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522 Cards in this Set

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BMI is a measure of your ___________.
Weight compared to your height.
For the average seditary person, the majority of calories needed each day are for __________.
Factors that reduce BMR include ____________.
T or F. Eating certain foods elevates BMR and promotes weight loss.
The psychological desire to eat is __________.
One pound of body fat is eual to __________.
3,500 calories.
A very low carbohydrate diet will cause _________.
The following is based on wieght/height.
Height/Weight charts and BMI.
All of the following are components of fitness except _________.
Muscles respond to exercise overload by gaining __________.
Strength and Size.
Syptoms of dehydration include ________.
Fatigue and Thirst.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluid is __________.
Cool water.
Muscle growth is stimulated by __________.
Eating glucose periodically.
The health benefits of physical activity include _________.
Reduce the risk of diabetes and Build bone strength.
A person trying to gain weight should __________.
Eat more often.
T or F. Most athletes need more protein than the DRI recommendation.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase fisk of _______.
Cancer, Heart Disease, Gullbladder Disease, Complications in Pregnancy.
Bulemia nervosa is more common ___________.
Than anorexia and in women than men.
All of the following are health risks associated with excessive body fat except ___________.
Low Blood Lipids.
Which of the following statements about basal metabolic rate (BMR) is correct?
The more thyroxine produced, the higher BMR.
Percent body fat can be measured by which of the following techniques?
Skinfold test, Biolelectrical impedence, and Underwater weighing.
The appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is made by the _________.
Which of the following is not true of popular fat diets?
Superior weight loss.
Which of the following is a possible physical consequence of fasting?
Loss of lean body tissue.
T or F. The thermic effect of food plays a major role in energy expenditure.
False. Negligable effects on energy expenditure.
T or F. The nervous system cannot use fat as fuel.
T or F. The BMI standard is an excellent tool for evaluating obesity in athletes and the elderly.
False. Bad for athletes and people over 65.
T or F. A diet too low in carbohydrate brings about responses that are similar to fasting.
Waist circumfrence looks at degree of _________.
Visceral fat.
T or F. Any energy containing food can make you fat if you eat enough of it.
The following are associated with a lower BMR.
Quick large changes in weight are likely the result of ________.
Changes in body fluid content.
The following activities would increase cardiorespatory endurance.
Walking, Running, Swimming.
The following activities would increase flexibility.
Pilates, Yoga, and Stretching.
The length of time BMR remains elevated after exercise depends on _________.
Duration and Intesity of activity.
Muscle growth is stimulated by ____________.
Physically demanding activity.
Endurance athletes should replace glycogen when?
Before, During, and After activity.
The first nutrient priority for a strength athlete is _________.
Adequate fluid.
Someone with atleast one obese parent has __________.
30%-70% chance of becoming obese.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase risk of _________.
Some cancer and Gullbladder disease.
All of the following are involved in satietion except __________.
The heart.
BMI is not suitable for use with _________.
Athletes and Pregnant women.
Central to the diagnosis of anorexia is _______.
Distorted body image.
Early in activity _________ provides the majority of energy for the muscles.
Muscle glycogen.
Endurance athletes can delay fatigue during their activity by ________.
Taking in carbs before activity, and drinking sport drinks during activity.
Anerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _________.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who _______.
Need to replenish electrolytes.
Carbonated beverages aren't a good choice of fluid during activity because they ________.
Make a person feel full, and limit fluid intake.
The following would not be appropriate for a pregame meal:
Raisin Bran and Milk.
An athlete weighed 150 lbs prior to event, and 148 after. How much fluid is recommended?
4 cups, 2 cups per pound,
Characteristics of bulimia nervosa include all of the following except:
the victim is unaware that her behavior is abnormal.
You have chosen to treat yourself to one weekly mocha latte coffee, which has 215 calories. This could add how much to your body weight in a year's time?
3 lbs.
Eating certain foods can elevate the basal metabolic rate, and thus promote weight loss.
Fad diets are successful in the short term because they:
Induce a calorie defecit,
The hormone produced by adipose tissue in response to body fat production that helps to control obesity is ________.
Society plays a role in eating disorders because they are known only in developed nations and they become more prevalent as wealth increases and food becomes plentiful.
One "outside the body" factor that contributes to obesity is:
the "built environment," which can discourage physical activity.
Quick, large changes in weight are most likely the result of all of the following except:
changes in fat.
One pound of body fat is equal to _____ calories.
Which of the following is not a true statement?
Carbohydrate from food is especially easy for the body to store as fat.
Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _____ that accumulates in the tissues and blood.
What is the intensity level of a physical activity that causes some increase in breathing, is a perceived exertion of 5 or 6, and allows you to have a conversation while doing the activity?
Which of the following factors does not influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity?
age of the person exercising
A benefit of cardiorespiratory endurance training is that:
the heart muscle grows larger and stronger.
Carbonated beverages are not a good choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs because they:
make a person feel full quickly and may limit fluid intake.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who:
need to replenish electrolytes.
Glycogen depletion occurs after about _____ hour(s) of vigorous activity.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is
Cool water.
To emphasize muscle endurance in weight training, you would combine less resistance (lighter weights) with more repetitions.
All of the following are risks from being underweight except:
thin people develop heart disease more often.
Waist circumference indicates visceral fatness, and above a certain girth, disease risks rise.
Body mass index is a suitable measurement for use with:
Which of the following is based on weight and height and used to assess weight status?
A body mass index of 25.0 to 29.9 in an adult indicates:
Taller people need proportionately more energy than shorter people to balance their energy budgets.
Excess fat around the _____ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body.
central abdominal area
The physiological desire to eat is referred to as:
All of the following factors are associated with a higher basal metabolic rate except:
The psychological desire to eat is referred to as:
Which of the following provides most of the energy the muscles use in the early minutes of activity?
Which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance?
high carb diet.
Which is required as part of myoglobin, a muscle protein that is essential to performance?
All of the following statements concerning beer are correct except:
beer gets most of its calories from carbs.
A person who exercises moderately longer than 20 minutes begins to:
use less glucose and more fat for fuel.
Weight training to improve muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass.
False. Maximize and maintain bone mass.
The average resting pulse for adults is around 70 beats per minute, but the resting rate is higher in people who regularly engage in physical activity.
False. Lower for people who regularly engage in physical activity.
An athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration.
Research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance.
Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles.
The principal positively charged ion to maintain the volume of fluid outside the cell
the principal positively charged ion inside the cells
body must maintain a blood level of this at the expense of the bones if not getting it from diet, involved in hypertension reduction, reduces colon cancer risk, best sources are dairy products
two minerals that are the major constituents of bone
calcium and phosphorus
increases risk of hypertension, temporarily increase body water, body must get rid of water to get rid of it
counteracts hypertension, can become depleted if you are sick and throwing up or have diarrhea or don't eat, can cause heart failure, good sources are fruits and vegetables
accompanies sodium and found in your stomach acid
needed to make thyroxine; if you don't get enough when you're pregnant, can cause creatinism, mental retardation in infant; too much causes toxic goiter
controls basal metabolic rate
which of the following provides most of the energy the muscles use in the early minutes of activity
enhances iron absorption
Vitamin C
interferes with iron absorption
a deficiency of which mineral is a leading cause of mental retardation worldwide
which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance
high-carbohydrate diet
with deficiency, you lose your sense of taste;
which vitamin(s) is (are) present only in foods of animal origin
vitamin B12
a person who continues exercising moderately for longer that 20 minutes begins to use ____ _________ ___ _____ ___ for fuel
