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170 Cards in this Set

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Suppose a head-injured patient could finger tap67 times in ten seconds with the left hand, but only 27 times in ten secondswith the right hand. In which cerebral hemisphere might you suspect a lesion?
According to the __________________, it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as to not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing.
M'Naughten rule
The stipulation that medical tests may not be administered prior to an offer of employment was part of the.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
The brain contains a complicated system of fluid-filled caverns called
A single neuron can transmit neural impulses approximately __________ times a second.
What battery (1950s) do many neuropsychologists still consider the "gold standard" in the field?
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
The main difference between a situational exercise and a work sample is that the former
mirrors only part of the job
The increase in validity when a new source of prediction is added to other sources is known as
incremental validity
For respondents over age 25 when first tested, ten- to twenty-year test-retest correlations for the Strong Interest Inventory occupational scales are generally in the
The use of tests for personnel selection is complex because
job behavior is rarely unidimensional in nature
A significant concern about the PCL-R is that
examiner differences appear to account for a large degree of variability in total scores
This test is one of the core measures of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery.
Category Test
The position of the text is that, in general, absenteeism is
a largely useless measure of work performance
This test consists of 160 occupational titles toward which the examinee expresses a feeling by marking Y (yes) or N (no).
Vocational Preference Inventory
Understanding, Reasoning, and Appreciation are three subscales on what trial competency screening test?
A miniature replica of the job for which examinees have applied is called a(n)
work sample
Neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are common in
Alzheimer's disease
Suppose a patient with a severed corpus callosum has a picture of an apple presented briefly to the left of the visual fixation point. What will the patient report seeing?
A study (2009) using the Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation as a screening measure for dementia of 192 community-dwelling Chinese elderly found that it yielded __________ sensitivity and specificity.
over 90 percent
Which of the following is a comprehensive aphasia test?
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
Goal formulation and planning take place especially in the ________ lobes.
This test proved to be one of the best predictors of pilot success during World War II.
The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test
A small stroke in the __________ may cause a partial loss of pain and temperature sense.
A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in which an artery in the brain becomes obstructed is called
an infarct
Alcohol abuse is defined by
the functional impact of drinking upon the individual
The primary concern of assessment centers is
cost effectiveness
When comparing the validity of biodata and cognitive ability tests as predictors of training success, a typical finding is that
biodata and cognitive ability tests work about equally well
A blank _________________ and blank__________________ battery are the two main approaches to neuropsychological assessment.
fixed; flexible
One drawback to the biodata approach is that
it may squelch innovation
blank_______________ refers to the congruence between testing situations and analogous real-world circumstance.
Ecological validity
The blank____________________ is a measure of everyday memory such as route finding, remembering names, and recalling information, and is very popular in geriatric and rehabilitation settings for its robust ecological validly.
Rivermead Behavioral Test
___________ was the patient who had the front section of his temporal lobes removed and who consequently lost all ability to remember anything new for more than a few minutes.
H. M.
The standard score of the BGT-2 is called the Visual Motor Integration and is anchored to a mean of ________ and a standard deviation of _____.
100; 15
For entry-level jobs, the mean validity coefficient for ability tests is about
On the Finger Tapping Test, normative expectation is that the nondominant hand will be about ________ percent of the dominant hand.
Interest assessment promotes two compatible goals:
life satisfaction and vocational productivity
A leniency error, as when the supervisor wants to be liked by everyone, is an example of
rater bias
Neoplastic disease is a form of
tumorous growth
Diffuse axonal injury is common in
head trauma
At any given time, ______ percent of the adult population manifests an alcohol disorder.
The _______________ coordinates the details of automatic, skilled movements.
Typically, frontal lobe lesions cause _________ in measured IQ.
little change
The Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation is often used in the assessment of
Alzheimer's disease
Feeding and sexual behavior are governed by the
By far, the most common approach to performance appraisal is
supervisor rating scales
In most persons, language functions are
lateralized to the left hemisphere
The ______________________ is a simple drawing task that is very sensitive to brain impairment. The examinee is instructed to carefully copy the figure without lifting the pencil.
Greek Cross
The defendant's ability to participate with his lawyer in planning a defense is an important element of
competency to stand trial
The score on the Minnesota Clerical Test consists of
total number of items answered correctly minus the number of errors
Which of the following is a scale on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery?



