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479 Cards in this Set

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What is number 1?
Floating Ribs11-12
What is number 2?
What is number 3?
What is number 1?
Alae (lateral parts
What is number 2?
What is number 3?
What is number 4?
Pelvic sacral foramina
What is number 2?
Auricular surface
What is number 3?
Inferior lateral angles
What is number 4?
What is number 1?
Median sacral crest and spinous tubercles
What is number 2?
What is number 3?
What is number 4?
Transverse tubercles
What is number 2?
Superior articular processes
What is number 4?
Dorsal sacral foramina
What is number 1?
Sacral canal (vertebral canal)
What is number 2?
What is number 3?
What is number 4?
Medial sacral crest and spinous tubercles
What is number 1?
Auricular surface
What is number 2?
Auricular surface
What is number 3?
Inferior lateral angles
What is number 4?
Facet for coccyx
What is number 1?
Attachments of coccygeus
What is number 2?
Origin of iliacus
What is number 3?
Insertion of piriformis
What is number 4?
Insertion of psoas minor
What is number 2?
Origin of erector spinae
What is number 1?
Attachment of levator anipubococcygeal part
What is number 3?
Origin of transversospinalis: multifidus
What is number 1?
Attachment of levator ani-iliococcygeus/pubococcygeus
What is number 2?
Origin of oburator internus
What is number 3?
Attachments of gluteus maximus
What is number 4?
Origin of erector spinae
What is number 1?
Origin of latissimus dorsi
What is number 2?
Attachments of thoracolumbar fascia
What is number 3?
Origin of erector spinae
What are the tributaries of the lateral thoracic vein?
What is the course of the lateral thoracic vein?
Ascends along the lateral border of the pectoralis major
What does the lateral thoracic vein drain into?
Axillary vein
What regions are drained by the lateral thoracic vein?
Serratus anterior, skin of the thoracic wall, mammary glands
What are the tributaries of the anterior intercostal veins?
What is the course of the anterior intercostal veins?
Run through the anterior aspect of the intercostal spaces
What does the anterior intercostal veins drain into?
Internal thoracic veins
What regions are drained by the anterior intercostal veins?
Intercostal spaces
What are the tributaries of the internal thoracic vein?
Pericardiacophrenic vein, anterior intercostal vein
What is the course of the internal thoracic vein?
Ascend vertically behind the cartilages of the upper six ribs, parallel to the lateral edge of the sternum
What is the action of the diaphragm
What is the innervation of the diaphragm
Phrenic and lower intercostal nerves
What is the blood supply of the diaphragm
Periocardiacophrenic artery, musculophrenic artery, inferior phrenic arteries
What is the proximal attachment of the diaphragm
Costal part: ribs 6-12, lumbar part: vertebrae L1-L3, sternal part:xiphoid process
What is the distal attachment of the diaphragm
Central tendon
What does the internal thoracic vein drain into?
Brachiocephalic vein
What regions are drained by the internal thoracic vein?
Intercostal muscles 8-10, sternal region
What are the tributaries of the inferior epigastric vein?
Tributaries from the abdominal area
What is the course of the inferior epigastric vein?
Arise from the abdominal area, down the level of the umbilicus
What does the inferior epigastric vein drain into?
External iliac veins
What regions are drain by the inferior epigastric vein?
Muscles of the abdominal area
What are the tributaries of the superficial epigastric vein?
Tributaries from the abdominal area
What is the course of the superficial epigastric vein?
Arise from tributaries embedded in the superficial abdominal fascia inferior to the level of the umbilicus
What does the superficial epigastric vein drain into?
Femoral veins
What regions are drained by the superficial epigastric vein?
Inferior abdominal wall
What is the action of the External abdominal oblique
Rotates torso
What is the innervation of the External abdominal oblique
Intercostal nervew T5-T11, subcostal nerve T12
What is the blood supply of the External abdominal oblique
Musculophrenic artery, superior epigastric artery, subcostal artery, circumflex iliac artery, superficial epigastric, inferior epigastric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the External abdominal oblique
lower 8 costae
What is the distal attachment of the External abdominal oblique
Crista iliaca, Ligamentum inguinale
What is the action of the Internal abdominal oblique
Compress abdomen and rotates vertebral column
What is the innervation of the Internal abdominal oblique
Intercostal nervew T8-T11, subcostal nerve T12, iliohypogastric nerve, iliolinguinal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Internal abdominal oblique
Musculophrenic artery, superior epigastric artery, subcostal artery, circumflex iliac artery, superficial epigastric, inferior epigastric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Internal abdominal oblique
Inguinal ligament, iliac crest and the lumbodorsal fascia
What is the distal attachment of the Internal abdominal oblique
Linea alba, xiphoid process and the inferior ribs
What are the tributaries of the external jugular vein?
Retromandibular and posterior auricular veins, internal jugular vein, posterior external jugular vein, transverse cervical vein, suprascapular vein, anterior jugular vein
What is the course of the external jugular vein?
Arises near the angle of the mandible, inferior to the parotid gland and descends vertically across SCM
What does the external jugular vein drain into?
