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5 Cards in this Set

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What were the mains reasons for the Northern Earls Revolt?

Earl of Westmorland and Northumberland wanted to have more power not only in the north but also at court and they wished to restore Catholicism

Who were the key people involved in the Revolt?

Duke of Norfolk

Earl of Westmorland

Earl of Northumberland

What happened to Durham cathedral during the revolt?

English bible burned

Crucifix displayed on banners

Full catholic mass was held in Latin

Organ music was played

Act of defiance against religious settlement

What were the outcomes of the revolt?

Elizabeth raised an army of 14000 to stop the revolt

450 northern rebels were executed as well as Earl of Northumberland and the head was political on a spike at city gates

What was the significance of the revolt of the northern earls?

Attempt to have Elizabeth assassinated and put her off the throne and replace her with MQS and if they succeeded it would have led to a civil war