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182 Cards in this Set

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Who were Brady's best friends ?
J.T. and Digger
What is the name of Brady's dog?
What kind of dog is Tilly?
A yellow lab
How long is the bus ride to school for Brady and his friends?
40 minutes
What is Brady's cousin's name?
What is Carl's job?
He is a paramedic
Where does J.T. live?
Next door to Brady on a chicken farm.
What does Brady's father do for a living?
He is a waterman half the year and a boat carpenter the other half.
What does Digger calll Mr. DiAngelo?
The Italian Stallion
Why was Digger so mad at the Diangelos?
Because the DiAngelo's bought his grandfathers farm, tore down the house and built a mansion on it.
What did J.T. say when Brady said they should yell a warning to Mr. DiAngelo about the wind?
J.T. said he's too far away, he won't hear you.
What did digger say when Brady said they should yell a warning to Mr. DiAngelo about the wind?
If he's stupid enough to be out there, he can take what's coming.
What was Carl's girl friend's name?
What is the name of the school Brady goes to?
Alexander Holmes Middle School
Why did Brady want to warn Mr. DiAngelo that morning?
There were dark clouds on the horizon and the wind would pick up once he left the creek.
What does Carl drive?
An old ambulance that the county uses as a backup.
What is between Brady and J.T.'s house?
A soybean field
Where does Carl drop the boys off?
behind the 7-Eleven next door to the school
Why did Brady's father show up at the school to get Brady?
So he could take his boat out to help look for Mrs. DiAngelo and Ben
Where did Brady's dad tell him to look for Mrs. DiAngelo and Ben?
He told him to check the smaller creeks off the river.
Where were they supposed to go if he found anyone?
To the marina at Rock Hall
Who went with Brady in his boat for the search?
What is the name of Brady's father's workboat?
Miss Amanda
What did Mr. DiAngelo remember his wife and child were wearing when they went out in the kayak that morning?
Yellow life jackets
Who is the Miss Amanda named for?
Brady's sister who died when she was an infant
After Amanda died, where did Brady's mother go?
To stay with Brady's grandmother in Connecticut for almost 6 months
Where did they find Mrs. DiAngelo?
Downriver, near Spaniard's neck.
Where did Brady find Ben?
In the cove with is life jacket caught on an old dock piling.
What did Brady do after he pulled Ben into his Boat?
Took off Brady's wet jacket and put his own coat and baseball cap on him.
What did the ABC's stand for?
A is airways, B is breathing, C is circulation.
What did Brady do when he discovered Ben wasn't breathing?
He performed CPR
What did Carl say just before the ambulance left with Ben in it?
We've got a pulse
When was the first time Brady was interviewed by a reporter?
When he was 9 and a newspaper did a story on him being one of the yougest kids in Maryland to have a commercial crab license.
How did Brady find Ben?
Tilly kept barking and looking out until Brady saw his yellow life jacket.
How did Brady find out Ben had died?
His mother came to school to tell him?
What was Brady's first thought after hearing Ben had died?
Ben is never going to drink milk any more milk.
How old was Ben when his sister Amanda died?
What is the name of the town Brady lives in?
Bailey's Wharf
Where was Brady the day of his sister's funeral?
Carl had taken him to the National Aquarium in Baltimoer
How long had Brady's mom had her butterfly garden?
6 years
What did Brady find when he was cleaning up the DiAngelo's boat house?
His father's cordless drill
Where did Brady hid the drill?
In his basement , in a cupboard under his Dad's workbench.
Why did Digger drill the holes in the kayak?
He hated Mr. DiAngelo
How many awards did Brady get at the graduation ceremony?
2..one for being on the honor roll all three years and the other for being on the winning basketball team.
What is J.T.'s real name?
Jeremy Tyler
What does Brady want to do with his life when he grows up?
Design buildings
What are MRE's
Meals Ready to Eat…military food that comes in brown plastic bags
What is Diggers's real name?
Michael Griswald
Why was Digger called "Digger"?
Because he loved the backhoe so much
What is Tilly's name short for?
Tighlman Island, where she came from
What did Brady do when school was out for the summer?
He rode the train to Providence, Rhode Island to visit his Aunt Janet and cousins Kevin and Emily.
What did Brady see while he was at his cousins house?
A picture of his baby sister who had died.
What did Brady do to get rid of the drill?
He threw it in the river.
In juvenile court what is the judge called?
A master
Who did Master Williams remind Brady of?
His fourth grade teacher
What were J.T. and Digger charged with?
Murder in the second degree
How much money was in the envelope Brady gave to his dad for the lawyer?
What sentence did the Master give J.T. and digger?
nine months in a forestry camp for juvenile offenders.
