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80 Cards in this Set

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All airlines that fly within the United States must be U.S.-owned. This is an example of a

nontarrif regulatory barrier.

In many ways, the economic downturn of the past decade has raised questions about the practicality of

liberalism, as many of its core policies are considered directly responsible for the global crisis.

Those who are against having the state regulate trade may argue that opening trade would

keep the cost of goods low.

________ seeks to replace the free market with a centrally planned economy and an extensive welfare


Some social democracies may use ________, which is a system of policy making in which a limited number of organizations representing business and labor work with the state to help set economic policy.


The main responsibility of a state’s central bank is to

control the state’s flow of money and sets interest rates.

This political economic system has effectively vanished in the modern world.


Those who support the political-economic system of liberalism would argue that the state should

secure property rights and promote other (limited) policies that support the free market.

A country’s ________ measures its economic inequality.

Gini index

The countries of Latin America have historically struggled with high rates of poverty, inequality, and economic and political stability. However, over the past 20 years, poverty and inequality began to decline across the region (with a few exceptions). What is behind this recent turnaround?

Many countries have successfully combined social democratic policies (such as cash transfers) with economic liberalism (opening domestic markets to trade).

If we compare social expenditures more broadly, we find that in many countries, the primary beneficiaries of social expenditures are the

middle class.

Which of the following countries is an example of a modern mercantilist state?


What is the danger of deflation?

Businesses are unable to make a profit, leading to unemployment and a reduction in spending.

Which of these traits is typical of a mercantilist political economic system?

state-owned or parastatal industries

Hyperinflation is defined as inflation that is more than ________ a month for more than two months in a row.

50 percent

The United States is best classified as being under which political economic system?


What does a country’s purchasing power parity (PPP) seek to measure?

the buying power of income when compared to other countries

________ are the interaction between the forces of supply and demand.


________, a statistic created by the UN Development Program, seeks to measure the overall well-being of a country’s people.

The Human Development Index (HDI)

These are benefits, provided or secured by the state, available to society and indivisible (meaning no private person or organization can own them).

public goods

Across the developing world, states lack both capacity and autonomy, leading to increased political and economic instability. When states are weak, the only political institution that tends to be strong

is the military.

Countries like Brazil and South Africa, which have undergone rapid development and democratization over the past few decades, are best classified as

middle-income countries.

Despite their differences, a common feature shared by many newly industrializing and less-developed countries is

a history of imperialism and colonialism.

Empires were administered under which political-economic system?


European imperialism was driven primarily by

economic and religious motives.

In many developing countries, ________ make up a large proportion of the informal economy.


In some developing countries, gender favoritism has turned deadly, with selective abortion, infanticide, and neglect resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of girls each year. Scholars worry that this gender imbalance may result in

an increase in violent conflict and crime.

Many less-developed countries lack state capacity, and are unable to perform the basic task expected of the public. A primary reason why this problem exists is because after independence,

most imperial bureaucrats left, leaving few experienced bureaucrats running these countries.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have often required developing countries to implement structural adjustment programs in exchange for their financial assistance. Under structural adjustment, a state would typically have to

encourage foreign investment.

The best way to describe the impact imperialism had on gender identities was that colonialism

had a mixed impact; each region and each imperial power treated gender somewhat differently.

The goal of ________, which is used by some newly industrializing and less-developed countries, is to create goods that can be sold to other countries.

export-oriented industrialization

The main difference between colonialism and imperialism is that colonialism

involves a greater degree of physical occupation of a foreign territory using military force, businesses, or settlers.

The main reason colonial powers created a national language in their territory was that it

allowed them to better consolidate state power and govern territories.

To help meet the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, 14 Millennium Villages were created in sub-Saharan Africa. These villages were given considerable aid in policies ranging from crop production to the distribution of bed nets. What has been the result of this $120 million project?

We do not know; we lack data comparing these communities to communities that are not Millennium Villages, which makes it impossible to assess the impact of these programs.

To help strengthen the rule of law, some scholars and activists would like developing countries to institute judicial reform, create stronger constitutional courts, and increase oversight and independent review over the

police and civil service.

Under imperialism, a major economic transformation that occurred was that

economies were shifted from barter systems to cash economies.

When comparing social identities, ________ was a foreign concept to colonial peoples, as most classified themselves using other identities prior to imperial control.


When did most colonies in Latin America gain their independence?

In the early 1800s, when the Napoleonic Wars created uncertainty and turmoil.

Which of the following policies do we associate with import substitution?

Patents and intellectual property rights were weakened to tap into foreign innovation.

Why has ethnicity been so problematic in many developing countries?

Ethnic and religious differences tend to align upon economic and political inequalities, often creating resentment and even conflict.

________ explanations argue that violence is more common in societies where more people hold radical or reactionary political attitudes.


