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549 Cards in this Set

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What is kinesiology? ***

The study of movement utilizing
- musculoskeletal anatomy
- neuromuscular physiology
- biomechanics
What is biomechanics? ***
- the study of the physical principles and forces that act on the body

- consists of the areas of kinematics and kinetics
What is kinematics? ***
involves terms which describe body’s movements (flexion, extension, etc.)

describe motion of the body without regard to the forces that produce the motion
What is kinetics? ***
involves the study of forces which produce motion or maintain equilibrium of the body
How many types of motion are there? ***

there are four pathways through which the entire body or body segments can travel
What are the four pathways through which the entire body or body segments can travel? ***
1. rotary
2. translatory
3. curvilinear
4. general plane
What is rotary motion? ***
- angular

- movement occurring in a circular path or arc around a fixed axis in a curved path

- most joint movements are primarily rotatory

(e.g., motion occurring in a joint)
What is translatory motion? ***
- linear

- movement occurring more or less in a straight line

- movement of body as a whole is generally rectilinear

- translatory motion also occurs with joint movement (gliding)
What is curvilinear motion? ***
- movement occurs in a curved path

- combination of rotatory and translatory motions

- rotation of object/segment about axis while object and its axis is moving through space

[e.g., throwing a ball (shoulder rotates but arm moves through space)]
What is general plane motion? ***
- type of curvilinear motion

- segment rotates about axis while axis is translated through space by motion of adjacent segment(s)

- most movement of UE/LE are accomplished through general plane motion

(e.g., moving beverage to mouth)
What is anatomical position? ***
The arbitrary position used as the reference point from which movement or location of body structures can be described:

- standing upright and erect
- eyes facing forward
- feet, parallel, toes pointing forward
- arms at sides of body
- palms facing anteriorly
What is a plane of motion? ***
- an imaginary fixed plane which divides body into halves
- there are three cardinal planes, perpendicular to each other
- rotary motion occurs within planes of motion
What is axis of movement? ***
- an imaginary line perpendicular to corresponding plane
- movement occurs around this axis
- every angular movement of joint occurs in a plane and around an axis which is perpendicular to its plane
Transverse/horizontal plane of motion and axis of movement ***
- divides body into upper and lower halves

- longitudinal or vertical axis

- movements parallel to ground around longitudinal axis (rotation)
Frontal/coronal plane of motion and axis of movement ***
- divides body into front and back halves

- anterior-posterior or sagittal axis

- side-to-side movements (abduction and adduction)
Sagittal plane of motion and axis of movement ***
- divides body into right and left halves

- coronal or frontal axis (or medial-lateral)

- forward and backward movements (flexion and extension)
List some rotary (angular) joint movements ***
- flexion: bending, decreasing joint angle
- extension: straightening, increasing joint angle
- hyperextension: continuation of extension beyond anatomical position

- abduction: movement away from midline
- adduction: movement toward midline

- rotation: movement of segment around longitudinal (vertical) axis

- circumduction: combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction
List some translatory (linear) joint movements ***
- compression: linear movement of segment toward joint

- distraction: linear movement of segment away from joint

- gliding: linear movement of one flat joint surface along an adjoining flat joint surface
What is joint ROM? ***
the quantity of rotatory (angular) motion of a joint

In physical therapy, it is measured in degrees, usually on a 180 degree scale

(goniometry - gonio: Latin for angle)
What is force? ***
- capacity to do work

- a push or pull exerted by one object or substance on another
With reference to kinetics and the human body, how does force affect us? ***
external and internal forces act on the human body

- external forces act on body from outside: gravity, wind, water, objects, other people

- internal forces act on body from within (pull of muscles and ligaments on bone, push of bone on bone or bone on soft tissue)

- internal forces are necessary for functional movements and for counteracting external forces
What is a vector? ***
a quantity (of force) having both
- magnitude and
- direction
Forces are ______ quantities. ***

(they have magnitude and direction)
Three characteristics of all vector forces ***
- action line and direction

- magnitude (quantity of force)

- point of application - the greater the distance from the axis, the greater the force
What is Newton's 3rd law? ***
- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
(forces always come in pairs)
Whenever two objects are in contact/touching, each.... ***
exerts a force on the other
Gravity exerts a force... ***
on all objects at all times
What is center of gravity (COG)? ***
- a.k.a. "balance point"

- a hypothetical point at which the entire mass of an object is considered to be concentrated and which point the object can be balanced.

(Gravity acts at all points of an object or segment of an object, but its POINT OF APPLICATION is given as the COG)
How is the COG located for a:
- symmetrical object?
- asymmetrical object?
- erect, bipedal human?
- body part? ***
- COG of symmetrical object is located at geometric center of object (ball, cube)

- COG of asymmetrical object located toward heavier end/side (baseball bat/human body)

- erect bipedal human body as a single solid object has COG located approximately at S2 vertebral segment anterior to sacrum (depending on the proportions and weight distribution of person)

- each segment of the body also has its own COG (head, trunk, upper arm, forearm, hand, wrist, etc)
How can the COG of a body change? ***
depending on:

- position of object

- any weight added to or taken away from object (e.g., cast, pregnancy, amputation)
Can the COG be outside the body? ***
yes, sometimes

(e.g., elderly person using a walker)
What is the line of gravity (LOG)? ***
a vertical pull by gravity directly downward from COG
What is base of support (BOS)? ***
the area formed under the body by connecting all points in contact with the ground
What is the definition of falling down?
when the COG moves outside the BOS

State 5 principles relating to stability of the body. ***

1) The larger the BOS, the more stable the body; the smaller the BOS, the less stable the body, but the more easily mobility can be achieved (inversely related)

2) When COG/LOG are located near the center of BOS, stability is greatest; as COG/LOG move to edges/outside of BOS, stability lessens, but mobility is easier to achieve

3) Addition of weights/movement of body parts away from center of BOS will lessen stability. Body will seek stability by realignment to center of BOS through compensatory movements in opposite direction (why it's easier to carry a pail of water in each hand than it is to carry only one)

4) To maintain stability as force is being applied--widen BOS

5) The lower the COG of body, the greater the stability
What are statics? ***
- conditions under which an object remains in equilibrium (at rest) as a result of balanced forces action on it;

- therefore, the sum of all forces and counterforces acting on the object must equal zero
What are dynamics? ***
- conditions under which movement/acceleration of an object occurs as a result of unbalanced forces acting on it

- acceleration of an object is proportional to unbalanced forces acting on it and inversely proportional to mass of an object: a = F/m
Acceleration of an object is... ***
proportional to unbalanced forces acting on it and inversely proportional to mass of an object:

a = F/m
Acceleration/movement increases when... ***
force increases or mass decreases
Are bedsores a static or dynamic situation?

Is standing still static or dynamic?
both are dynamic
All forces consist of.... ***
two components (directions)
Explain the two components of force. ***
all forces consist of two components (directions): rotary force and translatory force

1) rotatory force - that portion of force applied toward rotational movement of lever; causes the lever to move around the axis (similar to a wrench)
Example: weight of object or gravity on segment at COG
Muscle action on bone which causes angular joint motion

2) translatory force - that portion of force applied toward linear movement of lever; acts in a parallel manner to the segment
Describe the action of translatory force when acting parallel to a lever. ***
- distraction – force component away from joint (good to increase mobility)

- compression – force component toward the joint (stability)

- muscle forces in the human body have large compression (translatory) components which contribute to joint stability

(again, mobility and stability inversely proportionate)
Describe the action of translatory force when acting parallel to contacting surfaces. ***
- shear force – results in linear movement (sliding) between two contacting surfaces; e.g., can occur between joint surfaces during muscle action or can occur between two layers of soft tissue/bone resulting in decubitus ulcers

- friction force – results in opposition to linear movement (sliding) between two surfaces; e.g., friction of sheet on skin as patient is slid to the side of bed, friction of sole of rubber shoes to prevent slipping, friction of rubber crutch tips, powder on board to decrease friction of leg in exercise, friction internally of bone on bone, or bone on muscle during movement
What is an anatomical pulley? ***
A bone or bony prominence around/over which a muscle or tendon passes; changes direction of muscle pull (e.g., shoulder abduction vice just lifting)
What is the biomechanical importance of anatomical pulleys? ***
- results in increase in rotatory ability although magnitude of force stays the same. Does this by:

1. changing the direction of muscle pull (action line) to a more perpendicular angle;

2. increasing distance of action line from axis (moment arm)

Example: deltoid muscle over head of humerus and acromion, or quadriceps over patella
Definition of a lever system ***
rigid bar (lever) being acted upon by forces or counterforces which tend to rotate the bar about a fixed point (axis)
Name the levers and axes of the human body. ***
bones = levers
joints = axes

center of gravity or bony segment = resistance (of gravity)
What does this mean?? Should the "or" be "of"???
How do muscle insertions affect levers (bones)? ***
muscle insertions = points of application of counterforce to overcome resistance (of gravity, etc.)

(origins OR insertions)

Center of gravity or bony segment = resistance (of gravity) ("of" bony segment??)

