Benard Kong
Research & Presentation, 1B
23 March 2018 What can you guess when you hear this quote? Benjamin Disraeli who Former British Prime Minister wrote down this quote.“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” It feels like the bullying is something bad thing and It is true. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in research on bullying and the prevalence of bullying started to become a huge social problem (박진규). According to the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, the number of bullying at the school occurrence was in 2006 1,348 times, in 2007 1,608 times, in 2008 1,860 times, in 2009 1,008 times. (최종진 & 박균달) Some people may think bully have the massive problem than people who get bullied. From my …show more content…
So we divided the portion of awareness of students and teachers by 10. These 10 perceptions are first the perception to the group-alienation`s existence, second the perception to the group-alienation`s meaning, third the perception to the group-alienation`s seriousness, fourth the perception to the group-alienation`s cause, fifth perception to the group-alienation`s injury, sixth the perception to the group-alienation`s injured person, seventh the perception to the group-alienation`s doing harm, eighth the perception to the group-alienation`s injurer, ninth the perception to the group-alienation`s solution, and tenth the perception to the group-alienation`s precaution. Experts examined this 10 perceptions as close as possible then they found the conclusion from this perceptions. The conclusion was students and teachers aware that the bullying is a serious problem in society. However, they don’t think the bullying that is happening in their class or their life as gigantic problem(권이종). Most of them treat the bullying as a thing that is trivial. For this reason, It become a cause of indifference. This indifferent quickly lead to suicide and it will ruin the lives of many people. Therefore, students who think they have lack of confidence, hard to grasp the hidden information on the back of other people's attitude …show more content…
“Bullying Surveillance among Youths: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements. Version 1.0.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333. Tel: 800-311-3435; Tel: 404-639-3311; Web Site: Http://, 30 Nov. 2013,
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