less glucose and more fat
Bottled water must meet higher standards for purity and sanitation that U.S. tap water
A compound in food that can be converted into an active vitamin inside the body is known as a (an)
serves as an antioxidant vitamin
Vitamin E
Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles
which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of childbearing age to prevent neural tube defects?
what explains the great initial weight loss with a high-protein diet
lost glycogen and water
Anyone who eats a meal high in salt can temporarily increase the body's water content
A deficiency of thiamin may result in which disease?
deficiency disease associated with niacin
deficiency disease associated with vitamin C
deficiency disease associated with vitamin D
night blindness and xeropthalmia are the result of a deficiency of which vitamin?
vitamin A
this mineral assists a group of enzymes that defend against oxidation
this mineral and vitamin combination is most important for bone health
Calcium and Vitamin D
the BMI standard is an excellent tool for evaluating obesity in athletes and the elderly
by definition, a vitamin is all of the following except
a non-essential nutrient
an organic compound that is indespensable to body function and needed in minute amounts
definition of a vitamin
the body's need for _______ far surpasses that for any other nutrient
the B vitamins act as part of ___________
research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance
it supports the work that goes on all the time and it is directly controlled by the hormone thyroxine
true statements about basal metabolism
all of the following are good food sources of vitamin C except ____
which of the following is a possible physical consequence of fasting?
loss of lean body tissues
which of the following would you consume with a food source of non-heme iron in order to facilitate iron absorption?
tomato and meat, fish or poultry
the nervous system cannot use fat directly as fuel; it can only use glucose
fat soluble vitamins
what are some foods rich in beta-carotene?
sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and spinach
the best way to obtain the calcium you need is to consume more ______, ______, ___ ______
milk, cheese, and yogurt
vitamins B and C; are easily absorbed and excreted
water soluble vitamins
which mineral supplement is a leading cause of fatal accidental poisonings of U.S. children under 6 years old?
another vitamin only present in foods of animal origins
vitamin A
The theory that vitamin C prevents or cures colds is well supported by research
xeropthalmia results from advanced vitamin A deficiency and can lead to permanent blindness
a high blood level of homocysteine is associated with a deficiency of B vitamins and may increase the risk of heart disease
vitamin A supplements help treat acne
water balance is governed by the
kidneys and brain
fruits and vegetables are the best sources for zinc
in high doses zinc may reduce the HDL concentration in the blood
in high doses zinc may inhibit iron absorption from the digestive tract
zinc deficiencies in children retard growth
after about forty years of age, bones begins to lose density
the best way to control salt intake is it cut down on processed and fast foods
the most abundant mineral in the body is iron
the most abundant mineral in the body is calcium
dairy foods such as butter, cream, and cream cheese are good sources of calcium whereas vegetables such as broccoli are poor sources
health risk not associated with excessive body fat
low blood lipids
the more thyroxine produced, the higher the BMR
body density is determined by which technique
underwater weighing
the obesity theory stating that the body chooses to be at a specific desired weight
set-point theory
the thermic affect of food plays a major role in energy expenditure
a diet too low in carbohydrate brings about responses that are similar to fasting
what stimulates synthesis of muscle cell protein
physical activity
beer gets most of its calories from carbohydrates
weight training to improve muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass
the average resting pulse for adults is around 70 bpm, but the rate is higher in active people
an athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration
BMI is a measure of your ___________.
Weight compared to your height.
For the average seditary person, the majority of calories needed each day are for __________.
Factors that reduce BMR include ____________.
T or F. Eating certain foods elevates BMR and promotes weight loss.
The psychological desire to eat is __________.
One pound of body fat is eual to __________.
3,500 calories.
A very low carbohydrate diet will cause _________.
The following is based on wieght/height.
Height/Weight charts and BMI.
All of the following are components of fitness except _________.
Muscles respond to exercise overload by gaining __________.
Strength and Size.
Syptoms of dehydration include ________.
Fatigue and Thirst.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluid is __________.
Cool water.
Muscle growth is stimulated by __________.
Eating glucose periodically.
The health benefits of physical activity include _________.
Reduce the risk of diabetes and Build bone strength.
A person trying to gain weight should __________.
Eat more often.
T or F. Most athletes need more protein than the DRI recommendation.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase fisk of _______.
Cancer, Heart Disease, Gullbladder Disease, Complications in Pregnancy.
Bulemia nervosa is more common ___________.
Than anorexia and in women than men.
All of the following are health risks associated with excessive body fat except ___________.
Low Blood Lipids.
Which of the following statements about basal metabolic rate (BMR) is correct?
The more thyroxine produced, the higher BMR.
Percent body fat can be measured by which of the following techniques?
Skinfold test, Biolelectrical impedence, and Underwater weighing.
The appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is made by the _________.
Which of the following is not true of popular fat diets?
Superior weight loss.
Which of the following is a possible physical consequence of fasting?
Loss of lean body tissue.
T or F. The thermic effect of food plays a major role in energy expenditure.
False. Negligable effects on energy expenditure.
T or F. The nervous system cannot use fat as fuel.
T or F. The BMI standard is an excellent tool for evaluating obesity in athletes and the elderly.
False. Bad for athletes and people over 65.
T or F. A diet too low in carbohydrate brings about responses that are similar to fasting.
Waist circumfrence looks at degree of _________.
Visceral fat.
T or F. Any energy containing food can make you fat if you eat enough of it.
The following are associated with a lower BMR.
Quick large changes in weight are likely the result of ________.
Changes in body fluid content.
The following activities would increase cardiorespatory endurance.
Walking, Running, Swimming.
The following activities would increase flexibility.
Pilates, Yoga, and Stretching.
The length of time BMR remains elevated after exercise depends on _________.
Duration and Intesity of activity.
Muscle growth is stimulated by ____________.
Physically demanding activity.
Endurance athletes should replace glycogen when?
Before, During, and After activity.
The first nutrient priority for a strength athlete is _________.
Adequate fluid.
Someone with atleast one obese parent has __________.
30%-70% chance of becoming obese.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase risk of _________.
Some cancer and Gullbladder disease.
All of the following are involved in satietion except __________.
The heart.
BMI is not suitable for use with _________.
Athletes and Pregnant women.
Central to the diagnosis of anorexia is _______.
Distorted body image.
Early in activity _________ provides the majority of energy for the muscles.
Muscle glycogen.
Endurance athletes can delay fatigue during their activity by ________.
Taking in carbs before activity, and drinking sport drinks during activity.
Anerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _________.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who _______.
Need to replenish electrolytes.
Carbonated beverages aren't a good choice of fluid during activity because they ________.
Make a person feel full, and limit fluid intake.
The following would not be appropriate for a pregame meal:
Raisin Bran and Milk.
An athlete weighed 150 lbs prior to event, and 148 after. How much fluid is recommended?
4 cups, 2 cups per pound,
Characteristics of bulimia nervosa include all of the following except:
the victim is unaware that her behavior is abnormal.
You have chosen to treat yourself to one weekly mocha latte coffee, which has 215 calories. This could add how much to your body weight in a year's time?
3 lbs.
Eating certain foods can elevate the basal metabolic rate, and thus promote weight loss.
Fad diets are successful in the short term because they:
Induce a calorie defecit,
The hormone produced by adipose tissue in response to body fat production that helps to control obesity is ________.
Society plays a role in eating disorders because they are known only in developed nations and they become more prevalent as wealth increases and food becomes plentiful.
One "outside the body" factor that contributes to obesity is:
the "built environment," which can discourage physical activity.
Quick, large changes in weight are most likely the result of all of the following except:
changes in fat.
One pound of body fat is equal to _____ calories.
Which of the following is not a true statement?
Carbohydrate from food is especially easy for the body to store as fat.
Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _____ that accumulates in the tissues and blood.
What is the intensity level of a physical activity that causes some increase in breathing, is a perceived exertion of 5 or 6, and allows you to have a conversation while doing the activity?
