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25 Cards in this Set

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Give the types of waves and explain them.

1.transverse wave-transverse wave has a direction of vibration that is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel.2.longitudinal wave-longitudinal wave has a direction of vibration that is parallel to the direction of wave travel.

Give the 6 characteristics of waves.

Give the definition of Period T

The period T is the time taken by each point on the wave to complete one oscillation

SI units is the seconds(s)

Give the definition if the frequency F

The frequency F is the number of oscillations each points completes per second.

SI units is the hertz(Hz)

Give the definition of wavelength

The wavelength is the shortest distance between two successive crests or troughs.

SI units is the metre (m)

Give the definition of wave speed v

Wave speed is the distance travelled by a wave per second.

SI units is the metro per second(m/s)

Give the definition of crest&troughs

A crest, or a peak, is defined as the highest point on a wave above the equilibrium, or rest, position

●A trough is defined as the lowest point on a wave below the equilibrium,or rest, position

How does sounds travel through solids?

Sound waves cause vibrations through the solid.

What type of wave are sound waves?

Longitudinal waves

Can sounds travel through a vacuum?

No,sounds require a medium to be transmitted.

What is an echo?

A reflected sound wave

How can the speed of sound be measured?

Make a noise at a known distance from a solid wall.Record the time taken for the echo to be heard. Then half the time and use speed=distance/time to calculate speed.

What is speed of sound in air?

343 m/s

What is the speed of sound in steel?

5130 m/s

How does the speed of sound compare in solids, liquids and gases?

It is fastest in solids and slowest in gases

What is the range of frequencies audible to the human ear?

20 Hz- 20KHz

What is ultra sound?

Sound with a frequency higher than 20KHz

Describe the features of a longitudinal wave

Longitudinal waves have compressions and rarefactions.

What wave property affects the volume of sound?

The amplitude (greater amplitude= louder sound).

What wave property affects the pitch of sounds?

The frequency(higher frequency = higher pitch ).

How can ultrasound be used to measure distances ?

●when waves reach a boundary between two media, they are partially reflected

●the speed of the waves is constant

●the time between emissions and detection can be used to calculate distance (from distance = speed × time)

Describe the applications of ultrasound

Ultrasound is used largely I medical imaging,specifically pregnancy scanning, as it is non-ionizing so it does not increase the risk of cancer.

What is sonar imaging?

Sonar(sound navigation and ranging) uses both low and high frequency sound waves for imaging eg. Underwater.

Whats the purpose of the rachet of a micrometer?

It ensures uniform pressure between the measuring surfaces

What is a wave

A wave is a disturbance that propagates through space,transfering energy with it but not matter.