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53 Cards in this Set

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Which type of diabetic is controlled mostly by diet and exercise?

Type 'll diabetes mellitus

Which type of diabetes is controlled mostly by diet and exercise?

Type ll diabetes mellitus

Which diabetes is controlled mostly by insulin?

Type l diabetes mellitus

What should you teach diabetics about foot care?

Have MD cut toenails

Cut toenails straight across

Inspect feet daily for sores

Keep skin clean and dry

If a diabetic vomits after taking PO insulin, what should you do?

Monitor blood sugar don't repeat dose. The medication may had been absorbed

How offer should a diabetic get an eye exam? Why

Yearly. Diabetes can cause retinopathy

What is insulin lipodystrophy?

It is the result of not rotating SQ insulin injection site. If the pt. Injects in the same place repeatedly, a fatty mass will appear, decreasing insulin absorption in that area. Teach injection site rotation

Do you need to aspirate if injecting insulin SQ?


Exubera is what type of insulin?


Exercising does what to blood glucose?


Alcohol, oral contraceptives, aspirin, and MAOI affect blood glucose How?


Infection, dehydration, stress, and surgery affect blood glucose How?


What do you give when your pt. Is hypoglycemic and unconscious?

Glucagon (IV or IM)

Why is digoxin prescribed?

To treat heart failure and arrhythmias

It affect sodium and potassium inside the heart cells help to maintain a normal, steady strong heartbeat

Digoxin is what type of drug?

Cardiac glycoside

Lanoxin is the R name

Always hold digoxin if the heart rate is less than?


What is the therapeutic blood range of Digoxin?

1-2 greater than 2 is toxic

What are the signs of Digoxin toxicity?

Seeing yellow spots, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

What are MAOI ?

They are anti-depressants It elevate levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine it works in the brain and affects neurotransmitters

How is digoxin toxicity treated?

Dose will be lowered but in severe cases, give activated charcoal or digiband

What are the 3 ways a diuretic can be given?


Why are diuretics prescribed ex. Conditions?

Chronic heart failure

Fluid overload

Renal failure

When should pt take diuretic? What time of day

In the morning to prevent nocturia

If taking in the evening pt will be going to the bathroom all night

Pt taking diuretic should be monitored for?


Low k+


Weight loss

Loop and thiazide diuretic inhibit which electrolytes?

Potassium, sodium, chloride

Inhibit means a substance that reduces the activity of another

Furosemide (Lasix) is what type of diuretic


Thiazide diuretic are contraindicated in pt allergic to?

Sulfa drugs

_______ is a osmotic diuretic used to reduce ICP.

Mannitol (osmitrol)

Because mannitol decreases intracranial pressure it can also be used to treat?


Mannitol crystallized at room temperature you will need a _____ needle to draw up.


Spironolactone (Aldactone) Is a _____ sparing diuretic.


Because spironolactone helps the body retain potassium the pt. Is at risk for ?


If your pt. K+=3.0 And Lasis and spironolactone are both ordered, how would you proceed?

Only give the spironolactone. The potassium is low and lasis will only create more k+ loss.

To accurately measure urine output, a pt. ________ ________ maybe given.

Indwelling (foley) catheter


(know this by heart!!)

Gather all necessary supplies.

Wash and dry hands.

Place package on dry waist-high surface.

Open package using outer one-inch margin, facing gloves toward you.

With 2 fingers on non-dominant hand, pick up cuff of the glove.

Place glove on dominant hand.

Slide glove

Slide gloved fingers into the cuff of the other sterile glove.

Place non-dominant hand into the glove, making sure not to touch the outside of the glove.

With both hands gloved, touch only sterile area to adjust for comfort.

What is the epiglottis and what does it do?

It's a lap of skin at the base of the tongue. It opens and closes during breathing.

What is the cause of epiglittitis ?

Haemophilus influenza

Is this a virus or bacteria (Hemophilia influenza)?


What is the usual age of children that get epiglittitis?

2-5 years old

What are the signs of epiglottitis?

3 D's (Drooling, Dysphagia [difficulty swallowing], Dysphonia [no voice])

What will the child look like during an episode of epiglottitis?

Sitting upright

Tongue protruding


Shallow rapid breathing

Can epiglottitis be treated at home?

No the child must go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY!!😱

When assessing the airway can you use a tongue depressor or tongue blade?

NO NEVER put anything in the mouth to assess!

If the child can't breath, what might be done?


What medication will be given to treat epiglottitis?

Antibiotic therapy

How can epiglottitis be avoided?

By getting the H. Influenza vaccine

How is genital herpes spread?

Through sexual contact or during child birth

What are symptoms for genital herpes ?


Vascular lesions in both males and females

With genital herpes are there always lesions present on the body?

No, they come and go

If lesions are present due to genital herpes in a pregnant woman how should she deliver?


What triggers outbreaks of genital herpes?

Stress, anxiety, high emotions

How often should a woman with herpes get a pap smear?

Every six months

Can genital herpes be cured?What is the treatment?

No cure. Acyclovir

Acyclovir treats cold sores around the mouth (cause by herpes simplex), shingles ( caused by herpes zoster) also genital herpes