Which of the following factors does not influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity?
age of the person exercising
A benefit of cardiorespiratory endurance training is that:
the heart muscle grows larger and stronger.
Carbonated beverages are not a good choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs because they:
make a person feel full quickly and may limit fluid intake.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who:
need to replenish electrolytes.
Glycogen depletion occurs after about _____ hour(s) of vigorous activity.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is
Cool water.
To emphasize muscle endurance in weight training, you would combine less resistance (lighter weights) with more repetitions.
All of the following are risks from being underweight except:
thin people develop heart disease more often.
Waist circumference indicates visceral fatness, and above a certain girth, disease risks rise.
Body mass index is a suitable measurement for use with:
Which of the following is based on weight and height and used to assess weight status?
A body mass index of 25.0 to 29.9 in an adult indicates:
Taller people need proportionately more energy than shorter people to balance their energy budgets.
Excess fat around the _____ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body.
central abdominal area
The physiological desire to eat is referred to as:
All of the following factors are associated with a higher basal metabolic rate except:
The psychological desire to eat is referred to as:
Which of the following provides most of the energy the muscles use in the early minutes of activity?
Which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance?
high carb diet.
Which is required as part of myoglobin, a muscle protein that is essential to performance?
All of the following statements concerning beer are correct except:
beer gets most of its calories from carbs.
A person who exercises moderately longer than 20 minutes begins to:
use less glucose and more fat for fuel.
Weight training to improve muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass.
False. Maximize and maintain bone mass.
The average resting pulse for adults is around 70 beats per minute, but the resting rate is higher in people who regularly engage in physical activity.
False. Lower for people who regularly engage in physical activity.
An athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration.
Research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance.
Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles.
The principal positively charged ion to maintain the volume of fluid outside the cell
the principal positively charged ion inside the cells
body must maintain a blood level of this at the expense of the bones if not getting it from diet, involved in hypertension reduction, reduces colon cancer risk, best sources are dairy products
two minerals that are the major constituents of bone
calcium and phosphorus
increases risk of hypertension, temporarily increase body water, body must get rid of water to get rid of it
counteracts hypertension, can become depleted if you are sick and throwing up or have diarrhea or don't eat, can cause heart failure, good sources are fruits and vegetables
accompanies sodium and found in your stomach acid
needed to make thyroxine; if you don't get enough when you're pregnant, can cause creatinism, mental retardation in infant; too much causes toxic goiter
controls basal metabolic rate
which of the following provides most of the energy the muscles use in the early minutes of activity
enhances iron absorption
Vitamin C
interferes with iron absorption
a deficiency of which mineral is a leading cause of mental retardation worldwide
which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance
high-carbohydrate diet
with deficiency, you lose your sense of taste;
which vitamin(s) is (are) present only in foods of animal origin
vitamin B12
a person who continues exercising moderately for longer that 20 minutes begins to use ____ _________ ___ _____ ___ for fuel
less glucose and more fat
Bottled water must meet higher standards for purity and sanitation that U.S. tap water
A compound in food that can be converted into an active vitamin inside the body is known as a (an)
serves as an antioxidant vitamin
Vitamin E
Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles
which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of childbearing age to prevent neural tube defects?
what explains the great initial weight loss with a high-protein diet
lost glycogen and water
Anyone who eats a meal high in salt can temporarily increase the body's water content
A deficiency of thiamin may result in which disease?
deficiency disease associated with niacin
deficiency disease associated with vitamin C
deficiency disease associated with vitamin D
night blindness and xeropthalmia are the result of a deficiency of which vitamin?
vitamin A
this mineral assists a group of enzymes that defend against oxidation
this mineral and vitamin combination is most important for bone health
Calcium and Vitamin D
the BMI standard is an excellent tool for evaluating obesity in athletes and the elderly
by definition, a vitamin is all of the following except
a non-essential nutrient
an organic compound that is indespensable to body function and needed in minute amounts
definition of a vitamin
the body's need for _______ far surpasses that for any other nutrient
the B vitamins act as part of ___________
research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance
it supports the work that goes on all the time and it is directly controlled by the hormone thyroxine
true statements about basal metabolism
all of the following are good food sources of vitamin C except ____
which of the following is a possible physical consequence of fasting?
loss of lean body tissues
which of the following would you consume with a food source of non-heme iron in order to facilitate iron absorption?
tomato and meat, fish or poultry
the nervous system cannot use fat directly as fuel; it can only use glucose
fat soluble vitamins
what are some foods rich in beta-carotene?
sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and spinach
the best way to obtain the calcium you need is to consume more ______, ______, ___ ______
milk, cheese, and yogurt
vitamins B and C; are easily absorbed and excreted
water soluble vitamins
which mineral supplement is a leading cause of fatal accidental poisonings of U.S. children under 6 years old?
another vitamin only present in foods of animal origins
vitamin A
The theory that vitamin C prevents or cures colds is well supported by research
xeropthalmia results from advanced vitamin A deficiency and can lead to permanent blindness
a high blood level of homocysteine is associated with a deficiency of B vitamins and may increase the risk of heart disease
vitamin A supplements help treat acne
water balance is governed by the
kidneys and brain
fruits and vegetables are the best sources for zinc
in high doses zinc may reduce the HDL concentration in the blood
in high doses zinc may inhibit iron absorption from the digestive tract
zinc deficiencies in children retard growth
after about forty years of age, bones begins to lose density
the best way to control salt intake is it cut down on processed and fast foods
the most abundant mineral in the body is iron
the most abundant mineral in the body is calcium
dairy foods such as butter, cream, and cream cheese are good sources of calcium whereas vegetables such as broccoli are poor sources
health risk not associated with excessive body fat
low blood lipids
the more thyroxine produced, the higher the BMR
body density is determined by which technique
underwater weighing
the obesity theory stating that the body chooses to be at a specific desired weight
set-point theory
the thermic affect of food plays a major role in energy expenditure
a diet too low in carbohydrate brings about responses that are similar to fasting
what stimulates synthesis of muscle cell protein
physical activity
beer gets most of its calories from carbohydrates
weight training to improve muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass
the average resting pulse for adults is around 70 bpm, but the rate is higher in active people
an athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration
Only smoking and alochol use have a bigger influence on future health than nutrition.
Today american consumers spend over half their food dollar on foods that require little or no preparation. T/F
Once a new finding is published in a scientific journal, it is still only preliminary.
A. can be completely prevented by eating a good diet.
B. will not be affected by lifestyle choices.
C. is not affected by genetics.
D. can be reduced by food choices along with lifestyle choices.
Which of the following nutrients yields energy, but also provides materials that form structures and working parts of body tissues?
A. carbohydrates
B. protein
C. fats
D. vitamins
A ______ is a non-nutrient that has been recognized as potentially beneficial to health.
A. cruciferous vegetable
B. phospholipid
C. phytochemical
D. none of the above
The most energy-rich of the nutrients is:
A. carbohydrate.
B. fat.
C. protein.
D. water.
The term _"____" has no legal definition but is often used on food labels to imply wholesomeness.
A. medical
B. natural
C. processed
D. enriched
Foods that have been subjected to any process such as addition of additives, milling, or cooking are called _____ foods.
A. processed
B. partitioned
C. natural
D. enriched
The major key to evaluating a food is to:
A. explore how it can help prevent an illness.
B. determine how you use it within your total diet over time.
C. judge how popular it is among consumers.
D. study the role it plays in the body.