If the COG is where mass is concentrated and gravity is applied, then the muscle insertions (or origins) act at that point to overcome gravity?
What are the three types of levers? ***
- first class
- second class
- third class
What is a first class lever? ***
- axis/fulcrum between muscle force and resistance (between the internal and external forces)

- best designed for balance (e.g., seesaw)

- very few in human body; e.g., neck extensors to balance head on 1st vertebra
What is a second class lever? ***
- resistance between muscle force and axis
- (external force is between the axis and internal force)

- axis/fulcrum is at end of bony lever, and the internal moment arm is longer than the external moment arm

- effort/movement arm is longer than resistance arm (e.g., wheelbarrow)

- best designed for power

- rare in human body, except when muscle is resistance force and gravity is the effort force as in eccentric (lengthening) contraction of quads, biceps
What is a third class lever? ***
- muscle force is between resistance and axis
- internal and external moment arms are reversed from second class lever

- resistance arm is longer than effort/movement arm (e.g., hammer) and therefore gravity has more leverage than muscle

- best designed for ROM and speed

- most common lever type in human body
Another explanation of
- first-class lever
- second-class lever
- third-class lever
First-class lever (balance)
- fulcrum located between internal and external force (e.g., seesaw)

Second-class levers (favor force/power)
- axis of rotation located at one end of the bony lever; internal moment arm always longer than the external moment arm (e.g., wheelbarrow)

Third-class levers (favor speed and ROM)
- axis of rotation located at one end of the bony lever; internal moment arm always smaller than the external moment arm

Moment arm – perpendicular line in relationship to axis and point of force
Upon what does amount of force generated across a joint depend? ***
- amount of force exerted

- distance between force and axis of rotation (moment arm)
Where is torque generated? ***
- internal torques are generated internally (e.g., muscle)

- external torques are generated externally (e.g., gravity)
What is torque? ***
- the rotational equivalent of force

- moment of force

- ability of any force (effort or resistance) to cause rotation of a lever about an axis; determined by:

1) magnitude of effort or resistance force
2) distance from the action line of force and axis (shortest line drawn perpendicular to action line and intersecting axis)

(e.g., In pushing open a door greater torque is required the closer your push is in proximity to the hinges
What is mechanical advantage (MA)? ***
occurs when only a small force is needed to overcome a large resistance

MA of a lever refers to the relation between the length of the effort (force) arm and the resistance arm
- 2nd class levers demonstrate greatest MA (EA > RA)
- 3rd class levers demonstrate least MA (RA > EA)

Human body is at a “mechanical disadvantage” because it is basically a 3rd class lever system

(EA – effort arm; RA – resistance arm)
How can mechanical advantage (MA) be improved? ***
greater MA can be achieved by either lengthening effort arm or decreasing resistance arm

Examples of applying MA:
1. a load carried closer to body than holding it out/away
2. a screw driver to pry off paint lid instead of fingers
3. anatomical pulleys
What are the two perspectives of movement at a joint? ***
- open-chain motion

- closed-chain motion
What is open-chain motion at a joint? ***
- distal segment moves
- proximal segment stays relatively fixed
What is closed-chain motion at a joint? ***
- proximal segment moves
- distal segment stays relatively fixed
What is the reason for the convex-concave joint relationship? ***
- improves fit and stability
- properly guides motion
Why do the fundamental movements of arthrokinematics vary? ***
because they depend on whether the concave articular surface is moving on a fixed convex surface or vice versa
What is "roll"? ***
multiple points along one rotating articular surface contact multiple points on another articular surface

(e.g., a tire rotating across a stretch of pavement)
What is "slide"? ***
single point on one articular surface contacts multiple points on another articular surface

(e.g., a stationary tire skidding across a stretch of icy pavement)
What is "spin"?
single point on one articular surface rotates on a single point on another articular surface

(e.g., rotating toy top spinning on one spot on the floor)
When do roll and slide occur in the same direction? ***
When the concave joint surface moves about a stationary convex joint surface
When do roll and slide occur in opposite directions? ***
When the convex joint surface moves about a stationary concave joint surface
What does roll-and-opposite-direction slide serve to do? ***
maintain articular stability
What does roll-and-same-direction slide serve to do? ***
maintain firm surface contact, proper joint alignment, and congruency
Spin always occurs... ***
about a central longitudinal axis of rotation
Arthrokinematic functional considerations dictate that motion may be hindered by...
issues like impingement syndrome

(without appropriate roll and slide, some tissues will be pinched/compressed and others stretched inappropriately)
Which of the following motions occurs around a medial-lateral axis of rotation? ***

a. Shoulder abduction
b. Knee flexion
c. Shoulder extension
d. A and B
e. B and C
e. B and C
Which of the following lever systems is most commonly used by the musculoskeletal system? ***

a. First class
b. Second class
c. Third class
c. third class
When a convex member of a joint is moving over a relatively stationary concave member, the arthrokinematic roll and slide occur: ***

a. in the same direction
b. in opposite directions
b. in opposite directions
Which of the following terms describes the proximal attachment of a muscle? ***

a. caudal
b. insertion
c. cephalad
d. origin
e. A and B
d. origin
Which of the following lever systems ALWAYS provides good leverage, allowing an external load to be lifted with comparatively less muscular force? ***

a. first class
b. second class
c. third class
b. second class
The torque generated by a muscle is calculated by: ***

a. dividing the muscular force by the internal moment arm
b. multiplying the muscular force by the external moment arm
c. dividing the muscular force by the external moment arm
d. multiplying the muscular force by the internal moment arm
d. multiplying the muscular force by the internal moment arm
A closed-chain motion: ***

a. always provides larger ranges of motion than an open-chain motion
b. occurs when the distal segment of the joint moves relative to a stationary proximal segment
c. occurs when the proximal segment of the joint moves relative to a fixed distal segment
d. is typically not used when treating a patient
c. occurs when the proximal segment of the joint moves relative to a fixed distal segment
The shoulder is ______ to the elbow. ***

a. caudal
b. proximal
c. distal
d. deep
e. A and B
b. proximal
Internal rotation of the shoulder occurs about a(n) _____ axis of rotation. ***

a. anterior-posterior
b. medial-lateral
c. longitudinal (or vertical)
d. reciprocal
c. longitudinal (or vertical)
The term osteokinematics describes the: ***

a. motion between joint surfaces
b. motion of bones relative to the three cardinal planes
c. forces transferred from muscles through joints
d. force of a muscle contraction acting on an internal moment arm
b. motion of bones relative to the three cardinal planes
Which of the following statements is true? ***

a. the proximal attachment of a muscle is known as the insertion
b. a vector is a representation of a force's magnitude and direction
c. flexion of the hip occurs in the frontal plane
d. a closed-chain motion refers to the distal segment of a joint moving on a relatively fixed proximal segment
b. a vector is a representation of a force's magnitude and direction
Second-class lever systems favor range of motion and speed? ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (third class do)
Which of the following movements occur in the frontal plane? ***

a. shoulder adduction
b. hip flexion
c. pronation of the forearm
d. A and C
e. B and C
a. shoulder adduction
Which of the following movements occur about a longitudinal or vertical axis of rotation? ***

a. internal rotation of the shoulder
b. extension of the shoulder
c. flexion of the hip
d. abduction of the hip
a. internal rotation of the shoulder
Which of the following movements occur in the sagittal plane? ***

a. extension of the hip
b. flexion of the shoulder
c. internal rotation of the shoulder
d. A and B
e. all of the above
d. A and B
Which of the following movements occur about an anterior-posterior axis of rotation? ***

a. extension of the hip
b. supination of the forearm
c. abduction of the hip
d. internal rotation of the shoulder
c. abduction of the hip
Based on a front view of the shoulder, which motion will occur by a muscular line of pull that courses lateral and superior to the anterior-posterior axis of rotation? ***

a. shoulder abduction
b. shoulder flexion
c. shoulder internal rotation
d. plantar flexion
a. shoulder abduction
Which of the following motions occurs about a vertical axis of rotation? ***

a. internal rotation of the shoulder
b. external rotation of the shoulder
c. rotation of the head and neck
d. A and B
e. all of the above
e. all of the above
Which of the above motions would be produced by a muscular line of pull that courses anterior to the medial-lateral axis of rotation? ***

a. hip flexion
b. shoulder extension
c. plantar flexion
d. shoulder adduction
a. hip flexion
The shoulder adductor muscles are antagonists to ***

a. shoulder abductors
b. shoulder flexors
c. shoulder extensors
d. shoulder internal rotators
a. shoulder abductors
Third-class levers favor range of motion and speed over force. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true
A muscle that courses anterior to a medial-lateral axis of rotation will produce motion in the sagittal plane. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true
The term "strength" refers solely to the force that a muscle can produce, not its torque production. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (measuring strength measures torque production)
A "resultant force" refers to the amount of force that is lost because of tissue elasticity. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (it is the combined force of two vectors)
A first-class lever ALWAYS favors force over range of motion. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (a second class lever does)
"Passive movements" refer to forces that produce body movement other than that caused by muscular activation.

a. true
b. false
a. true
A joint that allows 2 degrees of freedom is likely to permit volitional motion in all three planes. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (degrees of freedom = planes of motion)
A joint must allow motion in at least two planes in order for it to circumduct. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true
A motion such as flexing and extending the elbow with the hand free is an example of a closed-chain motion. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (open chain)
When a convex joint surface moves about a stationary concave joint surface, the arthrokinematic roll and slide occur in the same direction. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (opposite directions)
What is a joint? ***
- an articulation

- any connection between 2 or more bones in the human body
What are the two necessary components of joint design? ***
- stability

- mobility
A more stable joint has a _____ complex design. ***
A more mobile joint has a ____ complex design. ***
What is sacrificed for increased mobility in a joint? ***
What is sacrificed for increased stability in a joint? ***
Human joints generally serve a dual function of both mobility and stability with one or the other as the _____ _____. ***
primary function
Which of the following joints is most stable? ***

A. sternoclavicular
B. hip
C. shoulder
D. elbow
A. sternoclavicular
Which of the following has the least amount of mobility? ***

A. sternoclavicular
B. hip
C. shoulder
D. elbow
A. sternoclavicular
What are the two broad categories of joints? ***

(Bonus points if you can name the sometimes-used third category.)
- synarthroses (nonsynovial, immobile)
- diarthroses (synovial, mobile)

- amphiarthroses (sometimes used for somewhat mobile joints)
What is a synarthrosis? ***
- nonsynovial joint

- nonmoveable or only slightly movable joints

- designed for stability

- simple design, union of bone to bone with connective tissue “cement”
Two types of synarthroses? ***
- fibrous joints--fibrous connective tissue directly unites bone to bone

- cartilaginous joints--cartilaginous connective tissue directly unites bone to bone
Examples of fibrous synarthroses? ***
- suture joints of skull

- tooth joints (gomphoses)

