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94 Cards in this Set

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intervertebral foramina are spaces or openings between ________ when two vertebrae are stacked on each other.
The intervertebral foramina in the lumbar region are best demonstrated on a ________ radiographic image
The intervertebral foramen are situated ______ degrees relative to the midsagittal plane
90 degrees
When vertebra are stacked, the superior and inferior vertebral notches line up and form a single opening called the _________
intervertebral foramina
Lateral Lumbar Vertebra
How many articular processes does each typical lumbar vertebra have?
The zygapophyseal joints form an angle open from ____ to ____ degrees to the midsagittal plane.
30 to 50 degrees
Demonstration of the zygapophyseal joints is achieved by rotating the patients body an average of _____ degrees
45 degrees
The portion of each lamina between the superior and inferior articular processes is the ____________
pars interarticularis
in which position is the pars interarticularis demonstrated?
oblique lumbar image
Lumbar superior view
______ are the large masses of bone lateral to the 1st sacral segment
Alae (wings)
The CR projection labeled A in this drawing would best demonstrate the ________________
Zygapophyseal joints
The CR projection labeled B would best demonstrate the _____________
Intervertebral foramina
The upper or proximal lumbar vertebrae are nearer to a ______ degree angle while the lower or distal vertebra are nearer to a ______ degree angle.
The upper or proximal lumbar vertebrae are nearer to a 50 degree angle while the lower or distal vertebra are nearer to a 30 degree angle.
Label the sacrum
The anterior ridge of the body of the first sacral segment helps to form the posterior wall of the inlet of the true pelvis and is termed the ____________
This is a continuation of the vertebral canal and contains certain sacral nerves.
sacral canal
Another term for sacral horns
This is formed by fused spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae
median sacral crest
What does the sacrum articulate with?
ilium of the pelvis
What is the surface called where the sacrum articulates with the ilium of the pelvis
auricular surface
Each sacroiliac joint opens obliquely and posteriorly at an angle of _______
30 degrees
Whats the formal name for the tail bone?
Whats the name for the upper broad aspect of the coccyx?
Whats the most distal portion of the vertebral column?
An average of _____ coccygeal segments have fused in the adult to form the single coccyx.
The distal pointed tip of the coccyx is termed the _______
This photograph shows the vertebra in a __________ oblique position and demonstrates the _________ of the zygapophyseal joint
This photograph shoes the vertebra in a posterior oblique position and demonstrates the downside of the zygapophyseal joint
This figure represents a ________ oblique projections and demonstrates the _______ zygapophyseal joints.
This figure represents a anterior oblique projections and demonstrates the upside zygapophyseal joints.
The zygapophyseal joints of the L-spine are classified as _________, have a _________ mobility type, and a ________ movement
The zygapophyseal joints of the L-spine are classified as synovial, have a diarthrodial mobility type, and a plane (gliding) movement
The intervertebral joints of the L-spine are classified as _________, and have an ________ mobility type.
The intervertebral joints of the L-spine are classified as cartlaginous and have an amphiarthodial mobility type.
Name the vertebral level of each landmark
Identify what each part of the scottie dog represents on the vertebra
What does the eye of the scottie dog represent on a oblique lumbar vertebrae?
Which zygapophyseal joint is demonstrated with an LAO position of the lumbar spine?
Right upside joints
What does the nose of the scottie dog represent on a oblique lumbar vertebrae ?
transverse process
What does the neck of the scottie dog represent on a oblique lumbar vertebrae?
pars interarticularis
What does the leg of the scottie dog represent on a oblique lumbar vertebrae?
inferior articular process
What does the ear of the scottie dog represent on a oblique lumbar vertebrae?
superior articular process
The ASIS is at the level of _______
The xiphoid tip is at the level of ______
The lower costal margin is at the level of ______
The Iliac crest is at the level of _______
The Symphysis pubis is at the level of
tip of coccyx
Does the AP or PA projection of the lumbar spine open the intervertebral joint spaces better?
Should the knees be extended or slightly flexed for a AP projection of the lumbar spine?
slightly flexed
True of False

It would be advantageous to increase the SID to 44 or 46 inches for AP and lateral lumbar projections.
Where is the CR centered for AP lumbar projection?
CR centered to level of iliac crest
What should the collimation width be for AP lumbar projection
collimation width to the SI joints
Where is the CR for oblique lumbar spine
CR is 1½ inches (4 cm) above iliac crest

2 inches (5 cm) medial to upside ASIS
Which two structures can be evaluated to determine whether rotation is present on a radiograph of an AP projection of the lumbar spine
1.) sacroiliac joints should be equidistant from the spine