Subclavian vein
What regions are drained by the external jugular vein?
Shoulder, head, and neck
What are the tributaries of the internal jugular vein?
Sigmoid sinus, inferior petrosal sinus, facial vein, lingual vein, pharyngeal vein, superior and middle thyroid veins
What is the course of the internal jugular vein?
Descends within the carotid sheath, and comes to lie lateral to the internal and common carotid arteries, at the superior and inferior it forms dilated bulbs
What does the internal jugular vein drain into?
Unites with the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein
What regions are drained by the internal jugular vein?
Brain, cranial cavity, face, neck
What is the action of the Transversus abdominis
Flexion of trunk/ lumbar vertebrae
What is the innervation of the Transversus abdominis
Intercostal nerves T7-T11, subcostal nerve T12, iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral nerve
What is the blood supply of the Transversus abdominis
Musculophrenic artery, superior epigastric artery, subcostal artery, circumflex iliac artery, superficial epigastric, inferior epigastric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Transversus abdominis
ribs and the iliac crest
What is the distal attachment of the Transversus abdominis
Inserts into the pubic tubercle via the conjoint tendon, also know as the falx inguinalis
What is the action of the Rectus abdominis
Flexion of trunk/ lumbar vertebrae
What is the innervation of the Rectus abdominis
Segmentally by thoraco-abdominal nerve (T7-T12)
What is the blood supply of the Rectus abdominis
Inferior epigastric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Rectus abdominis
What is the distal attachment of the Rectus abdominis
Costal cartilages of ribs 5-7, xiphoid process of sternum
What is the antagonist of the Rectus abdominis
Erector espinae
What is the origin of the subcostal nerve T12?
Exit the vertebral column through the intervertebralforamina between the pedicles of T12 and L1
What is the course of the subcostal nerve T12?
Run together with the subcostalvessels, following the inferior borders of the twelfth ribs
What is the distribution of the subcostal nerve T12?
Abdominal muscles, overlying skin, costal part of diaphragm
What are the branches of the subcostal nerve T12?
Lateral cutaneousbranches, which ramify further as anterior and posterior branches.

Collateral branches, which terminate as the anterior cutaneousnerves
What is the origin of the iliohypogastric nerve?
Arise from the ventral ramusof L1, together with a small branch from the ventral ramusof T12.
What is the course of the iliohypogastric nerve?
Pass inferolaterally through psoasmajorto emerge from their
superolateralborder ofthe ilio-
inguinal nerves
What is the distribution of the iliohypogastric nerve?
Transversus abdominis,internal
What are the branches of the iliohypogastric nerve?
Lateral and anterior cutaneos
What is the action of the Pyramidalis
Tension of the linea alba
What is the innervation of the Pyramidalis
Subcostal nerve (t12)
What is the blood supply of the Pyramidalis
Subcostal artery, inferior epigastric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Pyramidalis
Pubic symphysis and pubic crest
What is the distal attachment of the Pyramidalis
Linea alba
What is the action of the Cremaster
Raise and lower the scrotum
What is the innervation of the Cremaster
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
What is the blood supply of the Cremaster
Cremasteric artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Cremaster
inguinal ligament
What is the distal attachment of the Cremaster
Forms thin network of muscle fasicles around the spermatic cord and testis
What is the action of the Quadratus Lumborum
Alone,lateral flexion of vertebral column; Together depression of thoracic rib cage
What is the innervation of the Quadratus Lumborum
Anterior branches of T12, L1-L4
What is the blood supply of the Quadratus Lumborum
Lumbar arteries, iliolumbar artery
What is the proximal attachment of the Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament
What is the distal attachment of the Quadratus Lumborum
Last rib and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
What is origin of the ilioinguinal nerve?
Arise from the ventral ramus of L1 and emerge from the superolateral border of psoas major with or below the iliohypogastricnerves.
What is the course of the ilioinguinal nerve?
Pass across the quadratus lumborum, superior part of iliacus, trasversus abdominis, internal oblique muscle and enters the inguinal canal
What is the distribution of the ilioinguinal nerve?
Internal Oblique
What are the branches of the ilioinguinal nerve?
Anterior srotal branches, labial branches
What is the origin of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Dorsal branches of the ventral rami of L2-3
What is the course of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Emerge through the lateral aspect of psoas major, pass inferolaterally across iliacus. Run deep to the inguinal ligament and enter the superior part of the thigh
What is the distribution of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Skin of anterior and lateral thigh, patellar plexus, lateral surface of thigh
What are the branches of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Anterior and posterior branches
What is the origin of the Abdominal aorta
The continuation of the descending thoracic aorta as it passes through the diaphgragmatic aortic aperture
What is the course of the Abdominal aorta
Descends over the lumbar vertebrae and associated anterior longitudinal ligament and terminates at the level of
L4 by dividing into the common iliac arteries
What are the branches of the Abdominal aorta
Celiac trunk, inferior mesenteric artery, inferior phrenic arteries, lumbar arteries, median sacral artery, middle suprarenal artery, ovarian artery, renal arery, superior mesenteric artery, testicular artery
What is the Distribution of the Abdominal aorta
Abdomen, lower limb
What is the origin of the femoral nerve?
