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15 Cards in this Set

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1. Anxiety Disorders

-most common dx.,almost 20% of the population....1 in 5 people have

-feeling:worry/fear+adaptive behavior: avoidance=anxiety

-make sure that anxiety is the main symptom and not a symptom of another d/o

-female oriented but can occur in men

-clients will present for treatment in a medical setting

* a little is normal and productive but too much is counterproductive

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety D/o

-high blood pressure

-G.I. problems


- low blood sugar


-irregular heartbeat

-shortness of breath

-chest pain


-poor concentration


- frequent urination



-cold/hot spells


Psychological symptoms of Anxiety d/o






2. Panic d/o (last at least 1 month)

-panic attack is a symptom...30% have had and 50% have awaken experiencing one

-you experience recurrent unexpected panic attacks w/ expectation of another

-panic attacks can lead to anticipatory anxiety

-onset is mid 20's

-female preponderance....half have agoraphobia- fear of being in a public

-not treated often....symptoms are manageable

-comorbid with depression

Symptoms of panic attacks

-sense of foreboding w/ cardiac arrest

-extreme hot flashes

-choking sensation

-tingling/ numbness

-chest pain




-fear of losing mind

3. Seperation Anxiety D/o

-common in children but adult onset is brand new....on the rise

- can last up to 4 weeks in a child but up to 6 months in an adult

-comorbid with other d/os

- most likely have parents with d/o

- the later the onset the worse the prognosis

-female preponderance

-doesn't have to be catalyst

Seperation Anxiety D/o symptoms

-anxiety from being separated from attachment figures

-worry about harm

-dont want to be alone

-nightmares (common in children)

Adaptive behavior: constantly checking in or avoiding it

Tx for Separation Anxiety D/o

-transitional object (for children) (ex. Linus blanket)

-CBT(systematic desensitization)

4. Social Anxiety Disorder (last at least 6 months)

Fear of looking clumsy, shameful, or silly in social situations

Specific situations:

1. Meeting strangers

2. Being observed

-self talk helps

3. Performing in front of someone else


-fear of choking

This can result in a panic attack

-fear of being judged/offending others or being rejected

Tx. for panic attacks

Respitatory therapy "breath work"


Relaxation training

Agoraphobia(associated w/ social anxiety d/o)(last at least 6 months)

Fear of two or more situations

-fear that you won't be able to escape, be embarassed, not going to be able to get help


1. Public transportation

2. Open/enclosed spaces

3. Standing in line/being in a crowd

4. Being away or traveling alone

-fear can also be losing it in public:

-screaming w/o a reason

-laughing at an inopportune time

- being naked

- masturbate in public

Adaptative behavior:avoidance

To avoid you don't go out or go out with a companion

-comorbid w/substance use

5. Specific phobia(last at least 6 months)

Unwarranted fear about a specific object or situation(i.e. flying, walking in public,a dog, a snake)

What happens when we face fear:

-panic attack


-vasovagal response: fainting in presence of object

-one of the most frequently reported

-not everyone qualifies for a dx.

-usually starts in childhood or adolescence

-can be caused by a traumatic experience but don't have too

-female preponderance

-women more than likely fear objects but men/women equally fear situations

-knowledge of events leads to anticipatory anxiety...closer to stimulus=higher the anxiety

Tx. for Specific Phobia

1. CBT

2. Breath work

3. Systematic Desensitization

4. Flooding

5. In vivo exposure

6. Meds.

6. Generalized Anxiety D/o (last at least 6 months)

-believed to be underdiagnosed


excessive worry

Ballpark age:30

-hard to diagnose...people don't come in for diagnosis

-people with GAD worry more about more things

-common in high income groups

Symptoms of GAD

-muscle tension




-poor concentration

-difficulty sleeping