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31 Cards in this Set

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1. Being a positive role model with strong moral character, committed and conscientious, credible, honest and loyal.

Accountability and integrity

2. Being resilient and a steward of the environment for sustainability.

Ecological sensitivity

3. Using local and indigenous materials, content and pedagogy whenever appropriate.

Ability to contextualize teaching-learning

4. Being responsible citizen and upholding the Filipino identity amidst globalization.


5. Building on culture and history of the learners and the place.

Cultural and historical rootedness

6. Though social involvement and service, learner- centeredness, respect and sensitivity for diversity and inclusiveness.


7.By being humane, just, peace-loving and respectful of human rights.

Faith in Divine Providence

8. In personal and professional competence, leadership, research, technology, innovation and creativity.


9. _________ may mean a global outlook adapted to the local condition or a local outlook adapted to global condition.


10. defines the word glocal and the process noun word ____________ as a blending of global and local conditions a global outlook adapted to local condition to global perspectives.


11. As the saying goes “think globally, but act locally” or “__________________”.

think local but act global

12. If the local perspectives based on the _________, traditions and contexts are considered.


13. You will be teaching in the “___________” or “One Planet Schoolhouse.

Flat World

14. The _________ globalizes communication by allowing users from around the world to connect one another


15. UNESCO defines ____________ as a goal to develop countries worldwide and is aimed at educating all people in accordance with world’s standards.

global education

16. Give the three characteristics of the teachers that prepares today's youth around the world to function in one world environment? ( 2points each )

1. Intellectual

2. Professionally

3. Humanistically

17. As presented by United Nations, ______________ is about diversity, understanding the differences and teaching the different cultural groups in their own context to achieve the goals of global education.

Glocal education

18._______________ is an act, or a series of acts, involving any unwelcome sexual advance, request or demand for a sexual favor or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment

19. “_________’’ refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not.

Child abuse

20. Give the 10 REPUBLIC ACT 4670 (MAGNA CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS). Rights and privileges of teachers. ( 2 points each )

1. Consent for transfer 2. Safeguards in disciplinary procedure 3. Confidentiality of case 4. Academic freedom 5. Teaching hours 6. Prohibition of deduction on salaries7. Leave privileges 8. Salary increase upon retirement 9. Freedom to organize 10. Right to discipline students

21. Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.


22. Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007.

Republic Act 9485

23. Philippine Teachers Professionalization act of 1994.

Republic Act 7836

24. Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001.


25. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

Republic Act 9165

26. Magna Carta of Women.


27. Juvenile Justice and Welfare System Act of 2006.


28. Campus Journalism Act.

Republic Act 7079

29. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.


30. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees “Public office is a public trust’’.

Republic Act 6713

31. Write atlest 5 to 10 qualities and characteristics of glocal teachers? ( Points 20 ).

* Understand how this world is interconnected;* Recognize that the world has rich variety of ways of life;* Have a vision of the future and sees what the future would be for himself/herself and the students;* Are creative and innovative;* Understand, respect and tolerant of the diversity of cultures.* Believe and take action for education that will sustain the future;* Facilitate digitally-mediated learning;* Possess good communication skills for Filipino teachers to be multilingual);* Aware of international teacher standards and framework; and* Master the competencies of the beginning teacher in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.