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50 Cards in this Set

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What are all the physical agents

Heat cold pressure sounds electromagnetic radiation and electrical currents what are the superficial thermal agents

What are the superficial thermal agents

Moist hot pack cold pack whirlpool

What are the deep thermal agents

Diathermy and ultrasound

What frequency is ultrasound

>20,000 cycles per second

What are the mechanical agents

Traction compression hydrotherapy

What are the electromagnetic agents

Uv infrared laser diathermy

What’s the point of physical agents

Pain and swelling at the impairment level


Pan on stove

Ice pack etc


Hot air swirling


Ultrasound or diathermy

One transforms to another and converts to




Uv infrared


Estim etc


Traction compression

2 types off ultrasound

Thermal (continuous )

Or pulse

What agent is hydrotherapy

Mechanical or thermal

Electrical current

Reduces edema motor level sensory level estim

Medical treatment

What’s wrong in the beginning

Soap note includes

What physical agents used

Area of body being treated


Parameters used

Outcome (progress)

What does the apta statement say

Use physical agents with something else and document it

How do physical agents affect impairments

Reduce swelling

Accelerates healing

Alters collagen extensibility

Modify muscle tone

Relief pain

Stages of healing

Heat swelling pain redness loss of function

Goal of intervention

Reduce circulation and pain

Reduce enzyme activity rate

Control motion

Progress to proliferation phase

Chronic goals

Prevent stiffness and control pain increase circulation and move to proliferation stage

Collagen deposited and tissue replaced days 3-20

Proliferation phase

Goals in proliferation phase

Control scar tissue formation ensure adequate circulation maintain strength and flexibility move on to maturation

Maturation phase goals

Regain or maintain strength and flexibility

Control scar tissue

What us contraindicated for chronic


Contraindicated for remodeling


Contraindication for initial injury

Exercise intermittent traction motor level ES and thermotheraoy

How do physical agents reduce pain

Modify transmission or perception causing the sensation changing process causing the sensation


What is referred pain

Heart attack left arm


Nervous system freaks out

Contraindicated for acute pain

Thermotherapy local exercise motor es

Pain caused by malignancy

End stage you can use any therapy

Immobilization affects collagen


Physical agents affect


As we get hotter what happens to extensibility


Contraindicated for muscle weakness


Contraindicated for pain


Pain with motion can we exercise

Yes to pain not past

Physical agents alter tone how

Alter nerve conduction

Alter sensitivity of a nerve

Alter biomechanics properties of a muscle

Reducing our finding cause of pain

How does pregnancy affect things

Can’t reach the fetus with agents

How does malignancy change agents

Don’t make blood and nutrients to rush to tumor to exacerbate

Pacemaker effects

No electrical!

Impaired sensation affect

Be able to feel for feedback

Impaired mentally physical agents

Be able to assess effectiveness

Choosing physical agents

What are to trying to do

Find one what will affect multiple things and is likely to respond

Important to take into consideration with physical agents selection

Cost availability contraindications evidence for effectiveness

Primary literature

Peer reviewed