- interosseous membrane connections (syndesmoses; e.g., between tibia and fibula)
Examples of cartilaginous synarthroses? ***
- symphysis (e.g., pubic symphysis)

- synchondrosis (e.g., 1st chondrosternal joint, vertebral joints)
Degrees of freedom in a hinge joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in a pivot joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in an ellipsoid joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in a ball-and-socket joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in a plane joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in a saddle joint: ***
Degrees of freedom in a condyloid joint: ***
Primary motions of a hinge joint: ***
- flexion

- extension
Primary motions of a pivot joint: ***
spinning of one member about a single axis of rotation
Primary motions of an ellipsoid joint: ***
- flexion/extension

- abduction/adduction (or deviation--e.g., radial and ulnar in radiocarpal joint)
Primary motions of a ball-and-socket joint: ***
- flexion/extension
- abduction/adduction
- internal/external rotation
Primary motions of a plane joint: ***
typical motions include a slide or rotation, or both
Primary motions of a saddle joint: ***
biplanar motion; generally excluding a spin
Primary motions of a condyloid joint: ***
biplanar motion
Mechanical analogy for a hinge joint: ***
door hinge
Mechanical analogy for a pivot joint: ***
Mechanical analogy for an ellipsoid joint: ***
flattened convex ellipsoid paired with a concave trough
Mechanical analogy for a ball-and-socket joint: ***
spherical convex surface paired with a concave cup
Mechanical analogy for a plane joint: ***
book sliding or spinning on a table
Mechanical analogy for a saddle joint: ***
horseback rider on a saddle
Mechanical analogy for a condyloid joint: ***
spherical convex surface paired with a shallow concave cup
Anatomic examples of a hinge joint: ***
- humeroulnar joint (elbow)

- interphalangeal joint (PIP/DIP)
Anatomic examples of a pivot joint: ***
- proximal radioulnar joint

- atlantoaxial joint (C1-C2/atlas-axis)
Anatomic examples of a ellipsoid joint: ***
radiocarpal joint
Anatomic examples of a ball-and-socket joint: ***
- glenohumeral joint (shoulder)

- hip joint
Anatomic examples of a plane joint: ***
- intercarpal joints

- intertarsal joints
Anatomic examples of a saddle joint: ***
- carpometacarpal joint of the thumb

- sternocavicular joint
Anatomic examples of a condyloid joint: ***
- tibiofemoral (knee) joint

- metacarpophalangeal joint (knuckles)
What is the difference between a fibrous joint and a cartilaginous joint? ***
a fibrous joint is immobile, a cartilaginous joint is not
What is a diarthrosis? ***
- a synovial joint

- a freely movable joint
Characteristics of a diarthrosis: ***
- synovial joint
- freely movable
- no cartilaginous tissue connecting bone to bone
- ends of bony components are free to move in relation to one another
- designed for mobility, thus less stable
- complex design
Most joints in the body are: ***
What are the components of a synovial joint? ***
- capsular ligaments
- joint capsule
- synovial membrane
- synovial fluid
- bony end components with articular cartilage
- joint cavity (filled with synovial fluid)

- synovial fluid
- synovial membrane
- articular cartilage
- articular capsule
- capsular ligaments
- blood vessels
- sensory nerves

and sometimes:
- intraarticular discs/menisci
- fat pads
- peripheral labrum
- synovial plicae
What is a joint capsule? ***
fibrous connective tissue which encloses the ends of bony components
Describe the layers of a joint capsule. ***
Outer layer--attaches capsule to bone
- highly innervated
- poorly vascularized
- sensitive to motion, compression, tension, vibration pain; slow to heal

Inner layer--lined with synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid
- poorly innervated
- highly vascularized
- insensitive to deformations, but vasodilates and vasoconstricts with heat/cold; entry point for nutrients, exit point for wastes (part of lymphatic drainage system)
Describe a joint cavity. ***
- formed by the joint capsule

- filled with synovial fluid
What is synovial fluid? ***
- thick, clear fluid produced by synovial membrane

- lubricates articulating joint surfaces, decreases friction, provides nourishment to cartilaginous structures in joint (such as articular/hyaline cartilage, discs, menisci, etc.)
Describe the bony end components of a synovial joint. ***
- enclosed by the joint capsule
- located inside joint cavity
- articulate with, but not united to each other
- covered with hyaline cartilage
Describe the hyaline cartilage of the articulating surfaces of a synovial joint. ***
- thin covering on ends of articulating bones
- forms a low-friction surface
- no neurovascular supply--nourishment comes from synovial fluid
What other cartilaginous structures may be found in a synovial joint? ***
wedges of cartilage such as:
- discs
- menisci
- plates
- labrums
What purpose do other cartilaginous structures (e.g., menisci, discs, etc.) serve in the synovial joint? ***
- increase stability
- provide shock absorption
- facilitate movement
From where do other cartilaginous structures (e.g., menisci, discs, etc.) receive their nourishment? ***
synovial fluid
What is the purpose of ligaments, tendons, and muscles in synovial joints? ***
- reinforce the capsule
- muscle provides active motion (which in turn "milks" the joint and gets the nourishing synovial fluid moving)
What are bursae? ***
- fluid-filled, pad-like sacs located in areas of excessive friction

- often near joints where moving structures are in tight approximation

- filled with synovial fluid
Where are bursae commonly found (between what types of tissue)? ***
- subcutaneous bursae: between skin and bone

- subtendinous bursae: between tendon and bone

- submuscular bursae: between muscle and bone
Into what three main categories are synovial joints divided? ***
- into three main categories based on number of axes about which motion occurs (degrees of freedom)

- these categories are then divided on basis of shape of bony end components
-- uniaxial synovial
-- biaxial synovial
-- triaxial synovial
Describe a uniaxial synovial joint. ***
- diarthrodial
- one plane/axis of movement
- one degree of freedom
What types of joints are considered uniaxial? ***
- hinge joint (flex/extend)
- pivot joint (rotate)
Describe a biaxial synovial joint. ***
- diarthrodial
- two planes/axes of movement
- two degrees of freedom
What types of joints are considered biaxial? ***
- condyloid/ellipsoid
- saddle joint

(both are able to flex/extend, abduct/adduct)
Describe a triaxial synovial joint. ***
- diarthrodial
- three planes/axes of movement
- three degrees of freedom
What types of joints are considered triaxial?
- plane joint (gliding/rotation in all planes)

- ball-and-socket joint (flexes/extends, abducts/adducts, rotates)
What is a kinematic chain (in engineering and in the human body)? ***
a series of rigid links (bones) interconnected by joints
What are the two types of kinematic chains in the human system? ***
- closed kinematic chain

- open kinematic chain
What is a closed kinematic chain? ***
- distal segment is connected and does not move freely in space

- motion of one link at one joint will produce motions at all other joints in system in a predictable manner (e.g., squatting)
What is an open kinematic chain? ***
- distal segment terminates free in space

- motion of one link at one joint occurs without motion at adjacent joint

- motion does not occur in a predictable manner

(e.g., waving)
A change in the function/structure of one joint in a system will generally... ***
affect function of adjacent joints in the system

(e.g., decreased knee ROM results in increased hip/ankle movements to clear foot during ambulation)

(This is why knee pain will often lead to hip and back pain, and also why we try to get the patient back to normal gait ASAP--to protect the other joints from injury.)
What is a close-packed joint position? ***
- joint surfaces are in full contact
- ligaments and capsule are maximally taut
- position of discomfort when joint is edematous
What is an open-packed joint position? ***
- ligaments and capsule are slack and joint play is present
- position of comfort when joint is edematous
- ideal position for joint mobilization (less friction)
All _____ ______ have a close-packed or an open-packed position. ***
synovial joints
What does movement in and out of close-packed position help do? ***
pump nutrients and wastes into and out of the joint
What is arthrokinematics? ***
description of movement of bone surfaces within a joint when a bone moves through ROM (motion occurring between joint articular surfaces):

- roll
- slide
- spin
- combination

These combinations of motion produce curvilinear motion and a moving axis of motion…helps increase overall joint ROM.
What is osteokinematics? ***
description of bone movement when bone moves through arc around joint axis:
- flexion/extension
- abduction/adduction

describes motion of bones relative to three cardinal planes of the body
- sagittal
- frontal/coronal
- transverse/horizontal
What two types of motion are necessary for normal ROM? ***
- osteokinematics and
- arthrokinematics
How are rotation angular movements measured? ***
with a goniometer
What is normal (anatomic) ROM? ***
amount of joint motion available within anatomic limits of the joint structure
What determines normal (anatomic) ROM? ***
- shape of joint surfaces
- surrounding soft tissue structures (e.g., adipose)
- joint capsules, ligaments
- muscle bulk
Normal (anatomic) ROM may normally exhibit what types of limitations? ***
- bony limitations (e.g., hard end field at elbow--olecranon process cannot go further into olecranon fossa)

- soft tissue limitations (e.g., bodybuilder with huge biceps will have decreased elbow flexion)
What is pathologic ROM? ***
occurs when:
- joint motion exceeds normal limits (hypermobility), or
- is less than normal
What is the common result of hypermobility? ***
decreased stability of the joint

(remember the mobility/stability tradeoff)
What does hypomobility often lead to? ***
contracture (shortening of soft tissue structures around the joint)
What type of tissue forms all structures of the joint? ***

(forms ligaments, tendons, bursae, cartilage, discs, menisci, capsules, bones, etc.)
What are the primary components of connective tissue? ***
- fibrous component (collagen and elastin framework)

- ground substance for support
What is collagen? ***
- non-elastic component
- tensile strength of steel
- responsible for tissue’s functional integrity
What is Type I collagen? ***
- thick, rugged fibers that resist elongation

- compose ligaments, tendons, and fibrous capsules
What is Type II collagen? ***
- thinner and less stiff than type I fibers

- provide a flexible woven framework for maintaining the general shape and consistency of structures
What is elastin? ***
- tissue that is elastic in nature

