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125 Cards in this Set

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Humanistic Approach

The so called "Third force"

Freudian Perspective

What perspective emphasizes on unconscious sexual and aggressive instincts?

Behavioral Perspective

It emphasizes on the mechanical nature of responses to stimuli in the environment


In ___________, the unconscious is a hypothetical concept that cannot be empirically validated.

Behavioral Approach

In what approach we are seen as "being manipulated without being fully aware by classical and operant conditioning".

Skinner Box

It is an experiment where it studies rats that learned to run in a maze to find food.

In Psychoanalysis, the unconscious is a hypothetical concept that cannot be empirically validated

In Psychoanalysis, the "unconscious" is a ___________ that cannot be empirically validated

1. meaning of our existence

2. role of free will

3. uniqueness of each individual.

Give the 3 things that Existential Philosophy addresses which later became the "cornerstone of Humanistic Approach"

" Existential Anxiety " - Rollo May

It is the feeling of dread associated with the realization that there is no meaning to one’s life.


Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

The founders of the Humanistic Approach that were therapists.

Freudian model of therapy

This model of therapy views the therapist as an expert who tells the client what is the problem.

Carl Rogers

He maintained that it was only the client that is responsible for the therapeutic direction.


T or F :

T or F : The therapist can create conditions for self-exploration.


According to the experiences of Maslow and Rogers, the therapist can create conditions for ______________.

1. Existential Philosophy

2. The clinical experiences of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

What are the 2 roots of Humanistic Approach?

Freudian Model of Psychotherapy

What model shows the therapist as the “know- al” expert?

Viktor Frankl

______ 's family died in the Nazi concentration camp

An existential Psychologist

Viktor Franklin

He believed the examining the finiteness of our existence and inevitable mortality adds meaning to life, as we ask ourselves-

Why do we exist? What do we want from life?

How can we make every moment count?

An existential psychologist

According to Frankl, the examining the finiteness of our existence and inevitable mortality adds meaning to life.

According to Frankl, the examining the ________ of our _________ and ________ ________ adds meaning to life, as we ask ourselves --

Why do we exist? What do we want from life?

How can we make every moment count?

Frankl concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.

What is the best way to spend the time that is left according to Frankl?

Viktor Frankl

Love is the highest and ultimate goal to which man can aspire " - ______

The Salvation of man is in love and through love

Viktor Frankl’s Conclusion

“The ______ __ ___ is in love and through love "


T or F: Frankl's meaning in life is to help others find theirs.

The Humanistic Perspective has not presented a comprehensive framework, but rather a collection of major principles that can be seen as directives to life.


The Humanistic Perspective has not presented a comprehensive framework, but rather a ________ __ ______ _______ that can be seen as ______ ______ ____.

Humanistic Approach Emphasizes on Personal Responsibility.


Humanistic Approach emphasizes on "__________ __________". - You are not a victim of circumstances.

Emphasis on functioning in the “here and now”– Do not be a captive of your past!


Emphasis on functioning in the “ _____ and _____Do not be a captive of your past!

Acknowledging the phenomenology of the individual- - the fact that it is only the client (in therapy) that can make decision for him/herself


Acknowledging the ___________ of the _________ -- the fact that it is only the client (in therapy) that can make decision for him/herself.

Emphasis on personal growth—Rogers called this ”becoming a fully functioning, while Maslow referred to this idea as “self-actualization”.


Emphasis on ______ _______

Rogers called this ”becoming a fully functioning"

Maslow referred to this idea as “self-actualization”.


2. Emphasis on functioning in the HERE AND NOW

3.Acknowledging the PHENOMENOLOGY of the INDIVIDUAL

4. Emphasis of PERSONAL GROWTH

Give the 4 Key Elements of Humanistic Approach.



T or F: The Humanistic perspective maintains that we all have a drive toward “self-actualization

It means, "To become that best we can become, in the context of our life ".

