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39 Cards in this Set

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He was the first to ask and answer the question "What is matter composed of?"

Thales of Miletus

He thought water (H2O) as the ultimate substance that constituted matter. He believed that water could change into a kind of matter

Thales of Miletus

He considered air, water, earth and fire are the four essential elements that are the sources of all kinds of matter.

Empedocles of Agrigentum

He is the First Atomist.


He concluded that fragments of a material could no longer divided continuously, but still have the characteristics of the original material.


He is the student of Leucippus and he's also dubbed as the Father of Atomism


He expanded Leucippus' atomic hypothesis.


Democritus thought atoms were solid and indestructible and the universe only had atoms and empty space which he called ______


It is a natural philosophy proposing that the physical universe is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms.


He postulated that fire, water, earth and air are not true elements because they can be broken down into simpler substances such as iron and oxygen

Robert Boyle

He believed that atoms exist but are not visible to the naked eyes.

Robert Boyle

He conducted an experiment using a J-Tube Glass.

Robert Boyle

He is a British chemist who introduced the first "periodic table of elements" and published the first true atomic theory in 1803.

John Dalton

He is A British Physicist who discovered one of the components of the atoms-the electrons through the cathode ray tube experiment.

Joseph John(J.J) Thomson

He performed gold foil experiment arrived at a planetary model of an atom.

Ernest Rutherford

Atoms are tiny, hard spheres that cannot be split up.

John Dalton

Electrons are distributed inside a positive mass like raising in a plum pudding.

J.J Thomson

Most of the atom's mass is inside the nucleus. Electrons circle the nucleus. Most of the atoms is empty space.

Ernest Rutherford

He is a danish physicist who worked on some flaws of planetary model of atom.

Niels Bohr

He proposed the Bohr Model of the Atom in 1915.

Niels Bohr

The ________ model states the negatively charged electrons orbit a small, positively charged nucleus.

Bohr (Model)

Both _____ and _____ later developed the nuclear model of the atom, which states that atom has a central nucleus

Rutherford and Bohr

He discovered neutron.

James Chadwick

He is a Russian chemist who arranged the known 65 elements according to increasing atomic mass.

Dmitri Mendeleev.

He predicted the properties of still unknown elements which discovered after 20 years, these are the noble gases.

Dmitri Mendeleev

An English chemist who published his version of the periodic table using atomic number as basis for the arrangement.

Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley

Involves the rearrangement of electrons only.

Chemical Reaction

New substances or compounds are formed

Chemical Reaction

Involves the nucleus (proton and neutron)

Nuclear Reaction

New elements will be formed.

Nuclear Reaction

Makes elements most stable by rearranging the valence electrons.

Chemical Reaction

These are the electrons found in the outermost shell of the Atom.

Valence Electrons

We can determine the valence electron or an element using the two (2) atomic models:

1. Bohr Atomic Model

2. Lewis Dot Structure

_______ form when atoms lose, accept or share valence electrons.

Chemical Bonds

The chemical bond is often referred to as an attraction between atoms. This type of attraction is called __________.

Intramolecular force

What are the two (2) types of chemical bond?

1. Ionic Bond

2. Covalent Bond

Metals and Nonmetals.

Ionic Bond


Covalent Bond

Eight (8) valence electrons become most stable.

Octet Rule