Arise from the posterior divisions of the ventral rami of L2, L3, and L4
What is the course of the femoral nerve?
Pass inferolaterally through the substance of psoas major to emerge on the lateral border of the muscle, just below the iliac
crest, to ultimately divide into anterior and posterior divisions.
What is the distribution of the femoral nerve?
Sartorius, Skin of the front and medial sides of the thighs, Quadriceps femoris, Skin on the medial side of the lower thigh, calf, and foot
What are the branches of the femoral nerve?
Nerve to pectineus, intermediate femoral cutaneous, saphenous nerve, nerve to sartorius
What is the origin of the obturator nerve?
Arise from the ventral divisions of the ventral rami of L2, L3, and L4.
What is the course of the obturator nerve?
Descend through psoasmajor to emerge at the pelvic brim medial to the muscle.

Passing laterally to the internal iliac vessels, the nerves continue to descend into the
thigh until they divide into terminal branches.
What is the distribution of the obturator nerve?
Hip joint, gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, skin of the medial side of thigh, obturator externus, adductor magnus, posterior part of knee joint
What are the branches of the obturator nerve?
Anteriorand posterior branches
What is the origin of the Common hepatic artery
Brand of the celiac trunk
What is the course of the Common hepatic artery
Passes to the right and runs along the upper border of the head of the pancreas, behind the lesser omentum
What are the branches of the Common hepatic artery
Gastroduodenal artery after which it continues as the hepatic artery proper
What is the Distribution of the Common hepatic artery
Liver, gallbladder, stomach
What is the origin of the lumbosacral trunks?
Formed by the ventral rami of L4 and L5
What is the course of the lumbosacral trunks?
Descend over the pelvic brim anterior to the sacro-iliac joint
What is the distribution of the lumbosacral trunks?
The lumbosacral trunks supply a wide variety of structures in the pelvis and lower limb, chiefly through their terminal branches.
What are the branches of the lumbosacral trunks?
No direct branches but are connected to the superior gluteal nerves and continue as sciatic nerve
What is the origin of the Cystic artery
Brand of the right hepatic artery
What is the course of the Cystic artery
Descends either anterior or posterior to the common hepatic and cystic ducts to reach the neck of the gallbladder
What are the branches of the Cystic artery
Superficial and deep branches
What is the Distribution of the Cystic artery
Gallbladder, hepatic ducts, common bile duct
What is the origin of the Hepatic Artery Proper
Continuation of the common hepatic artery after it gives off the gastroduodenal artery
What is the course of the Hepatic Artery Proper
Ascends within the lesser omentum to the liver where it terminates by dividing into left and right hepatic arteries
What are the branches of the Hepatic Artery Proper
Right gastric artery, cystic artery
What is the Distribution of the Hepatic Artery Proper
Head and neck, upper limbs
What is the origin of the Right Gastric Artery
Branch of the hepatic artery proper
What is the course of the Right Gastric Artery
Descends to the pylorus of the stomach and courses from right to left along its lesser curvature to anastomose with the left gastric artery
What are the branches of the Right Gastric Artery
Gastric branches
What is the Distribution of the Right Gastric Artery
Stomach:lesser curvature
What is the function of the liver: right lobe?
It stores sugars in the form of glycogen and vitamin and minerals, it produces albumin, it breaks down poisons and toxis
What is the blood supply of the liver: right lobe?
Hepatic arteries
What is the innervation of the liver: right lobe?
Hepatic plexus, vagus nerve, phrenic nerves
What is the function of the visceral peritoneum?
The peritoneum holds the abdominal contents in place and prevents friction by allowing them to slide over eachother; it also carries vessels and prevents the spread of infection
What is the blood supply of the visceral peritoneum?
What is the innervation of the visceral peritoneum?
What is the function of the hepatic coronary ligaments?
They support the liver within the abdomen
What is the blood supply of the hepatic coronary ligaments?
What is the innervation of the hepatic coronary ligaments?
What is the origin of the Gastroduodenal Artery
Branch of the common hepatic artery
What is the course of the Gastroduodenal Artery
Descends to the right, posterior to the duodenum and anterior to the neck of the pancreas and divides into its terminal branches
What are the branches of the Gastroduodenal Artery
Right gastroepiploic artery, pancreaticoduodenal artery (inferior branch)
What is the Distribution of the Gastroduodenal Artery
Stomach, duodenum, pancreas
What is the function of the peritoneum: lesser omentum?
It supports the stomach and prevents the spread of infection
What is the blood supply of the peritoneum: lesser omentum?
Hepatic Artery
What is the innervation of the peritoneum: lesser omentum?
What is the function of the peritoneum: falciform ligament of the liver?
It anchors the liver to the anterior abodminal wall and inferoir surface of the diaphram
What is the blood supply of the peritoneum: falciform ligament of the liver?
What is the innervation of the peritoneum: falciform ligament of the liver?
What is the function of the gallbladder: fundus?
