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98 Cards in this Set

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What is Philosophy's relationship to other disciplines?
It is the science of science.
The Meta-Science.
Analyzes the universals which other disciplines use to understand their respected study.
What is Deduction, and give and example?
If the premises are true then the conclusion logically follows.

All A are B
All B are C
Therefore All A are C

A therefore B
B therefore C
A therefore C

A or not A
not A
therefore A
What is induction?
If the premises are true, the the conclusion will likely be correct.
What are the two types of inductive inference?
Inference to Enumeration
Inference to the best Explination
What does AD HOC mean?
It only pertains to a specific cycles or events. Not for wider consideration.
What would a strict Empiricist say about our understanding of science?
Science is to simply model data
What is an instrumentalist view of Science?
Science will never get to truth, only that science is an instrument. Pragmatic.
What is a Realist/Rationalist view of Science?
The benchmark, or what we should go by, is markings of truth.
Consistent theory
one that doesn't contain a contradiction
Mutatis Mutandis
Provided the necessary changes are made.

We can differentiate language from non language and mutatis mutandis we can differentiate ethical from non-ethical.
What is a proposition?

What is a true proposition?
Proposition: Set of Properties

True Proposition: All members have been instantiated.
Explain the meaning of instantiation/ saturation
L-A Bob is Bfat=
SET C = 1Bob, 2Fatness, 3Relationship of someone to fatness, 4relationship of Bob to fatness.

Saturates: L is for A to saturate B, then L is identical with a set that contains 1, 2,3,4
Why isn't the statment: the relationship of tommy to fatness

the same as: tommy, fatness, the relationship of tommy to fatness
within relationship of tommy to fatness

there are no discrete labelers. No simpliciter.
Bona Fide
Good Faith, Sincerely
How is JMK's view of Knowledge diff than classical view
Not Justified true belief, but correctly justified
Inter alia
Among other things

Knowledge as Inter alia, justified, true, belief
All knowledge is sensory perceived
At least some knowledge we can aquire through intellect
Sine Qua Non
Without which there is nothing
An absolutely indispensable

It is a sine qua non that i trust my gf if i want the relationship to work out
Problem with empiricism: can we observe what is not the case?

Try to draw a picture of what is not
What is a synonym of Platonism?
Who are some Empiricists?
Locke, Berkeley, Hume

Modern: JS Mill, Carnap, Quine
Who are some Rationalists:
Augustine, Descartes, Leibniz, Frege
Universals relationship to the world/Empiricism
we cant see universals, these general ideas. But we use them to understand things
De Rigueur
Strictly required
What is wrong with this statement:

Non-empirical is metaphysical mumbo-jumbo
Just because some non-empirical, doesn't mean all of it is
What is wrong with this statement:

nothing is outside of space-time
for two things to be similar, is for two instances of a property 2 squares. Going in the same direction.

If squareness were spatio-temporal, we could bombard the space and change what it means to be a square
What is wrong with this statement:

Categories are man made.
Pint of Water is not the same as a pint of Oil.

Francis Bacon - "categories cut nature at the joint"
Is knowledge elicited or deposited?
Elicited - Drawn out
Deposited - There

Knowledge is drawn out from the perception. We can see A. But to know A is B we have to draw out from the observance of A.
Reasons non perceptual knowlegde is a prerequisite for perceptual knowlegde
we learn through perception except perception.

sense perception is based on imperceptible concepts.
exact thinking, skilled methodological

information is triggered, but the conception is not soley transmitted by the observation
You see A (triggering), but to know A (transmitting), some understanding of universals must be present.
Explain why these two statements are false.

1. arithmetic truths are within the objects (observation/experience mills)

2. 1+1=2 is typographical. definitional. (Carnap)
1. Some is from experience, but most is not 9999121+2323223

1. You have 1 apple then you dont. You dont reconsider the meaning of 1.

2. Consistency relations is not a matter of convention.

2. Logic may be convention in terms, but part of it is without convention.

2.snow is white / is not/ snow is black

2. conventional statemtents - simple statements have no logical meaning

white being a designator for what white actually is - just like blanca
What is the difference between analytic and synthetic truth?
Analytic - Conceptual
Empirical - Synthetic
Which comes first - sense perception or knowlegde
Sense perception pre supposes knowledge
What is inference?
JMK says it is knowledge of intersituational dependencies

Hume denies inference= knowledge
Which view is also an iconic representaion?
Problems with iconic representaion
Meta propositions.

Bees cause ___ ___ can not be iconified

possibly, necessary cannot be iconified
What is problem with this:

We can't have general thoughts
you cant take a non-general to be a general because you still grasp the general
Berkeley on disproving universals. (why he was wrong)
he says - you cannot have an idea of just a man - which is true and actually proves universals because

-just the reason why knowledge is not mental imagery.
Analytic truth(definitional Truth):

Formally vs Informal
Formal - true in virtue of the syntactic structure

P or not P

Informal - not true in virtue of its structure

X is greater than 5
Sentence Schema
Open sentence

x Rs y and y Rs x

x Touches y and y Touches x <-interpretation
What is an example of an informal analytic truth.
Triangles are not Circles.

Three is bigger than 1.

Nothing can be its own immediate antecedent.

