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72 Cards in this Set

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Photosynthesis is a redox reaction. This means that H2O is _____ during the light reactions and CO2 is _____ during the Calvin cycle.


The overall function of the Calvin cycle is _____.

making sugar

The ultimate source of energy to support most life on Earth is _____


The photosynthetic membranes are found in the _____ in plant cells


Why are there often so many steps between the original signal event and the cell's response?

Each step in a cascade produces a large number of activated products, causing signal amplification as the cascade progresses.

To what does the term "ligand" refer in cell biology?

any small molecule that can bind in a specific manner to a larger one

Photosynthesis is a redox reaction. This means that H2O is _____ during the light reactions and CO2 is _____ during the Calvin cycle.


The overall function of the Calvin cycle is _____.

making sugar

The ultimate source of energy to support most life on Earth is _____


The photosynthetic membranes are found in the _____ in plant cells


Why are there often so many steps between the original signal event and the cell's response?

Each step in a cascade produces a large number of activated products, causing signal amplification as the cascade progresses.

To what does the term "ligand" refer in cell biology?

any small molecule that can bind in a specific manner to a larger one

Why can a signaling molecule cause different responses in different cells?

The transduction process is unique to each cell type; to respond to a signal, different cells require only a similar membrane receptor.

Which of the following is a substance that acts at a long distance from the site at which it is secreted?


A human bone marrow cell, in prophase of mitosis, contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromatids does it contain?


Which of the following is found in binary fission but not in mitosis?

Duplicated chromosomes attach to the plasma membrane.

Which of the following correctly matches a phase of the cell cycle with its description

G1: follows cell division

Cells will usually divide if they receive the proper signal at a checkpoint in which phase of the cell cycle?


Mitosis results in the formation of how many cells; meiosis results in the formation of how many cells?

two diploid cells ... four haploid cells

Asexual reproduction _____

produces offspring genetically identical to the parent

How are sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes different from each other?

Homologous chromosomes contain the same gene loci but may have different alleles of a particular gene. Sister chromatids are identical copies of each other produced during DNA replication.

What number and types of chromosomes are found in a human somatic cell?

44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes

Photosynthesis is a redox reaction. This means that H2O is _____ during the light reactions and CO2 is _____ during the Calvin cycle.


The overall function of the Calvin cycle is _____.

making sugar

The ultimate source of energy to support most life on Earth is _____


The photosynthetic membranes are found in the _____ in plant cells


Why are there often so many steps between the original signal event and the cell's response?

Each step in a cascade produces a large number of activated products, causing signal amplification as the cascade progresses.

To what does the term "ligand" refer in cell biology?

any small molecule that can bind in a specific manner to a larger one

Why can a signaling molecule cause different responses in different cells?

The transduction process is unique to each cell type; to respond to a signal, different cells require only a similar membrane receptor.

Which of the following is a substance that acts at a long distance from the site at which it is secreted?


A human bone marrow cell, in prophase of mitosis, contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromatids does it contain?


Which of the following is found in binary fission but not in mitosis?

Duplicated chromosomes attach to the plasma membrane.

Which of the following correctly matches a phase of the cell cycle with its description

G1: follows cell division

Cells will usually divide if they receive the proper signal at a checkpoint in which phase of the cell cycle?


Mitosis results in the formation of how many cells; meiosis results in the formation of how many cells?

two diploid cells ... four haploid cells

Asexual reproduction _____

produces offspring genetically identical to the parent

How are sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes different from each other?

Homologous chromosomes contain the same gene loci but may have different alleles of a particular gene. Sister chromatids are identical copies of each other produced during DNA replication.

What number and types of chromosomes are found in a human somatic cell?

44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes

Which of the following is not a component of photosynthesis

Citric Acid Cycle

Chloroplasts generate a proton gradient

across the thylakoid membrane

When during photosynthesis is the proton gradient established across the thylakoid membrane?

in the light reactions

What re the metabolic end products of the light reactions of photosynthesis?


What is the primary function of the calvin cycle?

synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

The Calvin Cycle produces ATP, True or False?


The electrons of photosystem 2 are excited and transferred to electron carriers. From which molecule or structure do the photosystem 2 replacement electrons come?


In photosynthetic cells, synthesis of atp by the chemiosmotic mechanism occurs during_____?

photosynthesis and respiration

In a plant, the reactions that produce molecular oxygen(O2) take place in___.

the light reactions alone

Why are C4 plants able to photosynthesize with no apparent photorespiration?

They use pep carboxylase to initially fix CO2

Indicated where oxygen should be in this diagram and explain its role in photosynthesis?

Diagram jess has

What are the three stages of cell signaling?

reception, transduction, response

Hormones are chemical substances produced I one organt hat are released into the bloodstream and affect the function of a target organ. For the target organ to respond to a particular hormone, it must____?

have receptors that recognize and bind

Binding of a signaling molecule to which type of receptor leads directly to a change in the distribution of ions on opposite sides of the membrane?

Ligand gated ion channel

What accounts for the ability of a hormone which is present in only very small amounts, to elicit such large responses in cells?

amplification of the signal

G protein coupled receptors distinctive feature_____?

Activation of a G protein

Which best describes what a plasma membrane spanning receptor actually does upon reception of a signal?

binding of a signal molecule alters the receptors other binding sites and activities.

The first gap in the cell cycle G1 corresponds to___?

Normal growth and cell function

The mitotic spindle is a microtubular structure is involved in_____?


Which of the following does NOT need to happen during a successful mitotic cell division?

exchange of dna

Through a microscope you can see a cell plate beginning to develop across the middle of a cell and nuclei forming on either side of the cell plate. This cell is most likely___?

A plant cell in cytokinesis

Metaphase is characterized by____?

aligning chromosomes on the equator

At which phase are centrioles beginning to move apart in animal cells?


At what part of the cell cycle would you see chromosomes that looks like this?


During which phase of mitosis do the chromatids become chromosomes?


From prophase through metaphase of mitosis each chromosome has___DNA molecules while from anaphase trough telophase of mitosis, each chromosome has ____ DNA molecule(s)?


A research team began a study of a cultured cell line. Their prelim. Observations showed them that the cell line did not exhibit either density dependent inhibition or anchorage dependence. What could they conclude right away?

cell shows characteristic of tumor

Which of the following is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n=16?

each diploid has 8 homologus

Homologus chromosomes _____?

carry info for the same traits

Diploid cells may undergo either mitosis or meiosis. Haploid cells may undergo mitosis for certain species but not meiosis because?

homologus chromosomes cannot pair

Gametes produced from one meiotic event

each have same chromosome number

How and at what stage do chromosomes undergo independent assortment?

meiosis 1 metaphase alignment

Crossing over begins to occur during

prophase 1

Which of the following occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis?

synapsis of chromosomes