Carl Rogers and Person-Centered Therapy

Carl Rogers and ______ - ______ Therapy

The role of the therapist is to create an atmosphere of “unconditional positive regard” to enable the client’s self-exploration and becoming “fully functioning”.

According to Carl Rogers, the role of the therapist is to create an atmosphere of “__________ _________ ______ to enable the client’s self-exploration and becoming “____ _________”.


2. Reflection of feelings

Carl Rogers PCT, what are the (2) methods to facilitate self-exploration ?


Rogers saw anxiety as resulting from our inability to incorporate information that is inconsistent with our self-image.

Rogers saw ________ as resulting from our inability to incorporate information that is inconsistent with our ____-______.


T or F: Rogers described the “fully-functioning person” as an ideal for healthy personality.

The Rogerian therapist would say to a client: “I do not like what you did, but I still respect you as a human being”.

The Rogerian therapist would say to a client:



Rogers or Maslow

His approach was optimistic.

He regard human beings as "free-willed individuals" and not as captive by unconscious drives.


1.Physiological needs

2. Safety needs

3. Love and Belongingness needs

4. Esteem needs (you value yourself, and others also value you)

5. Self-Actualization needs

Enumerate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Bottom to Top.

 You do not have to fulfill all the needs in one level to “climb” to the next level

 Some people who starve for their loved one, or for their life work

 The needs in each level are never fully satisfied

 There are cultural differences in the ways the needs are regarded and are fulfilled.

Give the 4 misconceptions of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Maslow or Rogers: The “psychologically-Healthy” People. Whose study is this?


Maslow or Rogers:

He examined his friends, whom he judged to be psychologically healthy, as well as historical figures

His analysis was “holistic” and subjective.


1. Sense of humor

2. Creativity- not in artistic talent, but in being able to perform mundane tasks in a nonroutine manner.

3. Open to new experiences

4. Having “peak experiences” involving the transcendence of time and place

What are the Attributes of the Psychologically-Healthy people?


Rogers applied his ideas into a system of therapy that emphasizes the creation of the right conditions to allow the client to accept him/herself, and to achieve personal growth. Extending to the client “unconditional positive regard” facilitates this goal.


Rogers applied his ideas into a system of therapy that emphasizes the creation of the right conditions to _____ ___ ______ __ _______ ______/______, and to ______ ______ _____.

It extends to the client “unconditional positive regard” facilitates this goal.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has been applied into understanding job satisfaction and vocational choices.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has been applied into understanding __ ________ and _______ ______.


T or F: The legacy of the Humanistic Approach is in the emergence of the new branch of psychology, Positive Psychology


______ ______, who started his involvement in Positive Psychology with his studies of optimism.


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined the term _______ _______

The focus of Positive Psychology is on human strengths and virtues

The focus of Positive Psychology is on ______ ______ and _______.


________ ________ - a term coined originally by researches studying the satisfaction of American soldiers during World War II

Relative Deprivation refers to the perception that " one is less well-off than others with whom one compares oneself"

Relative Deprivation refers to the perception that " ______________________________________________ "


David Myers

Study of Happiness :


Frustration is often compounded by the fact that we compare ourselves to others who are a rung or two above us in their

Frustration is often compounded by the fact that we ________ __________ ___ ______ who are a rung or two above us in their level of income.

Frustration is often compounded by the fact that we compare ourselves to others who are a rung or two above us in their

Frustration is often compounded by the fact that we ________ __________ ___ ______ who are a rung or two above us in their level of income.

Material Possessions

Happiness, Where are You?

Positive psychologists argue that HAPPINESS cannot be found solely through _________ ________.

Happiness cannot be found in money because the human mind has a tendency to escalate or raise the bar whenever a goal is reached- we want more.

Happiness, Where are You?

Happiness cannot be found in money because the human mind has a tendency to _______________________________ - we want more.

FALSE: The more energy is invested in the acquisition of material goods, the less energy remains to invest in social connections and other spheres of life that can bring happiness.

