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16 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the TLV for noise in CA? Can it be exceeded and how?
a. OSHA Standards (FEDERAL)= PEL=90dB @ 8Hours
b. CAL-OSHA Standards (STATE)= PEL= 85dB @ 8Hours
2. At what level will noise be painful to the ear?
a. 90dB
3. What are the two most important criteria for noise?
4. What is a Decibel?
a. The unit of measurement of the SPL (Sound Pressure Level).
5. Frequency is measured in what type of scientific unit?
a. HERTZ (Hz)
6. What noise testing device is used for hearing test?
a. Audio Metric Testing
i. This is the instrument that measures and test and employee that work at a noisy job to distinguish their hearing ability.
7. How does the inverse square law apply to sound?
a. Technically what this law states is that, if you have source where sound is travelling from 0-50ft in distance, as you double another 50ft you begin to lose the sound. The sound begins to diminish.
8. List the methods of effective noise control (From best to the worst)
a. Eliminating the noise source if practically possible
b. Environmentally locating the noise source to a noise damping location.
c. Shielding the device or equipment against noise
d. Provide personal protection equipment for workers (Hearing protection)
9. Define NOISE.
a. Unwanted sound/ nuisance
10. Frequencies in the lower spectrum of sound (bass) usually require more power to produce sound. Why?
a. The ear does not hear all frequencies. Only frequencies from 20 to 20,000 Hz.
11. Explain how a sound level meter differs from a wave band generator.
a. Sound level Meter- Measures the sound pressure (dB) of actual sound emitted from a source. FREQUENCY DOES NOT PLAY A KEY ROLE HERE
b. Wave band Generator-aka “octave waveband analyzer” Test the patient for hearing acuity. Emits different frequency sounds but SOUND PRESSURE IS NOT A VITAL KEY TO THIS DEVICE.
12. What are the other definitions which have a direct relation to noise?
a. Sociocusis- became deaf from noise as you get older
b. Pressbycusis- age deafness (no noise exposure effects)
13. Describe the doubling effect of sound for many identical sources?
a. You do not achieve 200dB if you have 2 speakers each with 100dB in each. It doesn’t work that way. What happens is that 100dB+100dB= 103dB. So usually you add 3dB within every doubled. If you have 4 speakers that all emit 100dB, then you get 106dB sound pressure.
14. What are some of the detrimental effects of noise to human beings?
a. Speech interference
i. Noise interferes with conversations.
b. Physiological effects
i. Hearing loss
ii. Headache, fatigue, body stress
c. Psychological
i. Anger, irritability, fear, high blood pressure.
15. What is a threshold shift
a. TTS- TEMPORARY THRESHOLD SHIFT- is when you have hearing loss but its recoverable after a period of time away from the noise, usually after several hours.
b. PTS- PERMANENT THRESHOLD SHIFT- permanent hearing loss that is seen in workers who have been exposed to noise.
16. Why do noise complains get registered?
a. Noise that’s not that intense enough to cause hearing damage. But it’s enough to disrupt speech and communication in a work place. It is undesirable.