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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 criteria of Abnormal Behavior?
1. Deviance
2. Maladaptive behavior
3. Personal Distress
What is significant about Deviance?
Their behavior deviates from what their society considers acceptable. Patients tend to deviate from culture norms.
What is significant about Maladaptive behavior?
The patient's everyday adaptive behavior is impaired. Key Criterion in the diagnosis involves substance abuse.
What is significant about Personal Distress?
The Patient suffers from depression or anxiety disorders.
They describe their subjective pain and suffering to friends, relatives, and mental health professionals.
What is Axis I?
Clinical Syndromes
What is Axis II?
Personality Disorders or Mental Retardation
What is Axis III?
General Medical Conditions
What is Axis IV?
Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
What is Axis V?
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale
What is included in Axis I ( Clinical Syndromes)
1. Disorders diagnosed at an early age ( not adulthood)
2. Organic Mental Disorders
3. Substance-related disorders
4. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
5. Mood disorders
6. Anxiety disorders
7. Somatoform disorders
8. Dissociative disorders
9. Sexual and gender-identity disorders
10. Eating Disorders
What is included in Axis II?
Axis II is composed of Personality Disorders or Mental Retardation.
What is included in Axis III?
General Medical Conditions
Examples: diabetes, arthritis, and hemophilia.
What is included in Axis IV?
Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
What are Psychosocial and Environmental Problems?
A Psychosocial or environmental problem may be a negative life event, an environmental difficulty or deficiency,an interpersonal stressor, an inadequacy of social support, or another problem
Explain the GAF scale please :).
The GAF scale is made up of estimates of an individual's current level of adaptive functioning
What are some examples of Anxiety Disorders?
1. Anxiety Disorder
2. Phobic Disorder
3. Panic Disorder
4. Agoraphobia
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
6. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Define General Anxiety Disorder
A high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat.
What is Phobic Disorder?
A persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger.
Define Panic Disorder.
Recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety of overwhelming anxiety that usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly.
What is Agoraphobia?
A fear of going out to public places.
Define Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts( obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions)
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Psychological disturbance attributed to the experience of a major traumatic event.
What are Somatoform disorders?
Physical ailments that cannot be fully explained by organic conditions and are largely due to psychological factors
What is a Conversion disorder?
A significant loss of physical function (with no apparent organic basis).
What is Hypochondriasis?
An incessant worry about developing physical illnesses.
What are Dissociative Disorders?
Class of disorders in which people lose contact with portions of their consciousness or memory, resulting in disruptions in their sense of identity.
Define Dissociative Amnesia.
A sudden loss of memory for important personal information that is too extensive to be due to normal forgetting.
Define Dissociative Fugue
People lose their memory for their entire lives along with their sense of personal identity.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Coexistence in one person of two or more largely complete, and usually very different personalities.
What is the general definition of Schizophrenia?
A class of disorders marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and deterioration of adaptive behavior.
What are symptoms of Schizophrenia?
1. Delusions and Irrational Thought
2. Deterioration of Adaptive Behavior
3. Distorted Perception
4. Disturbed Emotion
What are the types of Schizophrenics?
1. Paranoid Type
2. Catatonic Type
3. Disorganized Type
4. Undifferentiated Type
What is included in Catatonic schizophrenia?
Individual is marked by striking motor disturbances, ranging from muscular rigidity to random motor activity.
What is included in Paranoid Schizophrenia?
Individual is dominated by delusions of persecution, along with delusions of grandeur.
What is included in Disorganized Schizophrenia?
A particularly severe deterioration of adaptive behavior is seen.
What is included in Undifferentiated Schizophrenia?
Individuals who are schizophrenic but who cannot be placed into any of the three previous categories.