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25 Cards in this Set

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A clean catch urine specimen is needed to detect what?


What is the angle of a needle inserted for circulating an arterial blood gas collection?


When should a patient's blood level be collected if your checking the level of a medication?

Immediately before giving medication

ROCHE TROPT sensitive rapid assay measures what?

Cardiac monitoring analyte

What is the best location in a hospital to perform a venipuncture on a 7 year old?

In a treatment room

A congenital hypothyroidism can be tested on a newborn by performing what test?

Neonatal screening

Hematology specimens collected on an infant by a skin puncture would be collected when?


What is an acceptable alternative for hand washing before performing a phlebotomy test?

Foam and cream disinfectant

Electrolytes are also referred to as ...

Na+ (sodium)

Cl- (chloride)

HC03- (bicarbonate)

K+ (potassium)

Names for blood coagulation test are ___ and ___

Pt and inr

When collecting blood on an infant you would put the skin puncture device where?

In a sharps container

What is recommended to use to clean POCT(point of care transportable) instrument?

5% bleach solution

Ketones in the urine can indicate what?


What is the specimen of choice for testing acid-base balance and respiratory status of a patient?

Arterial blood

EPO enhances athletic performance by?

Increasing the O² carrying capacity and endurance

What does the Cholestech LDX system measure?

Total cholesterol

Multiple deep heelsticks on an infant can cause what?


What is the cleanest type of urine specimen?

Mid stream

What does the sensory examination of a urine examination include?

Check the color and odor

What site would you test a newborn for capillary blood gases?

Lateral posterior area of heel

Therapeutic drug monitoring requires blood collection to determine what?

Trough and peak levels

A breathalyzer is used to test for screening what?

BAC (blood alcohol content)

What is a common test used to test a blood glucose level?


What is the test of choice for testing acid-base balance and respiratory status?

Arterial blood

What is tropin T?

Protein used to detect heart damage