- resist (tensile) forces but have more “give” when elongated

- deforms under pressure and returns to original state when force removed

- can be useful in preventing injury because they allow the tissue to “bend, but not break”
What is the role of cells in joint structures? ***
responsible for the maintenance and repair of tissues that constitute joints
What is the general proportion of collagen:elastin in connective tissue? ***
relative proportion varies by structure, but in general

collagen > elastin
All connective tissue exhibits _______, which enables it to deform under distractive or compressive force and return to the original state after removal of force.
What is viscoelasticity? ***
- a property of all connective tissue

- enables it to deform under distractive or compressive force and return to the original state after removal of force
What is important to remember about the viscoelasticity of connective tissue? ***
- return to original state is not immediate

- the longer the application of force, the longer it takes to return from deformation
What is creep? ***
- deformation of a structure due to constant load

the greater the force and longer the duration, the greater the creep
What is plastic range? ***
when connective tissue is exposed to sudden, prolonged or excessive forces, the ability of the tissue to recover is exceeded and it is permanently deformed and unable to return to original state

(e.g., ligamentous laxity--pull on tibia to check ACL)
What is tissue failure? ***
- when plastic range is exceeded

- results in ruptures, fractures, avulsions (takes a little bone with it when ligament tears away)
Mechanical specialization of dense irregular connective tissue? ***
- binds bones together

- restrains unwanted movement of joints
Anatomic location of of dense irregular connective tissue? ***
- comprises ligaments and

- tough external layer of joint capsules
Fiber types of of dense irregular connective tissue? ***
- primarily type I collagen fibers

- low elastin fiber content
Clinical correlation of dense irregular connective tissue? ***
rupture of the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle can lead to medial-lateral instability of the talocrural joint
Mechanical specialization of articular cartilage? ***
resists and distributes compressive and shear forces transferred through articular surfaces
Anatomic location of articular cartilage? ***
covers the ends of articulating bones in synovial joints
Fiber types of articular cartilage? ***
- high type II collagen fiber content

- fibers help anchor cartilage to bone
Clinical correlation of articular cartilage? ***
wear and tear of articular cartilage often decreases its effectiveness in dispersing joint compression forces, often leading to osteoarthritis and joint pain
Mechanical specialization of fibrocartilage? ***
- provides support and stabilization to joints

- primarily functions to provide shock absorption by resisting and dispersing compressive and shear forces
Anatomic location of fibrocartilage? ***
comprises the
- intervertebral discs of the spine
- menisci of the knee
Fiber types of fibrocartilage? ***
multidirectional bundles of type I collagen
Clinical correlation of fibrocartilage? ***
tearing of the intervertebral disc within the vertebral column can allow the central nucleus pulposus (gel) to escape and press on a spinal nerve or nerve root
Mechanical specialization of bone? ***
- forms the primary supporting structure of the body

- provides a rigid lever to transmit muscle force to move and stabilize the body
Anatomic location of bone? ***
forms the internal levers of the musculoskeletal system
Fiber types of bone? ***
specialized arrangement of type I collagen that provides a framework for hard mineral salts
Clinical correlation of bone? ***
osteoporosis of the spine results in loss of mineral and bone content; may result in fractures of the vertebral body
What is stress with respect to joints? ***
forces created within a structure when an external load is applied

(e.g., muscle contractions, weight bearing)
What is strain with respect to joints? ***
deformation of structure as a result of stress

(this is a force; do not confuse it with the strain that happens to a pulled muscle)
What is tensile stress with respect to joints? ***
- stress created within a structure when two externally applied loads are opposite in directions

- results in tensile strain (deformation)
(also what we refer to as, or a form of, distraction?)
What is compressive stress with respect to joints? ***
- stress created within a structure when two externally applied loads are toward each other

- results in compressive strain (deformation)
What is shear stress with respect to joints? ***
stress created when applied forces are equal, parallel, and applied in opposite direction
Why are normal amounts of stress and strain on joint structures necessary? ***
- to maintain and increase strength of tendons and ligaments

- to increase density and strength of bone

- to ensure nourishment of cartilaginous structures
What happens to joints in the absence of normal stress/strain or with application of excessive stress/strain? ***
- absence of normal stress/strain can decrease bone density/strength

- excessive stress/strain can lead to structure failure
Which joints are more likely to be affected by pathologies, simple or complex? Why? ***
- complex

- because more structures are involved
What are some of the general effects of disease, injury, immobilization, and overuse on joint structures? ***
can initiate a cascade of events, for example:
- more wear and tear, especially on the less stable complex joints
- breakdown of one component eventually affects other structures in that joint
- which results in decreased stability and/or mobility
- which causes decreased function (and likely damage to other joints--e.g., knee damage affects hip and back)
Describe RA ***
- rheumatoid arthritis
- autoimmune disease
- malfunction of synovial membrane which alters production of synovial fluid
- lubrication of joint affected
- hyaline cartilage deteriorates (eaten by synovial fluid autoimmune reaction)
- subchondral bone exposed
- deformation of underlying bone tissue
Describe OA ***
- osteoarthritis
- erosion and splitting of cartilage that occurs with stress
- increased friction between articulating surfaces
- erosion occurs
Taber's definition of arthritis ***
Slides say to look this up
What is a joint injury? ***
- torn ligament = lack of joint support; abnormal separation of joint surfaces on side of tear and abnormal compression on opposite side

- torn cartilage = restricted ROM

both are very painful
How are joints nourished? ***
- nourishment derived solely from back and forth flow of synovial fluid

- flow of fluid in and out of cartilage occurs with joint motion
How does immobilization of a joint adversely affect that joint? ***
- lack of joint compression/ROM decreases movement of fluids

- cartilage nutrition is then adversely affected and deterioration occurs

resulting in:
- soft tissue shortening (contractures)
- adhesions in synovial membrane
- atrophy of cartilage
- osteoporosis
- weakened ligaments and/or muscles
What are the two broad categories of immobilization? ***
- external (cast) or

- internal (inflammation, edema)
What is joint overuse? ***
constant or repetitive loading (compressive or tensile) of articular structures that can result in tissue deformation
What effects can constant loading in prolonged positions have? ***
constant loading in prolonged positions (standing, sitting) subjects joints and their structures to deformation and creep
What effects can constant tensile loads have on ligaments? ***
constant tensile loads subject ligaments to creep/excessive lengthening
What effects can constant compressive loads have on cartilage? ***
constant compressive loads subject cartilage to creep/excessive deformation
What effects can repetitive loading have on joint structures? ***
- repetitive loading can result in failure of joint structures, as they do not have time to recover to original dimensions before being subjected to another load cycle

- overuse syndrome often affects athletes, dancers, musicians, factory/office workers
What is failure of a joint structure due to repetitive loading called? ***
- overuse syndrome

- cumulative trauma disorder (repetitive use disorders)
Which of the following types of joints allows the least amount of motion? ***

a. Diarthrosis
b. Synarthrosis
c. Condyloid
d. Amphiarthrosis
b. Synarthrosis
Which of the following joints allows only 1 degree of freedom? ***

a. Ellipsoid
b. Ball-and-socket
c. Hinge
d. Saddle
e. B and C
c. Hinge
Which of the following connective tissues are designed to "give" when stretched, thereby resisting injury? ***

a. Type I collagen fibers
b. Type II collagen fibers
c. Elastin
d. Glycosaminoglycans
c. Elastin
The intervertebral discs of the spine are primarily composed of which type of connective tissue? ***

a. dense, irregular connective tissue
b. articular cartilage
c. fibrocartilage
d. bone
c. fibrocartilage
Which of the following structures connect bone to bone and function primarily to resist internal and external forces? ***

a. tendons
b. ligaments
c. articular cartilage
d. bursae
b. ligaments
The glenohumeral joint of the shoulder is an example of which type of joint? ***

a. Saddle
b. Ball-and-socket
c. Ellipsoid
d. Pivot
b. Ball-and-socket
Which of the following is an example of a condyloid joint? ***

a. Sternoclavicular
b. Acromioclavicular
c. Tibiofemoral (knee)
d. Metacarpophalangeal
e. C and D
e. C and D
Which of the following statements is true? ***

a. Pivot joints typically allow 3 degrees of freedom
b. Cancellous bone is porous and typically lines the inner portions of a bone
c. Ground substance typically has almost no water content
d. Tendons connect bone to bone
b. Cancellous bone is porous and typically lines the inner portions of a bone
Immobilization of a joint generally leads to greater stiffness of the surrounding connective tissues. ***

a. True
b. False
a. True
The sutures of the skull are a good example of an amphiarthroidal joint. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (synarthrodial)
Cortical bone is dense and strong, typically lining the outermost portions of a bone. ***

a. True
b. False
a. True
The humerus and the tibia are both bones considered to be part of the axial skeleton. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (appendicular)
Bone is considered a non-dynamic tissue with limited ability to remodel itself. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (bone IS dynamic, with SIGNIFICANT ability to remodel itself)
Saddle joints, condyloid joints, and ellipsoid joints all permit motion in at least two planes. ***

a. True
b. False
a. true
Which joints allow motion to occur in only two planes? ***

a. Hinge
b. Ellipsoid & Ball-and-socket
c. Ball-and-socket & Condyloid
d. Ellipsoid & Condyloid
d. Ellipsoid & Condyloid
Which of the following joints is considered the most mobile? ***

a. Hinge
b. Ellipsoid
c. Ball-and-socket
d. Condyloid
c. Ball-and-socket
Which of the following joints allows flexion and extension? ***

a. Hinge & Ellipsoid
b. Ellipsoid & Ball-and-socket
c. Ball-and-socket & Condyloid
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Which of the following joints allows motion in just one plane? ***

a. Hinge
b. Hinge & Ball-and-socket
c. Ellipsoid
d. Condyloid
a. Hinge
Which of the following joints does (do) not allow motion to occur in the frontal plane? ***

a. Condyloid
b. Hinge & Condyloid
c. Hinge & Ball-and-socket
d. Ellipsoid & Ball-and-socket
b. Hinge & Condyloid
Which of the following joints allow(s) motion to occur about all three axes of rotation? ***

a. Hinge
b. Ellipsoid
c. Ball-and-socket
d. Condyloid
e. Ellipsoid & Ball-and-socket
c. Ball-and-socket
What is translation?
when all parts of a body move in the same direction as every other part

