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27 Cards in this Set

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Percentage of adult Filipinos say religion is important


Percentage of adult Filipinos say religion somewhat important


Percentage of adult Filipinos say religion is not very important


Young Catholics can be categorized into two:

Orthodox and Creative Catholics

The type who bravely defend the tenets when attack by other dominations

Orthodox Young Catholics

They exercise reflexive spirituality wherein they simply re-interpret their religion through searches.

Creative Young Catholics

Embody High participation in the sacraments and their religious identity sees the centrality and institutional Catholicism in terms of doctrines surrounding the Virgin Mary and Eucharist

Orthodox Young Catholics

Harbor a self-defined religious identity on helping the poor and experiencing God personally — do not see the immediate importance of Catholic institutional life.

Creative Young Catholics

Percentage of Young Catholic Filipinos


Percentage of Modal Members


Percentage of Core Members


Percentage of Marginal Members


Two attitudes to what kind of spirituality young Filipinos have are:

Personal and Non-Personal God

Old Testament “qahal.” New Testament “Ekklesia” Means “people of God called together”


The danger of being too religious yet less spiritual is


The danger of being too spiritual becomes

Individualistic or relativistic

What is the beauty of being in a group or community?

Will of God to gather us all together and to save us

It is a God-given reality where His presence is imbued and most of all its unique relationships with Him

The Church as Mystery

A mystery which can be partly known by our human intelligence, which has also a “transcendent dimension” (perceived through faith)

Created salvific realities

The Church arose from?

Father - Son - Holy Spirit

The saving plan of God (Origin of the Church)

God the Father

Christ made 3 effective sign symbol

Union with God; relationship among men; salvation

Essential Characteristics of the Church

One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

It’s origins and beliefs are rooted in the Traditions of the Apostles.


Is patterned after the Holy Trinity.


Is a material sign which gives grace, effecting what is symbolizes.


Tangible sign of Christ presence in the World

The Church