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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the main cation in ECF?

What are its balancing anions?
The main cation in ECF is Na+

Its balancing anions are Cl- and HCO3- (Chloride and Bicarbonate)
What is the main cation in ICF?
The primary cations in ICF are K+ and Mg2+.

Their balancing anions are proteins and organic phosphates.
Does the ICF have a low or high [Ca2+]?

Other differences between ICF and ECF?
Low concentration of Ca2+ in the ICF.

The Ca2+ concentration in the ECF is higher by 4 orders of magnitude.

ICF is more acidic than ECF.

Substances found in high concentration in the ICF are low in the ECF, and vice versa.
What are the Extracellular concentration and

The intracellular concentration of Na+?
Extracellular: 140

Intracellular: 14
What are the Extracellular concentration and

The intracellular concentration of K+?
Extracellular: 4

Intracellular: 120
What are the Extracellular concentration and

The intracellular concentration of Ca2+?
Extracellular: 2.5

Intracellular: 1 x 10^-4
What are the Extracellular concentration and

The intracellular concentration of Cl-?
Extracellular: 105

Intracellular: 10
What are the Extracellular concentration and

The intracellular concentration of HCO3-?
Extracellular: 24

Intracellular: 10
What are the Extracellular and

The intracellular pH?
Extracellular pH: 7.4

Intracellular pH: 7.1
What are the Extracellular and

Intracellular osmolarities?
Extracellular: 290

Intracellular: 290
Describe the Na+ - K+ pump
Active transport, utilizing ATP to transport Na+ and K+ against their electrochemical gradients.
What is the Ca2+ electrochemical gradient, and how is this maintained.
Ca2+ concentraiton is much lower in the cell, and much higher extracellularly. This gradient is maintained by Ca2+ ATPase.
How is the Na+ gradient utilized?
To transport concentration gradients for glucose, amino acids, Ca2+, and H+ without the direct utilization of ATP.
How do the concentrations within plasma and interstitial fluid vary?
In the plasma, there are negatively charged proteins. Consequently, the plasma compartment must have a lower concentration of anions, and a higher concentration of cations.
What is the Gibbs-Donnan ratio?
The Gibbs-Donnan ratio gives the plasma concentration relative to the interstitial fluid concentration for anions and interstitial fluid relative to plasma for anions.

Example: [Cl-]plasma/[Cl-]interstitial fluid = 0.95

Na+ would be inverted, because its positively charged (but the Gibbs-Donnan ratio is the same).
What percentage of body mass does TBW comprise?
How does fat affect percentage of TBW?
Adipose tissue decreases the overall percentage of body mass that is water (fat cells have no H20).
What percentage of TBW is ICF?

ICF is about 2/3 water.

ECF is about 1/3 water.

They are separated by cell membranes.
How is ECF subdivided?
Plasma- the fluid circulating in blood vessels and is smaller of 2 compartments

Interstitial fluid is the fluid that actually bathes the cells and is the larger of the two components.

Plasma and interstitial fluid are separated by the capillary wall.
What is pH?
pH = -log10 [H+]
What is hyperosmolic?
Has a higher osmolarity than a second solution.
What is hypo-osmolic?
Has a lower osmolarity than a second solution.
What is the equation for osmotic pressure?
The van't Hoff equation:

pi=g C (sigma) RT

pi = osmotic pressure
g= # of particles per mole in solution

C= concentration
Sigma = reflection coefficient (varies from 0 to 1)

R = Gas constant
T=Absolute temperature (K)
Talk about hypertonic, hypotonic solutions
Hypertonic solutions have greater osmotic pressure than hypotonic solutions.

Water will move FROM the hypotonic solution TO the hypertonic solution.
Talk about hypertonic, hypotonic solutions
Hypertonic solutions have greater osmotic pressure than hypotonic solutions.

Water will move FROM the hypotonic solution TO the hypertonic solution.