This article, while it may not be academically sound, is the product of a Harvard writer’s ambition to peer through the eyes of an accomplished feminist and journalist Mary Brinton. The main purpose of this article was to ask Mrs. Brinton a series of questions regarding gender inequality in the United States. The author of the article opposes the current situation of gender in the United States, as made abundantly clear by the statistics the author includes and by the questions he chooses to ask Mrs. Brinton. Through the interview, Mrs. Brinton makes some interesting points about the wage gap, the primary cause of gender inequality; …show more content…
It details in great length several examples of gender inequality in different countries all around the world. Molly begins by quoting the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the United Nations Report, pulling content that clearly points out the gender gap in most developing nations. As the article expands it is easy to see Molly’s point of view is that of opposition, despite the fact that she does not interject much opinion in to her work. Most of the article consists of quotations from world authorities in places like The United States, Saudi Arabia, China, India, and various other places around the world. The way the author targets global authorities on the matter of gender inequality displays a belief that macro-level sociological issues are what’s to blame for the gender gap in most …show more content…
The purpose of this article seems to be to discuss specific ways from which to approach a broad spectrum of societal inequality, and different angles from which to conquer it. Hogan presents different theories like the foundational (Marxist) and relational (Weberian) approaches to the abolition of categorical inequality and conflict theory perspectives that produce change such as the Labor Movement or the Civil Rights Movement. Hogan seems to believe that the only way for a society to adapt is through revolution against corrupt systems that exploit societal inequality and wedge barriers between race, class, and gender. This article is beneficial to my research because it presents me with several detailed applications of sociological theory and makes it easier for me to draw a distinction between the different perspectives and their application to specific