A scholar who seeks to explain political violence using an institutional approach may argue that violence is caused by

electoral and executive systems (like presidentialism) that reduce power sharing and block other forms of political expression.

In her landmark work States and Social Revolutions, Theda Skocpol argued that international competition with rival states leads weaker states to seek reform, but these reforms destabilize elite power and sow discord in the public. This fits best with what explanation for political violence?

institutional approaches

Terrorism and revolution are less likely in democracies. Why is this the case?

Democracies have a significant degree of participation, helping to co-opt and diffuse the motivations for violence.

A common feature of religiously based political violence is

hostility to modernity

Political violence is defined as violence that is politically motivated and

outside of state control.

The main difference between terrorism and guerrilla warfare is that guerrilla warfare

targets state actors; terrorism targets civilians.

The modern concepts of revolution and terrorism can be first traced back to which important modern event?

French Revolution

What is nihilism?

a belief that all institutions and values are essentially meaningless, and that the only redeeming value is violence

A scholar who argues that people are more likely to engage in terrorism if they feel humiliated or ostracized may best fit with ________ explanations of political violence.


Which of the following is true about terrorists?

They are often driven by feelings of injustice coupled with alienation or humiliation.

According to political science research, these states have the highest risk of terrorism.

illiberal or transitioning states

Someone using an individual approach to explaining why the Arab Spring emerged would likely argue that

the decision by Mohamed Bouazizi to self-immolate tapped into common frustrations in the region involving the desire for dignity and change.

This approach argues that revolutions and other forms of political violence are more likely to occur when the public’s expectations do not match the realities of their current conditions.

relative deprivation model

Which of the following is a correct comparison between terrorism and guerilla war?

Most guerilla groups avoid targeting civilians; terrorist groups tend to engage in more indiscriminate and widespread targeting.

In comparing Al Qaeda, the National Alliance, and the 969 Movement, we see that one thing all these groups have in common is that they

have recast the world into an existential final showdown between good and evil, or purity and corruption.

In studying whether terrorist violence has been successful, we generally find that

terrorist activity has undermined economies and contributed to greater social anxiety and political crises.

A(n) ________ is a public seizure of the state in order to overturn the existing government and regime.


When we compare institutional, ideational, and individual explanations for violence, we generally find that

these three factors are often interconnected, and they work in conjunction with each other.

Which of the following is generally true regarding revolutions?

They seek to remove the entire regime, not just those who are in power.

Which of the following has become one of the more negative consequences of the move toward high-tech, information-based economies?

Upward mobility is even more difficult, leading to disruption and inequality.

Political scientists prefer not to use the “three worlds” approach to classifying countries because

many countries do not neatly fit into these categories.

The main underlying cause of Greece’s economic crisis was

clientelism and an extensive civil service.

Developed democracies vary in how they regulate abortion. This would best be an example of how various countries differ in

defining liberty.

The welfare state is becoming more expensive for developed democracies, creating many economic challenges. Which major trend, also associated with economic development, is adding to this economic strain?

Life expectancy is growing and the birthrate is falling

The best way to describe the evolution of the European Union (EU) is that it

developed incrementally but is now radically different from its early days.

For developed democracies, a major economic transformation has been the development of the welfare state. Supporters of this development would argue that, because of the welfare state,

quality of life has greatly improved and extreme poverty has been reduced.

Developed democracies are politically diverse, but most of them use which type of political system?

proportional representation electoral systems plus a parliamentary system

While diversity and multiculturalism are key postmodern values, ________ is a major cross-national trend creating a societal backlash preventing the institutionalization of this value.


When comparing modern to postmodern societies, postmodern societies are less

materialistic, focusing instead on quality of life issues.

Supporters of devolution argue that one major advantage is

increased representation, as it may give ethnic minorities more control over local affairs.

Among the different goals of the euro, which one has been the most successful?

It has come to rival the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

Which of the following features define a country as being a developed democracy?

They are institutionalized democracies with high standards of living.

In trying to solve the euro crisis, some analysts suggest that the European Union needs to increase its fiscal integration, giving it more control over the budgets and spending decisions of member states. For skeptics of fiscal integration, what is the main concern?

It would lead to more funds moving from wealthier countries to subsidize the poorer countries.

When comparing the economics of developing countries, which of the following is a common feature?

All emphasize private property and free markets as fundamental institutions.

Most developed democracies are postindustrial, meaning that their economies are based on

the service sector and high-tech industries.

When first created, the primary goal of the European Union was to

prevent war

The ________ proposes and enforces all EU laws and treaties and manages the EU budget.

European Commission

While all developed democracies are characterized by their sovereignty, in recent years we have seen a tendency toward

greater integration between countries and devolution within countries

The European Union’s statelike institutions have gained considerable power over time, so much so that sovereignty can now be said to be shared by the member states. This means the European Union is best classified as a(n)

supranational system.