A certain amount of fiber in foods contributes to the health of the digestive tract, but too much fiber leads to nutrient losses. The characteristic of diet planning illustrated by this statement is called:
A. adequacy.
B. calorie control.
C. balance.
D. moderation.
The standardized procedures used to design and conduct valid research which are universally recognized by the medical community are called:
A. nutrient balance studies
B. case studies
C. Scientific Method
D. anecdotal evidence
How do scientists obtain facts?
A. by stating hypotheses
B. by drawing conclusions
C. by studying literature
D. by systematically asking questions
Which of the following research designs are among the most powerful tools in nutrition research because they show the effects of treatments?
A. case studies
B. laboratory studies
C. intervention studies
D. a and b
E. b and c
The most difficult obstacle to changing behavior is:
A. competence, because it is difficult to obtain new knowledge.
B. motivation, because it is difficult to change.
C. confidence, because it cannot be improved.
D. self-efficacy, because people don't believe in their ability to take action.
How many calories are in a food that contains 20 grams of carbohydrate, 8 grams protein, and 5 grams of fat?
A. 157
B. 232
C. 258
D. 378
Why is dietary variety important?
A. consuming a varied diet is not important
B. dieatary variety ensures that a diet will be well balanced
C. a varied diet includes the lesser-known nutrients as well as a variety of beneficial non-nutrients
D. a varied diet insures that calories will be consumed in moderation
The abundance of types of foods today has made it:
A. more difficult to plan a nutritious diet.
B. much easier to select nutritious foods for a diet.
C. healthier to combine nutraceuticals for disease prevention.
D. easier to balance a deficient diet with functional foods.
When making food choices, the best types of foods to include in your diet are:
A. natural foods, because they are the most nutritious and complete.
B. fast foods, because they are the most readily available.
C. whole foods, because they provide the basis of a nutritious diet.
D. processed foods, because they are fortified with all missing nutrients.
Having cake and ice cream as part of a birthday celebration is an example of which food choice factor?
A. economy
B. positive association
C. habit
D. values
A study conducted in several countries where a high intake of fish and a low intake of animal fat were correlated with a low rate of breast cancer death is an example of a(n):
A. epidemiological study.
B. case study.
C. intervention study.
D. blind experiment.
Three ounces of beef stew offers about the same amount of iron as three ounces of water-packed tuna, but the beef contains over 300 calories while the tuna contains about 100 calories. This is an example of:
A. balance.
B. nutrient density.
C. dietary variety.
D. moderation.
The term "nutritionist":
A. can be applied to a self-taught nutrition expert in states that do not require licensure
B. can apply to a person with a graduate degree in nutrition in states that regulate this term
C. is not a reliable indicator of legitimate training since it is not uniformly regulated in all states
D. all of the above
The primary difference between recommendations for nutrient intakes and values set for energy intake is that the value for energy intake is not generous.
A structure/function claim on a food label is legal, but largely unregulated by the FDA.
One of the major disadvantages of the USDA Food Guide is that it cannot be adapted to other national and cultural cuisines.
The absence of a Tolerable Upper Intake Level for a nutrient implies that it is safe to consume in any amount.
The DRI Committee recommended a diet that contains _____% of its calories from carbohydrate.
A. 10-35
B. 20-35
C. 45-65
D. 50-70
What are the DRI designed for?
A. health maintenance
B. restoration of health
C. disease prevention
D. a and b
E. a and c
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the most healthful diet:
A. is low in saturated fat.
B. provides needed fats and oils.
C. is moderate in cholesterol.
D. a and b
E. b and c
Which of the following is characteristic of Daily Values?
A. They are ideal for allowing comparisons among foods.
B. They are useful as nutrient intake goals for individuals.
C. They provide information on all DRI nutrients.
D. They provide nutrient values by categories of people.
Characteristics of food groups plans include all of the following except:
A. they specify that people should eat a certain minimum number of servings from each group.
B. they organize foods with respect to their nutrient contents and calorie amounts.
C. they sort foods into groups based on nutrient content.
D. the USDA Food Guide utilizes a food group plan.
Which of the following foods do not fit into any of the five major food groups in the USDA Food Guide?
A. eggs, frozen yogurt, and avocados
B. margarine, gravy, and jelly
C. yogurt, legumes, and cheese
D. peaches, peanuts, and ready-to-eat cereal
The best way for a person to get all the essential nutrients and keep energy intake low is to:
A. use the principle of the discretionary calorie allowance to plan their diet.
B. choose foods with high nutrient density in each food group.
C. follow the principle of moderation in dietary intake.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Amounts of which types of lipids must be listed on food labels?
A. monounsaturated fat
B. trans fat
C. cholesterol
D. a and b
E. b and c
When public health officials were determining the amount of folate to add to grain products in the food supply for fortification, they most likely reviewed which of the following values for that particular vitamin for women of child-bearing age?
A. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)
B. Daily Values (DV)
C. Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)
D. Adequate Intakes (AI)
If vitamin C has been added to cranberry juice, the label must include:
A. nutrient information.
B. an ingredients list.
C. a health claim.
D. a and b
E. b and c
A health claim on a food label:
A. links food constituents with a disease state
B. is a legal but largely unregulated claim
C. describes the nutrient value of a food
D. all of the above
Compare orange juice (high fiber, vitamin C, potassioum) with a similar serving of orange soda (low in fiber, vitamin C, potassium). Which would be the most nutrient dense choice?
A. not enough information to tell.
B. orange soda
C. orange juice
D. both would be the same
The MyPyramid educational tool has been designed to:
A. help individuals who need to make major changes in their diet planning.
B. help diet-planning individuals to create a diet more closely following the USDA Food Guide.
C. create an alternative diet plan for individuals not wanting to use the USDA Food Guide.
D. substitute for the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in diet planning.
A deficiency or toxicity of even a single nutrient can weaken the body's defenses considerably.
Thirty minutes of brisk walking on at least 5 days a week can improve the odds against heart disease. T/F
Diabetes is a significant risk facor for all forms of CVD. T/F
Constituents in foods may be cancer causing, cancer promoting, or protective against cancer.
30-40% of all cancers are influenced by diet. T/F
Excess calories from carbohydrates, protein, and fat all raise cancer rates. T/F
What is arterial plaque?
A. weakening of the arterial walls
B. lipid material deposits in the arteries
C. protein deposits in the arteries
D. scar tissue build-up in the arteries
In men, aging becomes a significant risk factor for heart disease at age:
A. 30.
B. 35.
C. 40.
D. 45.
High intake of these 2 dietary factors is most closely related to the development of CVD:
A. saturated fat and trans fat
B. saturated fat and cholesterol
C. sodium and alcohol
D. total fat and red meat
Which of the following is associated with a reduced risk of CVD?
A. high HDL
B. high total cholesterol
C. high LDL
D. high triglycerides
Wherever dietary fat consists mostly of _____ fats and fish, fruits, and vegetables are eaten in abundance, blood cholesterol and the rate of death from heart disease are low.
A. saturated
B. unsaturated
C. omega-6
D. trans
Salt-sensitive individuals are likely to include:
A. African Americans.
B. those who are less than 50 years of age.
C. those who have diabetes.
D. a and c
E. b and c
Which of the following appears to help prevent and treat hypertension in certain populations?
A. magnesium
B. potassium
C. folate
D. a and b
E. b and c
The best action to take to decrease your risk of cancer is to:
A. eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits in generous quantities every day.
B. consume a diet moderate in fat.
C. limit foods that are grilled, smoked, and charbroiled.
D. take vitamin supplements.
Which of the following may offer a protective effect against colon cancer?
A. calcium
B. potassium
C. magnesium
D. phosphorus
A 58-year-old woman with hypertension and elevated LDL blood levels is complaining that she suddenly is feeling very tired, has shortness of breath and nausea, and has neck and shoulder pain. What would you advise her to do?
A. lie down and rest for a short time until she feels better
B. eat a light snack to help relieve her nausea
C. see her doctor as soon as she is able to get an appointment to have her lungs checked
D. go with you to the emergency room because she may be having a heart attack
To help control blood cholesterol you would:
A. consume oats, barley, and legumes.
B. limit foods with trans fatty acids.
C. eliminate eggs from your diet.
D. a and b
E. b and c
To minimize risks of CVD you would:
A. choose more fruits and whole grains.
B. stir-fry all of your vegetables.
C. consume 1 or 2 servings of fatty fish each week.
D. a and b
E. a and c
A 25-year old African American male with a family history of HTN wishes to reduce his own risk of developing HTN. What is the most effective preventive effort he can make?

