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48 Cards in this Set

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1. Which current circumnavigates the entire planet?
Antarctic Circumpolar
1. Whydo maps show distortion?
A globe of the Earth is a map almost the same shape as the planet is. Try to flatten that globe out and you will see that distortion is introduced.
1. Brieflydescribe the voyage of the HMS Challenger.
1872 - 1876: This was the first expedition that was purely for marine science. It investigated deep-sea regions of all the major ocean basins. The Result from this expedition included 4,417 new species and the deepest depth of the ocean was found to be the Mariana Trench.
1. Whydid early explorers stay close to land?
1. Whatwere the first elements formed after the “Big Bang?”
Hydrogen and Helium
1. Whydo some scientists think life may be possible other places in our solar system?
Water/Polar ice caps
1. What atmospheric changes occurred for multi-celled life to be possible?
Earth's early atmosphere contained only small amounts of free oxygen, probably produced entirely by the reaction of sunlight with water vapor from volcanoes. The oxygen-rich atmosphere that evolved later, and upon which oxygen-breathing life now depends, was a result of the origin of photosynthesis.
What do scientists call the formation of organic molecules from inorganic sources?
1. What are the 3 types of plate boundaries?
Divergent, Convergent, and Transform
How do Island Arcs form?
Hot, remelted material from the subducting slab rises and leaks into the crust, forming a series of volcanoes.
Describethe formation of Hawaii.
Volcanoes can also form in the middle of a plate, where magma rises upward until it erupts on the sea floor, at what is called a "hot spot. "The Hawaiian Islands were formed by such a hot spot occurring in the middle of the Pacific Plate. While the hot spot itself is fixed, the plate is moving. So, as the plate moved over the hot spot, the string of islands that make up the Hawaiian Island chain were formed.

What ismeant by an anomaly? Provide an example(oceanography please.
Anomaly - something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.EX: The Great Salinity Anomaly (GSA) can be characterized as a large, near-surface pool of fresher water that appeared off the east coast of Greenland in the late 1960s.

What are the parts of the continental margin?
The continental margin is the zone of the ocean floor that separates the thin oceanic crust from thick continental crust. Together, the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise are called continental margin.

Most of the ocean floor is covered by what type of sediment? What is the most abundant sediment by mass?
Biogenous sediments; pelagic

Oil is formed in what type of sediments? Whattype of rocks are typically associated with these deposits?
Biogenous sediments; Cosmic Terrigenous sediemnts

What is water’s maximum density?
Approximately 4 °C (39 °F) (Pure water reaches its maximum density)

What is latent heat?What takesmore energy (calories, not temperature), melting ice or boiling water?
The heat required to convert a solid into a liquid or vapor without change of temperature.

Discuss the pycnocline and relate ot to the thermocline and halocline.

Pycnocline is the generic term used for rapid vertical changes in the density of a column of water. Thermocline and halocline are then specific reasons for this rapid vertical change.The density gradient is referred to a "thermocline" if the density change is due to temperature (particularly common in fresh water areas). The density gradient is referred to a "halocline" if the density is due to dissolved salt concentrations (particularly common at river estuaries).

Why is surface salinity greater at the equator and least near the tropics? Explainthe ocean’s stratification.

Salinity is always high in the areas with good amount of evaporation and low amount of precipitation salinity is high in mid-latitudes where evaporation is high and precipitation is low. Salinity is low near the equator because precipitation is so high. Very high latitudes can also decreases in salinity where sea ice melts and "freshens" the water. It can also be trace by the color of water of the sea or ocean blue with less and green with high salinity. Water stratification occurs when water masses with different properties form layers that act as barriers to water mixing which could lead to anoxia or euxinia. (Salinity, oxygen, density and temperature)

Discussthe water cycle.

The water cycle or hydrologic is a continuous cycle where water evaporates, travels into the air and becomes part of a cloud, falls down to earth as precipitation.

What isthe most common constituents of sea water?
The composition of seawater can be divided into suspended (also called particulate) and dissolved materials. Adding the next four most abundant (SO42-, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+)

What is anion?

An atom (or small group of atoms) that becomes electrically charged by gaining or losing one or more electrons

Whathappens to air temperature as it rises and sinks?
If the air is sinking then the temperature is dropping since hot air rises.

What isthe main culprit for “global warming?”