- in a straight line (rectilinear)
- in a curved line (curvilinear)
How is movement of the entire human body generally described?
as translation of the body's center of mass (or center of gravity)

(e.g., running forward would be anterior translation of COG)
Active movement
generated by stimulated or active muscle
Passive movement
generated by sources other than muscular activation such as gravity, resistance of a stretched ligament, push from another person, etc.
proximal attachment of a muscle or ligament
distal attachment of a muscle or ligament
Typical joint motions in the sagittal plane:
- flexion
- extension
- dorsiflexion
- plantar flexion
- forward/backward bending
Typical joint motions in the frontal/coronal plane:
- abduction
- adduction
- lateral flexion
- ulnar and radial deviation
- inversion
- eversion
Typical joint motions in the transverse/horizontal plane:
- nearly all rotational movement
(internal, external rotation of shoulder, hip, trunk, etc.)
What is an axis of rotation?
(a.k.a. axis of movement)

pivot point about which joint motion occurs

always perpendicular to the plane of motion (e.g., flexion is in the sagittal plane, thus the axis of rotation is frontal/coronal)
Motion in the sagittal plane occurs along the _____ axis of rotation.
- frontal/coronal

(a.k.a. medial-lateral)
Motion in the frontal/coronal plane occurs along the _____ axis of rotation.
- sagittal

(a.k.a. anterior-posterior)
Motion in the transverse/horizontal plane occurs along the _____ axis of rotation.
- vertical

(a.k.a. longitudinal)
How many possible degrees of freedom can a joint have?
1, 2, or 3
Degrees of freedom refers to:
the number of planes of motion allowed at a joint
What is internal rotation?
anterior surface of bone rotates toward midline
What is external rotation?
anterior surface of bone rotates away from midline
What is circumduction?
circular motion through two planes (thus joint must have at least 2 degrees of freedom)
What is protraction?
translation of a bone away from the midline in a plane parallel to the ground

(generally used for scapula or jaw)
What is retraction?
movement of a bony segment toward the midline in a plane parallel to the ground

(generally used for scapula or jaw)
What is horizontal adduction?
usually refers to shoulder

with shoulder in abducted position (at 90 degrees), moving hands together in the horizontal plane
What is horizontal abduction?
usually refers to shoulder

with shoulder in abducted position (at 90 degrees), moving hands away from each other in the horizontal plane
Benefits of closed-chain exercises:
- more functional in nature
- capitalize on benefits of weight bearing
Benefits of open-chain exercises:
- increased ability to target specific muscle groups

- easily employable through use of weights or elastic bands/tubes
In general, how do the articulating surfaces of joints work together?
- generally the articular surfaces are curved
- one is convex
- one is concave
What is joint congruency?

joints are stable due to the concave-convex workings of the articular surfaces
Torque (rotational force) depends on:
- amount of force
- distance between force and rotational axis (moment arm)
Torque =
force X moment arm
Internal torque =
muscular force X internal moment arm
External torque =
external force X external moment arm
Two types of torque
- internal torque

- external torque
Movement of the body or a body segment is the result of:
competition between internal and external torques about a joint
Why are most of our bony lever systems in the body third-class levers?
because it is usually essential that the distal ends of our limbs move faster than our muscles can physiologically contract
Because most biomechanical lever systems in the body are third-class levers, most of the time a muscle must exert a force:
greater than the load being lifted
How do third-class levers affect joints?
the joint must be able to tolerate the high forces generated and be able to disperse large muscular forces that are transferred through the articular and bony surfaces

this is the reason for articular cartilage, bursae, synovial fluid, etc.
What is a muscle's line of pull?
a.k.a. line of force

direction of muscular force, typically represented as a vector
What does the relationship between a muscle's line of pull and the axis of rotation of a joint determine?
the action or actions the muscle can produce
Line of pull about a medial-lateral axis:
- anterior?
- posterior?
- flexion in the sagittal plane

- extension in the sagittal plane
Line of pull about a anterior-posterior axis:
- superior or lateral?
- inferior or medial?
- abduction in the frontal/coronal plane

- adduction in the frontal/coronal plane
Line of pull about a vertical/longitudinal axis:
produces internal or external rotation
With respect to the need for either force or speed/ROM with a given muscle/lever, the nervous system can:
determine and activate the most efficient muscle for the job
What is resultant force?
the result produced by combining two individual force vectors
If two force vectors are equal, what can be said of the resultant vector?
it will be directed exactly between the middle of the two composite vectors
If two force vectors are unequal (as is common in muscular forces) the resultant force and subsequent movement will be:
distorted and pulled toward the stronger muscle
Why are vectors important in kinesiology?
- they help estimate the results of several muscles pulling in opposite directions

- they can also help assess movement for muscle weaknessess

(e.g., anterior and posterior deltoids have opposite directions of pull, but nearly equal force potential; if one is damaged and the other compensates, the clinician could see the pull toward the stronger muscle; helps us see asymmetry in movement and helps us correct it)
Active motions of the body, powered by muscles, are determined by:
the muscle's line of pull relative to the axis of rotation of a joint
What factors determine the available motion (degrees of freedom) of a limb or body segment?
- arthrokinematics (roll, slide spin)
- bony conformation
- ligamentous support
Cortical bone
compact bone

the dense tissue comprising the outermost portions of bones
Cancellous bone
spongy bone

the porous tissue comprising the inner portions of a bone
What is the importance of cancellous bone structure?
- it serves to lighten the bones, and
- it redirects forces toward weight-bearing surfaces covered with articular cartilage (like a series of mechanical struts)
central shaft of bone
the expanded portions of bone arising from the diaphysis
- thin, tough membrane covering each long bone

- highly vascularized
- highly innervated

- helps secure attachments of muscles and ligaments to bone
Medullary canal
- central hollow tube within the diaphysis of a long bone

- stores bone marrow

- provides passageway for nutrient-carrying arteries
- membrane that lines surface of medullary canal

- contains cells important for forming and repairing bone
Classification of bones (5 basic categories)
- long
- short
- flat
- irregular
- sesamoid
What bone classification comprises the majority of the appendicular skeleton?
long bones
Description of short bones
generally equal in length, width, and height

(e.g., carpal bones)
Description of flat bones
- generally flat or slightly curved

- often provide wide base for expansive muscular attachment
Description of irregular bones
wide variety of shapes and sizes

(e.g., vertebrae, facial bones)
Description of sesamoid bones
- subcategory of irregular bones

- encased within tendons

- protect tendon and increase muscle's leverage
Largest sesamoid bone in the body

(embedded within tendon of quadriceps muscle to increase internal moment arm and thus torque production of the quadriceps)
Primary function of synarthroses?
- firmly bind bones together

- transmit forces from one bone to another
Three classifications of joints in the body:
- synarthrosis
- amphiarthrosis
- diarthrosis
Three types of biologic material comprising joints
- fibers
- ground substance
- cells
Three types of fibers comprising connective tissues of joints
- type I collagen
- type II collagen
- elastin
Description of type I collagen
- thick and rugged
- resists elongation
- composes ligaments, tendons, fibrous capsules

Description of type II collagen

- thinner and less stiff than type I
- provides flexible woven framework for maintaining shape and consistency of structures like hyaline cartilage
Description of elastin
- elastic
- resist stretching (tensile) forces
- have more "give" when elongated
- help prevent injury by allowing tissue to bend a great deal before breaking
What is ground substance? ***
- a water-saturated matrix composed primarily of glycosaminoglycans (gags), water, and solutes

- collagen and elastin fibers are embedded within it

- allows body fibers to exist in a fluid-filled environment, dispersing repetitive forces
What are joint reaction forces?
muscle contractions that occur with activity and whose energy must be transferred across the surfaces of our joints to stabilize our limbs
How does healthy articular cartilage affect the joint?
- it can more effectively dampen or absorb forces

- it also increases the surface area at the joint, thus reducing the stress on the cartilage
What effects can severe arthritis have on joints in addition to inflammation and pain?
- reduced ROM
- weaken soft tissues that stabilize the joint, over time potentially causing dislocation or subluxation
Cells within connective tissues of joints are primarily responsible for the _______ and ______ of tissues that constitute joints
maintenance, repair
Four basic types of connective tissue:
- dense irregular connective tissue
- articular cartilage
- fibrocartilage
- bone

Is the fibrous composition of tendons and ligaments similar?

yes, except that the arrangement of the fibers differs

(tendon fibers tend to lie in parallel bundles to better transmit muscular force, while ligament fibers are irregularly aligned and cross to accept tensile forces)
Why are tendon fibers aligned in a parallel fashion?
to allow muscular force to be efficiently transmitted to bone with minimal loss of muscle energy
Why are ligament fibers aligned in an irregular crossing pattern?
to allow it to accept tensile forces from several different directions while maintaining the integrity of the joint
What provides the majority of static stability to a joint?
- bony conformation

- ligamentous networks
What provides dynamic stability to a joint?
muscles functioning as active stabilizers
Many rehabilitation programs are designed to strengthen the supporting musculature in an effort to...
stabilize the joint in which the passive stabilizing structures such as ligaments are insufficient
Persons with advanced age and those with long-term immobilization of joints display what three common changes in the connective tissue surrounding joints?
- tissue weakness
- tissue dehydration
- tissue stiffness
How do clinicians attempt to prevent the tissue weakness, tissue stiffness, tissue dehydration cycle from beginning?
- early return to weight bearing
- functional exercise
- patient education
What is the sole producer of active force in the body? ***
How does muscle create movement? ***
it is stimulated by the nervous system, contracts, and pulls on bone to create movement
What moves when a muscle contracts? ***
the freest (or least-constrained) segment
Of what two types of material is skeletal muscle composed? ***
- muscle tissue (contractile)

