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58 Cards in this Set

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List the Lineages in the "kingdom" Protista

1) Lineage Excavata

2) Lineage Alveolata

3) Lineage Amoebozoa

4)Lineage Rhizaria

List the Phylums in the Lineage Excavata

1) Phylum Euglenida

2) Phylum Parabasalida

3) Phylum Diplomonadia

4) Kinetoplastids

List the Phylums in the Lineage Alveolata

1) Phylum Apicomplex

2) Phylum Ciliata

List the Phylum's in the Lineage Amoebozoa

1) Phylum Rhizopoda

2) Phylum Myxogastrida

3) Phylum Dictyostelida

List the Phylums in the Lineage Rhizaria

1) Phylum Actinopoda

2) Phylum Foraminifera


not all members of a lineage are included within the group

Describe the characteristics of the Lineage Excavata

posses flagella; unicellular; autotrophic; heterotrophic; single nucleus; reproduction by fission; lack both cell walls and mitochondria

what is flagella?

long whip like organelle that waves back and forth and propels the organism forward

Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Euglenida

heterotrophic; 1 nuclues; 1-3 flagella; unicellular; reproduction by fissions; no spores

What is the Lineage, Phylum, and name of specimen? Describe the characteristics of specie

What is the Lineage, Phylum, and name of specimen? Describe the characteristics of specie

-Lineage Excavata

-Phylum Euglenida


-common heterotrophic freshwater; flagellated protist; found in ponds and streams; propelled by single flagellum

Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Parabasalida

symbiotic/parasitic; 1 nuclues; 4-5 flagella; mainly asexual reproduction; not free living

What is the specimen? What is the Lineage and Phylum? Describe the characteristics of the specimen.

What is the specimen? What is the Lineage and Phylum? Describe the characteristics of the specimen.

-Trichomonas Vaginalis

-Lineage Excavata

-Phylum Parabasalida

Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Diplomonadida

most symbiotic/parasitic; 2 nuclei; 8 flagella; asexual reproduction

What is this specimen? What from phylum is it from? Lineage? Characteristics?

What is this specimen? What from phylum is it from? Lineage? Characteristics?


-Phylum Diplomonadida

-Lineage excavata

-intestinal parasites found in streams, lakes, and ponds

Describe the characteristics of the phylum vinetoplastida

-most symbiotic/parasitic; 2 nuclei; 8 flagella; asexual reproduction

What is this specimen called? From what Phylum? Lineage?

What is this specimen called? From what Phylum? Lineage?

-Trypanosoma Gambiense

-Phylum Vinetoplastida

-Lineage Excavata

Describe the characteristics of the Lineage Alveolata

Presence of alveoli; quite diverse; contain flagella or cilia; autotrophic/heterotrophic/parasitic;

What is an alveoli?

small cavities under cell membranes

Describe the characteristics of the phylum apicomplexa

parasitic; no locomotory organelles

What is this specimen called? What is it's phylum? Lineage? Characteristics?

What is this specimen called? What is it's phylum? Lineage? Characteristics?


-Phylum Apicomplexa

-Lineage Aleveolata

-parasite found in gut of many insects

What is this specimen? From what Phylum? Lineage? Characteristics?

What is this specimen? From what Phylum? Lineage? Characteristics?

-Plasmodium Vivax

-Phylum Apicomplexa

-Lineage Aveolata

-cause malaria; transfer form mosquito to human

Describe Characteristics from Phylum Ciliata

heterotrophic; cilia; 2 types of nuclie; sexual(conjugation)/asexual(fission)

What is this specimen? What Phylum? What Lineage? Characteristics

What is this specimen? What Phylum? What Lineage? Characteristics


-Phylum Ciliata

-Lineage Alveolata

-large, slipper shaped freshwater ciliate

What is this?

What is this?

Paramecium in conjugation

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?


-Phylum Ciliata

-Lineage Alveolata

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?


-Phylum Ciliata

-Lineage Alveolata

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?

What is this? Phylum? Lineage?