2.) spinous process should be midline to the vertebral column
Where should the pedicle (which is the eye of the scottie dog) be on a well positioned oblique lumbar spine
center of the vertebral body
If the eye of the scottie dog is projected too far posterior on a obl lumbar spine what positioning error has occurred?
excessive rotation
Which position or projection of the lumbar spine best demonstrates a compression fracture?
A patient with a wide pelvis and narrow thorax may require a central ray of?
5-8 degrees caudal
How should the spine of a patient with scoliosis be positioned for a lateral position of the lumbar spine?
with the convexity of the spine closest to the IR
Where is the CR for the L5-S1 lateral L-spine projection
CR 1½ inches (4 cm) inferior to iliac crest and 2 inches (5 cm) posterior to ASIS
What is this picture pointing to?
zygapophyseal joint
What type of angulation is required for an AP axial L5-S1 projection of a male patient
30 degrees cephalad
When performing a L5-S1 projection, if the abdomen is blocked it helps placed the interiliac line _______ to the IR
When performing the L5-S1 projection it may be necessary to angle _________ for a patient with a large waist
the coccyx curves ________and _________ from articulation with sacrum
the coccyx curves inferiorly and anteriorly from articulation with sacrum
Where should the lower margin of the IR be for a scoliosis series
1 to 2 inches below iliac crests
Which side of the spine should be elevated for the second exposure for the Ferguson scoliosis series.
convex side of the spine by having patient stand on a block with one foot.
How much CR angulation is required for an AP projection of the sacrum for a typical male patient?
15 degrees cephalad
where is the CR for an AP of the coccyx?
2 inches superior to the symphysis pubis
The _______ projection of the sacrum and coccyx can be combined to decrease gonadal dose

(AP cannot be combined because different CR angles are required)
Patients should be asked to empty the bladder before performing which projection of the vertebral column?
AP of sacrum and coccyx
Which sacroiliac joint is demonstrated with a RPO position
Left joint (always upside)
How much rotation of the body is required for oblique positions of the SI joints
25-30 degrees
Which sacroiliac joint is demonstrated for a LPO position?
right side (always the side that's up)
Where is the CR for posterior OBL SI joints?
CR perpendicular 1 inch medial to upside ASIS
What type of fracture is in this picture?? described as anterior wedging of the vertebrae with loss of body height.
Compression fracture
What can cause a compression fracture?
trauma, osteoporosis or metastatic disease.
Name the fracture that results from hyperflexion force that causes fx through the vertebral body and posterior elements.
Chance Fracture
for which fracture are pts at risk when wearing lap type seat belts acting as a fulcrum during sudden deceleration
chance fracture
What are mostly malignant neoplasms that spread to distant sites through blood and lymphatics.
This can be visualized as destructive with irregular margins and decreased densities, osteoblastic, with increased densities or a combination of both.
Failure of the posterior elements of the vertebrae to close, exposing part of the spinal cord.
Varies in severity and occurs most often at L5
spina bifida
Forward movement or slipping of one vertebra in relation to another
Usually occurs at L5-S1
Why is this a bad lateral ?
Upper thorax region rotated, no marker
Why is this a bad L5-S1
L5-S1 joint space is not open
waist support of caudal angle needed
An AP lumbar radiograph reveals that the spinous processes are not midline to the vertebral column and the vertebral bodies are distorted. Name the positioning error
rotation of the spine
If on a LPO lumbar spine the downside pedicles and zygapophyseal joints are projected over the anterior portion of the vertebral bodies
it's insufficient rotation because the pedicles should be to midverterbral bodies.
For lumbar obliques, the pedicle demonstrated posteriorly on the vertebral body indicates ____________, and the pedicle demonstrated anteriorly on the vertebral body indicates ___________
For lumbar obliques, the pedicle demonstrated posteriorly on the vertebral body indicates overrotation and the pedicle demonstrated anteriorly on the vertebral body indicates underrotation
An AP axial coccyx projection reveals that the distal tip of the coccyx is superimposed over the symphysis pubis? what can be done to correct this?
increase angle to separate
An OBL lumbar radiograph reveals the downside pedicle and zygapophyseal joint are posterior in relation to the vertebral body, what needs to be done to fix this?
patient is over rotated, decrease rotation.
If a pt is in too much pain from a coccyx injury to perform an exam AP, what other options are available?
PA instead of AP and reverse the CR angle from caudal to cephalad.
Which degree of rotation will best demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints at the L1-L2 vertebral level?
50 degrees
Which of the following projections will best demonstrate the left zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar spine?


Posterior = the same
Posterior = downside
Anterior = opposite
Anterior = upside
which position best demonstrates advanced spondylolysis?
posterior and anterior obliques best demonstrate advanced signes of spondylolysis.
A patient has just had spinal fusion surgery, the surgeon wants to asses mobility of the spine at the fusion site, which position is best?
hyperflexion and hyperextension laterals