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6 Cards in this Set

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1) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

-obsessions are reccuring thoughts, beliefs, or ideas that dominates a person's mental content

-compulsions are acts (either physical or mental) performed repeatedly in a way that a person may realize that is neither appropriate or useful

-cormorbid with major depression and 15% attempt suicide

-common in men and women and prevelant in higher income groups

- onset is adolescence in males and young adulthood in females

- it can be years before it comes to clinical attention

-when it occurs before puberty it can result in tics and cormorbid disorders

-SSRI, systematic desensitization, and CBT can be helpful in treatment

2) Body dysmorphic disorder ( also known as dsymorphophobia)

- worry that something is wrong with the shape or appearance of a body part-most often breasts, genetalia, hair, or the nose, or some other body parts

- this disorder often requires medical procedures( such as dermabrasion or plastic surgery) for their imagined deficits and are often unhappy with the results

-10% of patients consult a dermatologist and a third seek rhinoplasty

- patients are often in their teens

- men and women both suffer with men being concerned more about genetial, hair, or not being muscular enough

-counseling, CBT, or SSRI's are used for treatment

3) Hoarding Disorder

- a condition that is said to affect 2-5% of people and is new to the DSM-5 and is not considered OCD

- onset is young and worsens with time so much that it is found in older adults

-males outnumber females

-specify this and other disorders by level of insight

4) Trichotilliomania ( hair-pulling disorder)

- usually beginning in childhood hair pullers often extract their own hair, beards, eyebrows, and eyelashes

- some put their hair in their mouths and 30% swallow it causing a bezoar (hairball) that needs surgical removal

- some are referred to dermatologists for hair loss

- onset is usually in childhood or adolescence

- hair pulling can be found in up to 3% of the adult population especially women. Also common in people with intellectual disabilities

- patients often crack their knuckles, bite their nails, and even excoriate themselves

5) Excoriation ( Skin-Picking) Disorder

- excoriation usually starts in adolescence and can occur later in life

- patients spend considerable time digging at their skin

- focus is on the head or face

-fingernails are often the instrument of choice but tweezers are used

- cormorbid with other mental disorders like trichotilliomania, mood disorders, and OCD

-prevelant in females and people with developmental disabilities

- excoriation is new in the DSM-5 although first described in 1889

- therapy and meds are used for treatment

Flavors of OCD

Washers, Checkers,Counters, Cleaners