T or F: The more energy is invested in the acquisition of material goods, the more energy remains to invest in social connections and other spheres of life that can bring happiness.

FALSE: The more energy is invested in the acquisition of material goods, the less energy remains to invest in social connections and other spheres of life that can bring happiness.

T or F: The more energy is invested in the acquisition of material goods, the more energy remains to invest in social connections and other spheres of life that can bring happiness.


It refers to an “optimal experience”, in which one is engaged in an activity (that may vary from one person to another), and is being carried out in a natural, almost effortless movement from one step to the next.

Another concept in Positive Psychology

Happiness is not seen as a specific destination, but as a process of challenging oneself in a meaningful activity.


Happiness is not seen as a specific destination, but as a ______________________________ .


-Edward Diener

This term actually reflects what is that people mean by happiness.


It is what people think and how they feel about their lives, the cognitive and affective conclusions they reach when they evaluate their lives.

Temperamental Dimensions

___________ __________ were found to be correlated with subjective well-being, especially optimism.

Temperamental Correlates of Subjective Well-Being


Another trait associated with subjective well-being is ___-_________.

Temperamental Correlates of Subjective Well-Being




According to Researchers Ryan and Deci what are the three related human needs ?

Temperamental Correlates of Subjective Well-Being.


Researchers Ryan and Deci propose that when the three related human needs, for competence, belongingness, and autonomy, are satisfied, personal well-being is ________ .

David Myers sees happiness related to: funds (a basic level of income to sustain oneself) friends (close personal relationship)faith (people who report some type of spiritual/religious connection report a higher level of subjective well-being)

David Myers sees happiness related to 3 things:


Traditional Values

According to Myers, ____________ _______ must contain important elements of truth if they have survived across generations.


Myers also notes that the perception that one has control over one’s life is related to __________.

Recent studies of cerebral asymmetry identified that the processing of positive emotions occurs in the left hemisphere, and negative emotions in the right hemisphere.


According to recent studies of cerebral asymmetry, in what hemisphere processes:

1. positive emotions

2. negative emotions

Cerebral Asymmetry and Happiness

Valliant suggests that mature defenses such as:


Sublimation (channeling pain into some productive)

Creative activity


Positive anticipation

What mature defenses can help one overcome life disappointments suggesed by ValIiant ? (5)

Being Unrealistically Optimistic A bit of “defenses” Might be Good for You!

Shelly Taylor cites studies indicating that unrealistically optimistic beliefs about the future can protect people from illness.

Shelly Taylor cites studies indicating that ________ ________ _______ about the future can protect people from illness.


It has been also suggested that people are blinded to the survival value of positive emotions because they seem “______”.

Final Note on Positive Psychology


This would make evolutionary sense, because immediate problems or dangers may require immediate attention.

T or F: Psychology has been focused on the negative, may be because negative emotions may reflect more urgent problems that need clinical attention.

Final Note on Positive Psychology

"Why should not one commit suicide?"

Studying positive human traits can help improve mental health.

Albert Camus, the French philosopher wrote that the foremost question of philosophy is :?

Final Note on Positive Psychology

According to Snyder, Hope is goal-directed thinking in which a person has the perceived capacity to find routes to desired goals (pathway thinking) and the requisite motivations to use those routes (agency thinking).

According to Snyder, Hope is ____-______ ________ in which a person has the perceived capacity to find routes to desired goals (pathway thinking) and the requisite motivations to use those routes (agency thinking).

Western Perspective on Positive Psychology


It has been powerful underlying force in western civilization

Western Perspective of Positive Psychology

Myth of Pandora's Box:

A story about the origin of hope

Judeo-Christian Heritage

Story of Adam and Eve, Coming of Christ as a redeemer

Christian Doctrines

________ _________ holds that God’s kingdom on earth is not only awaited – it is anticipated. The great HOPE.

FALSE :The positive beliefs and hope of Western civilization solidified after the Renaissance

T or F: The positive beliefs and hope of Western civilization solidified before the Renaissance

Age of Enlightenment

The ____________ brought with it the idea that people could use their own reason, knowledge, and intellect instead of relying on superstition or the authority of the Church and government.