A. prevent obesity
B. exercise regularly
C. limit saturated fat and trans fats
D. all of the above
E. both a. and b. only
For a person who has hypertension and is overweight, weight loss of as little as ____ pounds can significantly lower blood pressure.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
The role of inflammation in development of atherosclerosis includes:
A. damage to the cells lining the arteries by factors such as high HDL cholesterol.
B. white blood cells being sent to the site by the immune system to try to repair the damage.
C. proliferation of muscle cells of the artery wall, which repair the site.
D. production of foam cells that help to capture and remove LDL from the artery wall.
Some vitamins are stored in the body without limit, even if they reach toxic levels. T/F
Which of the following types of cells do not reproduce, and if damaged by injury or disease, are lost forever?

A. muscle cells
B. brain cells
C. red blood cells
D. skin cells
Which of the following has the special task of chemically altering absorbed materials to make them better suited for use by other tissues?
A. small intestine
B. liver
C. pancreas
D. stomach
Most people have aversions to _____ tastes.
A. sweet
B. bitter
C. salty
D. fatty
The semi-solid mixture of food and gastric juice in the stomach is called

A. a bolus
B. chyme
C. bile
D. maltase
The muscle that prevents stomach contents from migrating backwards into the esophagus is the
A. cardiac sphincter
B. ileocecal valve
C. appendix
D. pyloric sphincter
The function of the thick mucous in the stomach is to

A. emulsify fats
B. promote fat digestion
C. keep the stomach bacteria-free
D. protect the stomach cells from acid
The liver converts excess energy-containing nutrients into:

A. glycogen.
B. protein.
C. fat.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Which of the following is not one of the major storage systems which store and release nutrients to meet the cells' needs between meals?
A. pancreas
B. liver
C. muscles
D. fat cells
Nutrients are delivered from the intestines through the circulatory system to the cells by:
A. transport through the blood to the liver for chemical altering to make them better suited for use by the tissues.
B. transport to the kidneys which send them to the cells in the body.
C. transport to the heart which then delivers them to the individual cells in the body.
D. transport through the lymph system to the heart for distribution.
Digestion of foods includes the mechanical actions of:

A. chewing to allow some nutrients to be absorbed into the body through the tongue.
B. peristalsis waves to move the foods down through the digestive tract.
C. the stomach to gently release foods into the small intestine.
D. the small intestine to absorb water and create the paste that forms feces.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the timing of meals?
A. A meal should be consumed immediately before exercise to enhance physical work.
B. Eating a meal late at night is desirable because it facilitates sleep.
C. Timing of meals is important to feeling well.
D. Timing of meals is important because the digestive tract is unable to digest foods at certain times.
As food moves through the digestive tract it spends the most time in the:
A. esophagus because of the slow movement of peristalsis on chewed food.
B. stomach because of the extensive breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.
C. small intestine because of the time it takes to absorb through the villi.
D. large intestine because of the need to partially digest fiber and absorb water.
What are the major roles of the villi and microvilli in the small intestine?
A. the microvilli trap nutrients so the villi cells can absorb them
B. the microvilli absorb nutrients into the lymphatic system
C. the villi complete the breakdown of foods into nutrients
D. the villi block toxins from absorption into the blood
Which of the following strategies should be used by someone experiencing heartburn?
A. Drink liquids an hour before or after meals.
B. Eat smaller meals.
C. Lie down after meals.
D. a and b
E. b and c
Excess nutrients are stored in various body tissues for future use. An example of this would be:
A. fat, which is stored in small amounts in cells and which needs frequent replenishing.
B. glycogen, which has unlimited storage capacity in the muscles.
C. vitamins, which all can be stored in unlimited amounts in muscle tissue.
D. calcium, which is stored in reserves in the skeletal system.
Which of the following deliver(s) one-half ounce of ethanol?

