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28 Cards in this Set

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Examples of corticosteroids?




What are the primary function of corticosteroids?

To decrease inflammation and hormon replacement

What should you teach pt about stopping corticosteroids?

To gradually decrease use, don't abruptly stop

What must be monitored while a pt is taking steroids?

Potassium level, glucose level and I and o's

Corticosteroids may cause symptoms of?

Cushing syndrome

Corticosteroids will also delay ..What healing?

Wound healing

If the pt is NPO for surgery should you still give the steroids?

Yes, during surgery, stress and illness in the body increases the need for corticosteroids. In all other situations, do not take steroids on empty stomach.

The pt is unable to shrug his shoulders, which nerve is dysfunctional?

CN X1 accessory (cranial nerve)

x1 spinal accessory is the back and neck muscles

A pt is unable to smell his morning coffee which nerve is dysfunctional?

Cranial nerve 1 olfactory (sense of smell)

A pt is unable to distinguish between salty and sweet tastes, which nerve is dysfunctional?

Cranial nerve #vll facial ...expression of the face .....ex. bells palsy

What is crohn disease ?

Crohn's disease is inflammation of the bowels.

Can crohn's disease be cured with surgery?

No, symptoms frequently will reoccur

What does crohn's disease affect?

Crohn's disease affect the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus.

What are symptoms of crohn's disease?

Abnormal pain


Weight loss

Excessive diarrhea can cause what electrolyte imbalance?


What foods should be avoided with crohn's disease and why?

Dairy products and high fiber meals

Which may worsen diarrhea

Crohn's disease can lead to what kind of cancer?

Colon cancer

What are the treatment goals of crohn's disease?

Treatment goals are drugs and nutrition to reduce inflammation

In cystic fibrosis what is happening in THE body?

Mucous production or endocrine glands

How does cystic fibrosis abnormally change mucous gland production secretion?

The mucous will become thick and sticky and cause obstruction

What are the two systems most affected by cystic fibrosis?

Respiratory- mucous gets trapped in the lungs

Digestive- mucous blocks the pancreas and digestive enzymes, making the absorption of nutrients very difficult

What is the most accurate test for cystic fibrosis? What are the levels?

Sweat test- the chloride level will be >60 mEq/L

What are other ways to diagnose cystic fibrosis other then sweat test?

Chest x-ray, stool analysis, pulmonary function test

How does poor absorption of fat in the digestive tract change the appearance of stool?

It causes steatorrhea (greasy, foul smelling, pale stool)

What is given with each meal to help with the absorption of nutrients ex. Pt with cystic fibrosis?

Pancreatic enzymes

What is the most appropriate diet for cystic fibrosis?

High calorie, high protein

A common technique used to clear thick mucous from the lungs. This is important for preventing respiratory infection?

Postural drainage

Postural drainage sounds complicated, but it's really just a way to use gravity to drain mucus out of your lungs by changing positions. It's used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis, as well as temporary infections, such as pneumonia.

What should parents who already have a child with cystic fibrosis do before having another child?

They should get genetic counseling because cystic fibrosis is hereditary