-Phylum Ciliata

-Lineage Alveolata

Describe the characteristics of the Lineage Amoebozoa

presence of pseudopodia

What is pseudopodia?

lobe like extensions of their cells used for feeding or creeping

Describe characteristics of phylum Rhizopoda

heterotrophic; 1 nucleus; psudopodia; reproduction b fission; no spores

What is this? what Lineage? What Phylum? Characteristics?

What is this? what Lineage? What Phylum? Characteristics?


-lineage Amoebozoa

-Phylum Rhizopoda

-common protist on bottom of ponds and slow moving streams; amoeboid movement; phagocytosis

what is amoeboid movement

primary mode of locomotion



what is this? Lineage? Phylum? Characteristics?

what is this? Lineage? Phylum? Characteristics?

-Lineage Amoebozoa
-Phylum Rhizopoda
-an amoeba that encloses it s boy in a test (shell) made of sand grains (silica)


-Lineage Amoebozoa

-Phylum Rhizopoda

-an amoeba that encloses it s boy in a test (shell) made of sand grains (silica)

Characteristics of Slime Molds

have a flagella at some point in life cycle (different from fungi); lack chitin in cell wall; move by amoeboid movement; inhabit coo/moist places


network of interconnected strands


a single large cell with many nuclei

Describe the characteristics of the phylum myxogastrida

plasmodial (acellular) slime molds; heterotrophic; brightly colored

what does "myxa" mean?


what is this? Lineage? Phylum?

what is this? Lineage? Phylum?


-Lineage Amobeozoa

-Phylum Myxogastrida

What is this? Lineage? Phylum?

What is this? Lineage? Phylum?


-Lineage Amoebozoa

-Phylum Dictostelida

Describe the characteristics of the phylum dictostelida

cellular slime molds; heterotrophic; retain individuality

Describe the characteristics of the phylum actinopoda

numerous axopodia; glassy skeleton; heliozoans

what is axiopodia?

long thin pseudiopodia

What organism is this? What Lineage? What Phylum? Characteristics?

What organism is this? What Lineage? What Phylum? Characteristics?


-Lineage Rhizaria

-Phylum Actinopoda

-organisms that lack a skeleton

What organism is this? What Lineage? Phylum?Characteristics?

What organism is this? What Lineage? Phylum?Characteristics?


-Lineage Rhizaria

-Phylum Actinopoda

-Porous; glassy skeletons; marine form

Describe Characteristics of the Phylum Foraminfera?

porous; calcium carbonate tests; long branched pseudopodia

What organism is this? What Lineage? Phylum? Characteristics?

What organism is this? What Lineage? Phylum? Characteristics?

-Foram Tests

-Lineage Rhizaria

-Phylum Foraminfera

Lineage Excavata : _______________ :: Lineage Amoebozoa : pseudopodia


This diagram shows an Amoeba engulfing its prey with it's pseudopodia. This is called __________.

This diagram shows an Amoeba engulfing its prey with it's pseudopodia. This is called __________.


This structure is characteristic of Phylum Actinopoda. They are amoebas with numerous projections that are useful in gathering food.

This structure is characteristic of Phylum Actinopoda. They are amoebas with numerous projections that are useful in gathering food.


This organism is in Phylum Euglenida (Lineage Excavata). What is the primary locomotory structure pictured?

This organism is in Phylum Euglenida (Lineage Excavata). What is the primary locomotory structure pictured?


Members of this Phylum are not free living. Like Trichonympha, that lives within the gut of a termite allowing it to absorb nutrients from the wood.

Members of this Phylum are not free living. Like Trichonympha, that lives within the gut of a termite allowing it to absorb nutrients from the wood.


Which genus of other Ciliate is pictured here?

Which genus of other Ciliate is pictured here?


What is the name of this locomotory structure that all members of its phylum possess?

What is the name of this locomotory structure that all members of its phylum possess?


Plasmodium vivax proliferates in two hosts, mosquitos and humans.


Lineage Alveolata is given its name due to the presence of small cavities under their cell membranes.


Phylum Ciliata contains all parasitic protists.
