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37 Cards in this Set

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process that occurs at chloroplast, includes light reactions and calvin cycle, produces sugars from H2O, CO2, and light
found in all plants
self-feeders, plants, producers
found in all plants
eat other organisms, consumers
animals, decomposers
green pigment within chloroplast that absorbs light. its green b/c it absorbs violet-blue & red light while transmitting and reflecting green light
chlorophyll a & b
the tissue in interior of leaves and contains 30-40 chloroplasts in one cell, where photosynthesis actually occurs
found in roses
dense fluid inside chloroplast enclosed by double membrane, where calvin cycle occurs and ATP is produced
similar to blood in human bodies
Light reactions
convert solar energy to chemical energy (ATP & NADPH)
similar to how glucose functions in cellular respiration
uses chemiosmosis to add phosphate to ADP to form ATP
similar to when H moving across gradients makes ATP synthase create ATP
system of interconnected membranous sacs that separates stroma from other parts of chloroplast. photosystem & light reactions occur within the thylakoid membrane
stacked thylakoids in a column are called grana
Carbon fixation
adding carbon to organic compounds
used in C3, C4 plants and photosynthetic CAM
light particles in which energy is inversely related to wavelength of light
similar to light from fluorescent bulbs
Chlorophyll a
violet-blue & red light works best for photosynthesis, has a blue-green pigment, contains CH3
found inside reaction centers of photosystem
Chlorophyll b
Has a yellow-green pigment, contains CHO
just as a sponge soaks up water, chlorophyll b soaks up sunlight
Hydrocarbons (C double-bonded to O) that absorb violet & blue-green excessive light energy that would harm chloroplast
absorbs sunlight like chloroplyll
Reaction center
protein complex that includes 2 chlorophyll a molecules and a primary electron acceptor
similar to nucleus in cells
Light-harvesting complex
pigment molecule (chlorophyll a, b, or cartenoid) attached to proteins
similar to ripples in water once a pebble is dropped
Photosystem I
reaction center chlorophyll a molecule aka P700 b/c it is best at absorbing light w/ wavelength of 700 nm.
electrons flow through Photosystem I second, used exclusively in cyclic electron flow
Photosystem II
reaction center chlorophyll a molecule aka P680 b/c it is best at absorbing light w/ wavelength of 680 nm.
electrons first flow through Photosystem II
has a reaction center w/ light-harvesting complexes surrounding it. Harvests light by: light energy passes through light-harvesting complexes until it reaches the reaction center and causes an electron to be released from 1 of the 2 chlorophyll a molecules which is captured by the primary electron acceptor
Photosystem I & II
Primary electron acceptor
captures excited electron from chlorophyll a
lies inside reaction center
Noncyclic electron flow
predominant route of electron flow during light reactions
similar to the electron transport chain in cellular respiration
Cyclic electron flow
uses only PS I, only generates ATP. shifts from noncyclic to cyclic when there is a rise in NADPH to make up the loss of ATP (b/c it is used more in Calvin Cycle
similar to the life cycle
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P or PGAL)
3 carbon sugar produced directly from Calvin Cycle
takes 3 cycles of CO2 to get this sugar
enzyme that catalyzes first step of Calvin cycle- attaching carbon from CO2 to a 5-carbon sugar (RuBP)
similar to acetyl coenyme in cellular respiration
C3 plants
has organic product of 3 carbon compound
found in most plants
occurs in hot climate where stomata closes to conserve water but CO2 input decreases and O2 output increases during light reactions. considered wasteful b/c it consumes ATP w/o producing ATP or sugars
found in soy, wheat
C4 plants
has organic product of 4 carbon compound and contains bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells. more efficient way to use CO2 to produce sugars
example of the evolution of plants
Bundle-sheath cells
in C4 plants, arranged into tightly packed sheaths around veins of leaves
similar to frosting over cupcakes
CAM plants
adapts to hot climate by opening stomata at night to take in CO2 but closes during the day to retain water, operates like C4 plants except carbon fixation and calvin cycle occurs in same cell
similar to C4 plants b/c it is a more efficient way to produce sugars in hot climate instead of doing photorespiration
electron transport chain
connects between PS 1 & 2 and after PS 2. composed of electron carrier Pq, cytochromes, protein Pc
similar to electron transport chain in cellular respiration
Calvin Cycle
anabolic process that uses ATP & NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar
similar to citric acid cycle in cellular respiration
mesophyll cells
in C4 plants, are loosely arranged between bundle-sheath and leaf surface
similar to leaves on trees
PEP carboxylase
enzyme to add CO2 to PEP to form 4 carbon compound in C4 plants
functions like rubisco
electron transport chain
connects between PS 1 & 2 and after PS 2. composed of electron carrier Pq, cytochromes, protein Pc
similar to electron transport chain in cellular respiration
Calvin Cycle
anabolic process that uses ATP & NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar
similar to citric acid cycle in cellular respiration
mesophyll cells
in C4 plants, are loosely arranged between bundle-sheath and leaf surface
similar to leaves on trees
PEP carboxylase
enzyme to add CO2 to PEP to form 4 carbon compound in C4 plants
functions like rubisco