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90 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Fundamental principles of representative democracy include all of the following EXCEPT:

Political property

Shays rebellion refers to:

Farmers in western Massachusetts fighting to keep the courts from forecolosinf on their land

Which of the following statements best describes the delegates who attended the constitutional convention held in Philadelphia?:

The delegates were well educated, wealthy, and white

Which of the following is NOT a possible direct source of tyranny?

An interest group

The 2000 presidential election showed that

The US is not a direct democracy

Which of the following statements is true regarding members of the modern democratic and republican parties?

Most democrats and republicans support democratic values

Popular sovereignty means that:

The ultimate source of authority resides with the people

Under the original plan of the constitution, the only national government officials to be directly elected by the people were:

Members of the House of Representatives

At the beginning of the revolutionary war, colonists wanted:

Recognition of their rights as British subjects

Which of the following statements about the Articles of the Confederation is NOT true?:

The AOC continues to be the official constitution of the US

Under the Great Compromise, the delegates to the constitutional convention agreed to:

Create a bicameral legislature composed of a House and Senate

Under the Articles of Confederation, power was concentrated in the____

Individual states

Most of her evolution of cooperative federalism has been one of the concentration of gov. Power. Which example does NOT follow this pattern:

The “Devolution Revolution”

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

In a unitary government, power is concentrated:

In a central government

In McCulloh V. Maryland, the Supreme Court cited the necessary and proper clause in upholding congress’s right to:

Incorporate a national bank

What 19th century even dramatically enhanced the authority of the national gov. Over that of the states?:

The civil war

The cons. Grants power to state and fed. Gov., but also places restrictions on their power. Which of the following is an example of a power granted to the federal gov.?

The enumerated powers

The way in which income and wealth are distributed in a society:

Violated political equality if the distribution is highly unequal

The emergence of republicanism is the 18th century caused all of the following EXCEPT:

Bringing about universal suffrage

In his book, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, the historian Charles Beard argued that:

The constitution’s framers were mainly interested I protecting their own economic interests

The main concern the Founders has over a system based “too much upon the democratic order” was that such a system would not:

Provide adequate protection to property rights

To win approval of the constitution, supporters had to promise that they would:

Add a bill of rights to the document

In a confederation, power is concentrated:

In a small regional governments

Federal systems of governments are most likely to be found in nations that are:

Large and diverse

The central gov. Created the articles of confederation had the power to:

Make war and enter into peace treaties

Federalism can be viewed as an important component of 18th century republicanism because it:

Provides another way to separate governmental power

Most of the provisions of the bill of rights now apply to state governments as well as the national government because of the passage of the:

14th amendment

George W Bush have a “big boost to the power, cost, and scope of the federal government” through his:

War on terror

The French philosopher Montesquieu believe that the best form of government was:

A mixed gov. With some elements of democracy com indeed with other non-democratic elements

The constitution established a bicameral legislature. This means that:

Congress is composed of two chambers or houses

The best reason the early 19th century presidency seems so weak compared to the modern presidency is that:

The nation just did not need a very strong president back then

Regarding federal courts, the constitution states that:

There will be a Supreme Court and those inferior courts that congress chooses to establish

Marbury V. Madison is an import and case in constitutional history because it was the case:

That set the precedent for the court’s power to use judicial review

Which of the following is likely to increase tensions between the president and congress?

When the president is from one party and congress is controlled by another

Legislators are more likely to adopt the trustee role if they:

Occupy relatively “safe” seats

What piece of legislation restrict the powers of congress?

The bill of rights (congress shall make no law)

The pres. who presided over the most significant expansion of presidential functions. Activities, and power in American history was:

Franklin Roosevelt

The republican framers of the constitution did not limit the growth of bureaucracy because:

They did not see the need because a large bureaucracy was not important

Cabinet-level secretaries are:

Appointed by the president

Which of the following statements about the judicial review is true?

All of the above are true.