The medulla oblongata is in the
The primary purpose of the Bender Gestalt Test with children is to
assess developmental maturity level
On the Finger Tapping Test, the reliability of the ratio score is about
The Wonderlic Personnel Test comes in
numerous parallel forms
The two internal carotids and the basilar artery all feed into
the Circle of Willis
The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery includes
Tactual Performance

TestGrip Strength

Seashore Rhythm Test

The 1990s addition of the personality style scales on the SII include(s)
Work Style

Leadership Style

Risk Taking

The Wide Range Assessment of Memory-2 consists of three index scores:
Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, and Attention/Concentration
Touch is processed in the _______________ lobe.
An overt integrity test assesses
attitudes toward theft

beliefs about extent of employee theft

degree of condemnation of theft

This test consists of 269 discrete items.
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
A significant concern about the Minnesota Clerical Test is that
the norm groups are vaguely specified
Simple life functions such as breathing are controlled by the
The purpose of assessment centers is to evaluate
managerial potential
Which of the following is NOT a general occupational theme of the Strong Interest Inventory?
The term _____________ refers to a variety of dysfunctions characterized by a breakdown in the direction or execution of complex motor acts.
The ___________________ is unique as the only memory scale than can be used with both children and adults.
Wide Range Assessment of Memory-2
Competency to stand trial is assessed by a defendant's ability to
understand the proceedings

assist in his defense

The basal ganglia are traditionally considered to be part of the _______________ system.
The CAGE questionnaire asks questions about whether the client
has thought about cutting down on drinking

felt annoyed by criticism of his or her drinking

has had an eye-opener drink in the morning

The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery consists of five modules that each include a subtest that
is designed to possess psychometric validity

is designed to possess ecological validity

can be used for screening

The process of developing a behaviorally-anchored rating scale may have the indirect benefit of
identifying the components of effective performance
What protects the brain?
the skull

cerebrospinal fluid


The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is based on the 16 signs of a psychopathic personality first conceptualized by
Normative data for the Wonderlic Personnel Test are based upon _______________ subjects.
Which of the following is a viable malingering measure?
Structured Interview of Report Symptoms (SIRS)

Tests of Memory Malingering (TOMM)

certain MMPI-indices

Which of the following is considered a more serious and chronic condition?
alcohol dependence
This test is especially useful in diagnosing seizure disorders.
This test is a measure of executive functions.
Tinkertoy Test
One criticism of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery is that
scale scores do not quantify specific neuropsychological deficits
Prosopagnosia is the inability to
recognize familiar faces
Performance evaluation serves the following common use(s):
identify individual strengths and weaknesses

document personnel decisions

compare job performance of individuals

Strong (1955) reported that the chances were about _____________ that respondents would be in occupations for which they had shown little interest when tested.
one in five
Suppose skilled interviewers jointly interview the same job candidates using a structured interview schedule. The inter-rater reliability of their evaluations will typically be in the
There are _______ paired cranial nerves.
The Strong Interest Inventory is used mainly with
high school and college students
Although production counts are a desirable method for assessing employee effectiveness, they suffer from the following problem(s):
the rate of productivity may not be under the control of the worker

production counts are not applicable to most jobs

an emphasis upon production counts may distort the quality of the output

The Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales consist of
a series of rating scales filled out by the examiner
The prominent bulges in the brain are called
Which insanity rule is the oldest?
M'Naughten rule
Memory tests can be categorized according to ____________ dimensions.
short-term versus long-term

verbal versus pictorial

learning curve versus no learning curve

The grooves in the brain are called
A(n) ___________ is an elongated structure wrapped in a myelinsheath that serves to conduct electrochemical impulses.
________________ is the tendency to rate a candidate high or low on all dimensions because of a global impression.
halo bias
When scored on the in-basket technique, undergraduates stressed
verbal productivity
The ___________________ is the outermost layer of the brain and is involved in the highest level of cognitive processing.
cerebral cortex
In general, what is the view of legal experts on the insanity plea?
the insanity plea is widely respected by legal experts
The major commissure that serves to integrate the functions of the two cerebral hemispheres is the
corpus callosum
Damage to the ______________ will cause serious reading disability, but there will be little problem in comprehending speech or in speaking.
angular gyrus
____________ is considered the best predictor of job performance.
General intelligence
The Self-Directed Search is based on
Holland's hexagonal model of general occupational themes
Vision is processed in the ______________ lobe.
A very small lesion in the occipital lobe might produce
a scotoma
______________ can eventually result if the flow of cerebrospinal fluid becomes constricted.
Mental retardation


Enlargement of the skull

One study (Bianchini, et al.) found that the definite malingering group and the college simulation group scored an average 30 points higher on the ________ than the comparison groups.
F scale
Executive functioning involves


effective performance

_______________ is a movement disorder which includes tremors and depletion of dopamine and neuron loss in the basal ganglia.
Parkinson's disease
The first edition of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank used ______________ for scale construction.
empirical keying
Atrophy of the mamillary bodies is found in
This test requires the patient to be injected with a radioactively tagged form of glucose and it measures activity level, not structure.
positron emission tomography
A meta-analysis that included more than eight thousand employees found the strongest overall correlation between ________________ and job performance (operational validity).
Swallowing is under the control of the
medulla oblongata
The central nervous system consists of
the brain and spinal cord
This test is a measure of aphasia.
Token Test
The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test consists of
pictures about which the examinee must answer straightforward questions
The connection between Wernicke's and Broca's areas is called the
arcuate fasciculus
The first edition of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank appeared in
Race differences on the Wonderlic Personnel Test are
A patient with damage to ____________ might respond fluently, "Book, a husbelt, a king of prepator, find it in front of a car ready to be directed."
Wernicke's area
The Bender Gestalt Test-II adds ____ new drawings to be administered either to very young (4-7 years) or older (8-85+) examinees.
A major practical problem for researchers attempting to predict violent behavior is
the definition of violence is vague
The defendant's capacity to understand the criminal process, including the role of the participants in that process, is part of
competency to stand trial
The rationale for the biodata approach is that
future work-related behavior can be predicted from past choices and accomplishments
On a study of 500 psychology graduate students, ____________ provided the strongest predictor of academic performance.
credentials and objective test scores
This test is particularly useful with the elderly.
Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation
One of the most widely-used design copying tests is the
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Incompetency to stand trial and legal insanity are
separate and distinct concepts
Which test is NOT a screener for alcohol use disorders?
Industrial/organizational psychology includes _____________.
military applicationspersonnel selectionevaluation of advertising
The MacCAT-CA is less helpful when clients
put forth little effort