A. 5 ounces of wine
B. 2 ounces hard liquor
C. 12 ounces beer
D. a and b
E. a and c
Which of the following restores sobriety in someone who has been drinking alcohol?
A. time
B. walking
C. drinking coffee
D. eating food
95% of the fat we consume is in the form of

A. phospholipids
B. cholesterol
C. triglycerides
D. lecithin
Fatty acids may differ from one another:
A. in chain length.
B. in degree of saturation.
C. in number of calories.
D. a and b
E. b and c
Cholesterol is the best known of the:
A. phospholipids.
B. lipids.
C. sterols.
D. triglycerides.
Which of the following is not a function of fat in the human body?
Student Response Value Correct
A. protects the body from temperature extremes
B. cushions the internal organs from physical shock
C. carries the water-soluble nutrients
D. provides the major material from which cell membranes are
Essential fatty acids include:
A. linoleic and linolenic acids
B. stearic and linolenic acids
C. linoleic and arachidonic acids
D. alanine and valine
Which one of the following statements about fatty foods is true?
A. a hunter or hiker must eat large amounts of fat to travel long
B. fat contributes to satiety, contributing to the feeling of

C. people do not prefer the taste of foods high in fat
D. fat causes toughness in foods
Bile acids are made from:
A. omega-3 fatty acids
B. cholesterol 100%
C. amino acids
D. glucose
The main dietary factor associated with elevated blood cholesterol is:
A. high cholesterol intake.
B. high food fat intake.
C. high saturated and trans fat intake. 100%
D. high polyunsaturated fat intake.
Which of the following is characteristic of a diet to oppose heart disease?
A. high in saturated fats
B. low in vegetables and fruits
C. low in trans fats
D. low in whole grains and legumes
The best way to increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is to:
A. increase intake of seed oils.
B. consume 2 fish meals per week.
C. limit intake of polyunsaturated fats.
D. take fish oil in supplements.
To protect yourself from consuming too much _____, you would limit your consumption of
swordfish, king mackerel, and shark.
A. lead
B. arsenic
C. iodine
D. mercury
The major storage form of fats in our body is:
A. triglycerides, which are made up of fatty acids and glycerol.
B. fatty acids, which are made up of trans fats and bile.
C. cholesterol, which is stored in the blood.
D. lecithin, which is stored in the liver.
The lipoproteins your body uses to transport fat soluble cellular waste back to the liver are
A. chylomicrons
B. very low density lipoprotiens (VLDLs)
C. high density lipoproteins (HDLs)
D. low density lipoproteins
E. all of the above
A woman who is pregnant is concerned about eating fish because of its potential contamination
with mercury. What would you tell her about the need for essential fatty acids in her diet?
A. it is important for her to find alternative sources of omega-3
fatty acids to provide DHA and EPA for growth and
development of her fetus
B. margarines and vegetable oils are excellent sources of
omega-3 fatty acids and can be used instead of fish
C. she needs to increase her intake of omega-6 fatty acids to
provide protection from heart disease
D. she can substitute foods with high omega-6 fatty acid content
because it can be converted to omega-3 fatty acids
Vegetable oils comprise most of the added fat in the diet because:
A. fast-food chains use them for frying.
B. consumers prefer their taste.
C. food manufacturers add them to processed foods.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Which of the following words on an ingredient list would alert you to the presence of trans fatty
acids in the product?
A. hydrogenated vegetable oil
B. liquid corn oil
C. shortening
D. a and b
E. a and c
What is the most accurate statement to make about the process of hydrogenation of liquid
vegetable oils?
A. hydrogenation will increase the activity of vitamins found in
the oils
B. hydrogenation makes the oils more healthy because of the
addition of hydrogen to keep them liquid in food products
C. eating hydrogenated oils has the same health benefits as
eating liquid vegetable oils
D. oils that have been hydrogenated are more resistant to
oxidation that will spoil them and make them rancid
In an effort to lower LDL you would tell someone to:
A. use olive oil in the place of saturated fat.
B. use vegetable shortening in the place of lard.
C. use corn oil in the place of vegetable shortening.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Overall, the diets of the Mediterranean people are:
A. low in saturated fat.
B. high in animal protein.
C. high in complex carbohydrates and fiber.
D. a and b
E. a and c
The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are a result of:
A. the addition of larger portions of chicken and fish.
B. the elimination of all red meats from the diet.
C. the use of only olive oil as the preferred fat in the diet.
D. a combination of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains,
and seafoods.
Pound for pound, lean tissue burns more fuel than adipose. T/F
For someone with at least one obese parent, the chance of becoming obese is estimated to be
between 30 and 70 percent. T/F
Physical activity must be long and arduous to achieve fat loss. T/F
Which of the following is not a health risk associated with deficient body fat?
A. increased risk of developing hypertension
B. increased chance of death from cancer
C. increased risk during hospitalization
D. increased risk for individuals fighting a wasting disease
Excess fat around the _____ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on
the body.
A. shoulders
B. chest
C. hips
D. central abdominal area
Waist circumference reflects the degree of _____ in proportion to body fatness.
A. gynoid obesity
B. total body fatness
C. visceral fatness
D. subcutaneous fat
A body mass index of 25.0 to 29.9 in an adult indicates:
A. normal weight.
B. overweight.
C. underweight.
D. obesity.
About _____ percent of a meal's energy value is used up in stepped-up metabolism in the five
or so hours following each meal.
A. 1-5
B. 5-10
C. 10-15
D. 15-20
All of the following factors are associated with a higher basal metabolic rate except:
A. starvation.
B. fever.
C. youth.
D. stress.
Which of the following is based on weight and height and used in clinical settings to assess
weight status?
B. bioelectrical impedance
C. dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
D. fatfold test
The hormone produced by adipose tissue in response to body fat production that helps to
control obesity is:
A. ghrelin.
B. insulin.
C. endorphin.
D. leptin.
The psychological desire to eat is referred to as:
A. hunger.
B. appetite.
C. satiety.
D. obesity.
All of the following are involved in signaling satiation except:
One "outside of the body" factor that contributes to obesity is:
A. eating automatically in response to hunger cues.
B. the "built environment," which can discourage physical
C. a lack of food availability.
D. spontaneous fidgeting activity.
Quick, large changes in weight are most likely the result of all of the following except:
A. changes in electrolytes and fluid balance.
B. changes in lean tissues such as muscles.
C. changes in body fluid content.
D. changes in fat.
Which of the following is not a true statement?
A. Carbohydrate from food is especially easy for the body to
store as fat.
B. Protein is used to build muscles in response to exercise.
C. Any food can make you fat it you eat enough of it.
D. Alcohol delivers calories and encourages fat storage.
The accumulation of excess visceral fat in the body may lead to health complications because:
A. the fat distribution is resistant to physical exercise.
B. the fat accumulates in the upper chest area, which can
interfere with lung function.
C. it can lead to chronic inflammation, which has been linked to
heart disease.
D. the fat is more quickly mobilized and released into the
bloodstream as HDL cholesterol.
You are trying to reduce your food intake by skipping lunch for several weeks to lose weight
and fit into a favorite outfit for a special occasion. However, by the middle of the afternoon you
are very uncomfortable with the empty feeling in your stomach and feel you "have to" eat. This
is caused by:
A. satiation.
B. appetite.
C. hunger.
D. satiety.
How has physical activity played a role in weight trends in the U.S. recently?
A. passive exercise with machines has helped people to lose
weight without physical exertion
B. there has been a dramatic increase in physical activity over
the past several years because of concerns with overweight
C. outdoor work and play are the main contributors to leisure
activity in this country
D. sedentary activities have replaced outdoor play for many
The most important time of the day to eat when you are trying to lose weight is:
A. throughout the day in small, frequent meals and snacks.
B. after 7 p.m., because you will have enough energy to get
through the night.
C. breakfast, because it may help reduce food intake all day
D. mid-day, so you will not be tempted to snack before dinner.
By definition, a vitamin is all of the following except:
A. an organic compound.
B. indispensable to body function.
C. needed in minute amounts.
D. a non-essential nutrient.
Which of the following is not one of the functions of vitamin C?
A. protects against infections
B. produces and maintains collagen
C. promotes the absorption of iron
D. maintains bone density
A non-food source from which vitamin K can be obtained is:
A. sunlight.
B. intestinal bacteria.
C. antibiotics.
D. a and b
E. b and c
True statements concerning the water-soluble vitamins include:
A. They are stored in body tissues to a large extent.
B. They are easily excreted in the urine.
C. They can be leached out of foods by cooking in water.
D. a and b
E. b and c
All of the following foods contain active vitamin A except:
A. liver.
B. fish oils.
C. milk.
D. french fries.
Research suggests that deficiency of vitamin D may lead to:
A. low blood pressure.
B. cardiovascular disease.
C. gallbladder disease.
D. kidney stones.
Vitamin E serves as:
A. a precursor.
B. a vitamin antagonist.
C. an antioxidant.
D. an antivitamin.
A woman who has been following a vegan diet and now has become pregnant most likely needs
_____ supplements.
A. vitamin C and vitamin A
B. vitamin D and vitamin B12
C. vitamin E and vitamin K
D. vitamin D and niacin
Which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of childbearing age to
prevent neural tube defects?
A. vitamin B6
B. biotin
C. folate
D. vitamin B12
All of the following are fat-soluble vitamins except:
A. A.
B. D.
C. C.
D. K.
A young woman on a vegetarian diet has decided to increase her intake of raw bright-colored
vegetables and has recently noticed that her skin is turning a bright yellow color. This is most
likely a result of over-consumption of:
A. vitamin C.
B. folate.
C. beta-carotene.
D. biotin.
Tobacco use introduces oxidants into the body that can do potential harm to the body tissues.
What antioxidant plays an important role in protecting sensitive blood constituents from being
damaged, and so is needed in much higher amounts in people exposed to tobacco products and
A. beta-carotene
B. vitamin E
C. vitamin C
D. vitamin K
Pellagra is a _____ deficiency disease.
A. vitamin C
B. niacin
C. thiamin
D. vitamin B12
Water intake is governed by:
A. thirst.
B. sodium intake.
C. satiety.
D. a and c
E. b and c
Antioxidant nutrients that actively scavenge and quench free radicals in the body include:
A. vitamin E.
B. riboflavin.
C. vitamin C.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Which of the following is the most potentially toxic of all vitamins?
A. A
B. E
C. K
D. D
All of the following are good food sources of vitamin C except:
A. citrus fruits.
B. strawberries.
C. milk.
D. broccoli.
A woman who is on a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss may have difficulty maintaining an
adequate level of the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. What foods being avoided in her diet are most likely to cause this?
A. grain foods and cereals
B. fruits
C. dairy products
D. starchy vegetables
Vitamin toxicity is more of a concern with which type of vitamins?
A. fat-soluble vitamins because they are stored more readily in
body tissues
B. water-soluble vitamins because they are readily absorbed and
circulate in the blood
C. water-soluble vitamins because they are the main type found
in vitamin supplements
D. fat-soluble vitamins because they are found in higher
amounts in foods
When trying to get adequate iron intake in your diet it is helpful to:
A. eat non-heme iron found only in plants because it is absorbed
more efficiently.
B. consider adding supplements because they are better
absorbed than iron in foods.
C. combine vitamin C foods with non-heme iron to increase
D. avoid combining heme-iron foods with non-heme-iron foods
in the same meal.
Anyone who eats a meal high in salt can temporarily increase the body's water content.T/F
Whether a person develops osteoporosis seems to depend partly on heredity and partly on the
environment, including nutrition. T/F
The most beneficial source of fluid for us to consume is:
A. plain drinking water, because it is readily available.
B. carbonated beverages, because they have good flavor.
C. tea or coffee, because caffeine helps maintain fluid in the
D. fruit juice, because it has additional nutrients we need.
Magnesium is an important mineral that works with calcium in the body to:
A. increase bone density.
B. maintain acid-base balance in the cells.
C. control blood glucose levels.
D. help muscles contract and relax.
Calcium in the body's fluids performs all of the following major roles except:
A. regulates the transport of ions across cell membranes.
B. helps maintain normal blood glucose.
C. is essential for the clotting of blood.
D. is essential for muscle contraction.
Over half of the body's magnesium is stored in the:
A. teeth.
B. liver.
C. bones.
D. kidneys.
The chief ion used to maintain the volume of fluid outside cells is:
A. potassium.
B. chloride.
C. sodium.
D. calcium.
A girl has stopped growing in height prematurely because her bones are not going through the
remodeling process necessary for growth. This is most likely from a deficiency of which
A. vitamin A
B. vitamin D
C. vitamin E
D. vitamin K
The more processed a food:
A. the more sodium it contains.
B. the less potassium it contains.
C. the less sodium it contains.
D. a and b
E. b and c
Which of the following must be available for thyroxine to be synthesized?
A. iron
B. iodine
C. zinc
D. fluoride
The principal food source of chloride is:
A. salt.
B. animal products.
C. plants.
D. grains.
Which of the following minerals hardens and stabilizes the crystals of teeth and makes the
enamel resistant to decay?
A. fluoride
B. phosphorus
C. calcium
D. chloride
How much water and fluid beverages (in cups) should a man consume each day, under moderate environmental conditions and given a normal diet?

