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105 Cards in this Set

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Which of the follwing is not one of Gay-Williams's arguments against euthenasia?

a. the arguement from nature
b. the argument from self-interest
c. the argument from practical effects
d. the argument from right living
According to Rachels, the distinction between active and passive euthanasia:

a. is crucial for medical ethics
b. is a distinction without a difference
c. leads to decisions of life and death on irrelevant grounds
d. makes moral sense but not medical sense
According to Foot, justics has to do with:

a. a regard for the good of others
b. what people owe each other by the way of noninterference and positive service
c. distribution of weatlh
d. all of the above
Although Hook opposes capital punishment, he allows for two exceptions. Which of the following is one of them?

a. terrorists
b. serial killers
c. kidnappers
d. murderers who request it after recieving life sentences
According to Van Den Haag, it is easier to change the conditions that incline people to crime than it is to change the cost of committing crime.
According to Bedau, the only way to make sure that a convicted murdere doesn't kil again is to execute them all
The lex talionis argument for captial punishmen usually goes like this: P1: Punishment is justified if it best ________ the crime. P2: captial punishment best fits the crime of murder. C: captial punishment is justified
The three political philosophies- ________, leftism, and libertarianism - agree that govt is justified, by they disagree about the form it should take.
The deterrence argument for captial punishment usually goes like this: P1: The threat of capital punishment best deters people from committing murders. P2: A punishment is justified if it best deters people from a crime. C: capital punishment is ________.
The ________ and libertarian agree that the state is justified when it promotes liberty, but they disagree about how liberty is to be understood.
Which of the following utilitarian arguments does Blackstone not raise against reverse discrimination?

a. high numbers of disadvantaged groups not now covered would begin demanding special treatment.
b. majority group members would resort to noncooperations
c. once discrimination is deemed acceptable in any form, we'll begin to discriminate against blacks again.
d. the decline in quality it would bring would have deleterious effects on society as a whole.
Wasserstrom considers his defense of preferential treatment limited because:
a. he addresses only two objections to it and does not argue that it is beneficial for soceity
b. he does not address the question whether it is just and afair
c. he addresses preferetial treatment of blacks but not of other minorities
d. none of the above
according to Gay-Williams, legalizing voluntary euthanasia wil lead to:

a. involuntary euthanasia as a social policy
b. unwillingness of the sick to enter hospitals
c. persecution of the mentall ill
d. all of the above
According to Bedau, executing all convicted murderers:

a. would prevent many murers and other crimes
b. would prevent many crimes but not many murders
c. would prevent many murders but not many other crimes
d. would preview few murders and few other crimes
According to Bedau, the death penalty would have been abolished long ago if it had been applied equally and fairly.
According to Nielsen, there is no such thing as too much equality.
Murray argues that doing away with the federal welfare system will benefit all segments of society
According to Beauchamp, if a policy creates injustices it cannot be justified
According to Wasserstrom, there is no necessary connection between academic merit and deserving to be a member of a student body
The libertarian disagreews with the liveral that _________ includes welfare rights
The utilitarian argument in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: An act is right if it decreases the amount of _______ in the world without violating anyones' rights. P2: Some acts of euthanasia decrease the amount of pain in the world without violating anyone's rights. C: some acts of euthanasia are right.
The golden rule argument in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: An act is right if the agent would want it done to the agent: P2: Some acts of euthanasia are such that the agent would want it done to the agent. C: Some acts of euthanasia are ______.
According to Wasserstrom, those who opposed traditional discrimination but favor reverse discrimination are not inconsistent because:

a. They are not prejudiced against white males, while those who supported the old system were prejudiced against women and blacks.
b. the reverse discrimination of affirmative action is only apparent, not real.
c. women and blacks do not constitute the dominant social group
d. all of the above
On the issue of reverse discrimination, Blackstone says that there are:

a. moral and constitutional arguments on both sides.
b. moral and constitutional arguments on the ocn side but only moral arguments on the ro side
c. moral and constitutional arguments on the con side but only constitutional arguments on the pro side
d. moral and constitutional arguments on the con side but either moral nor constitutional arguments on the pro side
According to beauchamp, reverse discrimination can be justifed by:

a. compensatory justice and equal opportunity but not by utility
b. equal opportunity and utility but not by compensatory justice.
c. compensatory justice and utility but not equal opportunity
d. compensatory justice, equal opportunity, and utility.
Which of the following programs does Murray propose to keep?

a. food stamps
b. medicaid
c. subsidized housing
d. unemployment insurance
Van Den Haag quotes Aristotle to make the point that the greatest crimes are committed for the sake of:

a. love
b. revenge
c. basic necessities
d. superfluities
According to Brandt, the duty not ot kill comes from the prima facie duty to:

a. not cause injury
b. treat others as we would like to be treated
c. not kill animals
d. follow the Bible
Rachels thinks that the American Medical Association doctrine that it isi permissible to withhold treatement of a patient is wrong for which of the following reasons:

a. sometimes active euthanasia is preferable to passive euthanasia
b. it leads to decisions about life and death made on irrelevant grounds
c. there is no moral difference between killing and letting die
d. all of the above
What two virtues does Foot discuss in relation to euthanasia?