demonstrate cognitive impairment

come from a diverse cultural background

General arousal and consciousness is governed by the
reticular formation
The Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 (HCR-20) is different from many other violence prediction measures because it
evaluates the current clinical presentation of the examinee

evaluates the current environmental risk factors of the examinee

Most likely, the Holland code of RSE would correspond to:
taxi driver
The ___________________ contains two sets of 32 identical questions; one set of questions is aimed at the child's perception of his mother and the other to perceptions of his father.
Bricklin Perceptual Scales
The plea of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity is invoked in about one in __________ trials.
A serious problem with most integrity tests is the very high fail rate, typically in the ____________________ range.
30 percent to 60 percent
A mental status examination is
the psychological equivalent of a general physical exam

supplementary to clinical judgment

loosely structured

The first involvement of the courts in employment testing was
Myart v. Motorola
The tendency to rate an employee high or low on all dimensions because of a global impression is called
halo effect
A small stroke in the may cause a partial loss of pain and temperature sense.
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act contains thefollowing provision(s):
tests are to be selected and administered in such a way as to be racially and culturally nondiscriminatory

tests used with students must include those designed to provide information about specific educational needs

evaluations are to be made by a multidisciplinary team that includes at least one teacher

For which of the following is a computerized narrative report available? 16 PF, MMPI-2, CPI.

All of the above

Clinical judgment
is being employed when a psychologist uses experience, intuition, and textbook knowledge to determine whether an MMPI profile indicates psychosis.
The need for quick and efficient scoring of this test was a major impetus to the development of computerized scoring systems.


The computer has been used in testing for
presenting test questions.

interpreting test results.

tailoring item difficulty levels to the examinee.

The agency that oversees hiring practices to prevent discrimination is the
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission

How do clinical and actuarial prediction compare?

actuarial is almost always superior
A test of functional literacy might involve
balancing a checkbook.

completing an application form.

spell basic words correctly.

One recent study of 800 patients who were assessed for depressive symptomatology, found that using the CAT version utilized an average of ____ fewer items, yet was shown to provide ____ discrimination of seriously and mildly depressed patients.
95 percent; better
The use of computers to provide test interpretations can be traced to
the Mayo Clinic in the early 1960s

Descriptive reports

typically provide brief scale-by-scale interpretation of test results and are particularly helpful when the results are conveyed to mental health professionals with little knowledge of the test in question.
The purpose of the Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms is to
identify clients who might be malingering
What is a disadvantage of computerized testing?
minimizes psychologist's role to that of a clerk.

some tests do not maintain score equivalency when transferred to a computer.

Which insanity rule is the oldest?
M'Naughten rule
Compared to traditional testing, computerized adaptive testing provides extreme scores which are
more accurate
A scoring report may include
statistical significance tests
The purpose of the Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms is to
identify clients who might be malingering
Diana v. State Board of Education
was a class action law suit filed on behalf of nine Mexican-American elementary students who had been placed in EMR class based on IQ testing administered by a non-Spanish-speaking psychometrist.
What source of law may intersect with the practice of psychological testing?
constitutional provisions.

legislative edicts.

judicial opinions.

Public Law 94-142 is the
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
One study (Bianchini, et al.) found that the definite malingering group and the college simulation group scored an average 30 points higher on the than the comparison groups.
F scale
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
was developed by several federal agencies and professional groups, and provides direction on many employee-testing practices, including a precise definition for adverse impact.
One test that makes use of actuarial interpretation is
Personality Inventory for Children (PIC)
Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) has the following advantage(s):
test security is improved.

examinees work at their own pace.

examinees are equally challenged.

The defendant's ability to participate with his lawyer in planning a defense is an important element of
competency to stand trial
Regarding cost, research on the utility of computerized testing indicates that the cost is
about half that of traditional approaches
This act outlaws subgroup norming of employee selection tests.
Civil Rights Act of 1991
For which of the following is a computerized narrative report available? 16 PF. MMPI-2. CPI.

All of the above

According to the ____, it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as to not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing.
M'Naughten rule
An objective approach
is the most accurate assessment approach for malingering.