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61 Cards in this Set

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Cartesian dualism says that the mind is identical with the body. True or False?


Cartesian dualism posits

A body and a mind

Descartes says that the chief characteristic of physical things is that...

They have extension

Descartes is convinced that corporeal things exist and that he has a body. True or False?


Descartes asserts that he knows that he is a substance the whole essence of which is...

To think

Descartes believed that interaction between body and mind took place in...

The pineal gland

Descartes says that the mind is distinct from the body and...

Can exist without the body

According to Descartes, the mind, or soul is...

A thinking and un extended thing

The view that we consist of two distinct substances (body and mind) and that these two interact is know as...

Substance dualism

The theory that says mental states are nothing but brain states is known as...

Identity theory

The existence of a form of mental illness known as multiple personality disorder seems to suggest that...

The mind is divisible

According to Smart, the report of an "after-image" or "ache" is a report of...

A brain process

The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in particular, ways in certain circumstances is known as...

Logical behaviorism

According to Fodor, in the functionalist view the psychology of a system depends not on the stuff it is made of but on...

How the stuff is put together

Logical behaviorism is at odds with our common sense intuition that mental states...

Cause behavior

Searle argues that the Chinese Room thought experiment shows that...

The claims of strong AI are not plausible.

Nagel believes that the essence of the belief that bats have experience is that...

There is something that it is like to be a bat

Nagel declares that the objective perspective is the true perspective. True or false?


Regarding mind and body, most contemporary philosophers are


According to Block, functionalism is...


The biblical account of the soul is at odds with...

Soul-body dualism

Descartes believes that consciousness must reside in the brain. True or false?


Substance dualism and say to violate the scientific principle of...

The casual closure of the physical.

Descartes thinks that something that is conceivable is logically possible, and something that is inconceivable is logically impossible. True or false?


Fodor thinks that functionalism is a reductionist thesis. True or false?


Nagel believes that the essence of the belief that bats have experience is that...

there is something that it is like to be a bat

Traditional philosophies of mind can be divided into dualist theories and materialist theories. True or false?


Nagel declares that the objective perspective is the true perspective. True or false?


When Descartes reasons that it is conceivable that he could exist without his body, and that whatever is conceivable is logically possible he is offering...

Conceivability argument

The contention that bodies and minds must be different things, because bodies can be divided into parts, but minds cannot is known as a...

Divisibility argument

Nagel believes that knowledge of what it is like to be a bat can be required through scientific investigation. True or false?


Searle believes in strong AI. True or false?


Nagel's argument suggests that mental states can not be identical with brain states. True or false?


Hard determinists and soft determinists agree that...

My actions are all determined by prior events/states of affairs

Hard determinists and libertarians agree that...

if determinism is true, then I cannot be held responsible for my actions

Libertarians and soft determinists agree that I can be held responsible for my actions. True or false?


According to James, indeterminism allows that the world has...

ambiguous possibilities

According to d'Holbach all the mental and moral attributes that people think are evidence for an immaterial soul are in fact...

purely physical and natural

According to d'Holbach people always act according to...

necessary natural laws

D'Holbach asserts that when we deliberate about a choice, our decision is free and undetermined true or false?


D'Holbach's view is that science precludes the notion of free will true or false


The doctrine that every event is determined or necessitated by proceeding events in the laws of nature is known....


Rowe says that Lockean freedom exists solely at the level of action true or false?


Stace thinks that determinism is incompatible with moral responsibility true or false


For the soft determinists to say that you could have done otherwise is to say that you would have done otherwise if...

your desires had been different

Cartesian dualism

the view that mind and body are completely independent of one another and interact casually

casual closure of the physical

the principle that the world is a closed system of physical causes and effects


the notion that mental properties do not cause anything but merely accompany physical processes


The view that the mind is the functions that the brain performs

identity theory

The view that mental states are identical to physical brain states

Logical behaviorism

The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in a particular way in certain circumstances


the doctrine that every object an event in the world is physical

Mind-body problem

The issue of what mental phenomena are and how they relate to the physical world

Multiple realizability

The capacity to be realized or instantiated in a variety of forms and materials

property dualism

The view that mental properties are non physical properties arising from but not reducible to physical properties


the doctrine that every event is determined by preceding events in the laws of nature

hard determinism

The view that free will does not exist that no one acts freely


the view that if determinism is true, no one can act freely


the view that not every event is determined by preceding events in the laws of nature

soft determinism

the view that although determinism is true or actions can still be free


the view that some actions are free, for they are ultimately caused are controlled by the person or agent