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65 Cards in this Set

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Central nervous system


Peripheral nervous system

The CNS consists of...

The brain and the spinal cord. Located in the dorsal cavity.

The PNS consists of...

The other nerves

Sensory Function

gathers information from the environment the nerves then carry info to the CNS.

Integrative Function

Thinking, puts together the information about the environment

Motor function

Doing, converts the plan into actions

Neuroglia (glial)

Nerve cell, some secrete cerebrolspinal fluid other participate in phagocytosis.


Nerve cell. Function is communicating. Long in shape. Can’t re produce


Glial cell that covers the brain, Star shaped, Blood-brain barrier, structurally supports neurons


Glial cell. Assist in the formation of ceribeal spinal fluid

Parts of a neuron

Cell body- middle egg part

Dendrites- branches

Axon- long body cord


Receive signals and then send them to the cell body.


Transmits signals away from the cell body







Myelin insulated axon

Increase nerve speed of impulse. Nerve impulses can’t develo pe on any part covered in myelin.

Myelin insulated axon

Increase nerve speed of impulse. Nerve impulses can’t develo pe on any part covered in myelin.

Synaptic cleft

The space In between 2 neurons

Blood brain barrier

Prevents toxic substances in the blood from entering the nervous tissue of the brain and the spinal cord.

Microglia cell

Protective role; phagocytosis of pathogens and damaged tissue

Schwann cells

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the peripheral nervous system; assist in regeneration of damaged fibers

Oligodendrocytes cell

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the central nervous system

Microglia cell

Protective role; phagocytosis of pathogens and damaged tissue

Schwann cells

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the peripheral nervous system; assist in regeneration of damaged fibers

Oligodendrocytes cell

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the central nervous system

The axon consists of

Myelin sheath, nodes of ranvier, neurilemma and axon terminal

Types of neurons

Sensory (afferent)

Motor (efferent)


White matter

Made up of myelinated axons

Grey matter

Made up of Unmyelinated axons, Cell bodies, Interneurons, Synapses

What is a nerve impulse/action potential

Electrical signals conveying information along a nueron. Along sensory or motor neurons.

Nerve impulse steps

Polarisation- resting

Depolarisation- stimulated

Repolarisation- resting again

Microglia cell

Protective role; phagocytosis of pathogens and damaged tissue

Depolarisation process

Sodium rushes in

Repolarisation process

Potassium rushes out

Schwann cells

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the peripheral nervous system; assist in regeneration of damaged fibers

Oligodendrocytes cell

Produce myelin sheath for neurons in the central nervous system

The axon consists of

Myelin sheath, nodes of ranvier, neurilemma and axon terminal

Types of neurons

Sensory (afferent)

Motor (efferent)


White matter

Made up of myelinated axons

Grey matter

Made up of Unmyelinated axons, Cell bodies, Interneurons, Synapses

What is a nerve impulse/action potential

Electrical signals conveying information along a nueron. Along sensory or motor neurons.

Nerve impulse steps

Polarisation- resting

Depolarisation- stimulated

Repolarisation- resting again

The process of polarisation

Potassium Leaks from neuron, determines resting membrane potential.

Action potential process

Forms at axons, regenerates along axon length, enters axon terminal, releases ACh from vesicles

Functions involving cerebral lobes

Speech areas, association areas


Consists of the hypothalamus and the thalamus

Brain stem consists of

Midbrain, pons & medulla oblongata.


Located at base of skull, mediates reflexes, coordinates motor activity and evaluates sensory input.

Structures across divisions of the brain

Limbic-emotional. Reticular formation- sleep/wake cycle. Memory areas

Stages of sleep

NREM- non rapid eye movement.

REM- rapid eye movement.

Memory areas

Immediate memory, short term memory and long term memory.

The four layers protecting the CNS

Bone, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid and the blood brain barrier.

Layers of meninges

Dura matter, arachnoid matter and Pia matter.

The blood brain barrier

Made of astrocytes within cerebral capillaries. Acts as cell membrane for toxins

Nerve impulse causes to move

Myelin insulates axon, then exposes some axon membrane, action potential jumps node to node.

Parts of a synapse

Receptors, neurotransmitters and inactivators.

Events at a synapse.

ACh goes from neuron as to b, neuron b is activated.

The four major areas of the brain

Cerebrum, diencephalon, brain stem and cerebellum.

The cerebrum colour

Cerebral cortex-grey matter. Whit matter makes the bulk of the cerebrum.

Markings of the cerebrum

Gyrus- convolutions.

Fissures (sulci) - central, lateral, longitudinal.

Lobes of the cerebrum

Frontal lobe, central sulcus, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, prim motor and lateral sulcus

Frontal lobe controls

Behaviour, personality and motor control

Other cerebral lobes

Parietal, temporal and occipital