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54 Cards in this Set

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_________ is a personal values system.


Officers should represent their _________not_________feelings

Department; personal

By allowing our contacts to save _face we reduce the likelihood of attack.


Citizens evaluate the peace officer based on __________, accountability, ___________, and commitment.

Appearance; integrity

The community expects its peace officers to be ________ and service oriented.


_______________learning, trust, and ___________earning/gaining the respect of the community.

Continuous; community support

Reporting traffic control malfunctioning, bad road conditions, stalled or abandoned vehicles, riot/crowd control, etc

Order maintenance

Checking businesses, interrogating suspicious persons, being visible by patrolling, etc

Crime prevention


Neighborhood community meeting, gun safety, water safety, stranger danger, victim assistant programs, etc

Public education

Responding to calls for service

Delivery of service

Verbal warnings, citations, arrests, investigations

Enforcement of law

Can affect the attitude of the students towards the police because of what is taught in the school


Newspaper, TV, social media, and radio can report the news or slang it where the public can have a favorable or unfavorable perception


Spouse and children can also influence that attitude of the public by their actions


Can serve as role models or they can lead you into acts of unprofessionalism which can result in criminal charges or loss of employment


The perspective by the ___________, those __________, the ___________. ___________and the ___________trainee are important to success in providing quality service.

Community; involved, law enforcement agency; student; officer

The _______________ was the first style of law enforcement in early America.

Watch system

The 2 types of law enforcement that replaced the watch system were the ?

Sheriff & constable

Sir __________is considered to be the ______ of modern law enforcement because he sponsored a bill creating the police force in London, and introduced several ________to the way law enforcement officers performed their duties, specifically organized military rank structure, full time employment, guidelines for demeanor and behavior.

Robert Peel; father; innovative changes

The three compelling issues facing early American law enforcement organizations

Should the officers be uniformed

Should the officers carry firearms

How much force could these officers use to carry out their duties

The first __________ agencies formed in rural America to control ____________and control the large population of immigrants in many small towns

State Police; labor strikes

At the beginning of the 20th century, many police departments considered the enforcement arm of _______ because politicians in major cites were not only controlling the majority of organized crime such as _________, _________, and _________, but were also the controlling body of law enforcement.

Organized crime; gambling, prostitution, and extortion

A major factor in the increase of police corruption during the 1920s and early 1930s was the ________?

Prohibition Act (1919-1933)

According to O.W Wilson’s publication “Police Professionalism” recommended changes suggested to improve police professionalism were to implement a ________organization and discipline, for police organizations to become efficient in achieving ______, closer supervision officials officers, foot patrols to be replaced by _____, precinct houses to be consolidated, more central police facilities constructed; and commands functions to be centralized in a ____________.

Military-style; crime control; motorized patrols; headquarters staff

Police officers across the country responded to the new _________of police organizations in the mid-1960s by forming of police _______ to protect ______of police officers

Professionalizing; labor unions; employee rights

New ________introduced yo law enforcement during the 1970s in an effort to improve officer safety were the _________ and _______.

Innovations; PR-24 baton & soft body armor

3 concerns of Community a policing was designed between the __________, decentralizing the police, and respond to overwhelming opinion that________ had no impact on crime.

Police and the community; police presence

The two major focused efforts of law enforcement in the 1990s were to combat _______, and increased concern for the welfare of __________.

Gun violence; crime victims

The three new trends in fighting crime that have been introduced in the 21st century are implementation of ___________, leadership and ______changes, and ______of law enforcement agencies.

New technologies; organizational; oversight

The _________program experienced a new focus in the 21st century as a result of the Michael Brown and Freddie Fray incidents.

Community oriented policing

3 components of Criminal Justice System of the United States

Police; court; corrections

Each componenthas a goal

Police-Crime Prevention

Court- Render fair judgement

Corrections- Rehabilitation

The police component is made up of what different agencies

Federal law enforcement , state law enforcement , parish law enforcement , municipal law enforcement

The court component is made up of what different agencies

Federal judicial system, State judicial system, municipal judicial system

The corrections component is made up of what different agencies

Bureau of Prisons

Department of Corrections

Jails & District facilities

Jails & lockups

Appellate Process

Magistrate Court is the lowest level of federal court

Those wishing to appeal might appear in U.S District court

To go higher would mean appealing to the U.S Court of Appeals

The highest court of all is Supreme Court

The criminal justice system of the state (Louisiana) has the same three components




The names charge inside each component: Police

State Police

Sheriff’s Department

Municipal Police

The names charge inside each component: Courts

State Supreme Court

Appellate court

District court

Municipal court

City court

Mayors court

Justice of the peace court

Family and juvenile court

Parish courts

The names charge inside each component: Corrections


Parish Jail

City Lockups

List five recommended security locking devices

Key in knob lock

Deadbolt single/double


Rim Lock


The definition of the police-___________ cooperation roles in the prevention ________: this means “effective interaction between _________ and concerned citizen groups

Citizen; crime; police

3 elements of crime prevention

Effective law enforcement

Public education

Public awareness

3 Operational Aspects of Crime Prevention Programs

Good communication

Group interactions

Public assessment

Basic steps necessary in assessing a crime problem


Resources for solution

Initiation of a program

Evaluation of the program

List five security hazards





Sliding glass door

The leading cause of death for both men and women in our lifestyle

Cardiovascular disease

4 types of cardiovascular disease

Coronary heart disease Cerebrovascular heart disease

Congestive heart failure

Peripheral vascular disease

Major risk factors for CHD

Elevated blood cholesterol levels


Cigarette smoking


Family history

Sedentary lifestyle



Elevated blood triglyceride levels


Physical fitness

The ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness; without undue fatigue and with ample energy to engage in leisure pursuits and to meet the above average physical stresses encountered in emergency situation.

The first organized Metropolitan police force was in

London, England

The first Metropolitan police force in the United States was in __________?

New York City

The first 3 federal agencies in the U.S

Revenue cutter service

Postal agency

Treasury enforcement

The first 5 state police organization

Texas Ranger

Pennsylvania State Police

Connecticut State Police

Washington State Police

West Virginia State Police