Stores and concentrates bile, which is produced by the liver and cosists of salt such as cholesterol and pigments including the hemoglobin
What is the blood supply of the gallbladder: fundus?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the gallbladder: fundus?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve
What is the origin of the Right gastro-epiploic artery
Larger of the two terminal branches of the gastroduodenal artery
What is the course of the Right gastro-epiploic artery
Arises at the lower border of the duodenum's supreior part and passes from left to right within the layers of the greater omentum, along the greater curvature of the stomach where it anastomoses with the left gastro-epiploic artery
What are the branches of the Right gastro-epiploic artery
one of two branches to the pyloris of the stomach
What is the Distribution of the Right gastro-epiploic artery
Stomach, greater omentum, duodenum
What is the origin of the Left gastro-epiploic artery
A branch of the splenic artery
What is the course of the Left gastro-epiploic artery
Passes along the greater curvature of the stomach within the greater omentum where it terminates by uniting with the right gastro-epiploic artery
What are the branches of the Left gastro-epiploic artery
Branches to the anterior and posterior gastric walls
What is the Distribution of the Left gastro-epiploic artery
Stomach, greater omentum
What is the function of the gallbladder body?
Stores and concentrates bile, which is produced by the liver and cosists of salt such as cholesterol and pigments including the hemoglobin
What is the blood supply of the gallbladder body?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the gallbladder body?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, inferior phrenic nerve
What is the function of the gallbladder neck?
The narrow neck joins the body of the gallbladder to the cystic duct
What is the blood supply of the gallbladder neck?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the gallbladder neck?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve
What is the function of the cystic duct?
Transports bile from the gallbladder to the duodenum; bile contributes to the digestion by emulsifying the fats in our food
What is the blood supply of the cystic duct?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the cystic duct?
Hepatic plexus
What is the origin of the short gastric arteries
Trunk of the splenic artery or from its terminal divisions
What is the course of the short gastric arteries
Pass from left to right, between the layers of the gastrolienal ligament
What are the branches of the short gastric arteries
Anastomose with branches of the left gastric and left gastro-epiploic arteries
What is the Distribution of the short gastric arteries
Fundus of the stomach
What is the origin of the splenic artery
A branch of the celiac trunk
What is the course of the splenic artery
Passes laterally along the top of the pancreas and behind the stomach, branching just before it reaches the spleen
What are the branches of the splenic artery
Left gastroepiploic artery, pancreatic branches
What is the Distribution of the splenic artery
Spleen, pancreas, stomach
What is the function of the common hepatic duct?
Transports bile from the liver to the gallbladdre and to the duodenum; bile contributes to the digestion by emulsifying fats in our food
What is the blood supply of the common hepatic duct?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the common hepatic duct?
Hepatic Plexus
What is the function of the left hepatic duct?
Transports bile from the liver to the gallbladder and the duodenum
What is the blood supply of the left hepatic duct?
Cystic artery
What is the innervation of the left hepatic duct?
Cystic plexus
What is the function of the pancreas head?
Produces an enzyme in the pancreatic juice that helps break down proteins to amino acids, starch to maltose, and fats into fatty acids and glycerol
What is the blood supply of the pancreas head?
Pancreaticoduodenal arteries
What is the innervation of the pancreas head?
Thoracic splanchnic nerves, Vagus nerve X
What is the origin of the left gastric artery
The smallest branch of the celiac trunk
What is the course of the left gastric artery
Ascends on the posterior part of the diaphragm towards the termination of the esophagus, it then arches forward and descends along the lesser curvature of the stomach where it anastomoses with the right gastric artery
What are the branches of the left gastric artery
Esophageal branches, gastric branches
What is the Distribution of the left gastric artery
Esohpagus: lower part, Stomach: body and fundus
What is the function of the pancreas body?
Specialized cells from the pancreas produce the hormone glucagon and insulin, which control blood sugar levels by initiating the conversion of glycogen to glucose and vice versa
What is the blood supply of the pancreas body?
Splenic arty, pancreaticoduodenal arteries
What is the innervation of the pancreas body?
Thoracic splanchnic nerves, vagus nerve X
What is the function of the pancreas tail?
Specialized cells from the pancreas produce the hormone glucagon and insulin, which control blood sugar levels by initiating the conversion of glycogen to glucose and vice versa
What is the blood supply of the pancreas tail?
Splenic arty, pancreaticoduodenal arteries
What is the innervation of the pancreas tail?
Thoracic splanchnic nerves, vagus nerve X
What is the function of The OralCavity and Salivary Glands?
The oral cavity start the chemical processofdigestion and the salivary glands produce saliva to keep the mouth lubricated
What is the blood supply of The OralCavity and Salivary Glands?
Transverse facial artery, and the oral cavity receives blood supply from branches of the external carotid artery
What is the innervation of The OralCavity and Salivary Glands
The parasympathetic and sympathetic arms of the autonomic nervous system
What is the function of the esophagus?
Carry food, liquids, and saliva from the mouth to the stomach
What is the blood supply of the esophagus?
Descending aorta, left gastric artery, inferior phrenic artery
What is the innervation of the esophagus?