- connective tissue
Three characteristics of contractile muscle tissue ***
- elasticity
- contractility
- irritability
What is elasticity with respect to contractile muscle tissue? ***
ability to resist shearing forces and to return to original form after being stretched
What is contractility with respect to contractile muscle tissue? ***
ability to develop tension against resistance
What is irritability with respect to contractile muscle tissue? ***
ability to respond to chemical, electrical, or mechanical stimuli
Characteristics of muscular connective tissue ***
- surrounds and supports muscle tissue in form of sheaths, fascia, aponeuroses

- all interconnected and continues the passive elastic component of a muscle

- non contractile
Muscle cell =
muscle fiber
Muscle fibers contain ______, which contains myofibrils. ***
Of what are myofibrils composed? ***
of many tiny filaments = myofilaments
Of what are myofilaments composed? ***
of proteins
- actin and
- myosin
Segments of myofibrils are divided into _______, which contain actin and myosin filaments. ***
What is a sarcomere? ***
the contractile unit of muscle wherein actin and myosin move over each other (form cross bridges) in response to a stimulus
What generates active tension in muscle tissue? ***
formation of actin-myosin cross bridges
How does one increase the number of muscle fibers in the body? ***
- you can't

- individuals are born with a set number of muscle fibers
What effect do strengthening exercises have on muscles? ****
they increase the number of sarcomeres, which increases muscle fiber size

does NOT increase the number of muscle fibers
What is a motor unit? ***
the alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates

(multiple motor units per muscle)
Motor units fire ________ within the muscle. ****
The more motor units firing in muscle, the...
greater the tension generated

(the nervous system only activates the number of motor units needed for the job being done)
The number of motor units varies from muscle to muscle.

Which have more? Less? ***
- fine motor muscles

- gross motor muscles
Motor units in fine motor muscles ***
fine motor muscles (eye, fingers) have lots of motor units with fewer muscle fibers per motor unit
Motor units in gross motor muscles ***
gross motor muscles (legs, trunk) have fewer motor units with many muscle fibers per motor unit
On average, how many muscle fibers are controlled by a single motor neuron in the human body? ***
What is a muscle's origin? ***
- proximal attachment

- point of attachment closest to the midline or “core” of the body in the anatomic position

(also explained as the fixed/non-moving point)
What is a muscle's insertion? ***
- distal attachment

- point of attachment farthest from the midline or body “core”

(also explained as the moving portion)
What are the three types of principle muscle fibers found in skeletal muscle? ***
- slow-twitch oxidative (SO) type I fibers

- fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) type II fibers

- fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG) type IIA fibers
Characteristics of fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) type II fibers ***
- fast speed of contraction; fast rate of fatigue
- muscles with a high percentage of these fibers are able to respond rapidly to stimulus and produce large ROM
- large diameter fibers
- sparse capillarity

- for mobility, no postural muscles (biceps)
Characteristics of fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG) type IIA fibers ***
- fast speed of contraction; intermediate rate of fatigue

- intermediate diameter fibers with dense capillarity
Characteristics of slow-twitch oxidative (SO) type I fibers ***
- slow speed of contraction; slow rate of fatigue
- small diameter fibers; dense capillarity

- muscles with a high percentage of these fibers are able to carry on sustained activity
- primarily involved in stability, postural muscles (e.g., soleus)
Are muscles made up solely of one type of fiber? ***
- all types of muscle fibers exist in all muscle but percentages vary muscle to muscle and individual to individual

- composition is genetically determined:
(e.g., a world-class sprinter will likely have a higher percentage of FG fibers in lower extremity muscles, while a world-class marathoner will likely have a higher percentage of SO fibers in lower extremity muscles)
What three factors determine the functional potential of a muscle? ***
- cross-sectional area (how big/how many fibers?)
- shape
- line of pull
What is the cross-sectional area of a muscle, and of what is it an indirect measure? ***
- cross-sectional area is a measure of the thickness of a muscle

- it is an indirect measure of contractile elements available to generate force
The larger a muscle's cross-sectional area, the greater:
its force potential

(i.e., a person with larger muscles can usually generate larger muscular forces)
Muscle shape is one important indicator of: ***
a muscle's specific action
Most muscles are of what four shapes? ***
- fusiform
- triangular
- rhomboidal
- pennate
Description of a fusiform muscle? ***
- fibers run parallel to one another

- built to provide large ranges of motion

(e.g., biceps brachii)
Description of a triangular muscle? ***
- expansive proximal attachments converging to a small distal attachment

- provide a stabilized base for generating force

(e.g., gluteus medius)
Description of a rhomboidal muscle? ***
- expansive proximal and distal attachments

-shaped like large rhomboids or off-set squares

- suited to stabilize a joint or provide large forces, depending on cross-sectional area

(e.g., gluteus maximus)
Description of pennate muscles. ***
- shape resembles a feather
- muscle fibers approach a central tendon at an oblique angle

- large force potential
- limited excursion (range)

- further classified as unipennate, bipennate, or multipennate, based on number of fiber sets attached to central tendon
Muscle forces can be described as vectors because.... ***
they possess both a direction and a magnitude
Direction of a muscle's force is referred to as: ***
line of pull

(or line of force)

(e.g., a muscle's line of pull that courses anterior to the medial-lateral axis of rotation of the shoulder performs flexion; if it coursed posterior it would perform extension)
What is the length-tension relationship of a muscle? ***
- the degree to which muscle is either stretched or shortened at the time of its activation

- it significantly impacts force output of muscle

- the concept that muscle length strongly influences muscle force influences many clinical activities
(e.g., testing and strengthening of muscles)
How is the concept of the length-tension relationship of a muscle useful in clinical activities? ***
- it is known that muscle length strongly influences muscle force

- this carries over into activities for testing and strengthening muscles
Force generated within a muscle by an active length-tension relationship is highly dependent upon _____ length. ***
Where is a muscle's active force generally greatest? ***
at its midlength
Where is a muscle's active force generally least? ***
at both extremes
How is force generated within a muscle by a passive length-tension relationship? ***
because of their elasticity, muscles also produce force passively
When do muscles generate greater internal elastic force? ***
when stretched
What does a muscle's passive length-tension curve demonstrate? ***
its elastic behavior
How does the velocity of a concentric muscular contraction affect force production? ***
- during a concentric contraction, a muscle produces less force as the speed of contraction increases

- at higher speeds of contraction, the actin-myosin cross bridges lack sufficient time to form, pull, and re-form; therefore force is decreased
Describe the force created by an isometric muscular contraction. ***
it creates a greater force than any speed concentric contraction
Describe the force production of an eccentric muscular contraction. ***
force production increases slightly as the speed of the elongation increases
Describe parallel muscle fiber arrangements. ***
- a.k.a. fusiform
- bundles of long fibers that run parallel to axis of muscle
- produce greater ROM of bony lever

(e.g., biceps brachii, SCM, rectus abdominis)
Describe oblique muscle fiber arrangements. ***
- a.k.a. pennate
- bundles of short muscle fibers, oblique to axis of muscle
- produce greater force/stability

(e.g., deltoid, rectus femoris)
What is muscle tension? ***
magnitude of the force of muscle, both active and passive
What is active muscle tension? ***
- developed by contractile elements of muscle (muscle contracting)

- motor unit is stimulated, sarcomere shortens
How is active muscle tension increased? ***
- increasing frequency of motor units firing

- increasing number of motor units fired

- increased cross sectional area of fiber (increased number of sarcomeres)
Active muscle tension + passive muscle tension = ***
total tension of muscle
What is passive muscular tension? ***
- force developed by passive elastic components of muscle (muscle stretching)

- the tension necessary for a muscle to contract or recoil
An increase in muscle fiber size results in: ***
an increase in tension output

(a result of resistive exercise, which increases muscle fiber size, NOT the number of muscle fibers)
What is the muscle's length-tension relationship? ***
- the optimal length at which the muscle is capable of developing its maximal tension

- if the muscle is shortened or lengthened beyond that length, the amount of tension the muscle is able to generate is decreased
What is the muscle's optimal length with respect to the length-tension relationship? ***
- slightly longer than normal resting length

(about 1.2 times longer)
How does the body carry out moving muscles to the optimal length-tension ratio? ***
- it is innate/subconscious

- the body automatically places the muscles at the proper length for optimal tension development

(e.g., when you go to kick a ball, you naturally extend your hip and flex your knee to "wind up" for the kick)
How were the rubber bands related to muscles in the class activity? ***
- passive tension = stretching of the rubber band

- active tension = release of the rubber band
What is a concentric contraction? ***
- muscle shortens
- muscle attachments move toward each other
- anti-gravity movement
What is an eccentric contraction? ***
- muscle lengthens
- muscle attachments move away from each other
- controlled movement into gravity
- muscle acts as a resistance to gravity's effort (2nd class lever)
( a "negative")
What is an isometric contraction? ***
- no change in muscle length

- no movement of joint
Rank concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions with respect to amount of muscle tension developed (least to most.) ***
Least - concentric
Medium - isometric
Most - eccentric
What is normal muscle action with respect to origin and insertion? ***
- distal muscle attachment moves the free distal bony segment toward the fixed proximal bony segment

- insertion moves toward origin
What is an agonist? ***
- the prime mover

- the muscle or muscle group most directly related to performing a specific joint movement
What is an antagonist? ***
- a muscle or muscle group that can oppose the action or actions of the agonist

- performs opposite motion of agonist

- usually inhibited by the nervous system when the agonist is contracting (i.e., reciprocal inhibition)

- usually the antagonist passively elongates as the agonist actively contracts
What is a prime mover? ***
same as agonist
What is reciprocal inhibition? ***
inhibition of the antagonist when the agonist is contracting
What is co-contraction? ***
- agonist & antagonist contract simultaneously in an isometric fashion

- co-contractions around a joint provide stability to the joint
What is a synergist? ***
- muscle which assists the agonist in providing action