It included the Scientific Revolution.

1700s to 1800s

Age of Enlightenment

In what age, hope was reflected in the belief that people had the ability to use their own rationality to improve themselves and their world.

Industrial Revolution

The ____________ ___________ made the hope of the Renaissance (prosperity and happiness in the here and now) possible for most people.

Part of the Age of Enlightenment

Eastern Perspective

"A good fortune may forebode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.

In what perspective is this?


___________ thereby seek to become one with the march of changes, finding meaning in the natural ups and down of living.

They move with the cycle of life until the change process becomes natural and enlightenment

Eastern and Western Perspective

1. Westerners

2. Easterners

Easterners or Westerners:

1. _________ who search for rewards in the physical plane

2. __________ seek to transcend the human plane and rise to the spiritual one

Age of Enlightenment

The ____________ brought with it the idea that people could use their own reason, knowledge, and intellect instead of relying on superstition or the authority of the Church and government.

It included the Scientific Revolution.

1700s to 1800s

Eastern traditions

The previously neglected wisdoms of the ______ _______ are being consulted to add different viewpoints about human strengths.

Eastern Perspective

Good Life

As is the case in the Western historical context, the concept of the "____ ____" has existed within the Eastern tradition for many centuries.


Eastern and Western Perspective

Contrary to the Western culture's idea of optimal functioning as occurring intra psychically, Eastern cultures hold that an optimal life experience is a spiritual journey involving transcendence and enlightenment.

Eastern or Western?

1. _________ culture's idea of optimal functioning as occurring intra psychically

2. __________ cultures hold that an optimal life experience is a spiritual journey involving transcendence and enlightenment.

Eastern and Western Perspective


____________ emphasized morality as a potential cure for the evils of that time.


Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism, or Buddhism ?

"Your job is to govern, not to kill


Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism, or Buddhism ?

"You would like others to do for you what you would indeedlike for yourself“

Attainment of Virtue

The __________ __ _____ is at the core of Confucian teachings.


Jen (humanity): it encapsulate the other four virtues.

Yi (Duty): appropriate treatment of others

Li (etiquette): good manner and sensitivity to others feeling

Zhi (wisdom): Be wise

Xin (truthfulness): Being True

The five virtues deemed central to living a moral existence:

1. encapsulate the other four virtues.

2. appropriate treatment of others

3. good manner and sensitivity to others feeling

4. Be wise

5. Being True

Confucianism : Continual striving for these virtues leads the Confucianfollower to enlightenment, or the good life

The five virtues deemed central to living a moral existence:

Jen (humanity): it encapsulate the other four virtues.

Yi (Duty): appropriate treatment of others

Li (etiquette): good manner and sensitivity to others feeling

Zhi (wisdom): Be wise

Xin (truthfulness): Being True

The five virtues deemed central to living a moral existence:

Jen (humanity): ______________ .

Yi (Duty): ______________ .

Li (etiquette): ______________ .

Zhi (wisdom): ______________ .

Xin (truthfulness): __________ .

Confucianism Continual striving for these virtues leads the Confucian follower to enlightenment, or the good life


Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, or Buddhism?

“Empty yourself from everything let your mind become stillLao-Tzu


Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, or Hinduism?

“We need to be in touch with our deeper selvesLao-Tzu


Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism or Buddhism?

“To the mind that is still whole universe surrender”Lao-Tzu


Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism or Buddhism?

“The way of the world”

“The way of the world”

According to Taoist traditions, the difficulty in understanding the Way stems from the fact that one cannot teach another about it.


According to Taoist traditions, the difficulty in understanding the Way stems from the fact that anyone can teach another about it.