a. compassion and trust
b. justice and charity
c. temperance and prudence
d. courage and fairness
What right does Hospers think is most important because it makes long term planning possible?

a. life
b. liberty
c. property
d. freedom
According to Hospers what is the term for someone who believes he has the right to live off the "spirit" of other human beings?

a. egalitarianism
b. euthanasia
c. liberalism
d. moral cannibalism
Which of her three views of welfare does Grovier think is superior with regards to justice because it protects the rights of all within society

a. individual
b. permissive
c. puritan
d. none of the above
What does Nielsen state as the overall goal of radical egalitarianism?

a. everyone to hae equal conditions
b. everyone to have equal opportunity
c. everyone to have equal paying jobs
d. everyone to own their home
Which of the following statements would Wasserstrom agree with?

a. individual qualifications are the sole basis people get jobs
b. preferential treatment programs should be outlawed
c. individual qualifications are not the only reason people get jobs
d. all minorities who get jobs are under qualified
According to RAchels, the distinction betwee active and passive euthanasia:

a. is crucial for medical ethics
b. is a distinction without a difference
c. leads to decisions of life and death on irrelevant grounds
d. makes moral sense but not medical sense
According to Foot, justice had to do with:

a. a regard for the good of others
b. what people owe each other by way of noninterference and positive service
c. distribution of wealth
d. all of the above
A prima face obligation is:

a. a psuedo-obligation
b. an obligation that must be kept
c. an obligation that must be kept unless some other obligation takes precedence
d. none of the above
Gay-Williams and Rachels agree that:

a. legalizing passive euthanasia is the first step on a slippery slope
b. legalizing active euthanasia is the first step on a slippery slope
c. legalizing assisted suicide is the first step on a slippery slope
d. none of the above
Hospers classifies laws into three types. Which of the following is not one of them?

a. laws protecting individuals against themselves
b. laws protecting individuals against each other
c. laws requiring people to help one another
d. laws advancing the common good
According to Brandt, the argument that euthanasia will lead to abuses is:

a. decisive
b. strong but not decisive
c. weak
d. a straw man
According to Rachels, the cessation of treatment of a terminally ill patient is:

a. the intentional taking of a life
b. not the intentional taking of a life
c. more moral than active euthanasia
d. bad medical care
Against those who base their support of capital punishment on the need to satisfy community needs and feelings, Hook argues that:

a. politicians are out of touch with their communities
b. these needs and feelings are nothing but a thirst for revenge
c. these needs and feelings are fickle
d. this justification has no legal foundation
According to Wasserstrom, qualification requires for a job in our society are:

a. irrelevant at all levels of power and authority
b. very important at all levels of power and authority
c. increasingly relevant at higher levels of power and authority
d. increasing irrelevant at higher levels of power and authority
Rachels agrees with the American Medical Associations policy on euthanasia
According to Foot, charity can require an act of euthanasia that justice forbids.
According to Hospers, the rights to life, liberty, and property were created by government
According to Govier, people work soley due to the desire for money and the Puritan work ethic
Blackstone regards affirmative action programs that rely on goals and targets as reverse discrimination
According to Nielsen, the satisfaction of people's wants should be limited only when the satisfaction is incompatible with the same treatement for everyone
According to Foot, the term euthanasia should not be used to signify only that a death was quiet and easy
Brandt thinks that a person's desired and expressed wishes to stay alive do not have to be taken into consideration because of our prima facie duty
According to Brandt killing is always wrong because it always causes injury
Rachels believes that not giving a baby w/ Downs a life saving surgery is deeming life/death on irrelevant grounds
Foot and Rachels agree that there is moral distinction between active and passive euhanasia
Another way that Hospers states the libertarian thesis is that no one is anyon'es master and on is anyone else's slave
Grovier's idea of social justice is only concerned with the distribution of goods
Nielsen thinks that satisfying people's wants should only be limited when it interferes with everyone getting the same treatment
Nielsens principle of egalitarianism applies in conditions of productive abundance
According to Van Den Haag, it is easier to change the conditions that incline people to crime than it is to change the cost of committing crime
According to Van Den Haag, the punishment, the more proof we need that it deters crime
According to Bedau, the only way to make sure that a convicted murdere doesn't kill again is to execute them all
Although he opposes the death penalty, Bedau believes that society deserves all the crime deterrence it can get as a result of inflicting severe punishments
If the death penalty were applied only to the worst of the bad, Bedau says, he might accept it as a form of rough justice
According to Foot letting a child with Downs die is not a legitimate case of euthanasia
The slogan Murray addopts to explain his position is "Billions for equal outcome, not one cent for equal opportunity"
According to Hospers, the appropriate function of government is the protection of human rights, including the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to property
Wasserstrom argues that it is inconsistent to hold both that discrimination against women and racial minorities is wrong and that affirmative action programs are justifiable
A government is a coercive institution because it sometiems uses ______ to control the behavior of its citizens
The three political philosophies _______, leftism, and libertarianism - agree that govt is justified, by the disagree about the form it should take
The deterrence argument for capital punishment usualy goes like this: P1: The threat of capital punishment best _____ people from committing murders. P2: a punishment is justified if it best deters people from a crime. C: capital punishment is justified
The golden rule argument in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: an act is right if the agent would want it done to the agent. P2: some acts of _________ are such taht the agent would want it done to the agent. C: some acts of euthanasia are right
The liberal and libertarian agree that the state is justified when it promotes _______, but they disagree about how liberty is to be understood.
The lex tlionis arguement for capital punishment usually goes like this: P1: punishment is justified if it best ______ the crime. P2: capital punishment best fits the crime of murder. C: capital punishment is justified
The golden rule argument in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: an act is right if the agent would want it done to the agent. P2: some acts of euthanasia are such taht the agent woul dwant it done to the agent. C: some acts of euthanasia are ______
The utilitarian argument for euthanasia goes like this: P1: an act is right if it decreases the amount of pain in the world without _______________. P2: some acts of euthanasia decrease the amount of pain without violating anyones rights. C: some acts of euthanasia are right
violating anyone's rights
The ________ and libertarian agree that the state is justified when it promotes liberty, but they disagree about how liberty is to be understood.
The argument of deterrence for capital punishment states: P1: the threat of capital punishment best deters people from murders. P2: Punishment is justified if it _____________. C: capital punishment is justifed
best deters people from murderers
______, _______, & _______ all agree that government is justifed, they disagree about what form of governent it should take
liberals, leftists, and libertarians
The libertarian disagrees with the liberal that _______ includes welfare rights.
The utilitarian arguement in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: an act is right if it decreases thea mount of pain in the world without violating anyone's rights. P2: Some acts of euthanasia decrease the amount of pain in the world without violating anyone's rights. C: Some acts of euthanasia are _______.
The golden rule in defense of euthanasia goes like this: P1: an act is right if the agent would want it done to the agent. P2: some acts of euthanasia are such that the agent would want it done to the agent. C: ____________ of euthanasia are right
some acts
What is the biggest impediment to radical reform of social policy, according to Murray?

a. the pain it woul dcause to curren beneficiaries
b. the pain it would cause to future beneficiaries
c. the pain it would cause to donors of the present system
d. the pain it would cause to adherents of our concept of justice
Beauchamp acknowledges that preferential on a large scale risks producing economic advantages to individuals who do not deserve them
The most appropriate compensation for past discrimination, according to Blackstone, are programs which benefit all disadvantaged persons, regardless of race or gender
What is the utilitarian arguement in defense of euthanasia?
some acts are right if in accord with the golden rule
some acts of euthanasia go along w the gold rule
some actus of euthanasia are right
A defense of preferential treatment programs is that, since white males have profited from severe discrimination against minorities and females in the past, the principle of reparation requires preferential treatment of minorities and females at the expense of whites now. In class a reply to this defense was given. what was that reply
Can only be applied to individuals, not groups. this is being applied to a group
Name 2 kinds of affirmative action program
hard quotas
preferential treatment
Give one problem with preferential treatment
essentially it discriminates based on race, sex
what is lex talionis
a punishment is justified if it best fits the crime
explain the difference between voluntary, involvunary, and nonvoluntary euthanasia
vol- person asks to be killed
invol- person asks not to be killed and is killed
non vol-person is in a coma and doesnt say whether or not
what is anarchism?
when a person believes the govt is not justified
why is the govt a coercive institution
because it uses to force to est rules
concerning euthanasia who does the burden of proof fall on?
falls on the defender because killing is gnereally wrong
why does the golden rule argument pose a problem for all the major religions?
they all contain the golden rule, but they also prohibit euthanasia
in what way to libearlism and libertarianisms disagree
liberty agrees on autonomy and welfare
libertarianism agrees just of autonomy
in what way do liberalism and libertarianisms agree?
liberty justifies the state
Leftists think the govt is justified when it promotes what?
What is the difference between socialists and communists
socialists-democratics should control means of productions
communists-just want govt
what is passive non-discrimination
ensuring that race nuetral and gender neutral criteria are being used in hirings/promotions
what is one problem with preferential treatment?
it does what we are supposed to be against-it fights discrimination with discrimination
why does the burden of proof fall on an advocate of euthanasia
generally speaking killing is wrong. if you want to advocate euthanasia, then the burden of proof falls on you to give reasons why its okay to kill
give one problem with passive non-discrimination
it is difficult to enforce
why is the burden of proof upon the defender of capital punishment?
Killing is generally wrong, capital punishment is killing, so it is up to the advocate of capital punishment to justify killing
what is sexism?
the view that one gender is superior to another and that for this reason it is okay to discrimnate on the basis of gender