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39 Cards in this Set

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Spinal cord

Continuation of the brain stem protected by the vertebrae, meninges, cerebrolspinal fluid and the blood brain barrier.

Grey matter

Located in the centre.

Dorsal horn, central horn and central horn.

White matter

Location of tracts


Sensory tracts carry information from the periphery, up the spinal cord, toward the brain

Ascending tracts

Spinothalamic- pain pathway

Dorsal column



carry information from the brain, down the spinal cord, and toward the periphery.

Descending tracts

Pyramidal-major motor tract


Three major functions of the spinal cord

Sensory pathway, motor pathway and reflex center.

What is a reflex

An involuntary response to stimulus.

What is the reflex arc

The nerve pathway involved in a reflex.

Reflex arc

A sensory receptor, afferent neuron, efferent neuron and effector organ.


A single nerve cell


Bundles of neurons with fascia and blood supply.

Nerve location

Outside the central nervous system.

Sensory nerves

composed only of sensory neurons

Motor nerves

composed only of motor neurons

Mixed nerves

containing both sensory and motor neurons

Cranial nerves mnemonic

On old Olympus towering tops a Finn viewed Germans vaulting and hopping

Olfactory nerve

smell, CN I, sensory.

Optic nerve

Sight, CN II, sensory.


Movement of eyeball, raising of eyelid, change in pupil size, CN III, mixed, mostly motor.


Movement of eyeball, CN IV, mixed, mostly motor.


CN V, Chewing of food; sensations in face, scalp, cornea (eye), and teeth, mixed.


CN VI, Movement of eyeball, mixed, mostly motor.


CN VII, Facial expressions, secretion of saliva and tears, taste, blinking, mixed.


CN VII, sensory, hearing and balance.


CN XI, mixed, Swallowing, secretion of saliva, taste, sensory for the reflex regulation of blood pressure, part of the gag reflex


CN X, Mixed, muscle movement and sensation.


CN XI, Mixed, mostly motor, Swallowing, head and shoulder movement, speaking


CN XII, mixed, mostly motor, speech and swallowing.

Number of pairs of spinal nerves

31 pairs

Spinal nerves plexuses

Cervical- C1-c4, brachial c5-c8 t1, lumbosacral T12- L1-L5 and s1-s4.

Important cervical nerves

Phrenic nerve.

Important brachial nerves.

Axillary, radial, ulnar and median

Important lumbosacral nerves

Femoral, obturator, sciatic, tibial, common peroneal.

What’s a dermatome

And area of skin innervated by a spinal nerve.

Somatic afferent nerves

Brings sensory info from particularly the skin and muscles to the CNS.

Somatic efferent nerves

Bring motor information from the CNS to the skeletal muscles throughout the body

The autonomic nervous system ANS

composed of nerves that supply the organs (viscera), smooth muscle, and glands.