F- nothing can be its own self
What are examples of a quantifyer?
Most, None, All, Some, a few
Ceteris Paribus
All other things being equal

Scientific laws have this form

(in a battle of wits, ceteris paribus, the wittier one wins)
What does the term Veridical mean?
regards to sense perceptions: accurate honest, not hallucination

Antonym: Falsidical
(T or F) sentences are representational to convention, and not inherently representational
What is a Digital Structure
composing something into smaller parts, (real parts) (a sentence or binary)
What is an analogue structure?
one that cannot be composed into minimal parts - real life sense perception
What is a requirement of a good language?
It must be expressively powerful, you can say a lot in them
What is a morpheme
simple expression that doesn't consist of other expressions

pig, cow, hit, run
Is the phrase 1. Cats a morpheme?
No. Cats is a complex expression
(s) itself is a morpheme as (cat) is
What is humes major problem of induction?
induction (all B have C before, so this B has C)

we need to assume uniformity principle - asuming things have been representative of how they will continue to be . so this P is like past P

- uniformity principle uses induction to validify to itslef - no justification
Are specific facts the same as causal relations?

specific facts (bob is here) is different than, (natural law) bob walked to this spot, (nomic (having to do with natural laws)
How can we know about some of the future?
1) knowledge of present
2_ general knowledge of causal laws that link present with future
How can we know about the past?
1) direct memory
2) indirect (inverted future knowledge)
a. we know now.
b. we know that glass on the floor means in the past that glass broke
What are counter factuals?
weird ways of phrasing causal relations, or logical or causal dependence
What is theoretical knowledge?

What is observational?
Theoretical - no direct experience only theory

observational - direct experience
Is all theoretical inferential?
all theoretical is inferential but not vice versa

you see broken glass therefore you know relatively whole piece of glass broke - non theoretical but inferential

i know you are mad, so i know its how you feel about your girlfriend (theoretical and inferential)
Why do some people say all knowledge is inferential?
Particles (not the same) as your perception of them


sub atomic particles (not like) our theories of them
1) A priori
2) A posteriori
1) sense perception, pre exists any knowlegde

2) acquired through a priori
Who believed and who denied a priori knowlegde?
Believed: Plato, Leibniz, Kant, Chomsky

Deny: Aristotle, Locke, Quine
"When we see something far away, we see a small stop sign, so we know the stop sign is far away, therefore we know that something is also far away"

this is a reason for
why perceptual knowledge is also theoretical/ inferential
Which is first, inference of theoretical knowledge?
inference is pre-theoretical
What are limitations of inference?
Not all inference is truth conductive

To be knowledge, inference must be made on correct inference rule
What is a theory?
systems of statements standing in various dependence relations
What is a defeasable inference?
1) he crashed because he was drunk

it may be false, but it sounds reasonable

defeasable (not the same) as a bad inference
What is justification and discovery?
Justification - abstract statements

Discovery - logical thought process (contains predicative justification) onto the process of solidifying justification
What should we say to the notion newton getting hit on the head is not discovery but luck
we should differentiate discovery pre-process from the intricate logical afterthought
Why is it hard to transmit ones justification to another?
experience P, which may be the reason for my discovery, may be rare and hard to convince people of
How can you be justified without really knowing it?
you have can have intuitions as a result of logical assesment.

intuitions before the belief is justified
those intuitions would be correct and justified
How can you know but not explain it?
you can read off subtle cues but not explain them (interogator)

you can just be shy
If you are rightly justified can you always transmit the information to others, even if they understand, to get their personal justification?
no, sometimes people know what you mean they just havent made the justification

(epistemologically justified)
What does justified usually mean in the philosophy of science?
people in general are justified
Which few could be classified as normative (what should be the case)
What is a lexical item?
picks something out, red shauns, hit
What is a predicate?
One place relation
What is the difference between Disjuction and disjunct?
Disjuction P or Q

Disjuct P and Q
What is foundationalism?
All knowledge begins with something
How does an empiricist feel about modal truths?
they don't like them
What is grue?
Nelson goodmans way of disproving inductive reasoning.

Before tomorrow green, after tomorrow blue
What is hempels paradox aka the raven paradox?
all ravens are black
if its a raven then its black
its not black its not a raven

we would look for different things when proving the claims

Logical equivalence SHOULD be consistent with confirmational equivalence
Why does JMK approve of causality against this

We observe causality but we dont observe the compelling
we dont observe the electrons but we have good reason
what does it mean for something to be in space time
for it to have causal properties
Do objects or events cause things
What is an event?
change in condition/ change in the manner of change
What is a condition?
relatively consistent changes.
What is universals relationship to the spaciotemporal cause
they universal is precause
What is an INUS statement?
Insufficient yet nonredundant part of an unnessary but sufficient condition
IS bob being drunk a sufficient cause?
No, bob, being drunk, inter alia (certain wheel type, slippery roads) made him crash
Is bob being drunk always a necessary for the crash?
it was necessary given the certain circumstances.

but drunkenness is NOT a necessary condition for crash
Summary of aristotle on Causality

1. (Good) the efficient cause
2. Final cause (goals) too abstract
3. dependence relations - propositions not objects.

Bob cuz of Joe = X
What is functionalism?
only the cause and effect determine the experience and the brain. the function.

functionalism cant account for phenomenal content (feelings)
Are judgements, attidudes, dispositions phenomenal?
no but they give rise to feelings
Content Externalism
says the mental state is exactly the same as the cause to a certain mental disposition. (FALSE)
What is program causality?
This to that - EFFICIENT ISN'T EVER!
If a statement, given only what it says, coudln't be true, then it is a
analytic truth
Why is the notion (in a possible world) to explain counter factuals wrong
the possible world be way different

it contains a hidden counter-factual like statement

we know the possible world scenario because of our knowledge of dependence relations - which is exactly why we know of counterfactuals