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32 Cards in this Set

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non disease producing bacteria

Non pathogenic bacteria

the study of small living organisms


the bacterial cells that are spiraled, corkscrew shaped and can generate highly contagious disease


Which of the following is the most common form of bacterial cell?


Bacillia and spirilla are able to move themselves using hair like projections known as


Which of the following is a highly infectious disease that affects the liver


A highly infectious disease that interferes with the body's natural immune system


Head lice, itch mites, ringworm and nail fungus are all disease caused by

external parasites

A contagious potentially fatal infection caused by airborne bacteria that first affects the lungs


A contagious disease refers to a disease that is

easily spread from one person to another

The stimulation of the body's immune response through the injection of antigens

Passive immunity

Infection control procedures are divided into which of the following 3 levels

Sanitation, disinfection, sterilization

All of the following could be an indication of an allergic reaction to latex except


the second level of infection control that does not eliminate bacterial spores is called


The process referred to as double bagging is performed when a (n)

Blood spill occurs

tools and instruments used to puncture or invade the skin must be sterilized or


what is the first step to take when exposed to a clients blood during a procedure?

stop the service and wash your hands

The chemical process by which cells receive nutrients for cell growth and reproduction is known as


The tissue that carries messages to and from the brain and coordinates body functions is the

Nerve tissue

A group of body organs that perform one or more vital functions for the body is called a (n)


The study of bones is known as


The heart, arteries, veins and capillaries are all part of the

cardiovascular system

What system breaks food down into simpler chemical compounds easily absorbed by cells or eliminate from the body as waste?


Materials that easily transport electricity are called


A voult is a unit of electricity


A path in which electricity travels is called

closed circuit

Bacteria that cause skin infections can be killed by

Ultraviolet light

A germacide tht can kill bacteria that causes skin infections is also known as

UV light

What is the term given to discribe the effect created when a current travels through a water based solution and onto the body?

electrochemical effect

Skin is often analyzed under a skin scanner, magnifying lamp or

Woods lamp

The steam from the facial steamer should be

directed to the chin area

For thick or oily skin the vaporizer should be placed

Closer to the face