The 3 main types of courts that make up the federal judiciary are:

District, appellate, and supreme

The fact that the federal bureaucracy often seems inefficient and to be working at cross-purposes is probably best explained by:

The sheer size and complexity of government activities

A presidents ability to control the bureaucracy is limited because:

All of the above factors limit a presidents ability to control the bureaucracy

Presidents have come generally to rely on White House office staff for the general advice and counsel than they do on cabins for officials. One reason is that, unlike cabinet officers, White House staff:

Serve only the president

Which is NOT a constraint on the president?

Veto power

The US senate differs from the House of Representatives in that it:

Gives individual members more freedom of action

A filibuster can be ended through a:

Vote of cloture

All of the following are roles of the president except:

Chief law maker

Which of the following is NOT a tool that congress can use to influence what the bureaucracy does?

Appointing department heads

Which of the following statements is true?

District courts are the courts of original jurisdiction in the federal system.

According to the constitution, the number of judges on the Supreme Court is:

The constitution does not say

The Supreme Court justice who writes the majority opinion for the court is:

Chosen by the Chief Justice or the senior justice holding with the majority

All of the following fit the founders conception of the presidency except:

Has the power of the purse

Conference committees are established when:

The house and senate pass different versions of the same bill

Which of the following groups is over-represented in congress?

People with college degrees

A standing committee is:

A permanent committee

All of the following are a part of the institutional presidency except:

The speaker of the house

Article III of the constitution lays out the judicial system. How is is different from article I and article II?

It is very brief and rather vague

Most members of the Supreme Court have had:

Their education at very expensive and selective universities

When the constitution was ratified, which of the following officials were to be elected by the people?

Members of the House of Representatives

Retrospective voting requires voters to:

Vote on the basis of the voters overall satisfaction with the record of the party currently in power

_____ are decisions made by government that create laws, programs, and regulations that are binding on all people living within a defined jurisdiction.

Public policies

Positive growth of _____ is an important measure of the health of the national economy.

Gross domestic product

The absence of_____ is one reason the US has not developed a more extensive welfare system.

Strong labor unions

Safety net programs occur in some form in all:

Most democracies

Susan is currently working two part time jobs and is frustrated about the poor economy. On Election Day, she votes for every challenger on the ballot, because she feels the president and congress are not found enough to help her. What type of vote did she cast?


The US is a ___ voting system.

First past the post.

_______ policies are rules targeted at a narrow group or class of groups that add to their costs of operations in the interests of serving some public purpose.


________ policies transfer resources from one group or class to another.


______ policies target benefits to very narrowly defined groups or individuals.


The ______ fare much better in the American welfare state than the ______.

Elderly; young

_______ are benefits based on contributions that one has made to a fund.

Social insurance

Which of the following individuals is most likely to vote in an American election?

A 55 year old highly educated woman earning over $75,000

Sanctioning a country is what type of foreign policy?


Which of the following can happen under the current system used to elect a president?

A candidate can win the popular vote and still lose the presidency.

Which of the following is an impact the electoral college has on election outcomes in the US?

All of the above

When prices go up and the value of money declines, the result is called:


A period of economics contraction lasting at least two quarters is called a:


A long lasting and deep recession with high levels of unemployment, low or nonexistent business profits and investment, and low tax revenues for the government is called a:


In the US, elections are often decided by voters evaluation of how well a political party has carried out policies associated with the:


A rapid increase in prices of consumer goods is a sign of:


Over 80% of SNAP or food stamp recipients are:

Poor families with children

Because so much of Americans “safety net” is provided through social insurance programs:

It’s safety net is less redistributive than that of other nations

Which of the following is NOT a “means-rested” welfare program?


Which of the following is NOT an outcome of a first past the post voting system:

Enforced multiple parties and coalitions

Which is NOT a critique of the electoral college:

Prevents “centered” victory

The general actions taken by government to manage the economy as a whole are referred to as:

Macroeconomic policy

Monetary policy controls:

The supply of money and credit

President Trump’s recent tariffs are an example of this kind of foreign policy:
