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53 Cards in this Set

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In order to convict someone of a criminal offense prosecution must prove that the defendant committed

A voluntary act with a guilty State of Mind

The chapter focuses on criminal behavior that is _________ and ______

Serious and persistent

Running away and truancy are examples of

Status offenses

In legal terms a juvenile delinquent is defined as an

An individual who commits an act against criminal code and is adjudicated delinquent by the court

According to research when does persistent anti-social behavior and typically begin

Early childhood

Which term is essential to the diagnosis of conduct disorder


Heaven is an eight year old boy who frequently set small fires is often aggressive toward his baby brother and has difficulty communicating with others Evans father is convinced his son has antisocial personality disorder was Evans father wrong?

Evan is too young to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder

Terry Moffitt is to _________ as Laurence Steinberg is to_________

Developmental Theory cognitive psychosocial Theory

All the following are major categories of juvenile unlawful acts except

Unlawful acts against oneself

The UCR has stopped collecting data on which status offense

Running away from home

Which statement is true about the FBI's uniform crime reports?

It does not provide conviction data

Why are juveniles arrested in greater numbers than their proportions in the population?

They commit crimes in groups.

Which source of crime data was developed to address the shortcomings of the UCR?

National incident-based reporting system.

Why is a juvenile Psychopaths label so controversial in the field of forensic psychology?

The prognosis for treatment is for for those labeled Psychopaths

Which term refers to a cluster of traits characterized by high impulsivity , egocentricity/ lack of empathy, and deficits in emotional expression

Callous unemotional traits

Which statement illustrates difference between male and female Psychopaths?

Environmental and Cultural influences play a greater role in the development of psychopathy in females and males.

According to Moffitt stereo boy who fights Playmates at Age 3 shop list at age ten commits burglary at age 19 and rapes at age 26 be considered an

Life course persistent offender

Compared to life course persistent offenders low-level chronic offenders

Exhibit a rise in offending through early adolescence plateau and then remain at the same defending level well past age 18

Research on gendered Pathways indicate that in adulthood all female offenders

Had poor economic outcomes

Which of the following illustrates difference between coercion developmental model and Moffitt developmental Theory

The coercion developmental model focuses more on the role of parenting that on specific characteristics of the child.

According to the coercion developmental model, what is the greatest predictor of early onset offending?

Family environment

Jack is a five year old boy whose parents have inadvertently reinforce his frequent tantrums and aggressive behavior by giving in to his demands according to the course and development model what will likely happen to catch that when he reaches kindergarten?

He will be rejected by his peers

Which individual would typically have the greatest influence on a 15 year old girl

Her friend

According to Terry Moffitt what is the core reason for most delinquency?

A desire to impress peers

What did the Supreme Court cases Miller vs. Alabama 2012 Jackson vs. Hobbs 2012 and Roper vs. Simmons 2005 all have in common?

The decisions all involved research on cognitive abilities of adolescents

Which neurotransmitter is Central to Laurence Steinberg model of adolescent risk-taking?


Excessive motor activity impulsivity and inattention are the three Central behaviors of

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

What is the leading psychological diagnosis for children living in the United States?


Which statement is correct about the cause of ADHD?

The cause of ADHD is unknown

What is the most common treatment for ADHD?


Childhood onset and adolescent onset are two subtypes of which diagnosis

Conduct disorder

Tia has always been a capable student who is aware of her strengths and limitations. She is kind to her friends and family and shows empathy to others. Tia likely has high

Emotional intelligence.

While walking through the halls in Middle School Jacob accidentally bumped into a student named Sam Jacob was surprised when she responds by yelling profanity at Jacob and punching him in the stomach several times based on his reaction Sam seems to have a

Hostile attribution bias

Which of the following is a form of intelligence measured by standard IQ tests?


Interpersonal deviant lifestyle and efficient effective pertain to the

Three core factors of psychopathy

Poor self-regulation is related to the early onset of adolescence

Substance abuse

Which common childhood diagnosis is closely linked to poor executive functioning?


All the following are characteristics of temperament except

It begins in early adulthood

Compared to Violent offenders who are not Psychopaths criminal Psychopaths engage in violent offenses that involve

Revenge while drinking

A primary motive in juvenile arson involves the desire

To get back at Authority

Factor 1 is to the ________ components of psychopathy, where Factor 2 is to the______ components of psychopathy.

Interpersonal and effective; deviant lifestyle and anti-social attitudes

Gaynor 1996 identified three stages a fire setting Behavior. 812 year old boy who sets damaging fires in order to get attention is likely at which stage?

Fire setting

Kolkos fire Center typology is based on the_______ of a fire setter.


Which quality do sociopaths have that psychopath lack


According to Quay an important feature in the behavioral description of psychopath is the

Neuro psychological need for excitement

The term multiculturalism includes all the following except


In the year following the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 the FBI reported a_________ increase in hate crimes against Arab Americans live in the u.s.

1600 %

Most psychological Concepts and theories are based on

Euro American contexts

What was the intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act amendments Act of 2008

To broaden protections of disabled Americans

It is estimated that______ of the u.s. population has some type of disability.

14 - 20 %

The Constitution of the United States protect the rights of all of the following except


Society's attempt to recover and restore a victim's Financial physical or psychological victimization following crime is called


The first victims Bill of Rights was passed in the year_____ in the state of______

1987: Wisconsin