- can also stabilize the joint during action

- may neutralize unwanted motion (suppressing unwanted or refining desired motion)
What is a stabilizer? ***
muscle that “fixes” or holds a body segment relatively stationary so that another muscle can more effectively perform
What is a force-couple? ***
synergistic action occurring when muscles produce force in different linear directions but produce torque in the same rotary direction

(e.g., placing two hands on book, moving them in opposite directions--book rotates; similar motion seen in scapular rotation)
Typically, a muscle can only shorten or elongate about ____ of its resting length (excursion). ***
What is active insufficiency? ***
- diminished ability of a muscle to maintain/produce active tension (weak muscle)

- muscle is maximally shortened prior to FROM across all involved joints

- when a muscle reaches a point where it cannot shorten any farther it is has reached active insufficiency

- a muscle becomes actively insufficient at the end of the range of motion that it produces

- deals with 2-joint muscles

(e.g., hamstrings exhibit active insufficiency when simultaneously extending hip and flexing knee; FROM cannot be achieved at both joints---a.k.a. putting a muscle "on slack.")
What is passive insufficiency? ***
- insufficient (antagonist) muscle length to permit FROM to be produced simultaneously at all joints crossed by muscle

- the inability of a muscle that spans two or more joints to be stretched sufficiently to produce a full range of motion in all the joints simultaneously

- deals with 2-joint muscles

[e.g., long finger flexor muscles become passively insufficient as they are stretched over wrist and finger joints during wrist extension. Passive tension developed in finger flexors causes finger to flex. (“Putting them on stretch.”)]
Name two sensory receptors associated with muscle tissue. ***
- golgi tendon organs

- muscle spindles
What is a Golgi tendon organ? ***
- located in musculotendinous junction

- respond to tension caused by excessive muscle contraction

- response: agonist is inhibited, antagonist is facilitated (opposing muscle kicks in)
What is a muscle spindle? ***
- located throughout muscle belly
- respond to muscle stretching
- response: facilitate muscle contraction
How do muscles serve a mobility function for the body? ***
by producing/controlling movement of bony levers around joint axes
How do muscles serve a stability function for the body? ***
by resisting movement of joint surfaces and through approximation of joint surfaces
What is a shunt muscle? ***
- muscles that have proximal attachments close to the joint axis with the distal attachment far away from joint axis

- muscles that maintain joint stability by compression

(e.g., brachioradialis)
What is a spurt muscle? ***
- muscles that have proximal attachments far from the joint axis with the distal attachment close to the joint axis

- muscles that create large rotatory component (ROM)

(e.g., biceps brachii)
Give three examples of how variation in muscle design affects stability/mobility. ***
- fiber composition
(e.g., higher percentage of SO fibers = more power; higher percentage of FG fibers = more speed)

- fiber arrangement
(e.g., oblique fiber arrangement = more power; parallel fiber arrangement = more ROM/speed)

- fiber location
(e.g., deep fibers = more power; superficial fibers = more speed)
What happens to muscle tissue during periods of immobility? ***
- overall tension-generating capacity is decreased secondary to immobilization in either shortened or lengthened position*
- increase in connective tissue results in increased stiffness to passive stretch
- increased fatigability of muscle
- muscle atrophy

*recovery of muscle from immobilization in shortened position takes a longer time to recover from than immobilization in a lengthened position
Characteristics of muscular injuries (due to overuse). ***
- overuse injuries (repetitive trauma that does not allow for complete tissue repair)

- musculotendinous unit most often affected

- microtrauma, then inflammation, edema, connective tissue thickening, and secondary scar tissue/adhesions

- may enter plastic stage (elasticity gone) which can lead to tissue failure
How does aging affect muscle tissues? ***
- increase of connective tissue within the muscle leads to muscle stiffness

- studies show that resistive exercise results in increased strength levels with elderly
How can muscles work as active stabilizers? ***
- although ligaments and capsules can stabilize joints, only muscle can adapt to the immediate and long-term external forces that can destabilize the body

- many types of injuries such as ligamentous rupture can significantly destabilize a joint

- physical therapists and physical therapist assistants often improve stability of a joint by strengthening the surrounding muscles
Besides producing all active motions, muscles also:
control and stabilize our posture by their action at joints
How do clinicians help patients compensate for structures like ligaments that have been weakened by disease or trauma?
by helping patients strengthen muscles to stabilize the underlying joints
When a muscle contracts, the _____ kinematic segment moves.
freest (or least constrained)

that may produce an open chain motion (e.g., knee extension) or closed chain (e.g., rising from a chair)
Once stimulated, muscles react by producing a _____ or _____ force.
contractile or pulling

NEVER pushing!
An active muscle develops a force in only one of three ways. Name them.
- concentric = shortening (or contracting)
- eccentric = attempting to resist elongation (a "negative")
- isometric = remaining at a constant length
What is a concentric activation?
- muscle produces active force and simultaneously shortens

- muscle decreases distance between proximal and distal attachments

- internal torque produced by the muscle exceeds the external torque produced by an outside force
What is an eccentric activation?
- muscle produces an active force (attempts to contract) but is simultaneously pulled to a longer length by a more dominant external force

- external torque (often due to gravity) exceeds internal torque produced by the muscle

- muscle is lengthened in a controlled manner (e.g., like a "negative", lowering oneself into a chair, lowering an arm, etc.)
If an action is "lowering," it is almost 100% certain the muscles controlling the action are ______ activated.
During an eccentric activation, _______ usually powers the movement, but the eccentric activation of muscle is used to decelerate the rate of descent.
What is isometric activation?
- occurs when a muscle generates an active force while remaining at a constant length

- muscle generates internal torque equal to the external torque

- no motion or change in joint angle
Proximal attachment = ______
Distal attachment = ______
What is the proximal attachment/origin?
the point of attachment that is closest to the midline, or core, of the body when in the anatomic position
What is the distal attachment/insertion?
the point of attachment that is farthest from the midline, or core, of the body
How can an overly stiff antagonist muscle affect movement?
by limited ROM in passively elongating, it prevents the agonist from fully contracting
What is a co-contraction?
- occurs when agonist and antagonist are simultaneously activated in a pure or near isometric fashion

- often stabilize (and therefore protect) joints
What are synergists?
muscles that work together to perform a particular action
Most meaningful movements of the body involve.....
the synergistic action of muscles
What is a force-couple?
a type of synergistic action that occurs when two or more muscles produce force in different linear directions but produce torque in the same rotary direction (e.g., scapular rotation)
What is excursion?
change in the length of a muscle

(lengthening OR shortening)
Name the three main components of a muscle, and the type of connective tissue surrounding each.
muscle belly - epimysium
fascicle - perimysium
muscle fiber/cell - endomysium
What is a sarcomere?
the basic contractile unit of a muscle fiber/cell
Each sarcomere is composed of:
two main protein filaments, actin and myosin
What are actin and myosin?
the two main protein filaments comprising a sarcomere
What is the sliding filament theory?
states that active force within a muscle is generated as actin filaments slide past the myosin filaments, resulting in the contraction of an individual sarcomere
Which is the thick filament in a sarcomere? The thin filament?
- myosin

- actin
What is an actin-myosin cross bridge?
the connection made when the heads on the thick myosin filament attach to the thin actin filament
What is a power stroke?
occurs when the myosin head binds to the actin filament then flexes

this slides the actin filament past the myosin, generating force and shortening the sarcomere
How does the shortening of sarcomeres affect the entire muscle?
because the sarcomeres are joined end to end throughout an entire myofibril,

and the myofibrils are bound by endomysium into a muscle fiber/cell,

which, in turn are bound by perimysium into fascicles, and finally by epimysium into muscle bellies,

the shortening of the sarcomeres shortens the whole (by up to half)
Why is the number of myosin heads and actin binding sites important?
in order for the sarcomere to maximally contract, numerous power strokes must occur

more cross-bridges = more power strokes = more power
The force of a muscular contraction is determined largely by:
the number of actin-myosin cross-bridges that are formed
What is a muscle belly?
the bulk, or body of the muscle
Of what are muscle bellies comprised?
fasciculi (fascicles)
What connective tissue surrounds muscle bellies, and what is its purpose?

to surround the outer layer (belly) of the muscle and hold its shape
What is a fascicle?
a bundle of muscle fibers
What connective tissue surrounds fasciculi, and what is its function?

to support the fasciculi and serves as a vehicle to support the nerves and blood vessels
What is a muscle fiber/cell?
an individual cell with multiple nuclei
What is contained within a muscle fiber/cell?
all the contractile elements within muscle

myofibrils comprised of myofilaments
What connective tissue surrounds each muscle fiber/cell and what is its purpose?
endomysium, a dense meshwork of collagen fibrils

it helps transfer contractile force to the tendon
What is a myofibril?
the contractile elements of the muscle fiber/cell

sarcomeres and contractile proteins
What is the physiologic cross-sectional area of a muscle?
its thickness--an indirect and relative measure of the amount of contractile elements available to generate force
The larger a muscle's cross-sectional area:
the greater its force potential
Troponin is responsible for:
exposing the actin filament to the myosin head and allowing cross-bridge formation
In general, a maximally activated muscle produces approximately ___ pounds of force for every square inch of muscular tissue.

(this is fairly standard and varies little among different people or different muscles)
A muscle's shape is one important indicator of:
its specific action
Long, strap-like muscles typically provide:
large ranges of motion
Thick, short muscles typically provide:
large forces
Four basic muscle shapes
- fusiform
- triangular
- rhomboidal
- pennate
Characteristics of fusiform muscles
- parallel fibers

- large ranges of motion
Characteristics of triangular muscles
- expansive proximal attachments that converge to a small distal attachment

- large proximal attachments provide a well-stabilized base for generating force
Characteristics of rhomboidal muscles
- expansive proximal and distal attachments

- generally shaped like large rhomboids or offset squares

- expansive attachments make them well suited to stabilize a joint or provide large forces (depending on the cross-sectional area)
Characteristics of pennate muscles
- shape of a feather

- muscle fibers attach to central tendon at an oblique angle

- diagonal orientation maximizes force potential (more muscle fibers fit into the muscle compared to a similar-sized fusiform muscle, but the angle also limits their excursion, so less ROM)

- often found in muscles that are required to produce large forces to support or propel the weight of the body
How are pennate muscles classified?
- unipennate - fibers attach to one side of central tendon
- bipennate - fibers attach to both sides of central tendon
- multipennate - fibers attach to multiple sides of central tendon
Muscle forces can be described as a vector, because they possess both ______ and _______.