How do theoceans moderate earths heat budget?

Thermal equilibrium - the total income of heat equals the total heat radiating to cold spaces over time.No, greenhouse effect is ruining Earth's heat budget

What is the Coriolis Effect?

Because of the Earth's rotation any freely moving object or fluid will appear to :Turn to the right in the NorthernHemisphereTurn to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

What is the reason for Earth’s 4 seasons?

Earth's axis tilted is by 23 1/2 degrees.

What causes wind and ocean currents?

Temperature & Salinity Ocean currents can be generated by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations, gravity, and events such as earthquakes. Currents are cohesive streams of seawater that circulate through the ocean.

How deep do surface waves effect water in the ocean?

Half their wave length.

Describe the 3 factors of surface wave production.
1 Transverse wave ; 2 Longitudinal wave; 3 Surface waves

Distinguish between a diurnal and semidiurnal tidal cycle.
Semidiurnal tidal cycle - Two high waters and two low waters each day. (2 times a day)Diutnal tidal cycle - One tidal cycle per day

Discuss Newton’s Law of Gravity.
Any two objects exert a gravitational force of attraction on each other.

Describe the changes in sea-level over the past 15,000 years.
Sea level rise estimates from satellite altimetry since 1993 . A rapid rise took place about 15,000. They say its due to the collapse of and ice sheet in Antarctica. The melting of polar ice could contribute to long-term sea level rise. Global warming plays a huge factor.

Distinguish between longshore and rip currents.
LONGSHORE CURRENTS:Run parallel to shore in surf zone. Caused by the incomplete refraction of waves approaching the beach at an angleRIP CURRENTS:Strong, narrow surface current that flows seward through the surf zone. Caused by the escape of excess water that has piled up in a longshore trough

Describe the profile of a typical beach.
A typical beach profile from its most landward to its most seaward position consists of a lagoon, a dune system, backshore, foreshore (beach), upper and lower.

What are the ecological benefits of estuaries?
Estuaries deliver invaluable ecosystem services.

What do Iso-, Hyper- and Hypo- refer to?
Diatoms can reproduce in two different modes, sexual and asexual. ... Thus, the average diatom size gets progressively smaller with each round of replication.

Why dodiatoms decrease in size as the reproduce?
Diatoms can reproduce in two different modes, sexual and asexual. ... Thus, the average diatom size gets progressively smaller with each round of replication.

Why dosome dinoflagellates luminesce and produce toxins?
Some dinoflagellates can produce toxins that can find their way into ... This is because of their ability to produce biological luminescence.

Are viruses considered a life form?
No, because they lack many of the properties that scientists associate with living organisms. Primarily, they lack the ability to reproduce without the aid of a host cell, and don't use the typical cell- division approach to replication.

Discuss the main reason for the alarming coral reef decline.
Global climate change, unsustainable fishing impacts, and land-based pollution.

How could done tell the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise?
Dolphins usually have beak-like, pointed snouts, while porpoises have blunt, rounded noses. Porpoises have triangular dorsal fins, like a shark.

What is the main component of natural gas?
Natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly includes varying amounts of other higher alkanes and sometimes a usually lesser percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and/or hydrogen sulfide.

Why do fishermen risk their lives in the Bering Sea?
Fishermen risk their lives to supply the king crab on a restaurant menu.

What happens to most by-catch?
A federal law defines bycatch as "...fish that are harvested in a fishery, but which are ... Service have developed an ecosystem model to predict what will happen.

Where does most ocean pollution come from?

1. How might climate change affect the distribution og tropical species?

The entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise, or the spread of invasive organisms. Most sources of marine pollution are land based.The Threat of Climate Change to Rainforests. ... Initiated by global warming is expected to have wide-ranging effects for tropical rainforests . Changes in weather patterns, rainfall distribution, and temperature ... forests and their species have lived through significant climate changes.

EssaysYou will choose an ecosystem we covered in class and:

1. Discussit’s primary producer(s).

2. Discussits top predator (s).

3. Describeat least 5 abiotic factors found in that ecosystem.

4. Providea food chain including trophic levels.

How do starfish move?

By moving water from the vascular system into the tiny feet, the sea star can make a foot move by expanding it. This is how sea stars move around. Muscles within the feet are used to retract them. Each ray of a sea star has a light sensitive organ called an eye spot.