Yin and Yang

The _____________ symbol reflects this ever-changing balance of opposing forces and desires.

Achieving naturalness and spontaneity in life is the most important goal in the Taoist philosophy.

What is the most important goal in the Taoist philosophy?

Thus, the virtues of humanity, justice, temperance, and propriety must be practiced by the virtuous individual without effort.

Thus, the virtues of ______ , _______ , _________ , and _______ must be practiced by the virtuous individual without effort



Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism or Hinduism?

“suffering is a part of being and that this suffering is brought on by the human emotion of desire.”

1.Life is suffering, essentially painful from birth to death.

2.All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the resultant craving, attachment, and grasping.

3.Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance.

4.The way to relief from suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path.

Such desire is reflected in the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism:

Noble Eightfold Path (right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation).

As long as craving exists, in Buddhist ideology, true peace cannot be known, and such existence without peace is considered suffering.

As long as ______ exists, in Buddhist ideology, true peace cannot be known, and such _________ ________ ________ is considered suffering.



This suffering can be lessened only upon reaching _______ , which is the final destination in the Buddhist philosophy.



Premortal and postmortal nirvana states are proposed as possible for the individual

It is a state in which the self is freed from desire for anything (Schumann, 1974).


Brahma Viharas:

love (maitri)

compassion (karuna)

joy (mudita)

equanimity (upeksa)

Brahma Viharas:

love (______)

compassion (________)

joy (______)

equanimity (________ )



The _______ tradition differs somewhat from the other three philosophies. It does not appear to have a specific founder, and it is not clear when this tradition began in history (Stevenson & Haberman, 1998).

The main teachings of the Hindu tradition emphasize the interconnectedness of all things.

The main teachings of the Hindu tradition emphasize the __________________ ___ ___ ________.

Harmonious Union

The idea of a __________ _____ among all individuals is woven throughout the teachings of Hinduism that refer to a "single, unifying principle underlying all of Earth"

Incarnation and No Incarnation

The Upanishads discuss two possible paths after death:


No Incarnation

Incarnation or No Incarnation?

The ____________ is the more glorified path and the one that Hindu followers would attempt to attain.



According to Hindu Teachings, "To return to this world is an indication of one's failure to achieve ultimate knowledge of one's self". True or False?

VALUE SYSTEMS:Most Western cultures haveindividualist perspectives, most Eastern cultures (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, and others) are guided by collectivist viewpoints.

VALUE SYSTEMS:Most Western cultures have_____________ perspectives,most Eastern cultures(Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, and others) are guided by __________ viewpoints.

East and West Ideologies



In _________ cultures, the main focus is the single person, who is held above the group in terms ofimportance. Competition and personal achievement areemphasized within these cultures.

Eastern and Western Ideologies


VALUE SYSTEMS: In __________ cultures, the group is valued above the individual.

Eastern and Western Ideologies


ORIENTATION TO TIME: Eastern or Western?

In ________ cultures such as the United States often look to the future. Indeed, some of the strengths seem to value most (e.g., hope, optimism, self-efficacy) reflect future-oriented thinking.

Eastern and Western Ideologies


ORIENTATION TO TIME: Eastern or Western?

In _________ cultures, however, there is a greater focus on respect for, the past. This past-oriented focus is revealed in the ancient Chinese proverb, "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.“ and "Old Horse Knows the Way".


ORIENTATION TO TIME: Eastern or Western?

This past -oriented focus is revealed in the ancient Chinese proverb, "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.“ and "Old Horse Knows the Way:


__________ : An aspect of humanity that involves looking outside oneself and thinking about others as we care for and identify with them.

(a) that the difficulty of the recipient be serious;

(b) that the recipient's difficulties are not self-inflicted;

(c) that we, as observers, are able to identify with the recipient's suffering.

In positive psychology, compassion requires 3 things. Enumerate.


___________ : A state of consensus or balance.


Eastern traditions view harmony as essential to ___________.