When did Brady say was the best time for catching crabs?
Fall, before the females head south and the males burrow in the mud
What is the connection between Brady and Carl?
They are cousins.
What does Carl do for work?
He is a paramedic.
What is Brady's opinion about the Corsica River?
"It's a pretty river, but it doesn't have a heart…"
Who always waits for the bus with Brady?
Where does J.T. live?
Next door to Brady on his family's chicken farm
What did Digger swear to J.T. and Brady would give him perfect skin?
All the antioxidants in green tea with ginseng and honey that he drinks.
Before Brady's parents bought the land they currently live on, what did it use to be and what happened to it?
It use to be a farm, but the barn and farmhouse burned down years ago before they bought the land.
What type of house does Brady live in?
A one story brick rancher his parents built
What two jobs does Brady's Dad have?
He is a waterman (fisherman/crabber) half of the year and a boat carpenter the other half.
When does crabbing season start?
April 1st
Where does Brady's Mom work?
In a nursing home.
How did the state legislature change the laws governing crab fishing?
They reduced the hours from 14 to 8 hours daily and stopped crabbing in November
Why did the state legislature change the laws on crab fishing?
They believed the crabs were being over fished and that they were becoming scarce
What reason does Brady's Dad give for the reduction in crabs?
Pollution and development…too many condominiums.
Who were Brady's Italian neighbors?
Marcellus DiAngelo, his wife and their son Ben
Who was Carl's girlfriend?
What did Carl's girlfriend do for work?
What did Brady ride to school in everyday?
His cousin Carl's ambulance
Where did Brady get dropped off for school?
Behind the 7-11
Why was Brady concerned about Mr. DiAngelo?
Mr. DiAngelo was going to take his new kayak into dangerous waters
What activity in literature class did Brady, Digger and J.T. make into a game?
Finding oxymorons like, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence…
What school did J.T., Digger and Brady go to?
Alexander Holmes Middle School
What was J.T.'s little sister's name?
What grade in J.T.'s younger sister in?
7th grade
What injury did Kate receive and what was she doing?
Broken ankle during lacrosse practice
What is Brady's real name?
Braden Parks
Why did Brady's dad pull him out of school?
To help look for the person missing on the water
Who was missing on the river?
Mrs. DiAngelo and her son Ben
Who was the boat, Miss Amanda, named after?
Brady's sister
Why did Brady's mom go to stay with her mother in Connecticut?
She couldn't sleep in their house after infant Amanda died.
How long did Brady's mom stay in Connecticut?
Almost a year and a half.
Where was Mrs. DiAngelo found?
Downriver, near Spaniard's Neck
Who was responsible for finding Ben?
Tilly and Brady
What information did Brady remember from the fire station that helped to save Ben?
ABC, A-Airways, B-Breathing, C-Circulation
After being rescued, where did Ben go for treatment?
He was airlifted to Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Why was Brady against being treated as a hero?
He felt responsible because he didn't warn them about the dangerous waters.
What was Mrs. DiAngelo's first name?
How old was Mrs. DiAngelo?
How old was Brady when Amanda died?
7 years old
What incident proved to Brady that Carl was smart and had a good heart?
When Carl worked with the toll facilities police he stopped a woman from jumping off the Chesapeake Bay Bridge by talking to her.
What did Carl tell Brady he needed to do to move on from Ben's death?
Talk about it
What ultimately killed Ben?
Aspiration pneumonia, accompanied with exposure and water in his lungs.
What lie did J.T. tell Brady so he wouldn't come over?
That he was going down to North carolina to visit his aunt and uncle
Where was Ben's funeral held and why?
Leesburg, Virginia, where their family was originally from.
Why did Brady never want to return to the aquarium?
It reminds him of Amanda
Where does the story take place?
Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
What did Brady an dhis Mom make for the DiAngelo's?
Spinach lasagna and spicy bread
What tool is missing from Brady's dad's shop?
Cordless drill
Why did Brady lie and tell Dad that the engine on this boat didn't work?
He couldn't bring himself to go on the water
What does Mrs. DiAngelo ask Brady to take that was Ben's?
His hamster, tiny Tim
What does Brady's Mom and Mrs. DiAngelo have in common?
They have each lost a child
What does Mrs. DiAngelo go to Washington to discuss with her husband?
The future and the pregnancy
While Mrs. DiAngelo is away, what does she ask Brady to get in order?
The boathouse
What does Brady find near the boathouse while cleaning?
His dad's cordless drill
Who does Brady suspect might have something to do with the kayak accident?
Who does Brady decide to tell about finding the drill and his suspicions?