Vagus nerve, thoracic sympathetic trunk, esophageal plexus, lesser and greater splanchnic nerves
What is the function of the stomach cardiac regions?
It's where the esophagus unites with the stomach and lies deep to the seventh costal cartilage
What is the blood supply of the stomach cardiac regions?
Left gastric artery
What is the innervation of the stomach cardiac regions?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, esophageal plexus
What is the function of the stomach fundus?
It allows for an accumulation of gases produces by chemical digestion, it will also store undigested food for up to 1 hour
What is the blood supply of the stomach fundus?
Left gastro-epiploic artery, splenic artery, left gastric artery
What is the innervation of the stomach fundus?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, esophageal plexus
What is the function of the stomach body?
Primary organ of the digestive tract
What is the blood supply of the stomach body?
Gastric arteries, gastro-epiploic arteries
What is the innervation of the stomach body?
Hepatic and left gastric plexuses (Symp.)
Gastric branches of vagus nerve (Parasymp.)
What is the function of the pyloric antrum?
Is the location of several important endocrine cells including Gastrin-producing
G Cells (stimulate acid production) and the
luminal-pH-sensitive population of somatostatin producing of D cells (responsible for shutting off acid secretion)
What is the blood supply of the pyloric antrum?
Right gastric artery, right gastro-epiploic artery
What is the innervation of the pyloric antrum?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, esophageal plexus
What is the function of the pyloric canal?
Mill the food coming from the stomach
What is the blood supply of the pyloric canal?
Right gastric artery, right gastro-epiploic artery, gastroduodenal arteries
What is the innervation of the pyloric canal?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, esophageal plexus
What is the function of the pylorus?
Prevent intestinal contents from reentering the stomach when the small intestine contracts
What is the blood supply of the pylorus?
Right gastric artery, right gastro-epiploic artery, gastroduodenal arteries
What is the innervation of the pylorus?
Celiac plexus, vagus nerve, esophageal plexus
What is the function of the small intestine duodenum?
Inside the duodenal tube, chyme is mixed with fluids from the gallbladder and pancreas. Bile break down fat while pancreatic juice converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol, plus sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid
What is the blood supply of the small intestine duodenum?
Pancreaticoduodenal arteries, right gastro-epiploic artery
What is the innervation of the small intestine duodenum?
Superior mesenteric plexuses
What is the function of the small intestine jejunum?
Where most digestion and nutrient absorption occurs
What is the blood supply of the small intestine jejunum?
Intestinal arteries
What is the innervation of the small intestine jejunum?
Greater and lesser splanchic nerves, vagus nerve
What is the function of the small intestine ileum?
Mainly to absorb vitamin B12 and bile salts and whatever products of the digestion were not absorbes by the jejunum
What is the blood supply of the small intestine ileum?
Intestinal arteries
What is the innervation of the small intestine ileum?
Greater and lesser splanchic nerves, vagus nerve
What is the function of the large intestine: cecum?
Absorb fluids and salts that remain after completion of intestinal digestion and absorption
What is the blood supply of the large intestine: cecum?
Ileocolic artery
What is the innervation of the large intestine: cecum?
Superior mesenteric plexus
What is the function of the large intestine: ascending colon?
Extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body
What is the blood supply of the large intestine: ascending colon?
Ileocolic artery, right colic artery
What is the innervation of the large intestine: ascending colon?
Superior mesenteric plexus
What is the function of the larger intestine: transverse colon?
Extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body
What is the blood supply of the larger intestine: transverse colon?
Middle colic artery, left and right colic artery
What is the innervation of the larger intestine: transverse colon?
Superior mesenteric plexus
What is the function of the large intestine: descending colon?
It extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body
What is the blood supply of the large intestine: descending colon?
Left colic artery, sigmoid arteries
What is the innervation of the large intestine: descending colon?
Inferior mesenteric plexus, pelvic splanchnic nerves
What is the function of the rectum?
Keeps the intestine sealed shut until the need to pass feces arises, then assists in moving feces out of the body
What is the blood supply of the rectum?
Superior middle and inferior rectal artery
What is the innervation of the rectum?
Inferior hypogastric plexus, pelvis splanchnic nerves
What is the function of the anal canal?
Internal and external sphincter muscles keep the anal canal closed, but both need to be relaxed for defacation to occur
What is the blood supply of the anal canal?
Rectal arteries, branches of the inferior mesenteric arteries
What is the innervation of the anal canal?
Inferior hypogastric plexus, pelvic splanchnic nerves
What is the function of the Sigmoid colon?
Store fecal wastes until they are ready to leave the body
What is the innervation of the sigmoid colon?
Sigmoid arteries
What is the innervation of the sigmoid colon?
Inferior mesenteric plexus, pelvic splanchnic nerves
What is this muscle?
What is this muscle?
External Oblique
What is this muscle?
Internal Oblique
What is this muscle?
Transversus Abdominis
What is this muscle?
Rectus Abdominis
What is this muscle?
What is this muscle?
What muscles is this?
Quadratus Lumborum
What vein is this?
Lateral thoracic
What vein is this?
