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43 Cards in this Set

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Who said "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking: "What's in it for me?"

Brian Tracy

Drives the adolescents to experience surges of sexual desires, which often lead them to experimentation and exploration.


_______ exploring their sexuality should be able to draw their limits in terms of sexual expressions, and should be responsible enough to see the future results or consequences of their behaviors.


Is genuine when the intent is to help other person to develop his or her talents and potentials and encourge to become a better person.


Is also based on respect for other person uniqueness, priorities, feeling, future plan, etc.


Is also prone to exploring pronography, which usually starts out of curiosity.


Being responsible is called for when dealing with academic challenges. Be aware that academic grades are not indicators of learning.

Academic Concerns

Are necessary elements in obtaining knowledge.

Memorization and comprehension

Are equally important, and these are also tested and grades.

Critical thinking and reasoning

An adolescent should not be lured by organizations that promise "exlusivity" or "superiority", often touting falae courage through strength in their numbers.

Group Belongingness

A healthy mind and body what every adolescent (and everybody else) should strive for.

Health and nutrition

We must learn to integrate all these roles, and it should be clear that these roles are related to the tasks expected of them by others.


There are many stories about school children and adolescent students who live in far-flung areas where infrastructure is not available and of those who do not have much choice but to walk when going to school.

Material Poverty

Some may react negatively by being angry, some may be rebellious, or may become over-dependent on their friends and other people.

Parents working abroad

An adolescent with parents who work abroad should be able to identify who can trust and lean on these can be family members, relatives, or friends who genuinely concerned for his welfare.

Parents working abroad

The adolescent who is creating an identity for himself is faced with an urgent need to identify what course to take in college and establish a career path or the future.

Career Choice

Maintaining healthy relationships requires a certain level of maturity. An adolescent who is still in the process of acquiring maturity may often find maintaing relationships challenging.


Ask a typical adolescent what he believes in or what values he upholds, and often you get a shrug of the shoulder as a reply.

Values and Beliefs

Is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act.


It causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed.


The 3 Filipino Adolescent and Heroes:

1. Gregorio del Pilar "goyong" "boy general"

2. Edgar Jopson "edjop"

3. Efren Peñaflorida "Efren"

In 1861, He confucted a study on the language and left-right brain specialization on a patient who had a problem with language.

Paul Broca

He conducted a study for epilepsy which gave him the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physicology of medicine.

Dr. Roger Sperry

He explained that the brain has two hemishpheres that perform tasks differently from each other.

Dr. Roger Sperry

Dr. Sperry's Split-Brain Theory (Right):

1. Analytical

2. Logical

3. Reasoning

4. Critical Thinking

Dr. Sperry's Split-Brain Theory (Left):

1. Intuitive

2. Creative

3. Synthesizing

An organ that is made up of a large mass of nerve tissue protected within skull.


It plays big role in just about very major body system.


It is the basic working unit of the brain, a specialized cell designed to transmit information to other nerve cells, muscles and gland cells.


He came up with a theory that identified 3 distinct parts of the brain, namely: The Triune Brain Theory

Dr. Paul MacLean

The Triune Brain Theory(3):

1. Neocortex

2. Limbic System

3. Reptilian Complex

It is responsible for intellectual tasks such as language, planning abstractions, and perceptions.

Necortext or Rational Brain

It is responsible for motivation and emotion involved in feeding, reproductive and parental behavior.

Limbic System or Intermediate Brain

It controls the self-preservation and aggressive behavior of human similar to survival instincts or animals.

Reptilian Complex or Primitive Brain

It connects the spunal cord and the brain.


It controls the functions that keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressur, and food digestion.


It is the largest part of the brain, responsible for thinking, perceiving, and controlling vluntary actions.


It coordinates movement, balance, and posture.


Thinking, memory, behavior and movement, problem solving, judgement, motivation, decision making, and attention.

Frontal Lobe

Language and touch, pain, temperature, pressurez management of taste, hearing, sight and smell.

Parietal Lobe

It is responsible for visual perception, including color, form and motion, object and face recognition

Occipital Lobe

Hearing, learning and feeling, managing emotions, processing information from your senses, storing and retrieving memories and understanding language.

Temporal Lobe

He came up with his own theory called "Brain Dominance Theory" which he derived from observations and test that human body, althought symmetrical and paired in almost every aspects, do not necessarily function equally.

Ned Hermann