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34 Cards in this Set

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the process of organizing and transforming incoming information so that i can be entered into memory, either to be stored or to be compared with previously stored information
the process of retaining information in memory
the process of accessing information stored in memory
sensory memory
a memory store that holds a large amount of perceptual input for a very brief time, typically less than 1 second
short-term memory
a memory store that holds relatively little information for only a few seconds -- up to 30
the process of repeating information over and over to retain it in STM
a unit of information, such as a digit, letter, or word
working memory
the system that includes two specialized STM ( auditory loop and visuospatial sketchpad) and a central executive that operates on information in them to plan, reason, or solve a problem
long-term memory
a memory store that holds a huge amount of information for along time (from hours to years)
primacy effect
increased memory for the first few stimuli in a set, reflecting storage of information in STM
recency effect
increased memory for the last few stimuli in a set, reflecting storage of information in STM
depth of processing
the number and complexity of the operations involved in processing information

the greater the depth of processing the greater the likelihood of remembering it later
breadth of processing
processing that organizes and integrates information into previously stored information, often by making associations
elaborative encoding
encoding that involves great breadth of processing
flashbulb memory
an unusually vivid and detailed memory of a dramatic event

semantic memories
memories of the meanings of words, concepts, and general facts about the world
episodic memories
memories of events that are associated with a particular context -- a time, place and circumstance
explicit/declarative memory
memories that can be retrieved at will and represented in STM

verbal and visual memories are explicit if they can be called to mind as words or images
implicit/non declarative memory
memories that cannot be voluntarily called to mind, but nevertheless influence behavior or thinking
the act of intentionally bringing explicit information to awareness, which requires transferring the information from LTM to STM
the act of encoding an input and matching it to a stored representation

Multi Choice -- test -taker must recognize the correct answer
state-dependent retrieval
recall that is better if it occurs in the same psychological state that was present when the information was first encoded
false memories
memories of events or situations that did not, if fact, occur.
encoding failure
a failure to process to-be-remembered information well enough to begin consolidation
the fading away of memories with time because the relevant connections between neurons are lost
the disruption of the ability to remember once piece of information by the presence of other information
retroactive interference
interference that occurs when new learning impairs memory for something learned earlier
proactive interference
interference that occurs when previous knowledge makes it difficult to learn something new
a loss of memory over an entire time span, resulting from brain damage caused by accident, infection or stroke
retrograde amnesia
amnesia that disrupts previous memories
anterograde amnesia
amnesia that leaves consolidated memories intact but prevents new learning
repressed memories
real memories that have been pushed out of consciousness because they are emotionally threatening
mnemonic devices
strategies that improve memory, typically by using effective organization and integration
Modality-Specific memory stores
memory stores that retain input from a single sense, such as vision or audition, or from a specific processing system, such as language