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11 Cards in this Set

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What are the advantages of part practice method?

1 simplified the skill

2 allows Learners to experience early success leading to increased motivation

3 permits practice on problematic components without wasting time on those already mastered

Part whole method

Which part practice is this?

Generally involves breaking down the skill into natural parts or segments practicing those parts separately until they are learned and then integrating them to perform the skill and its entirety

1 the nature of the skill

2 the capability of the learner

Which two things must the practitioner carefully assess in order to understand which method to use to help the learner understand and learn best?

Nature of the skill

In order for the practitioner to assess the need for how to breakdown skills for a learner needs to know? In assessing this there are two things such as task complexity and task organization in order for him to assess correctly.

Task complexity

1 directly correlates with the number of sub components that make up the skill also in regards to the information processing demands imposed by the task.

2 highly complex skills with greater attention requirements and memory needs May benefit from the part practice method.

Task organization

1. This refers to a degree which subcomponents of a skill are interdependent. That is how much does performance of each part depend on the component that precedes it.

2. The higher the interdependency the higher the organization of the skill. Breaking it down into Parts would not be effective because it will disrupt the natural rhythm.

Whole vs. Part Practice

This 4 things will determine if we use what kind of practice?

Whole Practice

If a task has a High interdependency then which practice would we use?

Part Practice

If a task is highly complex and needs a great attention requirement in memory which practice would be more beneficial?

Task complexity

Which nature of the skill deals with how many subcomponents are there and how many information processing demands?

Task organization

Which nature of the skill focuses on how much does the performance of each part of the skill depend on the component that precedes it?