I am going to use a middle-range theory of acute pain by Marion Good Ph.D, RN.
After reading your chosen articles on nursing theory, write a paper that answers the following points/questions:
2. Describe the theory and its components? How do the parts of the theory relate to each other? Does the theory “make sense” to you before you begin applying it to any specific client situation?
This theory revolves around the concept of balance between the use of analgesics and their side effects for adult patients with moderate to severe pain (Good, 1998). It outlines the role of the nurse in administering pharmacological pain relief as well as non-pharmacological pain relief methods. The nurse also …show more content…
These main concepts include multimodal intervention, focused pain management, and patient involvement as a contribution to the balance between analgesia and their side effects (Good, 1998). Multimodal intervention outlines managing a balance between the usages of many types of pain relief in order to decrease the likelihood of unwanted side effects. Pharmacologic methods are used with non-pharmacologic methods to achieve holistic intervention. Attentive care encompasses regular pain assessments in conjunction with monitoring for side effects. This allows for the identification of the impact of the pain relief method and whether or not it was adequately successful. This also provides the opportunity to recognize side effects and ways to minimize them. The use of new interventions would be used if the initial pain regimen was unsuccessful. Re-intervention would be required in order to make another attempt at pain control. Lastly, patient participation plays a large role in this theory. The patients’ contribution allows for an understanding of their expectations for pain control, in other words, setting …show more content…
This particular patient was a 36 year old female who was diagnosed with loin pain hematuria syndrome. According to the patient her experience with this syndrome has been less than a positive one. With her condition she experiences episodes of crisis where her pain becomes unbearable, leading to a hospitalization. Her primary care provider has tried several different treatments to relieve her pain. Recently she had obtained a kidney auto transplantation, where the kidney is moved to the anterior lower portion of the abdomen to aid in the relief of the pain and hopefully the hematuria by reconstructing the urinary tract. Although the etiology of this syndrome is unknown, as well as the source of the hematuria, studies have shown that this procedure provides patients with relief of their symptoms (Bass, Parrott, Jack, Baranowski, Neild, 2007). Upon successful auto transplantation, JH went home free of pain. Several weeks later she experienced the same severe pain in her back that she was previously experiencing before the surgery except on the other side of her body. This led her to believe that now that one kidney had been resolved, the other one was acting up. This pain is what led her to this