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30 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following enzymes acts in the stomach?

a. chymotrypsin
b. lingual lipase
c. carboxypeptidase
d. enterokinase
e. dextrinase
lingual lipase
Which of the following enzymes does not digest any nutrients?

a. chymotrypsin
b. lingual lipase
c. carboxypeptidase
d. enterokinase
e. dextrinase
Which of the following is not an enzyme?

a. chymotrypsin
b. enterokinase
c. secretin
d. pepsin
e. nucleosidase
The substance in question 3 that is not an enzyme is

a. a zymogen
b. a nutrient
c. an emulsifier
d. a neurotransmitter
e. a hormone
a hormone
The lacteals absorb

a. chylomicrons
b. micelles
c. emulsification droplets
d. amino acids
e. monosaccharides
All of the following contribute to the absorptive surface area of the small intestine except

a. its length
b. the brush border
c. haustra
d. circular folds
e. villi
Which of the following is a periodontal tissue?

a. the gingiva
b. the enamel
c. the cementum
d. the pulp
e. the dentin
the gingiva
The______of the stomach most closely resemble the_______of the small intestine.

a. gastric pits, intestinal crypts
b. pyloric glands, intestinal crypts
c. rugae, peyer patches
d. parietal cells, goblet cells
e. gastric glands, duodenal glands
gastric pits, intestinal crypts
Which of the following cells secrete digestive enzymes?

a. chief cells
b. mucous neck cells
c. parietal cells
d. goblet cells
e. enteroendocrine cells
chief cells
What phase of gastric regulation includes inhibition by the enterogastric reflex?

a. the intestinal phase
b. the gastric phase
c. the buccal phase
d. the cephalic phase
e. the pharyngo-esophageal phase
the intestinal phase
Cusps are a feature of the______surfaces of the molars and premolars.
The acidity of the stomach deactivates_______but activates_____of the saliva.
amylase, lypase
The_____salivary gland is named for its proximity to the ear.
The submucosal and myenteric nerve plexuses collectively constitute the______nervous system.
Nervous stimulation of gastrointestinal activity is mediated mainly through the parasympathetic fibers of the _______nerves.
Food in the stomach causes G cells to secrete______which in turn stimulates the secretion of HCl and pepsinogen.
Hepatic macrophages occur in blood-filled spaces of the liver called_____.
The brush border enzyme that finishes the job of starch digestion, producing glucose, is called______. Its substrate is________.
maltase, maltose.
Fats are transported in the lymph and blood in the form of droplets called________.
Within the absorptive cells of the small intestine, ferritin binds the nutrient_____.
T/F Fat is not digested until it reaches the duodenum.
False, Fat digestion begins in stomach.
T/F A tooth is composed mostly of enamel.
False, Most of the tooth is dentin.
T/F Hepatocytes secrete bile into the hepatic sinusoids.
False, hepatocytes secrete bile into the bile canaliculi.
T/F Cholecystokinin stimulates the release of bile into the duodenum.
T/F Peristalsis is controlled by the myenteric nerve plexus.
T/F Pepsinogen, trypsinogen, and procarboxypeptidase are enzymatically inactive zymogens.
T/F The absorption of dietary iron depends on intrinsic factor.
False, Intrinsic factor is involved with absorption of Vitamin B12.
T/F Filling of the stomach stimulates contractions of the colon.
T/F The duodenum secretes a hormone that inhibits contractions of the stomach.
T/F Tight junctions of the small intestine prevent anything from leaking between the epithelial cells.
False, Water, glucose and other nutrients pass inbetween cells through tight junctions.