the word mendicant come from? What does it mean?

Latin word for mendicus

Meaning "beggar"

How did Friars survive? Who did they live as witnesses to?

Upon the generosity of other people

Jesus' teaching to " sell all you have and give it to the poor"

What did Friars commit themselves to being? Why?

Well educated in their faith

To better explain and

defend it

What were the two great orders of this time?

The Franciscans founded by St Francis of Assisi in Italy

Dominicans founded by St Dominic in Spain