What does Brady discover when he asks J.T. if he knew about the holes in the kayak?
J.T. knew and that Digger was also involved
What does Digger ask when Brady confronts him about the drill?
Where is the drill?
What does Digger remind Brady of to try and convince him to get rid of the drill and to shut his mouth?
That drilling the holes was his idea originally
After not talking to Brady for over a week what does Digger ask Brady?
What did you do with that drill?
Why does J.T. thank Brady?
For not saying anything about the drill
How does Brady travel to get to his cousins in Providence?
Amtrak / train
What is J.T.'s real name?
Jeremy Tyler
What is Digger's real name?
Michael Griswald
What are Brady's cousins' names?
Kevin and Emily
What makes Brady shed tears at his cousins'?
Seeing a picture of Amanda
What does Brady do on the evening he returns from Providence?
He takes a dinghy into the lake and dumps the drill
What does Brady's Mom give him the key to?
The trunk with all of Amanda's things.
Why didn't J.T. donate a kidney for his dad?
He isn't old enough…he must be 18 to donate.
Why does Brady ask his Dad to hook up the oyster dredger to the Miss Amanda and haul something out of the river?
He wants to get the red kayak out of the river.
What is the first item that they pull out of the river while looking for the red kayak?
An old grill
What is the name of the lawyer that Brady and his parents go to see in Chestertown?
L. Mitchell Anderson
On the day of J.T. and Diggers trial what happened that surprised everyone?
J.T. and Digger admit to the charge and Brady will not have to testify.
What statement did Digger make in court about J.T.?
He said he was guilty not J.T. J.T. wanted no part of it, he only kept watch
What sentence did Digger and J.T. receive?
Nine months at Forestry Camp in Eastern Maryland. The judge will review performance at the end of time.
What happened to the butterfly garden at the DiAngelo house?
They dug it up and took it with them to Virginia
What does Kate tell Brady when she sees him at the Food Lion?
That J.T. is doing okay, and that he wanted to write to Brady.
What project are Brady and his dad working on through the winter?
Building a small sailboat and naming it for his mother
What are the names of Brady's best friends?
J.T. and Digger
What is the name of Brady's yellow lab?
What is the name of Brady's cousin?
What does Carl do for a living?
He is a paramedic.
Jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, pretty ugly are examples of what?
What is the name of the boys' school?
Alexander Holms Middle School.
What two big cities are closeest to where Brady lives?
Baltimore and Washington D.C.
What is the name of Brady's father's boat?
Miss Amanda
His father's boast, the Miss Amanda was named after whom?
His sister who died.
What city is just over the bridge from Brady's house?
What is the name of the river?
The Corsica.
Who did Brady babysit?
What did Brady play with Ben when he babysat?
Lleggos (SP??)
What is Brady's real (full) name?
Braden Parks.
Ben was flown by medivac to what city?
Washington D.C.
What happened to Ben?
He died, he drowned.
What poster did Bradddy have in his bedroom?
Michael Jordon
What does Brady first feel guilty about?
He should have warned Mr. DiAngelo about the river.
What does Brady's father do for a living?
He fishes for crabs, he is a waterman.
What did Brady and his mother make to take to Mrs. DiAngelo?
Lasagne and bread.
What kind of garden did Brady plant for Mrs. DiAngelo?
Butterfly garden.
What did Brady, J.T. and Diggeer play in the old boathouse?
What did Brady discover in the boathouse?
His father'd drill with red paint on it.
Who did braddy first suspect of drilling holes in the kyak?
What kind of illness did J.T.'s father have?
Kidney disease.
Where was J.T. when he told Braddy about drilling a hole in the red kyak?
The chicken house.
What did Mr. DiAngelo catch the boys doing?
Where did Brady go to visit his cousins?
Rhode Island.
J.T.'s grandma wanted Brady to stay for dinner; what did she serve?
BLT's and corn.
The phrase " a definate maybe" is an example of what?
What is J.T.'s real name?
Jeremy Tyler.
What is Digger's real name?
Michael Griswald.
How much money did Brady always keep in his wallet?
Ten dollars.
Where was the key to Amanda's trunk?
In the candy dish.
What movie did Brady and Carl rent?
Blade Runner.
What event in held every year in Crisfield?
What do you call a man who fishes for crab for a living?
What month did the accident occur?
What is Brady's attorney's name?
Mr. Anderson.
What is Brady's full name?
Braden Duvall Parks
What were J.T. and Digger charged with?
Second-degree murder.
Who was Tiny Tim?
The hamster.
What was J.T. and Digger's sentence?
9 months in forestry camp.
At the end of the story, what were Brady and his father building?
A sailboat.