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9 Cards in this Set

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V. + (어/아) 가지고

This colloquial expression of "having done something" is similar to -ㄴ/은 후에 or -(어/아)서.

∼어/아 가지고 literally means 'Having ∼en' (e.g., having done). It is used in two ways:(i) narrating two sequential events,(ii) expressing a causal relation where the first event triggers the second.


며 can mean "I heard" or "You said."

_간다며 = I heard you go (are going) / You said you go (are going)온다며 = I heard

_일어난다며 = I heard you wake up / get up // You said you wake up / get up

_논다며 = I heard you play / have fun // You'd said you play / have fun

했다 (past written form) + 며 = 했다며 = I heard you did / You said you did

하자 (let's do) + 며 = 하자며 = You said let's do / I heard you want us to do

밥먹자며? 근데 배 안고파? = You said let's eat! But you aren't hungry

~아/어지다 + (~고 있다)

~아/어지다 + (~ 고 싶다)

저의 여자 친구는 예뻐지고 있어요 = My girlfriend is getting pretty

나는 행복해지고 싶어 = I want to become happy (I want to be happy)나는 예뻐지고 싶어 = I want to become pretty (I want to be pretty)

면서+ 자라다

저는 하키를 하면서 자랐어요 = I grew up playing hockey

저는 아빠랑 같이 하키를 하면서 자랐어요 = I grew up playing hockey with my dad

저는 그런 음악을 들으면서 자랐어요 = I grew up listening to that type of music

든 is used when you want to talk about the choices. It is used when you want to list the choices. As it has a lot of things to do with choices, -든 is translated as whether or whatever, wherever, etc.

네가 가는 곳이라면 어디든 갈 거야.No matter where you go, I will be there, too.

너는 화장을 하든 안 하든 다 예뻐.Whether you make up or not, you are pretty.

-아/어/여 봤자
"even if ” or “ there is no use ”, and is more commonly used inspoken Korean than in written Korean.

1. 소용 없어요. [so-yong eop-seo-yo.] = It’s of no use. It will not help.

2. 안 돼요. [an dwae-yo.] = It won’t work. It won’t do. You can’t do it.

3. 시간 낭비예요. [si-gan nang-bi-ye-yo.] = It’s a waste of time.

저한테 말해 봤자 소용 없어요.

여기에 있어 봤자 시간 낭비예요.

울어 봤자 소용 없어요.

지금 출발해 봤자 시간 안에 못 가요.

- 길래

(1) doing something as a result of observation, (2) doing something as a result of judging a situation and

(3) asking the reason/background for a decision.

무슨 이야기를 들었길래 그렇게 열심히 공부해요?

어디에 가길래 그렇게 짐을 많이 싸요?

누구를 만나길래 그렇게 화장을 열심히 해요?

-(ᄂ/는)대(요) and -(이)래(요)

shorter form of -(ᄂ/는)다고-(이)라고

*they said.. / i heard that....*

그 사람은 한국에 와 본 적이 없대요.

이 사람 정말 유명한 사람이래요.

효진 씨는 어제도 집에 안 갔대요.

1. -(ᄂ/는)다던데(요)

2. -(이)라던데(요)

you imply that you want some kind of reaction or response fromthe listener. /

meaning understood from context used with the conjugation.

벌써 다 끝났다던데요.

= They said that it was already all over. (+ (ex) There was nothing I could do.)

한국에 겨울에 가면 많이 춥다던데요.

= I heard that it’s very cold in Korea if you go there in winter. (+ (ex) Perhaps you should packmore clothes.)