Anterior intercostals
What vein is this?
Internal thoracic
What vein is this?
Inferior epigastric
What vein is this?
Superficial epigastric
What vein is this?
External jugular
What vein is this?
Internal jugular
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
Stomach Cardiac Region
What structure is this?
Stomach Fundus
What structure is this?
Stomach Body
What structure is this?
Pyloric Antrum
What structure is this?
Pyloric Canal
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
Ascending Colon
What structure is this?
Transverse Colon
What structure is this?
Descending Colon
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
Anal Canal
What structure is this?
Sigmoid Colon
What structure is this?
Liver: Right Lobe
What structure is this?
Visceral Peritoneum
What structure is this?
Hepatic Coronary Ligaments
What structure is this?
Peritoneum: Lesser Omentum
What structure is this?
Peritoneum: falciform ligament of the liver
What structure is this?
Gallbladder: Fundus
Esomeprazole Magnesium
What structure is this?
Gallbladder Neck
What structure is this?
Cystic Duct
What structure is this?
Common Hepatic Duct
What structure is this?
Left Hepatic Duct
What structure is this?
Pancreas Head
What structure is this?
Pancreas Body
What structure is this?
Pancreas Tail
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
Lumbosacral Trunks
Which artery is this?
Abdominal Aorta
Which artery is this?
Common Hepatic
Which artery is this?
Which artery is this?
Hepatic Artery Proper
Which artery is this?
Right Gastric
Which artery is this?
Which artery is this?
Right Gastro-Epiploic
Which artery is this?
Left Gastro-Epliploic
Which artery is this?
Short Gastric
Which artery is this?
Which artery is this?
Left Gastric
Inferior Phrenic Vein: Tributaries?
Inferior Phrenic Vein: Course?
Branches of the inferior phrenic veins unite on the undersurface of the diaphragm to pass posterior to the esophagus and through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm
Inferior Phrenic Vein: Drained into?
Left: left renal or suprarenal vein,right: inferior vena cava
Inferior Phrenic Vein: Regions Drained?
Diaphragm,suprarenal glands
Renal Vein: Tributaries?
Interlobar veins, suprarenal veins,inferior phrenic veins,left ovarian/testicular vein
Renal Vein: Course?
Left: passes horizontally to the right in front of the left renal artery and aorta, behind the pancreas,right: passes horizontally to the left behind the descending duodenum
Renal Vein: Drained into?
Inferior vena cava
Renal Vein: Regions Drained?
Kidneys,suprarenal glands
Lumbar Veins: Tributaries?
Tributaries from lumbar and abdominal muscles and vertebral venous plexuses
Lumbar Veins: Course?
4 lumbar veins pass medially between transversus abdominis and internal oblique, pierce transversus abdominis and continue onto the lumbar vertebral bodies
Lumbar Veins: Drained into?
Inferior vena cava,ascending lumbar vein
Lumbar Veins: Regions Drained?
Lumbar muscles
Superior Mesenteric Artery: Origin?
A branch of the abdominal aortaat the level of the L1
Superior Mesenteric Artery: Course?
Arises just below the celiac trunk and posterior to the pancreas; it descends anteriorly and to the right between the layers of the mesentery where it terminates by anastomosing with the ileal branch of the ileocolic artery
Superior Mesenteric Artery: Branches?
Right colic artery,middle colic artery,ileocolic artery,intestinal arteries,inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Superior Mesenteric Artery: Distribution?
Pancreas,small intestine,large intestine: cecum, appendix, ascending colon and transverse colon (right 2/3rds)
Middle Colic Artery: Origin?
A branch of the superior mesenteric artery
Middle Colic Artery: Course?
Runs forwards in the transverse mesocolon and splits into two branches that anastomose with the right and left colic arteries
Middle Colic Artery: Branches?
Right and left branches
Middle Colic Artery: Distribution?
Right part of the transverse colon
Marginal artery of the Colon: Origin?
Formed by anastomoses of the middle colic artery, the ileocolic artery, and the left and right colic arteries
Marginal artery of the Colon: Course?
Formed in between the two layers of the transverse mesocolon and follows the path of the ascending, descending, and transverse colon
Marginal artery of the Colon: Branches?
Numerous branches known as the vasa recta
Marginal artery of the Colon: Distribution?
Right Colic Artery: Origin?
A branch of the superior mesenteric artery
Right Colic Artery: Course?
Passes to the right behind the peritoneum and in front of psoas major to the ascending colon where it splits into ascending and descending branches, which anastomose with the middle colic and ileocolic arteries
Right Colic Artery: Branches?
Descending and ascending branch
Right Colic Artery: Distribution?
Ascending colon
Ileocolic Artery: Origin?
Branch of the superior mesenteric artery
Ileocolic Artery: Course?
Descends between the layers of the mesentery towards the right iliac fossa, crossing in front of the right ureter and psoas major and dividing into superiorand inferior branches
Ileocolic Artery: Branches?
Superior and inferior branches
Ileocolic Artery: Distribution?
Small intestine: ileum,large intestine: cecum, appendix and ascending colon
Superior Rectal Artery: Origin?