A. 6
B. 9
C. 13
D. 15
Which vitamin aids in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin?

A. vitamin B6
B. vitamin C
C. folate
D. vitamin B12
If a person has a deficient intake of calcium in the diet, what will be the result?
A. reduced absorption rate of calcium by the body
B. no change in levels of calcium in the blood because calcium
will be pulled from the bones
C. a gain of body weight
D. lowered levels of calcium in the blood because the calcium in
bone cannot be withdrawn
The DASH diet is more effective in reducing blood pressure than just decreasing sodium alone
because it includes which of the following guidelines?
A. reduce the intake of dairy products
B. add moderate amounts of salt to prepared foods
C. greatly increase intakes of fruits and vegetables
D. eliminate grain products from the diet
Copper is an essential nutrient because of its role in:
A. helping to form hemoglobin and collagen. 100%
B. increasing free radical activity when consumed at high levels.
C. reducing zinc absorption.
D. impairing immunity at high levels of intake.
Which of the following is an accurate statement about calcium supplements for bone health?
A. it is difficult for young women to get enough dietary calcium,
so they need a supplement
B. calcium-fortified orange juice provides an easily absorbed
form of calcium
C. calcium supplements are absorbed more readily than calcium
in milk
D. there are no toxicity concerns with taking large amounts of
calcium in supplement form
After about 25 years of age, regardless of calcium intake, bones begin to lose density. T/F
Which of the following statements about selenium levels in the body is accurate?
A. men with high blood levels of selenium from taking
supplements have decreased cancer risk
B. selenium works as an antioxidant to protect body chemicals
from oxidative damage
C. there is no danger of toxicity when taking selenium in
D. it is difficult to obtain enough selenium from foods in the diet
Numerous health organizations have concluded that irradiation of food is safe and can improve
food safety in the United States and the world. T/F
Current evidence indicates that moderate intakes of artificial sweeteners pose no health risks.
Water-soluble vitamins and minerals are affected by canning. T/F
Which of the following hazards in our food supply is of most concern according to the Food and
Drug Administration?
A. natural toxins
B. food additives
C. microbial foodborne illness
D. environmental contaminants
What is the promise of chromium and is it a legitimate claim and safe?
A strong fat reduction, and is largely unfounded. Moreoever, the compound may be associated with oxidative stress
After cooking, foods should be held at _____° F or higher until served.
A. 110
B. 120
C. 130
D. 140
Which of the following groups should avoid all uncooked or undercooked eggs?
A. the elderly
B. healthy adults
C. those who suffer immune dysfunction
D. a and b
E. a and c
How does modified atmosphere packaging protect foods?
A. it kills oxygen-dependent bacteria
B. it increases oxidative browning
C. it excludes oxygen needed by many bacteria
D. it prevents the bacteria Clostridium botulinum from
To reduce your intake of pesticide residues you would:

A. trim fat from meat.
B. discard the outer layers of cabbage.
C. bite into the peel of an orange.
D. a and b
E. b and c
The agency charged with the responsibility of deciding what additives shall be in foods is the:

A. United States Department of Agriculture.
B. Food and Drug Administration.
C. Environmental Protection Agency.
D. Federal Trade Commission.
Which of the following statements is true concerning the GRAS list?
A. It includes a list of additives believed to be safe.
B. It stands for "generally recognized as safe."
C. It is not subject to revision as new facts become known.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Nitrites are commonly found in:

A. hot dogs.
B. ham.
C. snack foods.
D. a and b
E. a and c
Which of the following synthetic sweeteners should not be given to individuals with
Student Response Value Correct
A. saccharin
B. sucralose
C. aspartame
D. neotame
Frozen foods' nutrient content is similar to that of:
A. dried foods.
B. canned foods.
C. foods that have undergone extrusion.
D. fresh foods.
You become ill with vomiting, intestinal cramps, and bloody diarrhea a day after eating a
hamburger at a friend's outdoor barbecue. What type of illness should you suspect?
A. stomach flu
B. hepatitis
C. E. coli infection
D. gastroenteritis
Which of the following statements about the "Core Four" practices for sanitation is accurate?
Student Response Value Correct
A. in addition to soap, you need to use an alcohol-based
sanitizer to clean your hands
B. sponges should not be used to wipe surfaces because they
cannot be sanitized
C. raw ground beef can be safely kept in the refrigerator at 40°F
for a week
D. foods should be kept out of the food danger zone of 40°-140°
To avoid cross-contamination of foods:
A. it is good practice to keep a separate cutting board just for
raw meats.
B. avoid placing a raw slice of tomato on a cooked hamburger
C. do not place containers of cooked foods to chill next to each
other on the same shelf.
D. do not thaw raw meats in the refrigerator.
You are selecting salad ingredients for your dinner in a grocery store and see puffy sealed
plastic bags containing mixed cut salad vegetables. Should you select this product?
A. no, because bacteria in the bag have caused it to swell
B. no, because it has been irradiated
C. yes, because extra oxygen has been added to the bag for
D. yes, because modified atmosphere packaging has been used
A person eating in an Asian restaurant has just finished a meal and immediately experiences
the symptoms of burning and flushing of the skin and a headache. What ingredient added to
the foods may have brought about this reaction?

A. nitrites
B. sulfites
C. monosodium glutamate
D. methylmercury
When comparisons are made between organic, conventional, and genetic engineering methods
of growing foods, one of the main differences is that:

A. genetic engineering can be used to increase nutrient content.
B. organic produce does not have to be washed before eating.
C. genetic engineering is protective of wildlife.
D. conventional foods will be lower in nutrient content.
A low-birthweight baby is defined as one who weighs less than 5 pounds.
The DRI recommendation for calcium intake is higher for pregnant than non- pregnant women
in the same age group.
Physical activity during pregnancy can improve fitness, facilitate labor, and reduce psychological
An initial goal for management of overweight and obesity in children is to encourage moderate
weight loss.
The stage of human gestation from eight weeks after conception until birth of an infant is called

A. embryo.
B. zygote.
C. fetus.
D. ovum.
Early malnutrition in the mother affects the baby's:

A. heart.
B. brain.
C. lungs.
D. a and b
E. b and c
Which of the following nutrients is related to the prevention of neural tube defects?
A. vitamin B6
B. vitamin B12
C. folate
D. zinc
Fortified food sources of folate include all of the following except:

A. pasta.
B. bread.
C. bagels.
D. orange juice.
Which of the following is among the minerals that are in great demand during pregnancy
because they are involved in building the skeleton?

A. phosphorus
B. magnesium
C. zinc
D. a and b
E. b and c
A pregnancy weight gain of _____ pounds is recommended for women who are at their appropriate weights.
A. 13
B. 15 - 25
C. 25 - 35
D. 28 - 40
C, 25-35
The nausea of morning sickness:
A. arises from hormonal changes of early pregnancy.
B. can be avoided.
C. can often be alleviated.
D. a and b
E. a and c
E, arises from hormonal changes and can often be alleviated.
Which of the following should be avoided during pregnancy?
A. alcohol
B. dieting
C. caffeine consumption
D. a and b
E. b and c
E, dieting and caffeine
A nursing mother produces about _____ ounces of milk a day.

A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
D, 25 ounces
The effect of maternal nutritional deprivation during lactation is to:

A. reduce the quality of milk.
B. reduce the quantity of milk.
C. make breastfeeding impossible.
D. a and b
E. b and c
B, reduce the quantity of milk
It is desirable to begin feeding the infant iron-fortified cereals by about _____ months.

A. three
B. six
C. nine
D. twelve
B, six
Which woman is at risk of not developing a healthy placenta?
A. a woman who is 30 pounds overweight
B. a woman with anorexia nervosa who is restricting her food intake
C. a woman eating a balanced vegetarian diet
D. an underweight woman who has increased her food intake to gain weight
B, women with anorexia
Should all pregnant women take prenatal supplements of vitamins and minerals?

A. no, because they can lead to toxic levels of stored vitamins in some women
B. yes, because they will provide the additional energy needed during pregnancy
C. no, because they may get stomach upset and not be able to eat their foods
D. yes, because they contain the increased nutrient values needed during pregnancy
D, yes, because they contain the increased nutrient values needed during pregnancy
What should a woman who drinks a daily glass of wine with her dinner consider when she becomes pregnant?
A. one glass of red wine a day is beneficial for heart health so this practice should be continued
B. alcohol can help restore her appetite if she is nauseated during pregnancy
C. even a small amount of alcohol during a critical growth period can be damaging
D. alcohol can help in the transport of oxygen through the umbilical cord
C. even a small amount of alcohol during a critical growth period can be damaging
An estimated 85% of children with type 2 diabetes are:

A. physically inactive.
B. obese.
C. hypertensive.
D. Asian.
B., Obese
Authorities recommend limiting sweetened soft drinks and punches in children's diets for fear that overconsumption may promote:
Student Response Value Correct Answer
A. obesity.
B. hyperactivity.
C. excess calorie intake.
D. a and b
E. a and c
E. Obesity and excess calorie intake.