The direction of a muscle's force is referred to as the muscle's....
line of pull (or line of force)
A muscle's line of pull is assumed....
to act in a straight line
A muscle's line of pull relative to the axis of rotation of a joint dictates....
the muscle's action
What is the operational length of a muscle?
the degree to which a muscle is stretched or shortened at the time of its activation

(a.k.a. length-tension relationship)
The length-tension relationship has a significant impact on the _____ _____ of muscle.
force output
Muscle length strongly influences muscle ______.
Length is critical in the active length-tension relationship because....
length determines the number of effective actin-myosin cross-bridges that exist at any given time

more cross-bridges = more contraction force

(e.g., men pulling cart analogy on page 43)
Because of their elastic nature, muscles also produce force _____.
What is the passive length-tension relationship?
due to their elastic nature, muscles produce force passively, generating internal elastic force when stretched (like a rubber band)
How do we innately use the passive length-tension relationship?
"loading before exploding"

we wind up to kick a ball, squat down before we jump, do plyometrics, etc.
What is a mono-articular muscle? A multi-articular (or poly-articular) joint?
- crosses only one joint

- crosses multiple joints
Which type of muscle can be stretched to a greater degree, mono- or multi-articular?
Describe how the multi-articular biceps can maintain near-constant (and optimal) overall length during activity.
e.g., when pulling an object toward you, the elbow flexes (biceps contraction) but the shoulder simultaneously extends (biceps elongates)

this helps produce a more constant force throughout the ROM

this strategy of balance is important to remember when designing functional exercises or teaching functional activities that involve activation of multi-articular muscles
How does velocity of a muscular contraction impact force production in a concentric contraction?
as speed of contraction increases, less force is produced because the actin-myosin cross-bridges do not have time to form (pull) and reform
How does velocity of a muscular contraction impact force production in an isometric contraction?
since the velocity of an isometric contraction is zero, nearly all the actin-myosin cross-bridges are formed and all are given enough time to reach their maximal force-producing potential

isometric activation of a muscle creates greater force than any speed concentric contraction
How does velocity of a muscular contraction impact force production in an eccentric contraction?
force production increases slightly as the speed of the elongation increases, partly because of the elasticity of the connective tissues within the muscle

resistance to elongation increases with increased speed of elongation
Because multi-articular muscles can experience extreme shortening or elongation across multiple joints, they are often associated with _______ ________.
functional weakness
Example of passive insufficiency
fully flex wrists and try to make a fist

passive insufficiency of the antagonist

passive insufficiency or excessive tightness in the over-stretched long finger extensor muscles prevents making a fist
Example of active insufficiency
fully flex wrists and try to make a fist

active insufficiency of the agonist

long finger flexor muscles were too short (slackened) over the flexed wrist and flexed fingers

(put "on slack")
What principle is often used therapeutically to isolate certain muscles?
active insufficiency

put the muscle "on slack" (i.e., make it too short to produce force/contract)
Force-velocity relationship and reasoning for it for a concentric muscle activation
slower-speed contraction produces greater force

more time for actin-myosin cross-bridge formation
Force-velocity relationship and reasoning for it for a eccentric muscle activation
higher-speed elongation produces greater force

stretching of passive elements of muscle
Force-velocity relationship and reasoning for it for an isometric muscle activation
force is greater than any speed concentric contraction

velocity is zero, allowing maximal cross-bridge formation
Muscles will often adapt to the length at which....
they are most often held

held in a shortened position, muscles shorten,
held in an elongated position, muscles lengthen
What often causes adaptive shortening in muscle?
- disease
- immobility
- poor posture
What is a contracture?
a muscle so tight that it severely restricts joint movement
Overly tight muscles cause the associated joints to....
assume a posture that mimics the muscle's primary actions

(if hamstring is tight, the hip will extend and the knee will flex; therapist needs to produce the opposite)
Optimal stretching of a muscle requires:
the therapist to hold a limb in a position that is opposite to all of the muscle's actions
What are some guidelines for proper stretching?
- position the joint(s) in a manner opposite to all of the tightened muscle's normal actions

- hold at least 20-30 seconds
- stretch frequently

- maintain some stretch throughout the day
- strengthen the antagonists
- do not over-stretch
What is muscular atrophy?
muscle wasting or decrease in muscle mass, with the proportional loss in muscle strength
Muscular weakness can significantly impair the ability to perform normal functional activities and may result in:
- postural abnormalities

- injury to joints
What two principles should be considered when designing an exercise program?
- overload principle

- training specificity principle
What is the overload principle?
a principle that states a muscle must receive sufficient level of resistance to stimulate hypertrophy and strength increase

(sufficient to cause hypertrophy but not injury!)
What is the training specificity principle?
states that a muscle will adapt to the way in which it is challenged

therefore clinicians attempt to design exercises that match the natural demands placed on the muscle
What is muscular hypertrophy?
muscular growth or enlargement that indicates an increase in strength
What causes muscular hypertrophy?
an increase in the size of individual muscle fibers, NOT an increase in the number of fibers

increase is due to the synthesis of more proteins involved with muscle force (i.e., actin and myosin) thus enabling more cross-bridges to form and greater maximal force
Why is muscle tissue ideally suited to stabilize a joint?
because it is coupled to both
- external environment, and
- internal control mechanisms of the nervous system
The force generated by muscle is the primary means by which an individual controls the intricate balance between
- stable posture
- active movement
Which of the following statements describes a concentric contraction? ***

a. The proximal and distal attachments of the muscle become farther apart.
b. The proximal and distal attachments of the muscle become closer together
c. The internal torque produced by the muscle is greater than the external torque produced by an outside force.
d. A and C
e. B and C
e. B and C
Which of the following types of muscular activation results in elongation of the muscle? ***

a. concentric
b. eccentric
c. isometric
b. eccentric
Which of the following statements best describes an antagonist? ***

a. A muscle that fixes or holds a body segment stationary so that another muscle can more effectively perform an action
b. a muscle that always shortens when it is active
c. a muscle or muscle group that opposes the action of an agonist
d. the muscle or muscle group most directly responsible for performing a particular action
c. a muscle or muscle group that opposes the action of an agonist
Which of the following statements best describes a muscular force-couple? ***

a. two or more muscles actively lengthening throughout an entire action
b. combined agonist and antagonist activity resulting in no or minimal joint movement
c. when two or more muscles produce force in different linear directions but produce rotary torque in the same linear direction
d. when an overly stiff or tight antagonist limits the action of the agonist muscle
c. when two or more muscles produce force in different linear directions but produce rotary torque in the same linear direction
Which of the following statements is true? ***

a. the larger a muscle's cross-sectional area, the greater its force-producing potential
b. in pennate muscles, nearly all the muscle fibers run parallel to one another
c. a muscle is able to produce the most force as it nears a maximally shortened position
d. a and b
e. a and c
a. the larger a muscle's cross-sectional area, the greater its force-producing potential
A muscle with a line of pull anterior to the medial-lateral axis of rotation of the shoulder will perform: ***

a. abduction
b. flexion
c. adduction
d. extension
b. flexion
The primary reason a muscle can produce the most force near its midrange is: ***

a. elastic properties of muscle help add to the active force of a muscle in its midrange
b. minimal actin-myosin cross-bridge formation is available in a muscle's midrange
c. passive elements of muscular tissue are put "on slack"
d. the number of actin-myosin cross-bridges that can be formed is near maximal
d. the number of actin-myosin cross-bridges that can be formed is near maximal

Which of the following statements is (are) true? ***

a. the passive length-tension curve indicates that muscle produces more passive force when it is stretched, rather than slackened
b. the force a muscle produces during a concentric contraction increases as the velocity of the contraction increases
c. the force produced by a muscle activated isometrically is greater than any speed of concentric contraction
d. A and C
e. B and C

d. A and C

The term "active insufficiency" describes: ***

a. a muscle's inability to perform an action because of the tightness of its antagonist
b. decreased ability of a two-joint (multi-articular) muscle to produce significant force to complete an action because it has become too short
c. the inability of an action to be completed because the antagonist is stretched over multiple joints
d. when two or more muscles combine forces but fail to complete an action

b. decreased ability of a two-joint (multi-articular) muscle to produce significant force to complete an action because it has become too short
If a muscle that performs both hip flexion and knee extension becomes tight, which of the following combination of actions will likely be limited? ***

a. hip flexion and knee extension
b. hip extension and knee flexion
c. hip flexion and knee flexion
d. hip extension and knee extension
b. hip extension and knee flexion

During a concentric contraction, the muscle is active and shortening. ***

a. true
b. false

a. true
According to the sliding filament theory, contraction of a sarcomere is the result of actin filaments sliding past myosin filaments. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true
Isometric activation of muscle results in the proximal and distal attachments of a muscle becoming farther apart. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (they do not move)

Regardless of whether a muscle is lengthening or shortening, a muscle can produce only a contractile, or pulling force. ***

a. true
b. false

a. true
A muscle's "excursion" refers to the maximal force that the muscle can produce. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (change in length)
A "multi-articular" muscle refers to a muscle that crosses two or more joints. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true
Fusiform muscles can typically produce more force than similar-sized pennate muscles. ***

a. true
b. false
b. false (the opposite is true)
The overload principle states that a muscle must receive a sufficient amount of resistance to stimulate hypertrophy. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true

"Atrophy" refers to muscular enlargement or an increase in muscle mass. ***

a. true
b. false

b. false (wasting or decrease in muscle mass)
In order to stretch or maximally elongate a muscle, the muscle must be placed in a position opposite that of all its actions. ***

a. true
b. false
a. true