Continuation of the inferior mesenteric arteryas it passes over the common iliac artery
Superior Rectal Artery: Course?
Descends in the pelvis between the layers of the mesentery of the sigmoid colon to the rectum where it branches
Superior Rectal Artery: Branches?
Each side branches three or four times
Superior Rectal Artery: Distribution?
Rectum: superior aspect
Sigmoid Arteries: Origin?
Two or three branches of the inferior mesenteric artery
Sigmoid Arteries: Course?
Each branch descends obliquely within the peritoneum that supports the sigmoid colon and branches; they unite with each other to form anastomosing loops superior to the sigmoid colon, which further divide over the surface of the sigmoid colon
Sigmoid Arteries: Branches?
Numerous arcades and branches
Sigmoid Arteries: Distribution?
Sigmoid colon,descending colon: lower portion
Left Colic Artery: Origin?
A branch of the inferior mesenteric artery
Left Colic Artery: Course?
Ascends toward the lower border of the left kidney, behind the peritoneum and in front of psoas major where it divides into two branches that anastomose with the sigmoid and middle colic arteries
Left Colic Artery: Branches?
Ascending and descending branches
Left Colic Artery: Distribution?
Left part of the transverse colon,descending colon
Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Origin?
Branch of the abdominal aortaat the level of L3
Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Course?
Descends through the abdomen behind the peritoneum and continues into the pelvis as the superior rectal artery
Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Branches?
Left colic artery,sigmoid arteries
Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Distribution?
Large intestine: transverse colon (left 1/3), descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal
Jejunal Arteries: Origin?
4to 6arteries that arise from the left side of the superior mesenteric artery proximal to the origin of the ileocolic artery
Jejunal Arteries: Course?
Run within the mesentery, right to left from the superior mesenteric artery towards the jejunum
Jejunal Arteries: Branches?
2 vessels that communicate with the adjacent jejunal arteries to form a series of arcades, which parallel the small intestine
Jejunal Arteries: Distribution?
Anterior and posterior surfaces of the small intestine
Ileal Arteries: Origin?
8 to 12 vessels that arise from the left side of the superior mesenteric artery posterior to the origin of the ileocolic artery
Ileal Arteries: Course?
Travel between the layers of the mesentery to lie parallel to the intestine
Ileal Arteries: Branches?
2 vessels that anastomose with the adjacent small bowel arteries to form a series of arcades
Ileal Arteries: Distribution?
Through the vasa rectae the ileal arteries supply the ileum
White rami communicans origin:
Ventral rami of T1-L3
White rami communicans course:
Fine, myelinated preganglionic fibers, passing to the corresponding sympathetic trunks
White rami communicans brancehs:
White rami communicans distribution:
Cell body of postganglionic fiber
Grey rami communicans origin:
Sympathetic trunk
Grey rami communicans course:
Distributed through the dorsal and ventral spinal rami
Grey rami communicans branches:
Grey rami communicans distribution:
Effector Organs
Superior mesenteric ganglion origin:
Medulla oblongata
Superior mesenteric ganglion course:
Leaves the cranium through the jugular foramen, where it processes two ganglia, and descends within the carotid sheath to the root of the neck where it enters the thorax
Superior mesenteric ganglion branches:
Pharyngeal branches, laryngeal branches, esophogeal branches
Superior mesenteric ganglion distribution:
Sensor innervation- pharynx, larynx, thoracic viscera, abdominal viscera
Motor innervation- soft palate, pharynx, intrinsic laryngeal muscles, palatoglossus, thoracic viscera, abdominal viscera
Middle suprarenal artery origin:
Branch of the abdominal aorta
Middle suprarenal artery course:
Passes laterally over the crura of the diaphragm to reach the suprarenal gland
Middle suprarenal artery branches:
Middle suprarenal artery distribution:
Suprarenal gland
Renal artery origin:
Branch of the abdominal aorta; the left usually arise higher than the right
Renal artery course:
Each artery passes laterally, at right angles to the aorta, crossing the crus of the diaphragm to reach the kidneys; the left artery passes behind the inferior vena cava
Renal artery branches:
Inferior suprarenal arteries
Renal artery distribution:
Kidneys,suprarenal glands
Lumbar arteries origin:
Four branches from either side of the abdominal aorta
Lumbar arteries course:
Pass laterally on the lumbar vertebral bodies, pierce transversus abdominis and continue forwards between transversus abdominis and internal oblique
Lumbar arteries branches:
Dorsal branches
Lumbar arteries distribution:
Posterior abdominal wall
Internal iliac artery origin:
Branch of the common iliac artery
Internal iliac artery course:
Descends posteriorly to the superior margin of the greater sciatic foramen and divides into anterior and posterior trunks, which give rise to its many branches
Internal iliac artery branches:
Superior and inferior gluteal artery,obturator artery,internal pudendal artery,uterine artery,vaginal arteries,iliolumbar arteries,middle rectal artery,lateral sacral artery
Internal iliac artery distribution:
Pelvic wall and viscera,gluteal muscles
Inferior epigastric artery origin:
Arise from the external iliac arteries immediately superior to the inguinal ligaments
Inferior epigastric artery course:
Ascend towards the umbilicus and pierce the transversalis fascia to pass in front of the arcuate line, ascend on the deep surface of the rectus abdominis muscle
Inferior epigastric artery branches:
Pubic branches,cremasteric artery,artery of the round ligament of the uterus
Inferior epigastric artery distribution:
Abdominal wall,rectus abdominis
External iliac artery origin:
Continuation of the common iliac artery
External iliac artery course:
Descends forwards through the pelvis along the medial border of psoas major
External iliac artery branches:
Femoral arteries (distal continuation),inferior epigastric arteries,deep circumflex iliac arteries,muscular branches to psoas major
External iliac artery distribution:
Abdominal wall,external genitalia,lower limbs
Para-umbilical veins tributaries:
Para-umbilical veins course:
Several small vessels that produce anastomoses between the veins of the anterior abdominal wall and the portal, hypogastric, and iliac veins,the major one begins at the umbilicus and runs backward and upward in or on the surface of the ligamentum teres
Para-umbilical veins drains into:
Left portal vein
Para-umbilical veins regions drained:
Ligamentum teres of the liver,middle umbilical ligament
Right gastric vein tributaries:
Originates as small branches over both sides of the pyloric canal and pyloric antrum of the stomach
Right gastric vein course:
From the lesser curvature of the stomach it travels medially within the lesser omentum
Right gastric vein drains into:
Portal vein
Right gastric vein regions drained:
Stomach: lesser curvature
Hepatic veins tributaries:
Posterior hepatic surface
Hepatic veins course:
Several vessels originate within the liver and unite to form upper, lower, right and left groups
Hepatic veins drains into:
Inferior vena cava
Hepatic veins regions drained:
Sinusoids of the liver
Inferior mesenteric vein tributaries:
Superior rectal vein, sigmoid vein,superior rectal vein,left colic vein
Inferior mesenteric vein course:
Ascends through the abdomen, anterior to the left ureter to terminate behind the pancreas
Inferior mesenteric vein drains into:
Splenic vein
Inferior mesenteric vein regions drained:;
Large intestine: anal canal, rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon and transverse colon (left 1/3rd)
Superior mesenteric vein tributaries:
Intestinal veins,ileocolic vein,right colic vein,middle colic vein,right gastro-epiploic vein,pancreatic veins
Superior mesenteric vein course:
Originates in the right iliac fossa by the union of a number of branches,it ascends through the abdomen, anterior to the right ureter to terminate behind the pancreas
Superior mesenteric vein drains into:
Unites with the splenic vein to form the portal vein
Superior mesenteric vein regions drained:
Pancreas,duodenum,small intestine,cecum,appendix,ascending colon,transverse colon
Middle colic vein tributaries:
Numerous branches over the ascending colon and left colic flexure
Middle colic vein course:
Runs backwards in the transverse mesocolon and receives anastomoses from the right and left colic veins
Middle colic vein drains into:
Superior mesenteric vein
Middle colic vein regions drained:
Right part of the transverse colon
Right colic vein tributaries:
Numerous branches over the ascending colon
Right colic vein course:
Passes medially behind the peritoneum and in front of psoas major
Right colic vein drains into:
Superior mesenteric vein
Right colic vein regions drained:
Ascending colon
Ileocolic vein tributaries:
Intestinal veins
Ileocolic vein course:
Ascends between the layers of the mesentery towards the superior mesenteric vein, crossing in front of the right ureter, the right gonadal vessels and psoas major
Ileocolic vein drains into:
Superior mesenteric vein
Ileocolic vein regions drained:
Small intestine: ileum,large intestine: cecum and appendix
Left colic vein tributaries:
Numerous branches over the descending colon and left colic flexure
Left colic vein course:
Passes behind the peritoneum and in front of psoas major, crossing the ureter and the spermatic/ovarian vessels, receives anastomoses from the sigmoid and middle colic veins
Left colic vein drains into:
Inferior mesenteric vein
Left colic vein regions drained:
Large intestine: transverse colon (left part) and descending colon
Splenic vein tributaries:
Left gastro-epiploic vein,inferior mesenteric vein,pancreatic veins
Splenic vein course:
Branches from the hilum of the spleen unite to form a single vessel, which passes horizontally along the superior border of the pancreas
Splenic vein drains into:
Unites with the superior mesenteric vein medially to form the portal vein
Splenic vein regions drained:
Left gastric vein tributaries:
Small branches over the body and fundus of the stomach
Left gastric vein course:
Ascends from the lesser curvature of the stomach within the lesser omentum to the esophagus, where it curves downwards behind the peritoneum
Left gastric vein drains into:
Portal vein
Left gastric vein regions drained:
Stomach: body and fundus,esophagus: lower part
Esophageal veins tributaries:
Different regions of the esophagus
Esophageal veins course:
Short numerous branches surround the length of the esophagus
Esophageal veins drains into:
Inferior thyroid vein,azygos vein,hemiazygos vein,accessory hemiazygos veins,left gastric veins
Esophageal veins regions drained: